
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Caruman siling gaji baharu dikuatkuasa mulai 1 Sept, menurut Perkeso


Perkeso berkata, caruman terpakai bagi pekerja bergaji melebihi RM4,000 sebulan seperti dalam Akta 4 dan Akta 800. (Gambar Bernama)

PETALING JAYA: Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (Perkeso) akan menguatkuasakan siling gaji baharu bagi caruman daripada RM4,000 kepada RM5,000 sebulan, mulai 1 September ini, kata Ketua Eksekutifnya, Mohammed Azman Aziz Mohammed.

Jelas Azman, langkah itu bagi menambah baik liputan keselamatan sosial Perkeso menerusi peningkatan kadar bayaran faedah sedia ada sehingga 25.3%.

“Faedah itu seperti Faedah Hilang Upaya Sementara (FHUS), Faedah Hilang Upaya Kekal (FHUK), Faedah Orang Tanggungan (FOT), Pencen Penakat dan Pencen Ilat di bawah Akta 4 serta Elaun Mencari Pekerjaan (EMP), Elaun Pendapatan Berkurangan (EPB) dan Elaun Bekerja Semula Awal (EBSA) di bawah Akta 800.

“Mulai September ini, amaun caruman akan terpakai bagi pekerja yang bergaji melebihi RM4,000 sebulan adalah seperti dinyatakan dalam Jadual Ketiga, Akta 4 dan Jadual Kedua, Akta 800. Pekerja bergaji melebihi RM5,000 sebulan, amaun caruman mengikut had siling gaji RM5,000,” katanya menurut Berita Harian.

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Azman berkata, penguatkuasaan siling gaji baharu untuk caruman skim itu juga selaras pindaan kepada Akta Keselamatan Sosial Pekerja 1969 (Akta 4) dan Akta Sistem Insurans Pekerjaan 2017 (Akta 800).

“Oleh itu, bayaran caruman bagi September ini dan seterusnya perlu dibuat majikan mengikut pindaan had siling gaji baharu.

“Majikan diminta mencatatkan jumlah potongan caruman dalam penyata atau slip gaji pekerja masing-masing, bagi tujuan rekod dan aktiviti pemeriksaan oleh Perkeso,” katanya.

Katanya lagi, dijangka seramai 1.5 juta pekerja atau hampir 19% daripada keseluruhan pencarum di seluruh negara terbabit dalam peningkatan siling gaji ini yang merangkumi pekerja tempatan dan asing.

“Sejak penubuhannya pada 1971 hingga kini, peningkatan siling gaji ini sudah dilaksanakan sebanyak lima kali oleh Perkeso.

“Langkah ini dilaksanakan sejajar usaha berterusan agensi ini ke arah menyediakan perlindungan sosial yang lebih komprehensif kepada pencarum dan orang tanggungannya,” katanya. - FMT

How did Musang King farm start without an EIA, Baling flood victims ask

 This file pic dated July 6, 2022, shows the water catchment area at the Musang King plantation at Gunung Inas in Baling. - Pic courtesy of NST reader.

BALING: The victims of the July 4 floods in Kupang here want to know how the Musang King farm on Gunung Inas was allowed to start without an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report.

Iboi Charitable Organisation chairman Dr Syuhaimi Zakaria raised the matter today during a gathering with some 300 people from 13 villages in Kupang at Kampung Iboi, ground zero for the disaster.

"We demand that the government release a clear chronology of the development of the Musang King farm: from the initial approval for logging, to the development of 'ladang rakyat' in parcels A and B, which comprises seven compartments, until the Musang King farm was cultivated.

"All the processes, from the project approval, EIA report, monitoring, logging revenues earned by the state and the private entities involved," he said while reading out a memorandum of demand by the villagers at the gathering.

Some 300 people from 13 villages in Kupang sub-district gathered in Kampung Iboi today to voice their demand for a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the July 4 destructive floods that ravaged 43 villages in Baling – Pic by  Adie Zulkifli

Some 300 people from 13 villages in Kupang sub-district gathered in Kampung Iboi today to voice their demand for a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the July 4 destructive floods that ravaged 43 villages in Baling – Pic by Adie Zulkifli

Dr Syuhaimi said it was mind boggling that the Musang King farm was not shut down despite failing to have an EIA since the development started in 2017.

The New Straits Times today reported that the Environment and Water Ministry found that the Musang King farm had flouted environmental laws.

The operator might have flouted several EIA guidelines approved for a Timber Latex Clone (LTC) forest farming project, which was initially slated for the site.

This includes building reservoirs on top of the Gunung Inas, which flouted a ban on development on slopes above 25 degrees and on land at elevations higher than the 1,000m above the mean sea level.

The farm also failed to plant vegetation to cover ground exposer from logging.

A source said the report was based on the detailed EIA report for the TLC project's sighted by the NST.

Department of Environment director-general Wan Abdul Latiff Wan Jaffar had said the company had started the Musang King farm without an EIA.

He said the company had only submitted an EIA studies application to the department two weeks before the July 4 disaster.

Wan Abdul Latiff also said the department was probing the farm under the Environmental Quality Act 1974.

Villagers in Kampung Iboi and Kupang had been calling on the state government to demolish the reservoirs and shut down the Musang King farm for fear that they would lead to water surges during heavy rain.

However, Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor had rebuffed the pleas, saying that agencies under the Energy and Natural Resources Ministry had concluded that the floods were an geological disaster and the Musang King farm had not contributed to them.

He said the reservoirs could not be demolished as "they were owned" by the company.

Dr Syuhaimi said the villagers reiterated their call for the Musang King farm to be shut down.

"The farm should be replaced by tree species that are allowed by the Forestry Department," he said.

He said the vilagers also demanded that a halt to development on sites that sloped more than 25 degrees and higher than 1,000m above mean sea level.

"About 70 per cent of the Gunung Inas topography is made of steep slopes. The river basin buffer zones and water catchment areas must be protected from any development," he said, referring to the memorandum.

Dr Syuhaimi also reiterated their call for the state to restore Gunung Inas's status as a permanent forest reserve site.

He called on the Musang King farm to rehabilitate sites that were heavily damaged by heavy rain and floods, as they posed a danger to the villages below.

The villagers also demanded that the authorities consult them for future development on Gunung Inas.

"This is because for every negative impact that occurred from previous developments, we (the villagers) are suffering while the projects reap millions of ringgit in profits for the logging companies," he said. - NST

Pageant participants, teachers pay visit to poor pupil who skipped school due to teasing

  -  Photo by Paul Mu.

PAPAR: A 9-year-old girl was emotionally traumatised when she was teased by people about the dilapidated house where she lived with her family.

It affected her so much that the Year 3 pupil from SK Sacred Heart Biau has skipped school for the past two months.

Her school teachers, however, did not give up on her.

Today, they joined forces with a group from the 2022 Miss Merdeka Pageant to pay a visit to the girl and her family to bring some gifts and cheer.

SK Sacred Heart Biau headmaster Sam Louyoh had tried repeatedly to persuade the pupil to return to school since she began missing classes in June this year.

He said the girl had been too embarrassed after being constantly teased at school for living in a dilapidated house at Kampung Biau here.

"The school is always open to welcoming her back because it is important for her to complete her education to have a brighter future," said Sam.

He has also talked with the girl's mother, and is looking into arranging for a bus service to send her daughter to and from school.

The school's Parent-Teacher Association vice-president Rujilin Rose David said they had also raised some funds and bought some goodies for the girl's family, who are living in abject poverty.

The donation drive was initiated by the participants of the Miss Merdeka 2022. They are carrying out charity projects to help the poor.

Pageant participant Luastipah Harajan met with the girl today to chat and spend time with her.

"I also came from a poor family in Pitas. If you continue schooling, you can go further and become a role model for others.

"If you don't go to school, you will not be able to achieve your dreams. You must fight your shyness and fear," she told the little one.

The pageant participants also cheered up the girl with a teddy bear.

Some of her schoolmates presented a bracelet to show their friendship. One of them admitted to noticing how withdrawn the girl had been.

"My friend (the girl) was always alone in school because she was too shy to make friends," she said.

Meanwhile, the girl's mother, a homemaker, appreciated the contributions by the school teachers.

She said she was thankful that the teachers always came to the house to give her some words of encouragement.

"I've tried everything. I want to thank the teachers for their patience and for never giving up on my daughter. They know my daughter is poor in reading."

The mother said her husband works as a garbage collector.

"My husband works irregular hours and sometimes he would finish work late. That's why it had been hard to pick up my daughter from school on time."

Things may be looking up, though.

When the New Straits Times covered the group's visit to the girl's house and met with her and her family, the girl said she felt happy with the concern shown by the teachers and her visitors.

She promised to return to school to study hard so that she can achieve her ambition to work in the banking sector. - NST

Cops force rogue drone to land during National Day parade


KUALA LUMPUR: Despite warnings from the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM), an errant drone was detected and forced to land by the police during the National Day parade.

Dang Wangi OCPD Asst Comm Noor Dellhan Yahaya confirmed the matter when contacted.

"One drone was made to do a forced landing by the police during the National Day celebrations at Dataran Merdeka.

"This is one of the safety duties for the celebrations by Kuala Lumpur police and was assisted by the Police Air Wing," he said.

On Monday (Aug 29), CAAM said that the move to ban drones was to avoid any untoward incident that would involve public safety or increase the risk of accidents involving Royal Malaysian Air Force aircraft flying in low formation in the area.

A total of 68 assets were exhibited during the air show by the Navy, Air Force, Bomba, Public Defence Force, and Royal Malaysian Police Force. - Star

PRU15: Umno Kelantan sasar 35 DUN, 9 Parlimen, kata Jazlan


Ketua Umno Kelantan, Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub berkata senarai nama calon akan diserahkan kepada presiden parti bulan depan.

PETALING JAYA: Umno Kelantan mensasarkan untuk menang di 35 kerusi DUN dan sembilan kerusi Parlimen di negeri itu pada pilihan raya Umum ke-15 (PRU15), kelak.

Ketua Umno Kelantan, Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub berkata, sasaran itu tidak mustahil sekiranya mereka bekerja keras.

“Kalau orang kata kita bercita-cita besar, tidak mengapa kerana setiap perkara perlu dimulakan dengan cita-cita. Insya Allah kita memperoleh sasaran berkenaan.

“Untuk kerusi Parlimen juga tidak mustahil memandangkan pada PRU-11 iaitu pada 2004, kita pernah memperoleh kemenangan sembilan kerusi Parlimen,” katanya menurut Berita Harian.

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Mengulas lanjut, Ahmad Jazlan yang juga Ahli Parlimen Machang berkata, pihaknya juga sedang menyenaraikan calon untuk PRU15 sebelum diserahkan kepada Presiden Umno Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, bulan depan.

“Calon yang akan dikemukakan kali ini adalah kombinasi calon baharu dan lama membabitkan pelbagai latar belakang.

“Kita akan pastikan calon yang dikemukakan nanti adalah layak dan mendapat sokongan daripada pengundi. Selain orang muda atau muka baharu, calon wanita juga diberi peluang untuk bertanding.

“Senarai calon berkenaan akan diserahkan ketika saya mengadakan pertemuan dengan presiden parti bulan depan,” katanya.

Justeru, beliau merayu kepada rakyat Kelantan supaya memberi peluang kepada Umno untuk membuktikan mereka mampu melakukan lebih baik berbanding pemerintahan sedia ada.

“Saya beri jaminan akan melakukan lebih baik supaya manfaat semaksimum mungkin dikecapi oleh rakyat, malah apa perkara baik yang dilakukan PAS juga akan diteruskan,” katanya. - FMT

PM will uphold rule of law, separation of powers, says Annuar


Communications and multimedia minister Annuar Musa says no one can force the prime minister to do something not in line with the rule of law. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob will not give in to pressure to go against the rule of law and separation of powers, said communications and multimedia minister Annuar Musa.

The Ketereh MP said anybody is free to give their opinion, but Ismail would be firm in upholding integrity and the principle of separation of powers.

“The government is steadfast in prioritising integrity (at all times).

“No one can force the prime minister to do something not in line with the rule of law, the separation of powers, and the integrity of the ‘Malaysian family’ government,” The Star quoted him as saying after the National Day celebrations at Dataran Merdeka.

Annuar said that if people wanted something different from what the government was doing, then “justice is not being done”.

He was asked to comment on a report on the purported resignation of Pengerang MP Azalina Othman Said as a special adviser to the prime minister.

Earlier, Azalina confirmed in a Facebook post that she was still Ismail’s special adviser on law and human rights.

This came after Sinar Harian, quoting a source, reported that the Umno Supreme Council member had tendered her resignation from the position yesterday.

Azalina’s statement came four days after she took a veiled dig at Ismail over the retention of Idrus Harun as the attorney-general (AG).

At a special briefing organised by Umno on Saturday after the imprisonment of former prime minister Najib Razak, she spoke about the “wide-ranging and unquestionable powers” of an AG, and that whoever became the prime minister would appoint “one of their own” to the position.

Her remarks drew flak from DAP’s Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham, Bersatu vice-president Radzi Jidin and PAS Youth chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari, who said they contradicted her earlier calls for reforms in the Attorney-General’s Chambers and proved that Umno and Barisan Nasional controlled civil servants.

Thomas Fann of electoral reform group Bersih also criticised her for the comments and reiterated the need for an independent public prosecutor free of influence from the executive branch of government. - FMT

Remains of 4 Kota Tinggi crash victims buried


The remains of Suti Yahaya, his wife Siti Jamaliah Mohd Yatim, their son Nur Firman Hadi Abdul Rahman, and their nine-month-old baby Nurfatihah Jannah were laid to rest at the Felda Pasir Raja Muslim cemetery. (Bernama pic)

KOTA TINGGI: The remains of four family members who were killed in a collision on Jalan Kampung Semanggar Dalam here yesterday were laid to rest at Felda Pasir Raja Muslim cemetery today.

The remains of Suti Yahaya, 39, his wife, Siti Jamaliah Mohd Yatim, 27, and their nine-month-old baby Nurfatihah Jannah were buried in a single grave at about 5.30pm.

Their son, Nur Firman Hadi Abdul Rahman, five, was buried separately in accordance with SOPs following his positive diagnosis for Covid-19.

Earlier, Suti, Siti Jamaliah and Nurfatihah Jannah’s remains were taken to the Jamek al-Sharif Mosque at Felda Pasir Raja for funeral prayers.

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The couple is survived by a daughter, Nur Suzila, eight, who is now under the care of Siti Jamaliah’s mother, Rosni Sintingan, 53.

The couple and their two children were killed in the 1.20pm incident after the motorcycle they were riding on collided with a trailer. - FMT

DNB to conclude 5G agreements with 4 telcos


5G coverage has currently reached about 30% of populated areas and is on track to achieve the 80% target by 2024.

KUALA LUMPUR: Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) said the execution of share subscription agreements (SSAs) with mobile network operators (MNOs) will be concluded soon.

It said although the SSAs were finalised and ready to be executed by six MNOs on Aug 30, there was a last-minute change in the decision by two of them.

“One of them decided not to proceed, while the other has not responded, despite their confirmation to participate earlier,” the state-owned 5G agency said in a statement.

Accordingly, it said, revisions to the transaction documents (SSAs and shareholder agreement) needed to be made to allow equity subscription by four MNOs instead of six, which consequently require further internal approvals from the four MNOs.

DNB said the four MNOs remain interested, and it was envisaged that the equity participation process would progress to completion with them.

However, discussions on the 5G access agreements were progressing with all six MNOs under a separate and independent track, it added.

“DNB is committed to ensure that the 5G network and infrastructure will continue to be deployed on an accelerated basis,” the statement said.

5G coverage has currently reached about 30% of populated areas and is on track to achieve the 80% target by 2024.

The six MNOs are Maxis, U Mobile, Celcom Axiata, Digi Telecommunications, YTL Communications, and Telekom Malaysia.

Maxis and U Mobile do not plan to take stakes in DNB, media reports quoting sources said today. - FMT

AG must resign over letter to judge, says Puad


Umno Supreme Council member Puad Zarkashi said the letter to the judge was proof that the judicial system could be manipulated. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: Umno Supreme Council member Puad Zarkashi has called on Attorney-General Idrus Harun to resign over a controversial letter issued by his office to the High Court.

Puad said the letter was proof that the country’s judicial system could be manipulated.

“The letter must be thoroughly investigated and the AG must resign,” he said on Facebook.

Earlier this week, a letter dated Aug 29 authored by deputy public prosecutor (DPP) Abdul Malik Ayob to judge Collin Lawrence Sequerah’s secretary went viral.

In the letter, Malik had said he was instructed to ask Sequerah to prioritise Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s corruption trial over former prime minister Najib Razak’s 1MDB trial, which the judge is also presiding over. Malik has since retracted the letter.

Yesterday, Sequerah said no one could dictate what case was to be given priority in the Kuala Lumpur High Court.

In his Facebook post today, Puad claimed there were attempts to manipulate the judiciary and undermine the government.

“There must be a conspiracy at the highest level,” he said without naming anyone.

Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim was reported as saying yesterday that Chief Justice Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat must call on Idrus to show cause why he should not face contempt of court proceedings over the letter, despite its retraction.

He told FMT that Tengku Maimun must also seek an explanation from the DPP who wrote the letter.

He said the specific nature of the request was “alarming” and was a clear show of “political interference in the judiciary”. - FMT

Explain impact of delayed 5G tower rollout, says MP


The government said discussions with the six telcos taking stakes in Digital Nasional Bhd were progressing well and they were set to meet the deadline. (Reuters pic)

PETALING JAYA: A PKR MP has demanded both the finance and communications and multimedia ministers to explain the impact of Digital Nasional Bhd’s (DNB) delayed 5G tower rollout.

Lembah Pantai MP Fahmi Fadzil questioned the potential repercussions of such a delay, asking, “What effect do these delays have, for example, on contracts signed by DNB? Will it have any effect on equity owners?”

In a statement, Fahmi pointed out that DNB’s rollout should have reached 4,500 towers by now but only about half of that sum was ready.

“This does not take into account the installation of fibre to the towers,” he added.

He also said at least two major telcos still did not trust the Single Wholesale Network (SWN), proposed by the finance and communications and multimedia ministries, through DNB.

He was citing a Reuters report, which quoted sources as saying that Maxis Bhd and U Mobile did not plan to take up stakes in a state-owned 5G agency.

The report detailed how two sources said that neither telco could see any benefit of being minority shareholders in DNB, but stated that both firms still wanted to negotiate access to DNB’s 5G network.

This comes in the wake of communications and multimedia minister Annuar Musa saying, on Saturday, that discussions with the six telcos taking stakes in DNB were progressing well and they were set to meet the deadline, with the six telcos signing the deals on Aug 31. - FMT

Untuk Semua Sekolah Menengah / To All Secondary Schools : ASTI LEAP CHALLENGE



*ASTI Leap Challenge (ALC)*

ASTI Leap Challenge (ALC) is a programme for secondary school students aged 14 to 16 years old. ALC is designed to help students develop their creative and critical thinking as well as problem-solving skills. In addition, it also helps to develop the participants’ ability to face problems in their daily lives and solve them on their own.

For ALC, schools are required to conduct 3 trainings - Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Design & Innovative Thinking respectively and a competition for students. Students need to form teams of 3 – 5 pupils to participate.

For more information about ALC, please visit the link provided:


*Registration is open now.*

Best Regards,

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

Majulah Indonesia


Siapa Yang Mengarah Hakim Untuk Mempercepatkan Perbicaraan Ahmad Zahid Hamidi?


Cuma ada 4 orang sahaja yang boleh mengarah hakim: iaitu Perdana Menteri, Ketua Hakim Negara, Peguam Negara, dan Pendakwa Raya Kanan.


Flood affected villagers in Baling urge govt to set up RCI

Villagers affected by the flood in Kupang, Baling have urged the government to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the tragedy in Kampung Iboi on July 4, which claimed three lives and damaged more than 1,000 houses.

They also insisted that all paperwork, approval letters, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports, agreements, logging results for private developers and the state, and reports from agencies involved be made public.

Their spokesperson Hamirudin Hasan said the villagers and flood victims have the right to know all the facts because they are the ones who have suffered from development.

“We do not reject forest development and logging, because we understand that it is also one of the sources of money for government that will eventually return to the people. But let the development that is carried out be sustainable and take care of the natural ecosystem and society.

“We are against all development whose results are only for those who are selected, while the people and the community suffer.

“We strongly urge the experts who have issued reports on the cause of floods to guarantee in the future to properly investigate before issuing reports that can mislead the public,” Hamirudin said during the “Liberating Gunung Inas” gathering today.

The gathering which ended at 5pm aims to present a memorandum to state and federal governments.

Representatives from Kampung Iboi, Kampung Bukit Iboi, Kampung Bendang Bechah, Kampung Hangus, Kampung Tanjung, Kampung Sadek. Kampung Kuala Kuang, Kampung Sineyek, Pekan Kupang, Kampung Masjid, Iboi, Kampung Bok Bak, Kampung Pisang, Taman Mesra Kupang and Kampung Jerai attended the event.

Be proactive and transparent

The villagers also urged the government to completely stop the cultivation of the Musang King durian farm project and replace it with a tree species allowed by the Forestry Department.

They also want the Forestry Department, together with the Environment Department, to be more proactive and transparent in monitoring and permitting the development of the Gunung Inas forest reserve.

They added that Gunung Inas is a catchment area and the source of drinking water for several villagers and the catchment area must always be protected without any compromise.

Hamirudin said they will hand over the memorandum to Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor, Baling MP Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim and Bayu, Kupang and Kuala Ketil state assemblypersons.

“We want the government to return the status of the Musang King durian farm to the Gunung Inas permanent forest reserve. This is to ensure that the natural balance in the settlement area remains guaranteed,” he added.

Hamirudin said they also want the government to stop all forest development in areas with slopes exceeding 25 degrees and heights exceeding 1,000 feet. This is because 70 percent of the mountainous area is a sloped area.

The buffer zone of the river basin and catchment area for the watershed must be fully protected from any interference by human hands in the name of development, Hamirudin said.

He added that the villagers also want the government to expedite the repair of infrastructure that has collapsed and been severely damaged as a result of flood debris such as bridges, roads, drains, clean water sources and residents' sewage systems.

“Upgrade the water catchment ponds to guarantee cleaner and safer water facilities for the villagers. Since the logging project and the planting of Musang King durian, the residents have had a very dirty water supply that is not suitable for their daily use. Gazette the water catchment area to ensure that no logging will be carried out in the future.

“We also urge the state government to immediately approve the grant of permanent title to the owners of agricultural land in compartment 8 which has been delayed for so long, as promised by the state government since 2012,” he said.

Hamirudin added that these lands have been cultivated by the villagers for more than 60 years but have not yet received the status of permanent ownership by the state government.

He said the landowners here have spent a lot of money to measure in detail the lands that have been cultivated with the consent of the Kedah Forestry Department in 2012 but the state government has yet to solve this matter.

“We want the Forestry Department to react on the matter but it continues to take a silent approach and let go of what has happened. Therefore, we would like to demand that this matter be resolved immediately.” - Mkini