
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 31, 2016

Majlis Keselamatan Negara And Ayub Khan - Stop All Foreign Funding Of Religious Activities, Mosques, Suraus, NGOs, Outreach, Dakwah Etc

This is what the Germans are finding out, a bit too late as well. Here is some news from Germany :

  • Muslims in Germany must not be funded from abroad 
  • Mosques, Islamic kindergartens in Germany funded by Turkey, Saudi Arabia 
  • foreign governments, institutions shall not fund Muslims in Germany 
  • CSU party recommended  "church tax" for Muslims in Germany
  • similar to "existing church tax for Catholics and Protestants".
  • Muslims shall benefit from religious freedoms, but not from taxpayers' money
  • They must fund their mosques by themselves," Ronald Glaser said 

Islamic Preacher Arrested in Germany on Suspicion of Supporting Terrorists
400 German police commandos raided mosque “hot spot” Salafist extremists 
long suspected of having links to terrorist and extremist organizations.
  • We want to outlaw this union 
  • they undermine constitutional order
  • undermine mutual understanding between peoples
  • enough reason for prosecuting them
step toward banning association
used by Islamic fundos to radicalize Muslims, encourage jihad in combat zones
those who gather there go on to become terrorists and suicide bombers
absolutely imperative for us to ban this organization

heightened threat of terrorism now existing in Germany 
lone attacker or group can strike out any time
big priority for Germany to quickly deport potentially dangerous people

  • 18-year-old gunman killed nine people in Munich on June 22 injured dozens
  • 27-year-old Syrian blew himself up on July 24 injuring 12 people 
  • June 24, a 21-year-old Syrian refugee killed pregnant woman with a machete 
My comments : There is no point if we have the NSC Bill but we do not do the same things as the Germans are doing (or proposing) - ie we must stop foreign funding of religious activities in the country.

Since ALL religion is toxic we must put a stop to all external funding of religious acticity in this beloved country.

In the present circumstances since the Muslim wackos present the most dangerous and imminent threat  to life and limb all over the world, we must immediately put a stop to all foreign funding of moques, suraus, Islamic charities, Islamic NGOs and the importation or presence of foreign Muslim preachers in Malaysia. 

Put a complete stop to all of them.

Dato Ayub Khan, Dato Fuzi Harun and the Majlis Keselamatan Negara please take note.

No point shutting all the doors and windows bila ular-mak dari dalam semak sudah infiltrate our suraus, masjids, madrassahs, schools, colleges and universities.

Special Branch, please check my file from around 1990s. I wrote a  column in the papers about one retard ostard who said that the KLCC's Twin Towers were 'dua tanduk syaitan'.   This was before 9-11.

I have been writing, writing and writing since the 1990s that these ostard retards were dangerous. Did any of you listen? I think it is you guys, sleeping on the job dimwits, who are the real threats to the security of the nation.


Never mind it is never too late.  Tell the gomen to completely ban all foreign Islamic countries, foreign Islamic NGOs, foreign Islamic associations from funding any Islamic organisations, charities or NGOs in Malaysia.

Also completely ban the arrival of all religious preachers and religious teachers from overseas, especially from India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Indonesia.

And here is another suggestion.  You do not control who teaches or what they teach or how many terrorists are studying at :

1.  Darul Uloom, Deoband India
 2. University of Omdurman, Sudan
3. Madinah University, Madinah
4. Al Azhar University, Cairo
5. Madrassah Haqqaniyah Pakistan
and many other places like this.

So why allow our Malaysian students to travel to these Allah forsaken countries to study at these places? 

They will most likely become radicalised  not only in those institutions but also just by travelling to those countries. 

So let us be smart like the Germans and ban all foreign funding of religious activities inside Malaysia.    This is a very good suggestion (the idea is not mine, the Germans are already doing it.)