
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 31, 2023

Khairy on radar to become next BAM president

 Khairy Jamaluddin has been linked with the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) president post.  - NSTP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Critic Datuk James Selvaraj picked former Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar as the most suitable candidate to replace Tan Sri Norza Zakaria as the new president of the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM).

Khairy and International Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz are among the names proposed for the job.

Norza will step down as BAM president later this year.

James said although Khairy and Tengku Zafrul have their expertise, the former is more suitable for the BAM top post.

"Khairy was the sports minister before, and his experience will be good for BAM if he becomes president," said James.

"He has charisma and is compatible with sports.

"Khairy is a sportsperson and knows a lot of people in the industry. We heard Norza has two or three candidates for the job. Before this, some had said former world No. 1 Lee Chong Wei was the other candidate.

"An ex-player may not have the experience as a sports administrator. It is not easy as a president must look for sponsors and handle many other matters. It is not only taking care of on-court affairs."

Tan Sri Al Amin Abdul Majid, a former BAM acting president, is also linked to the post.

Al Amin said: "It is important for the association to look for new names. I am an expired product.

"I think it is enough for me. I quit BAM many years ago. Give BAM a fresh breath of air," Al Amin, who also served as BAM deputy president. - NST

Pulai by-election: Indian voters could play significant role in outcome of the poll, says MIC veep


JOHOR BARU: The Indian community, who make up about 12% of the voters in the Pulai parliamentary constituency, are not “kingmakers” but could significantly contribute to the outcome of the by-election, says MIC.

Its vice-president Datuk M. Asojan said there were more than 20,000 Indian voters in the constituency’s 166,653 registered voters in this by-election.

Asojan however, refused to label the Indians as kingmakers.

“We cannot outright label the community as that because it depends on the voter turnout as the voters in Pulai are different from other places like Kuala Lumpur or Kedah - many in Johor are working in Singapore.

“The voter turnout in the state election was about 60% while the 15th General Election was about 70%.

“A lower turnout is usually expected for a by-election but MIC will be trying our best to convince voters, especially from the Indian community, to head out to vote,” he said after attending a meeting with the Johor Federation of Registered Indian Associations here on Thursday (Aug 31).

According to the Election Commission, the Pulai parliamentary seat has 44.18% (73,619) Malay voters, 40.46% (67,434) Chinese voters and 12.31% (20,508) Indian voters while 3.06% (5,092) are of other ethnicities.

Asojan added that MIC president Tan Sri SA Vigneswaran had also met with the party’s election machinery earlier on the same day to clear doubts and explain the need to support the unity government as well as Pakatan Harapan’s Pulai candidate Suhaizan Kayat.

“There is dissatisfaction here and there regarding recent issues, which I will not mention, but we should support Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as he has promised to solve the problems faced by the Indian community in a year’s time,” he added.

Meanwhile, MIC national education bureau chief Datuk Nelson Renganathan, in his speech at the event, urged the community to throw their support behind the Pakatan candidate for the Pulai parliamentary seat and Simpang Jeram state seat come polling day on Sept 9.

“We should help them win and once they do, we will push them to fulfil their promises,” he added.

The Pulai by-election was triggered by the demise of Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub, who aside from being the Pulai MP, was the Simpang Jeram assemblyman and Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Minister.

The Pulai constituency will see a three-cornered fight between Pakatan’s Suhaizan, Perikatan Nasional’s Zulkifli Yahya and Independent candidate Samsudin Mohamad Fauzi.

In the 15th General Election, Salahuddin had defended the seat and won with a 33,174 majority against Barisan Nasional-Umno’s Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed (31,726 votes) and Loh Kah Yong from Perikatan Nasional-Gerakan (20,677 votes). - Star

King, Queen attend high-tea reception to commemorate Lahad Datu heroes


KUALA LUMPUR: The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah graced a high-tea to commemorate police officers who died in the Lahad Datu armed incursion in 2013.

The reception was held at Istana Negara in conjunction with the National Day celebrations on Thursday (Aug 31) and was attended by 30 comrades of the eight heroes who were killed while defending the country's sovereignty from the Sulu armed terrorists.

Also present were Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, his deputy, Datuk Seri Dr Shamsul Anuar Nasarah, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain and his deputy Datuk Seri Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay.

Their Majesties spend nearly two hours at the reception and presented personal donations to the widows and relatives of the victims.

On July 31, Al-Sultan Abdullah and Tunku Azizah were visibly moved as they watched a special pantomime performance entitled "Op Daulat Kampung Simunul" that tells the story of the intrusion by Sulu terrorists in Kampung Air Sri Jaya, Simunul, in Semporna, Sabah, a decade ago.

In February 2013, the nation was rocked by news of intrusion by Sulu armed terrorists who had entered Malaysian waters in stages at Felda Sahabat, Lahad Datu.

On March 1, 2013, a shootout occurred in Kampung Tanduo in which 10 Malaysian security personnel and 68 Sulu terrorists were killed. The conflict was declared over on April 10, 2013. – Bernama

5.4-magnitude quake shakes Indonesian island


KUPANG, Indonesia (AFP): A deep, 5.4-magnitude earthquake struck the eastern Indonesian island of Timor on Thursday (Aug 31), a US monitor said, shaking residents and forcing them to flee outside but causing no reported casualties or damage.

The quake struck at a depth of around 54.6km on the northwest of Timor island near the city of Kupang at around 6.30pm local time (1030 GMT), according to the US Geological Survey.

It was strongly felt in Kupang city on Timor, an island split between Indonesian territory in the west and the sovereign state of East Timor in the east.

Residents described their houses shaking and people running outside to safety. But no damage or casualties were reported.

"The tremor was felt quite hard so I took my wife outside," said resident Elias Esi, 68.

An AFP journalist in Kupang said the quake lasted around one minute, saying "chairs were shaken and lamps inside the house were swaying".

The country's geophysics agency initially gave a higher magnitude of 6.1, before revising it down to 5.9.

Indonesia experiences frequent earthquakes due to its position on the Pacific "Ring of Fire", an arc of intense seismic activity that stretches from Japan through Southeast Asia and across the Pacific basin.

In November, a 5.6-magnitude quake hit the populous West Java province on the main island of Java, killing 602 people. - Star

Two men nabbed for insulting royal institutions on social media


PETALING JAYA: Two men have been arrested for allegedly insulting royal institutions on social media.

Bukit Aman CID director Comm Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain said that two cases being investigated by its Special Investigation Unit led to one arrest each.

"In the first case, a 41-year-old Facebook user who operated the Flat Earth Malaysia account was arrested in Kampung Sungai Kati in Perak following posts that were found to have insulted the Johor royal institution.

"The second case saw the arrest of a 47-year-old that operated the Iman Mustaqim account on Facebook in Langkap, Perak after allegedly uploading content that insulted the Sultan of Selangor," he said in a statement on Thursday (Aug 31)

Both suspects have been remanded for three days until Sept 2.

He added that social media users should refrain from uploading any statements that could disrupt harmony and unity, especially on race, religion and royalty (3R) issues. - Star

‘Malaysian Malaysia’ tak langgar prinsip Perlembagaan, kata pemimpin DAP


Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat DAP Sheikh Omar Ali berkata isu membabitkan slogan “Malaysian Malaysia” lebih berbentuk serangan politik untuk beri imej dan gambaran buruk terhadap DAP, dan juga PH dan kerajaan perpaduan. (Gambar Twitter)

PETALING JAYA: Seorang pemimpin DAP mempertahankan slogan “Malaysian Malaysia” dalam perlembagaan parti itu dan mendakwa konsep itu tidak melanggar dengan mana-mana prinsip dalam Perlembagaan negara.

Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat DAP Sheikh Omar Ali berkata atas faktor itu, semangat “Malaysian Malaysia” tidak harus dilihat sebagai ancaman kepada budaya dan agama masyarakat berbilang kaum di negara ini.

“Tidak ada masalah ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ kerana semangat itu semangat sama dalam Perlembagaan negara. Bahasa, keistimewaan Melayu, agama dan sebagainya sudah muktamad dalam perlembagaan.

“Kita (DAP) iktiraf Malaysia negara berbilang kaum dan perpaduan antara kaum adalah antara ramuan kejayaan negara,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan.

Katanya, penubuhan DAP juga sah dari sudut pendaftaran pertubuhan dan Perlembagaan serta tak bercanggah dengan mana mana peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan dan semangat rukun negara.

“Sehingga hari ini DAP masih bergerak sebagai parti politik sah dan menyertai PRU,” katanya kepada FMT.

Terdahulu, Presiden PAS Hadi Awang dalam satu kenyataan di Facebook hari ini berkata parti itu membatalkan kerjasama dengan DAP sebelum ini kerana DAP mahu PAS tunduk kepada prinsip sekularisme yang menjadi perlembagaannya, serta konsep “Malaysian Malaysia”.

Semalam, Ahli Majlis Kerja Tertinggi Umno, Nur Jazlan Mohamed menggesa DAP menggugurkan slogan “Malaysian Malaysia” daripada perlembagaan parti itu jika mahu mendapat sokongan pengundi Melayu.

Katanya, orang Melayu tidak menyokong DAP disebabkan agenda negara sekularnya, yang bercanggah prinsip Islam dan Melayu.

Naib pengerusi DAP Johor itu berkata, isu berkait slogan “Malaysian Malaysia” tidak lain hanya digunakan sebagai sasaran politik lawan yang ingin memberikan gambaran buruk terhadap DAP dan gabungan Pakatan Harapan (PH).

“Ianya lebih berbentuk serangan politik untuk beri imej dan gambaran buruk terhadap DAP, dan juga PH dan kerajaan perpaduan secara keseluruhannya,” katanya. - FMT

To our leaders, ‘Selamat Merdeka, selamatkan merdeka’


In Malaysia, members of the executive, legislature and judiciary take an Oath upon their appointment to the various high posts which they hold, usually swearing in the name of the Almighty to preserve, protect and defend our Federal Constitution.

If an inquisitive child of any age was asked to do the same, he or she would most likely first want to know the meaning and purpose of the Oath before even considering whether to do as instructed.

If asked to explain the Oath, I would say that it tells you what you must do, must not do and have to do.

As for what you must do, I would say this.

  • You must administer the country without abusing your power, making sure that the rule of law is sustained according to the terms set out in the constitution.
  • That means giving priority to fundamental rights, human rights obligations under the international conventions, and social justice, but without imposing your own personal religious beliefs and dogmas on others.
  • As a top priority, you must when administering the country also make sure that the public is treated with candour, courtesy and fairness by all government agencies.

So, if politicians who have taken the Oath make statements in breach of their oath of office, the legal industry, the guardians of the rule of law, must take out an injunction to stop them from uttering such words.

Alternatively, it must direct the public to lodge a report with the appropriate enforcement agencies so that action can be taken under the penal laws of the land.

As for what they must not do, I will say that they must not legislate or amend the constitution in breach of its constitutional framework, and that no legislation must be enacted arbitrarily. Instead, all laws passed must prioritise reasonableness and proportionality.

Legislators must also refrain from legislating to make judges throw offenders into prison for non-violent crimes without first considering alternative options such as a fine, community service, or, in serious cases e.g. corruption, the confiscation of the property of the corrupt or corruptor, whether partly or wholly.

If asked what they must do, I will simply say that they must administer the country according to the purposes for which the public joined hands 66 years ago now to secure Merdeka on the terms and conditions set out in the licence so magnanimously given by the Malay Rulers and their subjects to the three branches of government – the executive, legislature and judiciary – under the terms set out in the Federal Constitution.

If all government leaders adhere to the above, Malaysia will surely be a successful and peace-loving nation which all Malaysians, irrespective of race or religious persuasion, will be able to call their home.

To all leaders of this beautiful nation, SELAMAT MERDEKA.

SELAMATKAN MERDEKA by doing the right thing per your oath of office and by observing the Rukun Negara. - FMT

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

MP slams Dr M’s ‘seditious’ call to abolish vernacular schools


Sungai Buloh MP R Ramanan urged former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad to stop making inflammatory statements. (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: Malaysian Indian Transformation Unit (Mitra) special taskforce committee chairman R Ramanan has slammed Dr Mahathir Mohamad over the former prime minister’s call to shut down vernacular schools.

Mahathir, who had previously claimed that the vernacular school system had divided the country, yesterday said abolishing such schools would be the best way to reduce the racial divide.

Describing Mahathir’s call as “seditious”, Ramanan urged the veteran politician to stop making “inflammatory statements which bring no value to national unity”.

“It is not vernacular schools that cause national disunity. It is politicians like Mahathir,” said the Sungai Buloh MP in a statement.

“Mahathir has chosen to see everything from a racial angle to ensure he is in the news.

“At 98 (years old), he should play the role of bringing Malaysians together instead of creating division.”

The PKR deputy information chief urged Mahathir to visit vernacular schools to see how their programmes and syllabus contribute to nation-building.

In an Utusan Malaysia report yesterday, Mahathir said that one of the best ways to close the racial divide is through education and abolishing vernacular schools was among the measures that could be taken to achieve this goal.

He also claimed there were “certain races” who refused to enrol their children in national schools as they were akin to religious schools.

However, he said, even if the situation improved in national schools, ethnic minorities would still avoid enrolling their children in them.

Last year, a High Court in Kota Bharu ruled that vernacular schools were constitutional. - FMT

Johor BN concerned supporters may look for 'dacing' on polling day

JOHOR BY-ELECTIONS | Johor BN today conceded that not all of its members are fully in tune with the fact that the party is now partners with Pakatan Harapan.

Umno vice-president Mohamed Khaled Nordin said there are concerns that supporters would be looking for BN’s scales (dacing) logo on the ballot paper when Simpang Jeram and Pulai go to the polls on Sept 9.

He also expressed concerns that voters may “waste” their ballots by voting for those who seek to replace Umno-BN.

“They (BN supporters) need to consider where their votes will go. 

“These are the matters we are currently dealing with by providing them with an understanding so that they won’t be confused (on polling day).

“We are afraid that (on polling day), some might be searching (for the BN candidate) but there won’t be any BN symbol to vote for,” Khaled (above) told a group of voters after a walkabout programme in Taman Jeram Mulia, Muar, today.

He said the BN machinery is hence actively trying to engage with Umno-BN supporters and members to explain the current political realities to them, and get them to vote for Umno-BN’s partners.

‘We won’t exploit religion’

Meanwhile, Khaled also questioned Perikatan Nasional’s rhetoric urging voters to support candidates from Islamic parties because they are more clean and fair

“How do they know that (the Harapan’s Simpang Jeram candidate) Nazri Abdul Rahman cannot perform his duties and is unfair... who are they to say this person is Islamic, that person is more Islamic?

“We are all Muslims but we do not want to exploit religion for the purpose of achieving our political goals. Because we are not willing to do that. Unlike PAS,” he said.

Nazri is from Amanah, which is an Islamic party that splintered from PAS.

He is facing PAS central committee member Mohd Mazri Yahya from PN and independent candidate S Jeganathan.

The Simpang Jeram state seat and the Pulai parliamentary seat were vacated after its incumbent Salahuddin Ayub died last month.

Polling is on Sept 9. - Mkini

Using race, religion to gain political support not good - Abang Johari


The attitude of certain leaders who are willing to play up the issue of race and religion to gain political backing is not good for the country, especially when Malaysia is facing various global challenges, said Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Openg.

He said this was because such desperate action could split the unity of the multi-racial community and distract the country from focusing on using all its resources to implement comprehensive development.

"In conjunction with this year's National Day celebrations, let us all strive to understand that the country's interests should prevail over everything else.

"The country needs a strong government to shoulder the responsibility of planning a clear economic direction towards making Malaysia a high-income nation so that we understand the true meaning of independence,” he said.

Abang Johari said this in his speech at the 2023 Sarawak-level 66th National Day celebration at the Mukah Polytechnic Hall in Mukah today.

He said Malaysia has diversified its economy from agriculture and commodity to an economy driven by manufacturing and services to become the leading electric and electronic goods exporter.

He said that based on the World Bank report, the country's economic growth has averaged around 5.4 percent since 2010.

Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Openg

Not complacent

The country is expected to transition from an upper middle-income economy to a high-income economy by 2024.

"However, we must not be complacent and continue to 'bicker’ with one another because that will tend to take us towards division in terms of differences in religion and race or in terms of region.

"If we are suspicious of one another and are busy 'fighting’ as the late Tok Nan (Adenan Satem) said, then all our energy and thoughts will only be focused on defeating our rivals,” he said.

As such, Abang Johari said the appreciation of the struggles of former leaders is not just chanting the slogan "Merdeka” but to continue strengthening the spirit of unity and the spirit of mutual respect between the races.

This will see the country move forward with confidence and courage towards becoming a respected nation in this region and the world, he said.

Regarding Sarawak's economic growth, Abang Johari said the region's income had increased one and a half times to RM12 billion last year.

The World Bank has also recognised Sarawak as a high-income state with a Gross National Income per capita of RM61,442 or US$13,205.

"However, we are not totally happy with this achievement because the people's household income stood at RM4,978 in 2022, it has yet to reach the national level,” he said.

- Bernama