
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 28, 2011

Holy Shit! Just See How Powerful Your One Vote Is

Your vote against Umno/BN is a good thing in order for them to fear you and not you fearing them.

Your ONE VOTE can send shiver down the spine of Umno/BN.
Look at how the most powerful man in Malaysia goes to the ground and beg for your votes.

They are coughing out, reluctantly, millions and millions of ringgit into every by-elections.

Masquerading as 1Malaysia NGO going round with goodies as if no one knows who they are and for what reason.

Millions are also pouring in for headmasters and principals.

The best has yet to come with the announcement that Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) is eligible for university status.

The above could have been carried out years ago but they held back what are rightfully yours because you keep voting them into power.

In order to maintain the momentum what they are doing now and to ensure that they listen to your call for equality, reform of the institutions and no more racism, you need to continue to VOTE FOR CHANGE.

Your vote against Umno/BN is a good thing in order for them to fear you and not you fearing them.



Ranjit’s comment taken from here.

Allow us to spell out for you the bottomline. Interlok should be withdrawn from the BM paper as its literature component (Komponen Sastera or ‘komsas’).

Please be clear about this. Interlok is NOT in the Malay Literature (Kesusasteraan Melayu) subject. Interlok is instead in the Bahasa Melayu subject. BM is the most important paper in SPM which the student cannot afford to fail.

If Interlok were merely in Malay Literature, students could have the option of not taking it. Or even if they did but fared badly, the repercussions would not be as severe as flunking BM.

Interlok is in the compulsory, must-pass BM subject (under Komsas as one of the paper’s core components). Are you clear now on how Komsas and Kesusasteraan Melayu are two different areas?

One Malaysiakini subscriber Anonymous_3e4b commented on the Interlok rally:

Uthaya and Waytha should know that and party outside PR will give spoil the Rakyats dream of kicking BN out of Putrajaya. Work together with PR and dont issue threats. We Malaysians especially the Chinese will vote PR as we know our voice can only be heard through the ballot box.

Balik-balik these Cina Pek have only one idea in their head: Don’t anyone dare interfere with Pakatan’s march to Putrajaya.

Yesterday’s rally was calling for the withdrawal of Abdullah Hussain’s novel from the syllabus. Pakatan over the last three months have not given the slightest indication that they will act to pressure the authorities to remove Interlok from the schools.

On the other hand, Pakatan are setting ‘leadership by (bad) example’.

Insider reported on Jan 22, ‘DAP to use Interlok in Tenang, says Kula’.

DAP vice-chairman M. Kulasegaran was reported saying that his party will capitalize on the controversy to win Indian votes in the by-election.

Do the politicians care at all how Interlok will affect students? Must everything be about votes for Pakatan?

Anonymous_3e4b (same guy quoted above) plays the broken record of bashing the powerless: “to the Indians who’ve been flocking back to BN & voting UMNO/BN in the past few by few by-elections……..there’s UMNO’s gratitude to you.”

Many other readers’ comments run along the same track: “Serve the Indians right for being arrested, as they are the ones who asked for it by voting for bloody racist UMNO and BN parties”, “My fellow Indian brothers, still want to vote for BN?”

Round and round they keep circling and returning to “Don’t vote for BN”.

From Pakatan’s resounding silence, to their failure to support the rally, to their de facto leader Anwar saying it’s “a good book”, the opposition has been thoroughly non-committal about Interlok. They have not given a hint that they even realise what is at stake and the ramifications — how entirely demoralizing and damaging it is to the young.

The real issue has not been on the Pakatan radar. If it were, you’d have heard something more substantial from DAP publicity chief Tony Pua (who so likes to appear in the papers) or reading it in Lim Kit Siang’s popular blog instead of here.

We echo Ranjit Singh, “Take your Pakatan agenda and shove it!”

- Hartal MSM

Media barred from second 'Interlok' panel meeting

By Priya Kulasgaran, The Star

PUTRAJAYA: The media has been barred from being present at an independent panel’s second meeting on the controversial novel Interlok, held at the Education Ministry here this morning at 9am.

On arriving at the ministry’s Curriculum Development Division, this reporter was immediately ushered out by ministry staff.

The reason given was that a directive had been issued to bar members of the press from being present at the ministry premises during the meeting.

This is the panel’s second meeting on studying possible amendments to the novel, following its first dialogue on Feb 16.

Written by national laureate Abdullah Hussain in 1971, Interlok was made a compulsory Malay literature text for Form Five students this year.

It was promptly criticised for containing material allegedly offensive to the Indian community. The MIC then demanded that the novel be withdrawn.

On Jan 27, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that the novel would remain but a panel would look into possible amendments.

On Sunday, 109 Human Rights Party (HRP) members were arrested for participating in an illegal gathering in the city to protest the novel’s continued use in the syllabus.

Although both panel dialogues were closed-door sessions, members of the press were allowed to wait outside during the previous meeting.

Chaired by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Institute of Ethnic Studies director Prof Shamsul Amri, panelists include Federation of Malay Writers Associations (Gapena) secretary Assoc Prof Datuk Zainal Abidin Borhan, Kavyan Literary Group president and Sinar Harian deputy editor Uthaya Sankar SB, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka director-general Datuk Termuzi Abdul Aziz, Aminuddin Baki Centre for Global Studies director Prof Dr N.S. Rajendran, and Universiti Putra Malaysia lecturer Assoc Prof Dr Lim Swee Tin.

Uthayakumar: Police abusing powers under CPC

HRP's P Uthayakumar says it is unprecedented of the police to use Section 105 of the CPC against protesters.

KUALA LUMPUR: Human Rights Party’s (HRP) pro tem secretary P Uthayakumar claims that the police are abusing Section 105 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) that provides for arrest to prevent seizable offences.

“This section has never been used before. It is unprecedented and a danger sign to Pakatan Rakyat and NGOs,” he said at a press conference at the HRP headquarters here today.

He also said that 14 people who held a candle light vigil in solidarity for those who were detained at the Jinjang police station were arrested and not allowed the right to representation.

“The police did not allow me to represent them. They were also not allowed to make phone calls,” he said.

One of the 14 is a 17-year-old youth V Pirasad who is reported to be missing, said Uthayakumar.

He also claimed that police did not allow outsiders into the station.

All 14 were forced to sit on the floor.

Uthayakumar was arrested and later released yesterday along with HRP pro tem president W Sambulingam and pro tem vice-president K Selvam. The latter two had related how they were beaten up while in detention.

Uthayakumar also said that Hindraf Makkal Sakthi would not be necessary if the Umno-led government resolved all the problems faced by the Indian poor.

“Resolve the Indian problems, and we’ll close shop,” he said when commenting on press reports that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is willing to meet Hindraf Makkal Sakti leaders to resolve problems of the Indian community. - FMT

Eight Hindraf, HRP leaders to be charged

Eight leaders of the banned Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) and the Human Rights Party (HRP), who were detained for taking part in an unlawful assembly yesterday, are expected to be brought before court this Friday to be charged.

Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Zulkifli Abdullah said they had been released on police bail yesterday.

The police were in the process of completing investigations before submitting the report to the Deputy Public Prosecutors office, he told reporters after a meeting between the police and the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) here today.

Zulkifli said 14 people were also detained yesterday after they refused to disperse after being told to do so at an unlawful gathering in front of the Jinjang district police station.

“They were released on police bail this afternoon,” he added.

Yesterday, 109 people, including Hindraf leader P. Uthayakumar, were detained for staging a demonstration to protest the novel “Interlok”.

On the joint meeting between the police and DBKL, Zulkifli said cooperation between the police and DBKL would be enhanced to maintain public order and safety in the city.

“Under a special project, the police and DBKL have identified areas with a high crime rate or hot spot areas with the installation of close-circuit television (CCTV) cameras,” he added.

Meanwhile, Kuala Lumpur Mayor Datuk Seri Ahmad Fuad Ismail said DBKL would be installing more CCTV cameras in the city. — Bernama

Samy’s MIED expansion under threat

Reports suggest Samy (pic) and Datuk G. Palanivel are heading towards their first open power struggle over MIED.
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28 — A movement that campaigned to oust then president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu will protest next week against the move to increase the membership of the party’s RM1 billion education wing which they claim is an attempt to shore up his position as its chairman.

Gerakan Anti-Samy Vellu (GAS) leader V. Mugilan, told The Malaysian Insider today that a campaign to halt the membership increase of Maju Institute of Educational Development (MIED) will be held on Monday, which is when its board of trustees will meet to decide on the expansion.

A source has also told The Malaysian Insider that another MIC leader has declined Samy’s invitation to join MIED in protest against the move to add 10 of Samy’s supporters into MIED.

The leader is said to be the first to have sent a notice rejecting the appointment to Samy and the MIED secretariat this morning.

“We will announce the details of the Save MIED campaign in a few days but the focus is to save it from being removed and stolen from MIC,” said Mugilan, who was sacked by Samy from his deputy youth chief position.

Mugilan, who had called for Samy’s resignation in the middle of last year, said that he should hand over the chairmanship of MIED to the current president and asked that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak intervene in the matter.

“If MIED is not saved, it may have a negative impact on the support of Indian voters towards Barisan Nasional,” he said.

Since stepping down as MIC president late last year, Samy has been appointed as a special envoy on infrastructure to South Asia.

The Malaysian Insider had earlier today reported that Samy and his successor Datuk G. Palanivel were heading towards their first open power struggle over the control of MIED, which Samy has chaired since it was formed in 1984.

MIED current membership of 34 is empowered to elect the chairman of the 10-strong board of trustees.

It is understood that the board can increase MIED’s membership without limit.

It will hold its general meeting in the middle of the year, the first since Palanivel became MIC president.

The Malaysian Insider understands that the party’s senior leadership is unhappy at the proposal to increase MIED’s membership without first being vetted by the central working committee (CWC).

One committee member, Tan Sri Dr K. S. Nijhar has asked Samy to postpone the board meeting until it has been discussed by the party leadership, the first time that a trustee has protested such a decision.

MIED now manages the Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology (AIMST) University that was established in 1996 with MIED funding.

Samy had then said that he had founded MIED and AIMST outside of his capacity as party president. - Malaysian Insider

Agong insult from Teoh RCI walkout is ‘nonsense’, says law expert

The Teoh family wait for the Royal Commission of Inquiry to commence on its first day. — Pic by Jack Ooi
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28 — The boycott of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Teoh Beng Hock’s death by his family has nothing to do with the Agong, a constitutional law expert said today.

“The Agong has nothing to do with the RCI,” law professor Abdul Aziz Bari said in response to former Court of Appeal judge Datuk Shaik Daud Ismail’s claim today that Teoh’s family had disrespected the Agong by walking out of the inquiry.

“Shaik Daud is talking nonsense by claiming that the Teohs had insulted the Agong. It drags the royalty into the affair when the entire panel and process was put in motion by the prime minister,” said the International Islamic University Malaysia academic who specialises in constitutional monarchy.

Shaik Daud, who retired from the judiciary in 2001, said in a Bernama report that all parties involved should give the RCI due recognition and respect because it was set up on the command of the king.

Abdul Aziz told The Malaysian Insider that Shaik Daud’s comments were surprising for a former top-ranking judge as it showed a failure to understand the separation of powers under a constitutional monarchy.

“It’s like saying the envelopes used for government documents with Urusan Seri Paduka Baginda (On His Majesty’s Service) on them were sent by the King and can somehow be misused in an insulting way to the Agong,” he said.

Teoh’s sister, brother, parents and their two lawyers walked out of the RCI proceedings on February 16 after they failed to stay its proceedings, claiming the deputy public prosecutors that were acting as conducting officers would not be impartial.

The former political secretary to Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah had fallen to his death on July 16, 2009 after being questioned by officers of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission at their old offices in Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam.

A 17-month-long coroner’s inquest had delivered an “open verdict” ruling out both suicide and homicide which then prompted Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to form the commission in the face of public pressure.

Abdul Aziz also said that a judge should show empathy and sensitivity to the family of the deceased even if he did not agree with their actions. - Malaysian Insider

WHO is the Homosexual UMNO Minister in Najib's Current Cabinet ??


Update (26 Feb 2011):

UMNO Ministers from Johore in Najib's Cabinet ?


1. Muhyiddin Yassin, Deputy Prime Minister, UMNO MP for Pagoh Johore

2. Hishamuddin Hussein, Minister of Home Affairs, UMNO MP for Sembrong. Johore

3. Mohamad Khaled Nordin, Minister of Higher Education, UMNO MP for Pasir Gudang,Johore

4. ???

If the article says it is NOT Hishamuddin, then WHO?

Yet the Image with the black-out face does not correspond with that of DPM Muhyiddin Yassin and Minister of Higher Education, Mohamad Khaled Nordin.


Read here for more in "Another Brick in the Wall" Blog

A Gay Minister in (Najib's) Cabinet and ( he is ) a Johorean ...

(see HERE above photo in "Another Brick in the Wall" blog)


Sodomy is a crime punishable by imprisonment (in Malaysia).

Back in 1998, Tun Dr Mahathir dismiss him (Anwar Ibrahim) from Cabinet on a justifiable reason of moral and indecent behaviour before Anwar was brought to trial.

Will Najib dismiss a member of his cabinet if found to be gay?

There is a Cabinet Minister from Johor that is in the habit of going out socially with pretty young boys to restaurants and nite clubs in Kuala Lumpur and Johor baru.

Source from his UMNO Division described him as intimately close with his Political Secretary, described asjambu by fellow youth member in the Division.

The Minister could be seen as touching the thigh of his Setpol and massaging his neck and shoulders with soft sensuous touch that made those witnessing as uncomfortable.

One reliable source claim that there is a particular pretty boy that is particularly close with the Minister.

The pretty boy used to work at the corporate affair department of a major Bank in Kuala Lumpur but have moved to an International Investment company.

The source claim to personally view an intimate telephone conversation between the 20 -something former bank corporate affair officer and the Minister on the other side of the conversation.

The source verified the handphone number at the receiving end.

The conversation was intimate as they talked about indiscreet subject like performing the mandi wajib. The pretty boy was so close with the Minister that he could request for RM20,000 with ease.

The pretty boy revealed to our source that he used to meet the Minister at Nikko Hotel. He had laid bare his shirt to massage the Minister.

But the source's story stop short at the interesting part. There will be no name revealed.

The story is already much talked within UMNO Johor. Don't tell me Najib doesn't know. In case he doesn't, he should get this investigated.

If Anwar had to face many ordeals for his criminal sexual orientation, this Minister can't stay on. He could be a major embarrassment to Najib's transformational cabinet.

Morality must never be set aside.
-"Another Brick in the Wall"

We Ask,

Is THIS the same person shown BELOW who the blogger in "Another Brick in the Wall" refers to (based on the image posted on the same blog)?


(Above photo appeared in the news article entitled ,"Hishammuddin wants explanation from China Press" in Malaysiakini dated 13, March, 2010)

or See above photo in the same article reposted on Kamal-Talks blog :

The Same UMNO Minister (below) with the Keris
Threatening the Non-Malays at the UMNO General Assembly ??



HU Editor

Intv with Clare Rewcastle Brown Part 2: M'sians say their country is corrupt

EXCLUSIVE Malaysia has been successful in hiding many of its problems, including the official countenancing of corruption and bribery.

Malaysians themselves say their country is corrupt, and the BN ruling coalition will use every trick to hang on to their seats in Sarawak, including bribery, intimidation and vote-rigging.

And perhaps the darkest blot on Prime Minister Najib Razak's government - allowing women of interior tribes like the Penan to be raped systematically by timber workers from huge logging syndicates.

"Malaysian authorities are doing nothing because they fear exposure. They don’t want the world to know the extent of their logging activities."

The world has been watching and will continue to watch

Those were the sad indictments on the South East Asian nation by Clare Rewcastle Brown, the Sarawak-born sister-in-law of former British prime minister Gordon Brown.

Clare may be just another concerned world citizen. But Najib would do well to take heed of the fast-spreading public opinion against his recalcitrant BN coalition, which has ruled the country since independence from Britain in 1957.

Already, defenders of Sarawak’s indigenous communities and the Borneo rainforest have announced street protests for today (February 28) in the United Kingdom and Canada against Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud's alleged corruption and deprivation of his people's humanity.

Another Malaysia watcher from the West, former U.S. ambassador John Malott, recently wrote a controversial article entitled The Price of Malaysia's Racism, in which he accused the Najib administration of deliberately stoking racial and religious tensions to cling to power.

Depsite the decades of nation building, few Malaysians would deny that racial polarization has not widened nor religious bigotry reduced. Yet, a minister from Najib's office has said Malott would be banned from entering Malaysia because of his 'uninvited' comments.

It is likely that Clare will also be disallowed entry should she try to visit Malaysia or Sarawak again.

Toppling the corrupt and freeing the poor

A UK citizen, Clare decided to take up the cudgels for the downtrodden in her state of birth after a recent visit. She began the Sarawak Report blog and then the Radio Free Sarawak station that broadcasts to the interior regions of the state, where there is no Internet.

Both the blog and the radio station are dedicated to exposing Taib Mahmud's alleged corruption and his political ouster, which many experts believe is the prerequisite first step towards reforming the resource-rich but poverty-stricken state.

According to Clare, it is not impossible to topple Taib despite his fabulous weath and awesome power.

"He has pushed his greed too far and snatched the lands of countless local communities. His future plans are also terrifying for the people who live outside the towns, since he is planning to double the area of oil palm plantations and flood the country with a new wave of 12 more unnecessary dams!" she told Malaysia Chronicle in an exclusive interview.

"I can’t predict what will happen, but who would have thought just six weeks ago that decades old regimes would be toppling like nine pins in the Middle East? We will need to see whether Sarawakians will show the same courage and determination to change their future, despite intimidation at the polls."

The 51-year old former BBC journalist also said that while Malaysia was known for its kind and friendly people, it will have to work extra hard to shed its image of being a country where corrupt politicians rule and have final say over almost everything, including the fundamental civil liberties of the citizenry.

She points out to a recent interview Taib's political secretary Karim Hamzah gave to RFS, wherein Karim actually "stated it was fine for politicians to make money from business while in office and to take 'opportunities', such as the offer of cheap land, that made them rich."

"I have never met a Malaysian who didn’t say the country was corrupt!" said Clare.

Malaysia Chronicle appends below the full text of the interview with Clare Rewcastle Brown, the founder and editor of the controversial Sarawak Report and Radio Free Sarawak station.

Chronicle: In your report, you mentioned that the Malaysian government was corrupt and would not go after Taib because he always “delivered Sarawak”. How did you come by such a view? Was it formed from reading the press, speaking with Malaysians, Sarawakians, or people you met while in Malaysia or is it a general opinion of the world at large including the West, of the Najib administration?

Clare: Well I am not an expert on West Malaysia and I have not written stories about KL. However, Malaysia admits to being pretty far up the international corruption league and I have never met a Malaysian who didn’t say the country was corrupt!

But as far as Sarawak is concerned, Taib's political secretary Karim Hamzah gave an astonishing interview, broadcast by Radio Free Sarawak, in which he exhibited just how attitudes among a certain political class have slid into a culture of corruption.

Hamzah stated it was fine for politicians to make money from business while in office and to take 'opportunities', such as the offer of cheap land, that made them rich. He seemed to be unworried by the matter of conflict of interest and said it was 'only fair' that politicians should be able to enjoy the same comfortable lifestyle as rich businessmen. He seemed unaware of just how corrupted such ideas are compared to what is acceptable in other countries.

However, there are clearly plenty of Malaysians who do recognise this as corruption and they want to get rid of it and achieve an honest government. A lot of them regularly read Sarawak Report.

Chronicle: After being involved directly with Malaysia through Sarawak Rreport and RFS, do you think such a view (that corruption is endemic) is true or fair? And why?

Clare: I have uncovered numerous cases of corruption in Sarawak focussed at the very top of politics. Corruption is a top down problem, unfortunately.

Chronicle: What are the chances of a polls upset in Sarawak? Do you think Taib's government will be toppled and why?

Clare: Past evidence shows that BN will use every trick to hang on to their seats in Sarawak, including bribery, intimidation and vote-rigging. It is up to the people to decide whether to stand up to that or give in. I do think there is a groundswell of changing opinion against Taib.

He has pushed his greed too far and snatched the lands of countless local communities. His future plans are also terrifying for the people who live outside the towns, since he is planning to double the area of oil palm plantations and flood the country with a new wave of 12 more unnecessary dams!

I can’t predict what will happen, but who would have thought just six weeks ago that decades old regimes would be toppling like nine pins in the Middle East?

We will need to see whether Sarawakians will show the same courage and determination to change their future, despite intimidation at the polls.

Chronicle: How then do you think the chips will fall in Sarawak? What will happen post election? For example, do you think there will be a purge on the opposition, riots, etc ? How do you think Taib will react and also the Najib federal admininistration? And why?

Clare: These are not areas where I am best qualified to comment. I am still an outside observer and I have been concentrating on specific issues of corruption and lack of freedom in the State of Sarawak.

Chronicle: Do you think Malaysia has lost credibility? Which part of the system do you think the world at large has least confidence in eg. the economy, the police, the judiciary or its politicians and in particular - who? Also, why and what do you think can be done, to repair this?

Clare: I think Malaysia has been successful in hiding many of its problems from the rest of the world. Overall, the Malaysians are known for being kind and friendly people who hold the same values and understandings as countries like Britain and America, while also having strong cultural ties with fellow Muslim countries.

They seem to have achieved a good balance in so many ways and I just hope they can extend their underlying sense of fairness to allow a better treatment of the poor people in the State of Sarawak who have been stripped of their lands and wealth.

Chronicle: A lot of people have talked about the degradation of Sarawak's forests, its ill treatment of the Penan people? Can you elaborate on both and will you be able to provide some comparative figures that there has been degeneration and that it is not just perception?

Clare: Less than 5% of the primary jungle of Sarawak remains, while just 30 years ago, it was well over 50%. That is a staggering amount of wood that has been carelessly stripped away, yet the native people have been left with virtually none of the profits from this environmental catastrophy.

Chronicle: Bakun has already been built. The size of Singapore has already been excavated and concretised. How do Sarawakians best live with this permanent damage, repair the surrounding enviroment and make the project as economically unburdensome as is possible?

Clare: I think this matter will be one of the big questions that Sarawakians will have to decide upon in the future. They should consult experts and look to the help of the International Community in trying to reverse some of the damage that present government policies have inflicted on their lands.

I think there are many exciting opportunities for reversing much of this damage over coming years and that there will be a lot of support and sympathy from the global community, since we all have an interest in keeping the world's tropical rainforests alive.

Chronicle: Is the rape of the Penan women really true? Why do you think there is so little reaction from the state and federal governments? Can the world help? What can Malaysians and Sarawakians do more about it, or are they doing enough? Is there a UN body to complain to, what more can Malaysians do to create national and global awareness?

Clare: Yes it is true. I am just one of a number of reporters and researchers who have looked into this problem and met the victims and the children that have been born out of rape.

It is disgraceful that the Sarawak authorities have gone so far as to refuse to even investigate the widespread problem of women in the interior falling prey to timber workers.

The authorities are doing nothing because they fear exposure. They don’t want the world to know the extent of their logging activities.

Luckily the press and NGOs have exposed the situation anyway, but so far nothing has been done to bring support and redress to the women and girls who have been attacked. Taib's government must bear that disgrace. - Malaysia Chronicle