
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Najib: Early signs of chicken pox, advised to rest

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 31 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has been advised to rest at home and avoid all public and official functions following medication as a result of early signs of chicken pox, it was announced tonight.

His media adviser, Datuk Seri Jalaludin Bahaudin, said in a statement issued to Bernama that the prime minister (picture) began to feel unwell and subsequently developed rashes, muscle aches and joint pains on the last day of the Asean summit and related summits in Hanoi.

“On arrival in Kuala Lumpur today, he showed early signs of chicken pox and was immediately started on appropriate treatment. As medication was started early, the prime minister has responded well,” he said, adding that Najib’s personal physician had advised the prime minister to rest at home and avoid all public and official functions.

“The prime minister apologises for any inconvenience caused,” Jalaludin added. — Bernama

Sabahans do not like big guns, Yong tells BN, Pakatan

BATU SAPI, Oct 31 — Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) candidate Datuk Yong Teck Lee scoffed at his rivals today for banking on their top leaders to win Batu Sapi, claiming that Sabahans did not enjoy having the “big guns tell them what to do”.

A number of top leaders from deputy prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim have made lightning visits ahead of the November 4 parliamentary by-election.

“They think they will get some fire but I think it will backfire. I think the local people would not like to see the big guns coming here, telling them what to do,” the SAPP president told a press conference today.

The former chief minister pointed to the presence of both Barisan Nasional (BN) and PR top leaders in the Batu Sapi campaign over the past few days and claimed they had come with a “patronising attitude”.

“They only come now in the by-election. They just come with a patronising attitude.

“As you can see our Chinese community leaders here, everyday they receive invitations for food – first Muhyiddin Yassin, then Hishammuddin Hussein, Dr Chua Soi Lek, Liow Tiong Lai, Datuk Wee Ka Sion, Datuk Seri Musa Aman, then even the LDP and Gerakan,” he said, referring to the BN leaders.

Yong claimed the political bigwigs did not have enough quorum to fill up their dinner functions and hence were forced to invite as many people as possible.

“So the people say — they invite, we go la. But the sincerity is not there,” he said.

Yong added that he encouraged the community leaders to attend the dinners and assured them that once he won the Batu Sapi seat, he would not abandon them like the others.

“I will come to see them, not before the elections when we are asking for votes. These BN, Pakatan people, they come here but their sincerity is doubtful,” he said.

PR leaders like DAP’s Lim Kit Siang, Anwar and Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim have also appeared on a stump for PKR over the weekend to help the party in the by-election race.

“I think PR knows that they are way behind in number three. One of their efforts to catch up is by attacking us,” Yong said.

He also claimed that both BN and PR were now combined in their forces to attack the SAPP as they were aware that the Sabah-based party was gaining ground in Batu Sapi.

“BN, I think up to yesterday, they were confident. But during Muhyiddin’s dinner when people walked out during his speech and he received a lukewarm response in the villages and his Umno machinery is not working that well... I think for the first time in this campaign, BN realises that they might lose the seat,” the lawyer-by-training said.

Yong, who has been using his Sabah-for-Sabahan concept as his platform for the polls, claimed that both BN and PR wanted to “nationalise” Sabah.

“But we will overcome this,” he said.

Yong is facing both BN and PKR in the race namely, BN’s Datin Linda Tsen Thau Lin and PKR’s Ansari Abdullah. -Malaysian Insider

MACC asked to probe PAS offer of ‘payment’ to voters


GUA MUSANG, Oct 31 — Kelantan Umno Youth has asked the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to investigate a PAS offer of up to RM250 in what is claimed to be transportation cost for voters outside Kelantan to come to the state and vote in the Galas by-election on Thursday.

Its secretary, Bazlan Baharudin, said the promise of payment to voters contravened Election Commission (EC) regulations and immediate action should be taken to stop the move.

PAS Election Advisor Datuk Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman announced yesterday that the party offered between RM200 and RM250 in transportation cost to 1,557 voters outside Kelantan to come to the state and vote in the by-election, and claimed that the payment was not a bribe.

In a response to the PAS statement, EC Deputy Chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar said the payment offer contravened Section 10 of the Election Offences Act 1954 as the money could be assumed to be a bribe to buy votes.

The by-election is a straight fight between Abdul Aziz Yusoff, 49, of the Barisan Nasional (BN) and Dr Zulkefli Mohamed, 44, of PAS, necessitated by the death of the PAS assemblyman, Chek Hashim Sulaima (rpt) Sulaima, on September 27. — Bernama



Beng Hock’s sister arrested in Galas

October 31, 2010

GUA MUSANG, Oct 31 — Teoh Lee Lan, sister of the late Teoh Beng Hock, was arrested today while distributing leaflets on her brother’s death.

Lee Lan (picture) was taken to the Gua Musang police district headquarters together with Beng Hock’s brother-in-law Soh Cher Hai and two other members of Malaysians for Beng Hock, Ng Yap Hwa and Toh Chin Hong.

They were held for almost seven hours at the police station, and were released at 8.45pm.

Earlier, lawyer Teo Nie Ching said that the police have informed her that the group was only called into have their statement recorded under the Criminal Procedure Code.

Teo claimed that when the police brought the group from Kampung Baru to the police station, they were told that they were arrested under the Election Offences Act.

She also complained that the four were denied legal representation during the first two hours of the arrest.

“Now the police said the four were not arrested, but were only called to have their statement taken under Section 121 of the CPC,” said the DAP’s Serdang MP.

Teo said the police have also assured her that the four would be released after recording their statements.

“We have lodged a police report because they were informed that the arrest was made under Election Offences Act,” said Teo who was accompanied by lawyers Thomas Su and Wong Kah Woh from DAP to meet with the four at the police station.

The group arrived in Gua Musang yesterday to lobby for the formation of a royal commission of enquiry to investigate the death of the political secretary to Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah.

The 30-year-old Teoh was found dead on the 5th floor of Plaza Masalam last year after he was interrogated overnight in connection with suspected abuse of state funds by Selangor lawmakers.

An inquest into his death will resume on November 4.

Yesterday Soh claimed that he was assaulted by an MCA supporter while trying to meet Women, Family and Community Development Deputy Minister Datuk Heng Seai Kie.

Heng, however, dismissed the allegations and had asked the group to keep the Beng Hock case out of the Galas campaign. - Malaysian Insider

courtesy of Zorro-unmasked

Misconstruing the Constitution

The provisions of Article 153 go out of the way to ensure that while the special position of the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak is protected in public service, in the granting of scholarships, in education, in trade and in business, the legitimate interests of the other communities are also safeguarded. This balance in Article 153 is seldom highlighted.


MISINTERPRETATIONS of, and misconceptions about, the Constitution have exacerbated ethnic relations in the country. Several issues have come to the fore lately.

A few weeks ago, a politician alleged that the concept of 1Malaysia is against the Constitution since it promotes equality among the communities. Actually, the Constitution embodies an article on equality. Article 8 (1) states that "all persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law". Discrimination is prohibited except when it is expressly authorised in the Constitution. Provisions pertaining to the special position of the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak would be an example.

However, "special position" -- it is seldom appreciated -- is also about equality. It was incorporated into the Constitution to protect the well-being of the abysmally poor indigenous Malays in the wake of the conferment of citizenship upon more than a million recently domiciled Chinese and Indians by the Malay rulers and the Umno elite on the eve of Merdeka. In other words, special position -- like other affirmative action policies elsewhere -- is meant to address gross ethnic inequalities.

There are also misconceptions about Article 153. The article is not just about the special position of the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak. Article 153 (1) also makes it "the responsibility of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to safeguard... the legitimate interests of the other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article".

The provisions of Article 153 go out of the way to ensure that while the special position of the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak is protected in public service, in the granting of scholarships, in education, in trade and in business, the legitimate interests of the other communities are also safeguarded. This balance in Article 153 is seldom highlighted.

There is another misunderstanding about Article 153 that should be set right. The article does not provide for a 30 per cent quota in equity capital for Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak. That is part of the New Economic Policy and subsequent policies, but it is not stated in the Constitution.

Neither does the Constitution provide for the establishment or continuation of Chinese schools in the national education system as some politicians and media commentators have argued recently.

There is no such provision in either Article 12 which deals with rights in respect of education or in Article 152 that focuses on the national language. What Article 152 (1) contains are two sub-clauses that read:

- no person shall be prohibited or prevented from using (other than for official purposes) or from teaching or learning any other language; and,

- nothing in this clause shall prejudice the right of the Federal Government or of any state government to preserve and sustain the use and study of the language of any other community in the federation.

There is no need to emphasise that teaching, learning, preserving and sustaining a language can take place within a Bahasa Malaysia-based school system that provides ample scope for studying Chinese, Tamil, Arabic or any other language. Nonetheless, it should be reiterated that Chinese and Tamil primary schools are part of the national education system today, and their status is protected by the law and policy.

The Education Act 1996, for instance, makes it the duty of the education minister to provide primary education at government and government-aided schools.

Another misconception being propagated by certain individuals is that when Sabah and Sarawak (together with Singapore) joined Malaya to form Malaysia in 1963, a new nation came into being which ipso facto rendered irrelevant some of the defining Malay characteristics of the earlier Malayan state. Whatever the political rhetoric that prevailed before the formation of Malaysia, this is a view that has no basis in the Constitution.

The Constitution makes it very clear that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is also the Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Sabah and Sarawak (he appoints the governor of the two states), Bahasa Malaysia is the national language of the two states and Islam their official religion. Special position also applies to the natives of Sabah and Sarawak.

Besides, Article 1 (2) spells out lucidly that Sabah and Sarawak are states in the federation like the other 11 states. Of course, the Constitution confers additional rights and powers upon the two states, given their history and the circumstances of their membership in the federation.

If Malaysia in 1963 was a new nation, why didn't we reapply to join the United Nations? The truth is Malaysia is, to all intents and purposes, an extension of Malaya.

What is important is to ensure that the rights of all states, especially Sabah and Sarawak, are protected and respected in the expanded federation.

It is a pity that such issues that impinge upon the fundamental character of the nation and the structure of the Constitution are being raised with increasing frequency. Ignorance is not the only explanation. It is part of the intensification of communal politics in the past few years which, if we are not careful, may push us all over the precipice.

Dr Chandra Muzaffar is chairman of the board of trustees of Yayasan 1Malaysia and Noordin Sopiee professor of global studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.

MCA minister: No place for Beng Hock in Galas

MCA women leaders with Heng in yellow
GUA MUSANG — MCA’s Datuk Heng Seai Kie played down the alleged assault on Soh Cher Hai the brother-in-law to the late Teoh Beng Hock, saying today that the case should not be brought to the Galas by-election campaign.

The women, family and community development deputy minister said the group who was lobbying for her support for the formation of a royal commission to investigate Teoh’s death should have arranged to meet her in Kuala Lumpur.

“I welcome them to see me any time in my office in KL, but not necessary here in Galas, during by-election,” said Heng in response to allegation that she had ignored the group.

“Wait until they explain to me. I have not seen them and read the document,” she said when asked if she was willing to support the group’s demand.

Heng claimed that the local MCA leadership had tried to arrange a meeting with the group today, but the invitation was turned down.

Soh had arrived in Gua Musang yesterday with Teoh’s sister Teoh Lee Lan and six other members of Malaysians for Beng Hock to lobby for the formation of a royal commission of enquiry to investigate the death of the political secretary to Selangor Executive Councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah.

The 30-year-old Teoh was found dead on the 5th floor of Plaza Masalam last year after he was interrogated overnight in connection with suspected abuse of state funds by Selangor lawmakers. An inquest into his death will resume on November 4.

The group was trying to approach Heng after an MCA rally when Soh was allegedly assaulted.

Soh lodged a report at the Gua Musang police district headquarters soon after the incident and later went to hospital for treatment.

He had claimed in his report that he was pushed to the ground by an MCA supporter which resulted in knee injury.

Heng however dismissed the claims adding that she was shocked that the incident ended in a police report.

“I was on my way out. It was raining. When it was too crowded there was some pushing, but without intention. So nobody has actually fell down to the ground,” said Heng.

“I didn’t expect that it will end up in a police report and also they claimed that they will refer to the doctor for medical examination,” she added. - Malaysian Insider

Soi Lek: Who says Sabahans have been unfairly treated

SANDAKAN - Campaigning on the exclusiveness of Sabah is inappropriate, said MCA party president Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek.

He said that the campaigning method was wrong as Sabah had enjoyed the same amount of respect as any other state since the formation of Malaysia.

“To say that Sabahans have no access to education opportunities or positions in the Government is wrong.

“We have four ministers and five deputy ministers from Sabah in the Cabinet.

“The speaker and deputy speaker are also from Sabah. That shows the amount of respect the federal government has for Sabahans,” said Chua after visiting the Tanah Merah market in the Batu Sapi constituency.

He was accompanied by MCA Youth chief Datuk Wee Ka Siong on the by-election campaign trail in support of Barisan Nasional candidate Datin Linda TsenThau Lin.

“To become a high-income nation by 2020, we need the cooperation of every state, including Sabah,” said Chua, adding that the politics of integration, inclusiveness and development should take focus over promotion of hatred among Malaysians.

“We cannot regard votes as automatic. There is no more stronghold for Barisan, PKR and SAPP and the people are more sophisticated and demanding. So, political parties must know how to respond to this new scenario,” he said.
- Star

Beng Hock’s sister arrested in Galas

October 31, 2010

GUA MUSANG, Oct 31 — Teoh Lee Lan, sister of the late Teoh Beng Hock was arrested today while distributing leaflets on her brother’s death.

Lee Lan (picture) was taken to the Gua Musang police district headquarters together with Beng Hock’s brother-in-law Soh Cher Hai and two other members of Malaysians for Beng Hock, Ng Yap Hwa and Toh Chin Hong.

The group arrived in Gua Musang yesterday to lobby for the formation of a royal commission of enquiry to investigate the death of the political secretary to Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah.

The 30-year-old Teoh was found dead on the 5th floor of Plaza Masalam last year after he was interrogated overnight in connection with suspected abuse of state funds by Selangor lawmakers. An inquest into his death will resume on November 4.

Yesterday Soh claimed that he was assaulted by an MCA supporter while trying to meet Women, Family and Community Development Deputy Minister Datuk Heng Seai Kie.

Heng however dismissed the allegations and had asked the group to keep the Beng Hock case out of the Galas campaign.


Bakun Damned: Where have all the water gone?

By HU Editor

( Video link Inside )We have just received a call from Daniel, a Kenyah teacher, in Belaga: “Nanga Merit, Nanga Metah, Punan Bah, SK Long Terawan, SK Nanga Merit, SK Punan Bah, Kampung Terawan … All the schools and villages below Belaga Town are cut off because the river has dried up due to the impoundment of Bakun Dam.”

Even the engineers of Sarawak Hydro are telling us that the state government has no plan to overcome the problem because they are unlikely to stop the impoundment.

Please help us to highlight our problem. The people in those settlements need food and medicine, but the water is too shallow for boats to travel,” Daniel sounded desperate.

Indeed, it is disconcerting to see the pictures of the once mighty Rajang (called Balui at this point) River in Sarawak dried up below the Bakun Dam and the famed Pelagus Rapids reduced to sad sights of huge rocks standing on water measured in inches.

The state government had blamed it on nature, again … refuting claims that the impoundment of the controversial Bakun Dam commenced on October 13 has anything to do with the drying up of Sungai Balui/Rajang.

State Education Department director Mortadza Alop, who was in Kuching to receive the Loyalty Service Award on Friday, echoed the words of the state government as he told the press that the situation is manageable and he has yet to receive any distress call.

Baru Bian, prominent native customary land rights lawyer and State Chairman of the People’s Justice Party, called on the state government to stop the impoundment, carry out fresh independent studies and shelve the mammoth dam plan …

Interesting Videos to Watch

Please watch the following interesting videos if you have time.

Guan Eng asked Gerakan Teng Hock Nan to mind his own party business

Ceramah Perdana Galas - Guan Eng bersama DSAI & Tok Guru

IS SAPP The Road To Autonomy?

By GM, Penampang Sabah

I have nothing personal against Sabah Progressive Party and its president Datuk Yong Teck Lee. SAPP has good intentions of raising the issues of illegal immigrants, the need for autonomy in Sabah and so on. SAPP is a good party to support as it is a local party, it is represented by local leaders, and it knows very much of the issues and concerns in Sabah that needs to be fixed quickly without interference from the Federal Government. Many individuals I have spoken to actually praise SAPP because this is the only party that was brave enough to quit the BN and was vocal as well as daring to table a vote of no confidence against our previous Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (now Tun). A good question to this is, despite the bravery to table a vote of no confidence, was SAPP the only party that was against the former premier or were there others?

Promoting Pakatan Rakyat is not an easy task. People who don’t know much about history of the state will lean towards SAPP due to the fact that SAPP is a “local party”. We are fed up of UMNO as they need the Federal Governments approval and go-ahead in any decision that the State Government wants to make. PKR and DAP is no different. They report to Peninsula leaders. If this is the case, why don’t we rally behind PBS, PBRS, or LDP? Are they not local parties? Logically they are, but they are in the BN. We want a local opposition party and say no more to BN. If so, why don’t we rally for BERSEKUTU? This is when there is a moment of silence and lost for words.

A majority of people rally for SAPP as they want to bring back autonomy to Sabah, like the days when Sabah was under the rule of the United Sabah National Organization (USNO), and/or Parti Bersatu Rakyat Jelata Sabah (BERJAYA). Were these parties not members/components of the BN as well? Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) was formed in March 1985 and it won the state elections that same year thus forming the State Government. “This is what we want”, claims some. Where was PBS in 1986 after the re-election (post riots)? Did they not join the BN only to pull out again before the state election of 1990? In the year 2002 PBS again rejoined the BN. What will stop SAPP from doing this to us and betray us as voters/supporters? Most know that PBS toppled because of defections. Here’s a quiz: Name the splinter parties that led to the downfall of the PBS State Government.

I am not accusing SAPP of having the intention to follow what PBS did in the past, but what is the guarantee that they will not jump back into the BN? People of Sabah; please consider all the possibilities before blindly supporting SAPP for the sake of “Local”. Why does SAPP reject the offer to join forces from Pakatan Rakyat? Datuk Yong Teck Lee says that “we can be friends (with Pakatan) but we will not marry”. If Sarawak National Party (SNAP) can join Pakatan Rakyat, I don’t see why SAPP can’t. Some may argue that Pakatan Rakyat has had their fare share of members defecting to BN, but, what are the possibilities of PKR, DAP, PAS, or even SNAP as a party pulling out of Pakatan Rakyat and joining the BN compared to SAPP rejoining the BN?

I have not joined PKR yet. I have been advised by many to do so, but I feel that it is not the right time yet. I feel that if I join now, then people will say: of course you will campaign and support PKR, because you are a member of PKR and it is your duty to do so. Believe it or not, it is easier to penetrate and convince the BN supporters compared to the SAPP supporters. It is a bitter pill to swallow but we need to work hard starting now. Indications of an early general election are surfacing and we need to act. The surprise increase of the Ketua Kampungs allowance tabled in the recent budget has made campaigning more difficult. People may say that I am a traitor to Sabah and Sabahans for not supporting a local party. I don’t feel like a traitor, I just look at the reality of autonomy from a different perspective.

A few months back, Dr. Hiew King Chew fired SAPP by saying; “If you’re not with us, then you are against us”. Back then I felt that this was not a good statement, but now I feel that it is what we must look forward to due to the fact that SAPP does not want to co-operate. If we keep harping on wanting a local party to represent Sabah, given full autonomy, look at Sarawak. UMNO has no power in Sarawak. The State Government itself is powerful without interference from the Federal Government. Do you see the Sarawakians enjoying development? If you say that this is due to the fact that the Sarawak State Government is a component of BN, then I will ask this question again; what is the guarantee that SAPP will not return to the BN to become the largest or second largest component party of Sabah BN?

People of Sabah, do we really believe that a State Government can function without the assistance and interference of the Federal Government? Sometimes I feel that the reason why the Federal Government interferes in state affairs is because they are controlling the Sabah BN leaders. Autonomy is good but too much will be a problem for us as it is bound to be abused. If we are given too much autonomy, the only ones who will super benefit are the people in power. Datuk Seri Anwar has promised us a Deputy Prime Minister II that will come from either Sabah or Sarawak. The Oil Royalty of the current 5% will be reviewed to the 20% based on the 20 point agreement, provided Pakatan forms the Federal Government, in which I am confident that they can if we work triple hard.

I have found out during my “Silent Campaign” that there are political parties enrolling the public as party members without the consent of the individual. Letters of invitation to party meetings are being delivered to postboxes, SMS are sent to attend ceramahs. Is this the reason why some political parties have the courage to lobby for seats? To prove that they must have the seat as they have the numbers in terms of memberships? I talked to some people who were illegally enrolled as party members and they take it as;biasalah, mau lobby untuk kerusi. This happens on both sides of the political divide. Some people just couldn’t be bothered and take it lightly. If this is the case, then we are not actually campaigning. We are freely enrolling people as party members without their consent, and we go back to our respective Ketua Cawangan to tell them that we have the support of the people. This trick may work psychologically, but it can also backfire. Can you imagine what will happen if we blindly enroll an UMNO diehard supporter as a PKR member without realizing it?

As for the Batu Sapi by election, I plead to the voters to really think hard on who you vote for. I cannot force you to vote for Haji Ansari, but I suggest that you do. I have many friends who are reluctant to withdraw their support for SAPP, but I advise you to look at the possibilities at all angles first before you actually soldier on for SAPP. In my last letter, I mentioned that I will wait a week for SAPP to “Declare Their Stand”. It has been barely 3 days and again I am writing about why we need to choose Pakatan Rakyat. The reason I am doing so is because signs are showing that SAPP won’t co-operate with Pakatan Rakyat as Datuk Yong Teck Lee has already announced that we can but friends but we shall not marry.

As for me, I will continue to push for Pakatan Rakyat even if I am not yet a member. When I’m doing my “Silent Campaign”, people ask me; which side are you on? Ansari or Jeffrey? I respond by saying; none, the factions are only temporary. For everything that happens, there is a reason, be it hidden or visible, and the reason that Malaysia Today exists, is for us, the privileged to go into the rural areas and tell the people to see for themselves what they have been voting for in the past. The campaign continues.

Who is this small fry Chuck Devore to dictate to Clinton on Anwar

Richard Loh

A small fry in the California state assembly, Chuck DeVore, can now dictate to the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whom she can or cannot meet.

I can remember studying history in the 60's (now no longer a history lesson in Malaysia) that the United States revolved and truly function in a democratic system.

Now I fear to see President Obama becoming desperate in running his country, which was once the most powerful country in this world and respected by world leaders across the globe. Is it that in order to maintain this position, the US has no choice but to sleep with dictatorships and authoritarian leaders who are willing to follow its foreign policies?

So, is this Chuck Devore sent by President Obama to dictate to the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton not to meet up with the Opposition leaders during her trip to Malaysia, OR, is this Chuck Devore paid to do this dirty job and is a political assassin engaged by the present ruling government of Malaysia?

What this fellow Chuck Devore described of the Malaysian Opposition Leader may or may not be true but did he not see or hear the worst about the Prime Minister who is willing to shed blood in order to stay in power and maybe even genocide? There are so many baggages that this Prime Minister is carrying and I wonder why this Chuck fellow had not said a single word about it.

The Opposition leaders are fighting for democracy and freedom in Malaysia and it looks like this Chuck fellow is under some directive from someone to make sure that it does not happen.

Will the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton play along with this kind of directive and help to turn her country into a dictatorship as well?