
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gopeng MP, state rep nabbed for wearing yellow

Police continued with their nationwide crackdown on Bersih 2.0 supporters, arresting those clad in yellow, including two elected representatives from PKR in Perak. NONEGopeng MP Dr Lee Boon Chye (centre in photo) and Simpang Pulai state assemblyperson Chan Ming Kai and two PKR members were arrested at the Gunung Rapat morning market in Ipoh while meeting voters this morning, for being in yellow clothes. Lee said he was detained soon after his arrival at the market, around 9am.

He was handcuffed and taken to the Ipoh police district headquarters. "I did not wear a Bersih T-shirt, it was a T-shirt, but in yellow colour.

"I just arrived at the market and started to shake hands with voters, then they arrested me," he said when contacted, adding that he did not distribute leaflets, nor did he have a banner at that time. Police told Lee that he was arrested under the Police Act to prevent an illegal assembly. [More to follow]

IAEA panel gives green light to Lynas plant

It's almost all systems go for Lynas Corporation's massive rare earth plant project in Kuantan, with the international review panel giving the Australian-based mining company the green light.

The panel has found the RM700 million project in Gebeng, 25km from the Pahang state capital, to have complied with international radiation standards.

NONE"The review team was not able to identify any non-compliance with international radiation safety standards," says a summary of findings and recommendations made by the panel.

The nine-member international review panel was mootedby the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Miti) and set up by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) two months ago to carry out a conclusive study on the safety of the Lynas Advance Material Plant in Gebeng.

The panel was headed by Tero Varjoranta, a director in the United Nation's IAEA.

However, the review team made an 11-point "necessary recommendations" to the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) for monitoring the plant before the start of operations, seven of which are technical recommendations.

Out of the 11 recommendations, five are to be done by the AELB.

The recommendations include the need for Lynas to submit its long-term plans for waste management to the AELB, as well as its plans for managing the wastes upon decommissioning and dismantling the plant.

The panel also recommended that the AELB should enhance the understanding, transparency and visibility of its regulatory actions in the eyes of the public and to further engage with the stakeholders.

NONEThe panel was in Malaysia for six days in May, during which its members made site visits as well as held consultations with Lynas, the government, NGOs and political parties.

Most notably,angry demonstrationshad accompanied the IAEA panel when they were in Kuantan for the consultation session, spooking an anti-Lynas NGO, 'Save Malaysia', from attending the session. It was revealed that the NGO also did not hand over a written submission to the expert panel.

However, the government has given its assurance that Lynas has still not been given the golden ticket to proceed with its plans, which include a September deadline for operations to commence.

"The recommendations are there and all requirements will have to be met with before any action is taken," Miti secretary-general Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria told a press conference at the ministry in Kuala Lumpur this morning.

NONE"It is only when they have met all requirements will they get their trial run licence. We intend to follow the recommendations to the tee," Sta Maria (right) said.

With Lynas intending to stick to its time-line, Sta Maria said the plant may not even get the pre-operating licence if it was found not to have complied with the regulations.

In the five-phase licensing process, the plant has already got the site and construction licences. The other phases include the pre-operating, operating and decommissioning licences.

The Gebeng plant is now 40 percent complete, according to Sta Maria.

She also clarified her minister's remarks on the suspension of consideration for the pre-operating licence, saying that construction of the plant could still be carried out under the construction licence.

However, she refused to comment on a New York Times report today that quoted sources and internal memos claiming that the plant was riddled with design flaws and was an environmentally hazardous construction.

"Lynas is having its press conference at 3pm today. They will be the ones to address the issue," she said.

Lynas 'indicated' how waste management will be done

Also at the press conference, the AELB director-general Raja Abdul Aziz Raja Adnan said Lynas has 'indicated' to the government how the waste management will be done, but offered no details, citing confidentiality of 'intellectual property'.

But he gave AELB's assurance that Lynas has sent a preliminary Radioactive Impact Assessment report, which he called a “living document”.

"On the radiological safety point of view, AELB will be on site 24/7, at least during and before the pre-operating. If there are any indication of leakages or non-compliance or failure, then we will be able to stop it immediately...

NONE"We will take remedial mitigation procedures so that there are no failures. It is also in (Lynas') interest that their plant is well-constructed.

"As far as regulation is concerned, if the plant is built shoddily, it will affect operations later. So it is in the interest of the operator that the plant is built in highest standards possible. If not, the investment won't work," Raja Abdul Aziz (right) said.

Sta Maria added that one percent of the plant's gross sales will go to research and development, and half of that amount should go to a decommissioning fund.

The plant is supposed to process rare earth concentrate shipped in from the Lynas Corporation's Mount Weld site in Australia.

Though rare earth itself is not radioactive, it is commonly mixed with thorium, which is radioactive.

Rare earth is also crucial to modern-day electronic devices, such as smart phones, electric cars and wind turbines, something that the government has labelled as the first step towards green technology.

Fuziah maintains Lynas is hazardous

Meanwhile, Kuantan MP Fuziah Salleh, from PKR, said she somewhat expected the decision by the IAEA, but maintains that the Lynas plant is hazardous.

She said the fact the New York Times had highlighted the non-safety of the plant despite the report showed that Lynas cannot be trusted.

She said that the non-safety as reported in the NYT showed that Malaysian administrators are not capable of monitoring the plant carefully as it may be built without the correct specifications.

“Lynas has a smaller facility in Mount Weld where it has a buffer zone of around 30km radius. There are no people living within a 30km radius of Mount Weld, Australia which enforces this strict requirement.

“With this Lynas facility, the nearest residential area is just 3km away and it may affect Indera Mahkota, Kuantan and Kemaman residents,” she pointed out.

The dangers are there, Fuziah said, and she herself had hired her own consultants to scrutinise the facility and make its findings.

“My consultants said it is dangerous and I will reveal their report in due time after the release of the IAEA report,” she said. - Malaysiakini

Holy cow, can you believe the home minister?

vox populi small thumbnail'Hishammuddin has perfected the art of lying whilst in a stupor. What is happening certainly does not reflect what he says.'

'Yes, yes, yes', cops will act against Umno Youth

DannyLoHH: I hear the words. But I did not see the action. Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali who issued threats of violence and bloodshed still walks free. Umno Youth's Lokman Noor Adam and Arman Azha Abu Hanifah who had openly threatened to burn down PKR HQ office still walk free.

There is still yet any action taken to the perpetrator that sent SMS death threat to S Ambiga and the Bersih steering committee members. The names mentioned and person indicated here have all committed criminal offences, but the police allowed them to roam free on the street.

Yet people wearing Bersih T-shirt are being detained and arrested with dubious charges like waging war against the Agong, Printing Presses and Publications Act and Sedition Act.

Is the police telling the public that demanding free and fair elections is seditious, while issuing threat of violence, bloodshed and arson is not?

Anonymous: Umno had marched to PKR headquarters and threatened to burn it. It is clear now, who is a threat to peace and the nation. What will the Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and his police do to stop and prevent this menace from these gangsters?

Fairnessforall: So why haven't they been arrested yet. In fact they should have been arrested at the time of the demonstration. Hishammuddin, who are you trying to fool?

Louis: "I've already told (the police) to treat Pemuda (Umno Youth) the same. Nobody is above the law," said Hishammuddin.

Did you tell the police to do the same to Ibrahim Ali? By the same statements, it shows that all these while, the police have been receiving orders from Hishammuddin as who should be arrested and who should be given a peck on the cheek.

Alan Goh: Hussein Onn was a great and honest Umno leader who dares to charge former Selangor menteri besar and Umno Youth head Idris Harun for corruption.

For his courageous action, Hussein was challenged for the Umno president post, a plot by unscrupulous politicians, forcing him to take early retirement.

If only his son, Hishammuddin, has his father's qualities and courage to speak up of the massive corruption and abuse of power in Umno. Hishammuddin, no more 'yes, yes, yes' that the cops will act against Umno Youth. Just do it, like what your dad would have done.

Lim Chong Leong: How come this home minister sometimes says he cannot tell the police what to do when it comes to police's brutal action against candlelight vigils, Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat leaders, and now says he will tell the police to treat Umno Youth the same?

He is lying, isn't he?

Saya Dah Sedar: My goodness, Hishammuddin has perfected the art of lying whilst in a stupor. What is happening certainly does not reflect what he says.

Ibrahim Ali certainly is above the law. So is that trash newspaper,Utusan Malaysia. Even the staff in Utusan are apologetic when others know they are working there. Shame on you, Hishammuddin. What have you been smoking?

Hamisu: If the police need to be told by Hishammuddin that no one is above the law, can I deduce the police do not know how to do their job? That's insulting. And I am even more appalled to see how my tax money is being used to fund PDRM. Well, Hishammuddin really knows how to make PDRM look extremely incompetent.

YF: It's been more than 48 hours and still no action compared to the immediate action on non-Umno members. And the Umno folks were violent in nature with the police doing nothing. So why the double standards? Nobody wants a consistent liar for a minister.

Lbl: When the opposition holds a gathering, they are stopped before they can hold it. Umno Youths are allowed to hold the gathering. It is quite obvious they know they can get away with it.

Kee Thuan Chye: Will he really take real action against Umno Youth? We'll believe it when we see it.

CPO tells public to stay away from KL on July 9

Lonestar: The police are very good at reading the rakyat's thoughts. Even before an application for a rally is made, they are fully aware that it will lead to chaos and what better then to nip it in the bud before chaos takes place.

Just declare that a permit will never be provided and automatically the rally which has yet to occur becomes an illegal rally. So simple and so effective, as after having decided that the rally is illegal, the next step the police can take is to effectively round up all those Bersih people and their paraphernalia.

Some say the constitution allows for free assembly of the rakyat. But then again, who knows the constitution best if not the home minister and his police force. So if the police chief says the rally which has yet to take place is illegal, who is the rakyat to say otherwise.

Karma: How to stay away from KL when we stay in KL? Further, we also work in KL. CPO, Can I get your signature for this advice and show my boss so I can get a paid leave?

By the way, can I tell all my tourist friends also to stay away from KL and don't wear yellow shirt which says Bersih? What if they already booked a hotel in KL? Should they all move to PJ Hilton?

Anonymous_417c: Malaysia is getting into world headlines for all the wrong reasons. BN is scraping the bottom of the barrel to label the pro-rally rakyat as communists, spies and law-breakers. If only common sense can rule, it would be a very enjoyable July 9.

Docs: Just to let you know, KL acting police chief Amar Singh, I work, live, eat and shit in KL. Where the hell am I to go on July 9 then?

Tuah PJ: My parents live in Ipoh Road and I take the bus through Jalan Raja Laut/Bandaraya to go to their home every Sunday. My children come back every weekend from out of town. Are you telling me that I can't visit my aging parents on July 9 and my children can't see me on that day?

Swipenter: The police have no right to 'advise' us to stay away from KL on July 9. We have still have the freedom of movement, don't we? We still can 'walk around' together, with or without yellow shirts.

Pure Malaysian: Hooray! My boss cannot scold me for not coming to work on that Saturday. - Malaysiakini

'Minority Report' now playing in Malaysia

your say'For an assembly to be illegal, you must have actually held the assembly. Where does it say in the law that expressing support for a future 'illegal' act is illegal?'

Hisham declares Bersih T-shirt illegal

Anonymous_4196: Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, why is wearing a T-shirt that represents the rakyat's struggle for free and fair elections illegal?

How about just wearing a yellow T-shirt without any print? How about yellow trousers? How about wearing the yellow Digi teletubby mascot outfit? What if the polis 'suka-suka' (on a whim) arrest me for having something yellow on?

Solaris: Communists in Malaya/Malaysia were referred to as 'reds'. If it's illegal to wear certain coloured clothes related to an alleged illegal activity, why is it that Umno members are allowed to wear red T-shirts and behave like terrorists outside the PKR headquarters on Monday night?

Dood: I hope the police have enough place in their lock-ups to detain tens of thousands of people come July 9.

Malaysian for Malaysia: In the movie 'Minority Report', someone is already judged as guilty before he commits a crime. Remember how it ended?

Until the crime is actually committed, it is not illegal. For a so-called assembly to be illegal, you must have actually held the assembly. Where does it say in the law that expressing support for a future 'illegal' act is illegal too?

If I say I support the recent break-in at CIMB bank, am I doing something illegal? Or am I just exercising my right to say whatever the hell I want?

Lulu: This seems to be a new law. When was it passed in Parliament?

Josephine: If Bersih T-shirts are banned, what about T-shirts with naughty messages, or words with profanity? It is scary to think that our home minister, who comes with a pedigree of two former Umno presidents, will very possibly be our future prime minister if Umno still rules.

To cut short the agony, perhaps really, instead of marching on the streets, Bersih should just despatch groups of 100 members (or more) clad in their Bersih tees and offer themselves to all the police stations of the country. That would also make a statement.

Anonymous: We cannot wear yellow, we cannot wear black, we cannot wear red... Can BN and Umno tell us what colours are allowed? Birthday suit, okay?

Kingfisher: Ordinary citizens will find it very hard to understand what appears to be a pathological disapproval, or even fear, by the government to the clearly defined objectives of Bersih to conduct a peaceful rally for promoting/protecting fair and equitable electoral processes in our nation's democratic elections.

The heightened sense of warning and threats against the rally supporters and the detentions and questioning of legitimate organisers of the rally will not go down well with the silent majority of the people who are the electorate.

Many will be left wandering as to why PM Najib Razak, who lately has made policy commitments to establishing a fair, equitable and progressive society would stand on the sidelines and allow the instruments of law enforcement to prematurely deal with this issue.

It is not wise for any nation that seeks progress towards democratic maturity to engage the instruments of law and order indiscriminately for political purposes.

David Dass: The minister says that the Bersih T-shirt is an item of clothing related to an illegal activity. What is that illegal activity? Is the illegal activity the proposed illegal demonstration?

It cannot be illegal for a person to wear a yellow T-shirt at home. It cannot be illegal for someone to wear a yellow T-shirt with the acronym 'Bersih' emblazoned on the front and back at home. Or in the park. Or on a bus. So is there must be a moment in time when wearing that yellow Bersih T-shirt becomes illegal.

Wearing a T-shirt cannot be illegal because it is quite normal for people to wear T-shirts. There are Umno T-shirts. PAS T-shirts. Microsoft T-shirts. It is not as if a T-shirt is like a gun, the mere possession of which without a permit is illegal.

Anak Bangsa Malaysia: First it was black T-shirts, then it was candles, then it was pictures of Altantuya Shaariibuu, now it is yellow T-shirts.

The fascist Umno-BN regime is terrified but seeks to project its terror onto the people by threatening violence, aided and abetted by the uniformed henchmen that now represent Malaysia's most contemptible institution: the police force.

Hishammuddin will go down in history as a blubbering but cruel fool who declared war on articles of clothing in order to defend a corrupt and racist regime.

Ambiga and panel to meet IGP tomorrow

Swipenter: Inspector-general of police Ismail Omar, maybe you should act like your predecessor and carry out preventive measures, not unlike Ops Lalang, as recently asserted by Dr Mahathir Mohamad when he was PM.

You could save PM Najib and his cousin a lot of ridicule by taking such burden off their shoulders by declaring you are responsible for such drastic measures to prevent "chaos and anarchy" from happening in the country because of Bersih 2.0. Then you could be assured of your top cop post for many, many more years to come.

DannyLoHH: The police has gone overboard, arresting people for wearing T-shirts. Now, under what law that they arrest people donning garments that is in support of Bersih? There is no such law that states it is illegal to wear a T-shirt bearing the Bersih logo.

Are the police upholding the law or are they becoming a law unto themselves? Or is the home minister now God that a decree by him is a divine law that cannot be broken?

Please tell, which part of Bersih is illegal? Is it because it is demanding for a free and fair elections? Is it the part where it asks for the strengthening public institution? Or is it the part where it asks for no more dirty politics?

The excuse given to outlaw the Bersih rally is not based on what Bersih stand for. As for the fear of chaos and public disorder, Bersih had pledged a peaceful rally and is willing to engage the police to make sure of that.

On the contrary, police is the one acting defensive and now, arresting people without any legal basis.

Quigonbond: Everything the IGP says reminds me of the wisdom in the book - 'How to Win an Argument'. What the IGP says are falsehoods and pure conjectures. He premises his argument that people are angry, and from there leads to a slippery slope of violence, public disorder and disruption of national security.

But all of Malaysia is entitled to ask - who exactly is angry? Are all 28 million Malaysians angry, or just Umnoputras, Perkasa and the editors of Utusan Malaysia? Assuming that there are two million of them, then what about the other 26 million who are pissed that BN abuses the system?

The IGP couldn't even come clean with what foreign elements the police has identified in their intelligence report, knowing full well that the BN government is already losing the war for public opinion badly.

OMG: The only foreign elements here are those elements foreign to BN - honesty, transparency, credibility and justice. - Malaysiakini

Why no raids on Perkasa and Umno Youth?

your say'Umno and Perkasa are showing unruly behaviour with their threats of violence, bloodshed, and arson. Yet the office that got raided is Bersih's.'

Bersih HQ raided, 7 staff arrested

SMC77: Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and PM Najib Razak must take note. It is PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) and BN which are inciting fear and chaos at this upcoming gathering. If there is any crime committed by any party, it can only be PDRM and BN.

If the BN and PDRM refuse to let the rakyat to voice out their concern and anger, they are forcing the rakyat to turn the peaceful gathering into a violent protest that could lead to the same outcome as we have seen in Egypt and other parts of the Muslim world in recent months.

Kee Thuan Chye: Why raid only the Bersih secretariat? Why not raid those of Perkasa and Umno Youth as well since they will also be holding rallies?

My fellow Malaysians, please take note of this practice of double standards and relate it to everyone you know so they may know the true situation in this country.

Joe Lee: This is becoming ridiculous. Umno is shitting in its own pants and is resorting to terrorising Malaysian citizens. It is seeing its own demise in the mirror, and like a dying man who doesn't want to go, it is lashing out at everything.

These terrorist acts will be remembered by the people of Malaysia, and when it is judgement time, Malaysia will decide their fate.

Anonymous_3e86: So far the rally has not materialised yet. How can they arrest anyone under Section 27(5) when there hasn't been any rally?

Yellow T-shirts, orange T-shirts, cream T-shirts - all have been confiscated. So what colours are allowed? What about yellow underwear? Is it illegal too?

It appears the police under the instructions of BN has created more chaos and fear than the Bersih organisers. I'm sure it is BN's intention to create chaos in order to implement emergency rule. They are that desperate...

I will be wearing something yellow on July 9.

Chipmunk: These were not cops but thugs. Their behaviour is very unbecoming. They are an insult and disgrace to the king. They should remove the term 'Di Raja' from PDRM and instead use PDUM (Polis Di Umno Malaysia).

Let's see how many more arrest they are going to do? The more they oppress the rakyat, the more the rakyat will retaliate. Shame on these police.

DannyLoHH: It's funny to see how the police work in Malaysia. Time and again, Bersih had reiterated that their rally will be a peaceful rally. And time and again, Umno and Perkasa are showing unruly behaviour with their threats of violence, bloodshed and arson. Yet the office that got raided is Bersih's.

Lakia: This lawless action should drive our determination to fight on much harder for democracy, justice and freedom for our beloved country and all its people. All of us now go back to our respective kampong in the rural areas and explain to all the voters there why we need to kick out the BN in the 13th general elections.

There is absolutely no basis to oppose the Bersih peaceful rally. Only those who want to cheat are afraid of a clean, fair and transparent electoral system.

Anonymous: Are we a police state or under emergency? Why can't we have a peaceful democratic rally? Without provocation from Perkasa and Umno Youth, it would be a peaceful rally.

The police should instead threaten Perkasa and Umno Youth and prevent them from rallying on same day. They can do it another day. The troublemakers and threat to peace are these provocateurs and they should be prevented from disturbing the peace.

Swipenter: PDRM, how about raiding the secretariats of Perkasa and Umno Youth since they have declared openly to march "illegally" on July 9 and they too don't have a police permit nor blessings from Hishammuddin.

Malaysian Down Under: With all these arrests, the gatherings in Australia might actually be bigger than the one in KL. So, to the Malaysian diaspora in Australia, let's unite in a single voice.

To the corrupt authorities in Malaysia - you can fool some of the people all the time, all of the people some time, but you will never fool all of the people all of the time. Bersih 2.0 aims to drive home that point, and witnessed, I hope, by the world.

AnakBangsaMalaysia: In the past few days, it has been the Home Ministry and the police who have been committing a long list of crimes against the Malaysian people: slander, false arrest, assault and abuse of the PSM detainees, criminal intimidation and harassment of Bersih 2.0 organisers and members of the public, criminal negligence and dereliction of duty by standing by idly while the Umno Youth mob uttered explicit threats of arson and violence against the PKR HQ in Tropicana.

Anonymous_4135: No matter what you do, how you raid, how many people you arrest, doesn't even matter if the Agong doesn't show up to meet us on July 9, you can continue to provoke us, regardless of how you want to intimidate us rakyat, you will never be able to blot out the spirit of Bersih 2.0.

You can use water canons to stop us gathering, but the one most important thing the government cannot do is change our heart.

Anonymous_5fb: Enough said. With 'dirty' election, we need to vote 'overwhelmingly' so to neutralise the 'dirty' election processes this 13th GE for Pakatan Rakyat to take over Putrajaya.

Mohd: How can we call this is a democratic country when the 14th component of the ruling party is the police force? - Malaysiakini

Kualiti kepemimpinan UMNO

Bila saya cakap, orang UMNO marah. Penyokong mereka dalam internet pun marah. Tapi tidak apa, semua perbalahan ini akan selesai dalam pilihanraya. Pilihanraya ke 13 ini mungkin akan lebih teruk daripada yang sudah untuk UMNO. Jika saya salah, bagus. Tapi jika pengamatan saya betul, kali ini ramai yang akan kecundang. Bila DS Najib kata kali ini dia akan menampilkan lebih ramai pimpinan muda, itu adalah kenyataan yang baik. Sebab, rata rata rakyat melihat pemimpin lama yang berkuasa, sedang berlumba lumbaan membuat hay while the sun shines. Dan oleh kerana mereka pun tahu the sun is setting extraordinarily fast, perlumbaan makin sengit.

Ramai mat laon ini lupa pula bahawa rakyat sebenarnya yang menentukan turun dan naik UMNO. Dan rakyat akan menentukan bersandarkan kesedaran yang makin meningkat. Jangan pimpinan UMNO ingat rakyat tidak tahu. Mungkin ini kelemahan UMNO yang terbesar- yakni gagal menyedari bahawa persekitaran politik di luar sudah banyak berubah.

Keangkuhan orang UMNO menjadi factor utama yang menyebabkan ia banyak kecundang. orang dan pimpinan UMNO pekak agak nya. Rakyat bercakap mengenai harga hand bag yang berharga USD 120,000 satu. Rakyat juga bercakap apabila anak bekas seorang PM beli handbag berharga RM 750 ribu untuk isteri yang tersayang.
Sana sini orang bercakap mengenai aliran air mata berlawanan dengan kilauan permata untuk sebahagian Melayu yang bertuah.

Kalau mereka pergi turba( turun bawah) yang lebih kerap terdengar ialah rungutan terhadap kerajaan dan pemimpin. Tapi media audio visual dan percitakan menutupi rungutan dengan buat cerita yang menyeronokkan.

Sebab kita asyik di dengarkan dengan cerita yang seronok seronok. Tanah kerajaan sungai besi di pindahkan ke syarikat X dan kos kosong. Jika kos nya kosong, sepatutnya kos ini boleh di pindahkan kepada rakyat dalam bentuk rumah yang murah. Tapi rumah yang akan 'mampu' di beli oleh bakal pembeli berharga RM 220,000.
Ini bukan harga rumah kos rendah atau sederhana rendah. Jauh lah pula jika mahu disebut rumah PPRT.

Pada harga RM 220k, berapa ramai budak Melayu yang boleh dapat loan beli rumah tersebut? Sebab mereka nanti duduk di rumah diatas tanah Sungai Besi yang masyur yang di bangunkan oleh IMDB itu, mereka terpaksa pula beli kenderaan. Kena bayar loan rumah dan loan kereta.

Berita sensasi seperti ini di ragui oleh rakyat. Tapi pemimpin kita tidak sedar disebabkan desingan retorik sendiri. Tambahan pula akhbar utama dan TV utama mendendangkan lagu yang syok di dengar. Semua OK boss. Akhirnya Boss akan KO.

Pemaju yang membina rumah RM 220k ini bukanlah melakukan suatu yang luar biasa dan membawa rahmat sangat kepada rakyat. Pembinaan rumah rumah ini sebetulnya ada pemulangan kepada pihak kerajaan dalam urusniaga cross-subsidy. Pembinaan rumah 220k itu akan mudah di bayar semula apabila 1MDB membina property lain yang berharga jutaan Ringgit. Ertinya, pembinaan rumah2 RM 220k bukanlah suatu yang boleh kita laungkan dan canang sana sini.

Orang UMNO sudah tidak mahu kerja keras. Buat apa kerja keras, bertandng pun belum confirm. Boleh jadi pimpinan UMNO lupa tabiat buruk orang UMNO. Mereka akan berkerja keras kalau ada chance jadi wakil rakyat dan ahli parlimen. Hello- orang Melayu tidak berkehendakkan wakil rakyat yang tidak berpelajaran dan malas berkerja. Orang UMNO hanya mahu kerja keras kalau di pilih calun.

Di dalam UMNO bahagian Pekan sendiri pun, keadaan nya tidak lah elok sangat pun. Keadaan nya serupa seperti tahun 1990an. Orang ramai khususnya UMNO operatives bersusun susun sambut PM balik Pekan. mereka berhimpun beramai ramai berpesta di kediaman PM di Pekan. berombongan menyambut dan menghantar PM balik dan pulang. Selebih dari itu, UMNO Pekan akan sunyi. Tidak ada orang mahu tunjuka lebih sebab kerana kalau tunjuk lebih pun, boss tak Nampak. Adalah lebih penting menunjukkan kita kerja keras kalau bos tahu.

Kalau PM menang di Pekan, ianya semata disebabkan oleh factor peribadi nya. Body nya sahaja sudah bernilai separuh dari undi yang akan di perolehi nya. Selebihnya datang dari hasil hulur sana sini.

Mungkin kerana inilah sebab nya, penerangan UMNO Pekan tidak perlu aktif. Ketua nya nak jadi calun dan kalau ada isyarat jadi calun baru nak kerje 26 jam sehari. Sampai ke Kuala Lumpur , orang bercerita mengenai kehampaan mereka terhadap prestasi ketua Pemuda UMNO bahagian Pekan.

Saya boleh bercakap sedikit mengenai UMNO bahagian Pekan, sebab saya datang dari sana. Dan saya mengikuti perkembangan UMNO bahagian tersebut. Bendahari dok sibuk sana sini cari upti konon untuk menambah sumber tabung. Supaya UMNO bahagian banyak duit untuk bayar perkerja dan soldadu pilihanraya.

Jika ini berlaku dalam UMNO bahagian PM, ianya berlaku di tempat lain. Saya gerenti inilah yang di amalkan.

Apa yang jadi pada UMNO kita?

Berapa kali saya mahu bilang, yang UMNO nak sokong sangat Ibrahim Ali dan Perkasa ini apa hal? Orang UMNO sendiri sudah tidak boleh bercakap bagi pihak orang Melayu? Ibrahim Ali bukan ahli UMNO dan tidak mewakili orang Melayu. Jika Ibrahim Ali di anggap sebagai bercakap bagi pihak orang Melayu, ini lah hari yang paling malang. Jika Raja Ali Haji atau pendita Melayu yang lain cakap bagi pihak Melayu, itu ada standard. Tapi jika Ibrahim Ali- mana standard Melayu?

Ini tidak bermakna, kita memperkecilkan kemahiran Ibrahim Ali. Dia pakar mengembeling ramai orang turun padang. Tapi setakat itu sahajalah apresiasi saya kepada Ibrahim Ali.

Saya hanya ingin memberitahu bahawa apa yang di lakukan oleh Ibrahim Ali tidak lah unik dan suatu yang luar biasa. Bung Mokhtar, Mohd Abdul Aziz, Tajudin Rahman, Nazri Aziz boleh melakukan perkara yang serupa.
Anyone from PEMUDA UMNO pun boleh melakukan apa yang Brahim Ali lakukan. Kerana ia tidak memerlukan kapasiti minda yang luar biasa. Tapi berapa ramai yang boleh melakukan seperti Raja Ali Haji atau Tun Sri Lanang? Itulah maksud saya.

Adakah UMNO sudah tidak percaya kepada kemampuan nya untuk menjadi jurubicara orang Melayu? Mana jatidiri UMNO dan pimpinan UMNO?

Saya mahukan orang UMNO melihat sendiri betapa sedihnya keadaan UMNO hari ini. Apa sudah jadi kepada kualiti UMNO apabila UMNO memerlukan orang seperti Ibrahim Ali bercakap bagi pihak orang Melayu? Bercakap dalam nada bagaimana pula?

Mengajak orang berkelahi, bertumbuk dan tikam menikam. Orang Melayu hendak berkelahi sesama Melayu kah? Mereka masih tidak tahu hidup sesama sendiri walaupun mempunyai pandangan berbeza?

Bagi pihak Melayu macam UMNO yang Ibrahim Ali bercakap? Dan mengapa UMNO sangat takut kepada perarakan Bersih? Adakah mereka tidak percaya bahawa segala budi yang di tanam selama ini tidak di hargai oleh rakyat? Kecuali lah selama ini yang rakyat dapat adalah kulit2 roti manakala roti di baham oleh elit dan bangsawan Melayu. Nampaknya, Ibrahim Ali jadi jurucakap kepada kumpulan seperti ini.

Kualiti UMNO berada dalam tahap yang menyedihkan apabila ia hanya mampu mengekali relevance nya pada suatu kelompok orang Melayu dengan bertunjang kepada skendel seks. UMNO melakukan kesilapan yang amat besar jika menyangkakan masaalah nya selesai semua bila molakapkan Anwar Ibrahim. Cara UMNO menangani dan mengendali kes Anwar Ibrahim menunjukkan betapa rendah nya mutu pemikiran UMNO.

Anwar Ibrahim is already doomed. Peluang untuk jadi PM besar kemungkinan sudah tidak ada. Adakah rakyat negara ini boleh bernaung di bawah seorang PM yang menghabiskan 90% masa nya menangkis tuduhan salahlaku seks oleh nya? Tidak ada kerja yang akan dapat diselesaikan jika demikian. Anwar Ibrahim is already a damaged good untuk di jadikan model pimpinan.

Apa yang di lalui oleh Anwar Ibrahim sekarang sudah cukup mengurangkan kredibiliti nya sebagai pemimpin.
Namun begitu, tuah Anwar sebenarnya, seperti yang di nyatakan oleh Zaid Ibrahim terletak kepada tongong nya UMNO dalam mengendali kes nya.

Bayangkan ini. Bila Anwar Ibrahim di lokapkan, bagaimana UMNO menjustifikasikan kehadiran nya dalam ingatan orang ramai? Apa jembalang yang hendak di lawani oleh UMNO? UMNO lebih baik basuh tangan daripada melibatkan diri dalam masaalah Anwar dan biarkan Anwar lemas sendiri.

UMNO jangan berfikiran bahawa ia hanya boleh membangun dengan menjatuhkan orang lain. Jika ia berpegang kepada cara ini, maka ia terpaksa mencari dan menyungkil masaalah.

Kenalah UMNO berkerja keras untuk mencungkil skendel seks orang lain pula. Ertinya, UMNO ini menyambung hayat dan kehidupan dengan mencari dan memakan daging saudara nya sendiri . ia bergerak kehadapan bukan dengan mengangkat dan membangkitkan bangsa tapi menyibukkan diri dan tenaga kepada memperjuangkan isiu isiu picisan.

Apa sudah jadi kepada prinsip dan landasan perjuangan UMNO? UMNO ujud pada tahun 1946, membangkitkan orang Melayu menentang suatu bentuk kemungkaran. Kemungakaran tersebut muncul dalam bentuk idea suatu Malayan Union.

Ertinya, sebermula UMNO itu ujud untuk menentang segala kemungkaran. Bagaimanakah perarakan Bersih yang disertai bersama oleh majority orang Melayu boleh di samakan dengan idea Malayan Union? Malayan Union memang betul boleh mengakibatkan peminggiran bangsa Melayu, tapi bolehkah Bersih mendatangkan kesan yang serupa?

Tapi hari ini orang melayu adalah penduduk majority. Jentera kerajaan di kuasai oleh orang Melayu. Kedudukan politik orang Melayu tetap kuat. Sebab jika kita bilang, jumlah MP Melayu tetap ramai. Orang UMNO kena terima bahawa orang Melayu yang tidak berada dalam UMNO, tetap Melayu setulen yang berada dalam UMNO.

Jadi mengapa perarakan Bersih membuat UMNO gusar dan Perkasa melenting? Kepentingan siapa yang jadi terancam?

UMNO and the government are handling the Anwar Ibrahim case foolishly. Semalam kita dengar bahawa mahkamah menyatakan bahawa ia mempunyai hak untuk menayangkan video lucah yang di katakan melibatkan Anwar Ibrahim. Pihak mahkamah membela diri dan menyatakan ia memiliki hak. Dan ia telah menunjukkan akan hak tersebut dengan membenarkan pihak peguambela 3 orang tertuduh, mengistiharkan bahawa mengikut perakuan pakar, video tersebut sahih dan 99.99% actor tersebut ialah Anwar Ibrahim.

Saya tidak tahu, adakah ujudnya kaedah menunjukkan bahan bukti yang baru. Kepada saya, pihak majistret sepatutnya memberhentikan pengistiharan tersebut. Pertama ianya adalah bukti hearsay. Kita dengar nya melalui pihak ketiga dan tidak ada pihak pembela yang di benarkan untuk menghujjahi pembentangan deklarasi tersebut.

Kedua, ianya tidak releven dalam kes ini kerana, terma rujukan mahkamah ialah menghukumi kesalahan menayangkan video lucah dan memiliki video lucah. Terma rujukan mahkamah bukanlah mencari kesahihan video tersebut. You cant justify doing something that is against the law. Jika ianya bertujuan mencari kesahihan video tersebut, pihak mahkamah mesti mengadakan panel pakar untuk mendengarkan kes kesahihan video tersebut. Dan orang yang di tuduh, walau bagaimana kita benci pun, mesti di beri keadilan membela diri.

Jika ini matlamat kes tersebut, mengapa tidak di panggil pakar yang di sebut oleh peguam bela 3 serangkai tesrebut, untuk di cross examine oleh peguam si anwar Ibrahim? Pihak mahkamah sepatutnya memberhentikan cerita pelipur lara hati pimpinan UMNO yang berduka melihat kualiti parti kian menurun.

Dengan melakukan apa yang ia lakukan, apakah sebenarnya mesej yang di hantar oleh sistem keadilan negara kita? Ianya menunjukkan bahawa kita rakyat Malaysia sebetulnya berada at the mercy system keadilan negara ini dan pengamal sistem tersebut dan kita tidak ada peluang langsung untuk mendapat keadilan dan mendapat layanan merciful dari system keadilan kita. Si majistret telah mencemarkan system keadilan negara ini dengan membenarkan penceritaan perlipur lara dalam mahkamah terbuka.

Ini yang menyebabkan rakyat Malaysia dan masyarakat antarabangsa sangsi dan takut kepada system keadilan di Malaysia. Mahkamah kita, dengan membenarkan penayangan video lucah tersebut dan membenarkan penghuraian yang mengikuti nya untuk mamfaat 3 serangkai telah compromise dignity dan integrity dirinya menjadi platform untuk suatu pihak yang berkepentingan berkhutbah mengenai agenda politik. Maka itulah sebab nya, ketua 3 serangkai tersebut, seorang manusia yang bernama Rahim Tamby Chik telah dengan bangga nya mengistiharkan bahawa misi mereka, tercapai?

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

Bersih's Internet campaign kicks off

Bersih's Internet campaign kicks off


Today, Wednesday 29th of June, from 2pm-6pm, is Bersih’s day of internet activism. Our goal is to exponentially increase visible support for Bersih online, as part of our movement for a free and fair electoral system, and for a better Malaysia for all Malaysians.

We call upon all Malaysians of all backgrounds, regardless of their affiliations, to join us in helping ensure that Malaysia’s citizens will always retain the right to choose their government in a clean, democratic manner.

We hope to use democratic tools on the internet to objectively demonstrate how many Malaysians stand united behind these goals. In the first stage of our campaign, our objectives are to:
1. Reach 50,000 PicBadge Users – http://www.picbadges.com/bersih-2/1743665/
2. Get 50,000 Facebook Likes on our Official Page – http://www.facebook.com/pages/BERSIH-20-OFFICIAL/213938935311531
3. Get 10,000 followers on Twitter – http://twitter.com/bersih2

Also change your profile picture to something yellow.

The only way we will achieve these goals is if as many Malaysians as possible spread the message through their social networks – Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, and so on.

This marks the beginning of a web campaign that will last to the 9th of July and beyond, where every day from 2pm – 3pm, we will call on Malaysians to help spread the message.

On the 29th of June from 2pm to 6pm, the theme for Facebook and Twitter is to write about “Why #Bersih?” – why it’s needed, why we as individuals are choosing to walk, and why it will make Malaysia better for all Malaysians.

We call upon activists to encourage positively, avoid pressuring others, and not get drawn into unproductive arguments. Ultimately, what we need are numbers to support the cause.

Thank you all for your kind support – together we will change the country we love for the better.

Bersih 2.0 Working Committee.

- Harakahdaily

'PM and DPM's electricity bill enough to light a house for 100 years'

'PM and DPM's electricity bill enough to light a house for 100 years'

KUALA LUMPUR - Following details revealed in parliament about the high cost of maintaining the prime minister and his deputy's official residences, Rasah member of parliament Anthony Loke (pic) has done some maths to show what the sum means.

“The government paid RM160,000 for electricity and RM33,000 for water bill monthly for the official residences of prime minister and deputy prime minister.

"This is enough to pay my electricity bill for 100 years and water for 6,000 people,” he told a press conference at the parliament yesterday.

In a written reply to PAS's Rantau Panjang MP Siti Zailah Yusof, the government said some RM49 million was forked out annually to maintain the official residences now occupied by Najib Razak and Muhyiddin Yasin between 2006 and 2010.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nazri Aziz said the cost to maintain the duo's homes came to RM48,789,115.03, covering rent, renovations, electricity and water.

Giving a breakdown of the yearly costs, Nazri revealed that the rental for both buildings came to RM32,972,115.55, renovations RM3,581,744.78, electricity RM10,267,868.15 and water RM1,967,386.55.

The amount comes to an average of RM18,000 a day for the rental alone, paid by the government to Perbadanan Putrajaya.

Kota Raja MP Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud urged the government to justify the high cost of upkeeping the houses, saying it was ironic that such huge amount was spent to maintain the two houses when the government kept telling Malaysians to change their lifestyle in coping with rising prices of essential goods.

"When it comes to educating the public about savings, it should start with the leaders," she told reporters at the same press conference.

- Harakahdaily