
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 31, 2014

Mahathir Terkedu Apabila Tembelangnya Pecah..

Pembabitan Tun Mahathir Mohamed dalam gerakan menjatuhkan Datuk Seri Najib Razak bukan sesuatu yang menghairankan kerana sejarah membuktikan perkara sama pernah berlaku ketika era bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tun Musa Hitam. 

Penulis buku politik, Shahbudin Husin, berkata tindakan menjatuhkan pemimpin yang tidak sebulu dengannya adalah perkara biasa bagi Mahathir, bahkan membuat penafian juga sudah sebati dalam gerak kerja politiknya selama ini. 

Beliau berkata, perkara sama turut menimpa beberapa bekas pemimpin terkemuka Umno sebelum ini antaranya Tun Ghafar Baba, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi selepas disingkirkan Mahathir.

Ketika hubungan tidak mesranya dengan Musa dihidu ramai pada awal 1980-an dulu, Mahathir beberapa kali menafikannya, bahkan beliau juga kerap menunjukkan sifat mesranya di depan umum dengan bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu. 

“Begitu juga dengan Anwar apabila beliau sering menafikan hubungan renggang mereka dan berulang kali menegaskan Anwar adalah penggantinya,bahkan sehari sebelum pemecatan Anwar ,pada 2 September 1998, beliau sekali lagi menafikan hubungan mereka bermasalah. 

“Namun ,akhirnya Anwar bukan saja dipecat, bahkan juga dimalu, diaibkan dan dihantar ke penjara seperti tidak pernah bersahabat baik serta duduk makan semeja sebelum itu. 

Tetapi itulah Mahathir, apa yang dinafikan selalu yang dilakukannya,” katanya di dalam blog. Shahbudin berkata, gerakan untuk menggulingkan Najib yang dikaitkan dengan Mahathir bukan lagi rahsia Umno berikutan beberapa blogger pro-bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia keempat itu semakin giat meningkatkan serangan dan kritikan terhadap Najib.

Beliau berkata, desakan supaya Najib segera berundur daripada jawatannya sebagai Perdana Menteri adalah bagi mengelakkan Barisan Nasional (BN) hilang kuasa dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU-14) nanti. 

Katanya, selain Datuk A Kadir Jasin; bekas Menteri Kewangan, Tun Daim Zainuddin juga secara terbuka mengkritik kelemahan Najib, sambil mengingatkan bahawa BN akan tumbang jika pilihan raya akan datang diadakan dalam suasana seperti yang ada kini. 

“Kritikan terbuka Daim segera dikaitkan dengan Mahathir berikutan mereka mempunyai hubungan rapat yang kekal sehingga ke hari ini dan dikatakan selalu bertemu untuk berbincang berkenaan isu politik semasa. 

“Walaupun menafikan berada di belakang gerakan mahu menjatuhkan Najib, beliau pada masa sama mulai kritis terhadap Najib dengan mengkritik sikap bermewah kerajaan dan menyokong kenyataan Daim dengan menyatakan pandangan bekas Menteri Kewangan itu ada asas dan kebenarannya. 

“Mahathir juga seperti menyindir Perdana Menteri bahawa pemimpin sekarang lebih mengutamakan mencari kekayaan berbanding memberi khidmat kepada rakyat. Siapa pemimpin sekarang yang ghairah mencari kekayaan kalau bukan Najib dan keluarganya?” katanya. ~selangorku


GEMPAR !!! Hidangan 'telanjang' dalam penerbangan MAS

SIAPA yang tak kenal chef selebriti terkemuka Malaysia, Chef Wan? haa.. ni BF nak bagitau korang semua...

Bukan sahaja ‘otai’ dalam bidang masakan, malah namanya sudah berdiri setanding dengan chef-chef terkemuka antarabangsa.

Baru-baru ini, Chef Wan yang menaiki penerbangan kelas ekonomi ke Bangkok, Thailand meluahkan rasa tidak puas hatinya terhadap nasi lemak yang dihidangkan dalam pesawat milik Malaysia Airlines (MAS).

Menggelarnya sebagai ‘telanjang’, dia kesal kerana menu tersebut kelihatan tidak sempurna tanpa timun, kacang dan ikan bilis.

Menerusi gambar yang dimuatnaik di akaun Instagramnya, nasi lemak tersebut hanya dihidangkan bersama sambal dan telur rebus sahaja.

Baginya, ia secara tidak langsung memberi gambaran negatif pada orang luar yang tidak pernah melihat nasi lemak yang sebenar sebelum ini.

Berikut merupakan ‘caption’ penuh yang ditulisnya:

“I flew on economy to Bangkok thinking its such a short trip and so early pulak tu pasti i will close my eye and have a short nap tak payah lah membazir duit naik business class. This Sad looking Nasi Lemak from Mas for sarapan sungguh memeranjat kan..The fact that its our national career and we dont take pride in providing our so call most famous Malaysian breakfast that kita Agong2 kan bangga serata dunia and to show case this on international flight without the proper timun and kacang serta ikan bilis nampak macam miskin sangat sarapan Malaysia ini. Kita orang Malaysia sudah pasti la tahu akan quality Nasi lemak serta pilihan lauk2 that goes along with it but hey….what about all that international travellers. Seriously i feel sad that our Msian Breakfast can suffer its own image so misleading to the point where i felt the need for them to realised how serious this can be. Why la so much in consistency when it come to serving This dish at various destinations? Why my flight ticket cost me rm850 tu maka its not business class enough ke that i am serve Nasi and Sambal with telor that make my breakfast so mcm ” Telanjang la” Come on la Mas tak kan kita nak selalu membebel pasal simple basic thing of serving the country national heritage food and dah macam pahat serta pemukul? Why sent letters to act on my complain and appology and then repeat back the same mistake? Hello am i being to difficult here or being sensible to request for a normal Nasi Lemak?”

Sejujurnya, penulis bersetuju dengan kata-kata Chef Wan itu. Setakat timun dan ikan bilis, berapa sangatlah jika dibandingkan dengan harga tiket yang sudah dibayar?

Lebih penting lagi, nasi lemak ni dah umpama makanan rasmi kita … janganlah hidang dalam keadaan yang menghilangkan seri dan imej masakan itu.

FACTS ARE 1. Anwar will sweep Kajang 2. Umno can forget about Selangor with him as MB

FACTS ARE 1. Anwar will sweep Kajang 2. Umno can forget about S'gor with him as MB
The end of 2013 saw Malaysians hit with multiple price hikes and subsidy removals. The BN government, through its incompetent administration of the economy, was squarely responsible for these outrages on our wallets.
Perhaps to distract attention from these economic difficulties, religious tension was released and used to pit Muslims against Christians. It is worth noting, at this point, that it has been the political practice of the ruling BN, for decades, to use race and religion to divide the people, so that they may continue to remain in power.
The doctrine of ‘Divide and Rule’ has been made dull by BN’s formulaic use of it as elections approach. This formula will fail once Malaysia reaches the right level of urbanization and as more people have access to information.
It was against this gloomy backdrop that Anwar Ibrahim made his announcement that he would be standing for the state seat of Kajang in the state of Selangor.
Selangor had been plagued for some time by tensions between the MB, Khalid Ibrahim, and Azmin Ali. PKR had 14 seats and DAP and PAS had 15 each. Khalid had clearly been exploiting these numbers to ensure Azmin did not replace him, playing off PAS and DAP against PKR.
It was a most unhealthy state of events. The problem appeared insoluble, a Gordian knot. With his announcement, Anwar has presented us with a most Alexandrian solution.
Dull performance from Khalid
Yet, it is a shallow analyst who would conclude that the Kajang by-election is simply PKR’s way of solving an internal problems.
The fact is that Khalid Ibrahim’s performance as Menteri Besar has been a most pedestrian one.
The people’s expectation, when they unexpectedly found themselves presented with a Pakatan government one morning in 2008, was that they would soon be living in Camelot. Or that Pakatan would soon turn Selangor into a Silicon Valley.
No such thing has happened. Five years later, Selangor is little different from how it was under the BN. The town councils remain indifferent and apathetic. PJ’s restaurants remain filthy, offering watered-down dishwashing liquid to those who want to wash their hands. There is little new development.
Lots of money also equals lots of wasted OPPORTUNITIES
Apparently, there is more money in the bank as Khalid Ibrahim is a frugal fellow. This would no doubt be a most useful skill if one were an urban housewife confronted with endless price-hikes.
Also, he is touted as incorruptible because he has already made his money as a businessman! While this is excellent news, if that were the only measure of evaluation for an MB, we could replace him with a cigar-store Indian, or a clump of bananas.
Selangor has 2 Billion or so in the bank, representing not savings, but opportunity lost. Investments would have generated and increased revenue for the state, and put more disposable income in the pockets of the people.
Unable to manage infighting not just in PKR but within Pakatan Selangor
To be fair to Khalid, he has been best known for managing plantations, and that is poor preparation for a globalized world where technology and high-end services are key drivers of growth. Naturally, Pakatan continues to praise Khalid as a good manager, but these are political statements.
Khalid has also been unable to manage the different groups of stakeholders within Pakatan, witness the endless squabbling. Further, Khalid had led PKR Selangor to a poor showing in the 2013 elections. Under his leadership, PKR was left with 14 seats against the 15 of its coalition partners PAS and DAP.
The lesson of Kedah must have been a factor in the calculations that led PKR to the decision to replace Khalid. The people will not hesitate to punish those who do not deliver. In the case of Kedah, PAS failed to act on the infighting within PAS Kedah. Development had come to a practical standstill as the other Pakatan partners appeared helpless to solve the problem.
Yet Pakatan hubristically assumed that the people of Kedah would still vote for them. Such assumptions were proven wrong when Pakatan was roundly trounced in the 2013 elections.
And so, perhaps, PKR has acted to put an end to the Selangor conundrum. 4 more years of lacklustre rule and infighting in Selangor will simply not do.
Anwar in a class of his own
The people of Kajang can look forward now to be served by Anwar Ibrahim, who will, denials notwithstanding, be their new Mentri Besar.
Combined with the poor management of the economy by BN, Anwar can look forward to a much-improved majority in the coming by-election.
And we can all look forward to having Anwar Ibrahim play the role of chief executive. For Umno, this is their nightmare scenario. Selangor, which Umno so desperately wants to regain, will be untouchable once Anwar becomes Mentri Besar.
Meanwhile, some have argued that Anwar should not take the post of Mentri Besar as he is meant and has all the capabilities to be the new Prime Minister after the next election. Well then, why are we wasting the talents of such a man for four years? Jerry Brown was Governor of California, then mayor of Oakland, now he is Governor of California again at 75. Oakland has 400,00 residents and California has a population of 40 Million. And he is defeating the Californian budget deficit, where even the Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, failed! The important principle, clearly, is to serve the people, not to be concerned with one’s personal status.
Pakatan, and Anwar, have most certainly made the right move with this decision. They have shown that they can think out of the box. It cannot have been an easy one, and would not have been lightly made.
Nevertheless, it is a wonder they did not think of this earlier! In business, this would be called a game-changer. Pakatan takes the initiative, BN is left stunned and defensive!
And in Selangor, Anwar Ibrahim will surely deliver to us, finally, Camelot! - Malaysia Chronicle

Bakun power plant running at only HALF-CAPACITY but greedy Taib wants ANOTHER 12 dams - WHY?

Bakun power plant running at only HALF-CAPACITY but greedy Taib wants ANOTHER 12 dams - WHY?
Insiders at the Bakun Power Plant have revealed that the second tallest dam in the world is running at just half its optimum generating capacity.
The revelation came this week as the anti-Baram Dam Blockade marked its 100th day on Thursday.
And it prompted protestors to question why on earth is Taib Mahmud pushing through 12 more of these massive and destructive projects when there is still no use for the power?
The construction of Bakun was earlier justified on the prospect of running undersea cables to the Peninsular and powering the rest of Borneo as well – concepts which have proved nonsense.
Now Taib is scouring the world for power-guzzling industries to relocate near Bakun, a prospect which many of the more reputation conscious companies, like Rio Tinto Alcan, have notably decided against.
SEB has nevertheless been putting it about that there is so much demand in the pipeline that the planned further dams are needed as a point of urgency.
We note that when this case has been made, the capacity of the 8 turbines has been apparently down-graded by spokesmen, like Chief Executive Torstein Sjotveit, from 300MW production to just 200MW!
Malaysian Insider - when pressing the case for more dams Sjotveit seems ready  to suggest the turbines only produce 200MW?
Malaysian Insider – when pressing the case for more dams Sjotveit seems ready to suggest the turbines only produce 200MW!
Generating just 900MW of the 2400MW capacity – so what is the hurry for new dams?
Bakun, which has been impounded for over a year now, is supposed to have 8 turbines, each able to generate 300 MW of power.  All the turbines were scheduled to be installed by the end of last year.
However, we were told this week through an inside source:
“The latest update is that Bakun has 7 hydro turbine units already commissioned. But, as of today, only 6 units are in operation.  Unit No 1 is not yet commissioned. Unit No 3 is under maintenance. Each turbine has a capacity of 300MW, but all 6 units are now running half load, powering 150MW each.”
So, why the mad hurry to build a rash of new dams, all in the face of determined opposition by local inhabitants when Bakun is still only half kept busy?
Inviting in the world’s dirtiest industries
Aluminium smelter in Sarawak's former rainforest
Aluminium smelter in Sarawak’s former rainforest
Of course, Taib’s plan for using up the huge quantities of power, which he wants to generate by continuing to  destroy Sarawak’s remaining rivers, is to invite every dirty industry on the planet to re-locate and take advantage of cheap electricity.
SCORE (Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy) qualifies the ultimate mad master plan, whereby an over-powerful ruler has determined to push ahead at breakneck speed with his simplistic mega-project concept, without waiting to check on consequences.
The planet has been littered with similar mistaken enterprises with disastrous outcomes, all caused by politicians with too much power and not enough caution and sense.
As with all such projects, Abdul Taib Mahmud is in the position of judge and jury over all his ideas. Impact assessments tell him only what he expects to hear.
Without proper evaluation, consultation or regulation of the industries coming in, Sarawak’s dam programme is a disaster waiting to happen and the people affected are quite right to protest.
Quiet celebration with cake! Campaigners from Baram mark 100 days of successfully keeping Taib's builders out of their lands
Celebration with cake! Campaigners from Baram mark 100 days of successfully keeping Taib’s builders out of their lands
People friendly development?
Familiar sight in Sarawak, but not the target of mega-development plans
Familiar sight in Sarawak, but not the target of mega-development plans
It is perfectly plain that, despite the endless talk of ‘progress and development’, improving ordinary lives is Taib’s least important concern in this dam-building mania.
Otherwise, he would be looking at a completely different type of project.
Sarawak has tens of thousands of people who are without basic electricity and who are still not set to get electricity under these current mega-dam projects.
All this ageing autocrat wants is to build factories (using his own construction companies of course) and take a stake in the massive chemical companies and smelters he is trying to lure into Sarawak’s so-called SCORE region.
It has been frequently pointed out that smaller scale hydropower plants to help local rural communities would be far more effective than polluting, foreign owned factories in providing an immediate improvement in people’s lives.
But, it would mean far fewer opportunities for fat contracts for politically well-connected companies in Sarawak, like the biggest winner so far in the dam-building spree, which is the Chief Minister’s own family company CMS.
Blockaders are in “high spirits”
Baram blockade - dogged determination has lead locals to live 100 days like this
Baram blockade – dogged determination has lead locals to live 100 days like this
This is why the Chief Minister has found himself in direct conflict with his people over this issue.
And it seems he has reckoned without the determination of the people of Baram.
Some of the community were down in Miri this week to celebrate the benchmark 100 days of their successful blockade of the dam site with the Save Rivers campaign leader Peter Kallang:
“We would like to thank members of the public and many organisations who had provided food and other resources to support the blockade. It is not an easy fight but we will not give up,” Peter Kallang stated.
The two blockades had successfully chased away Sarawak Energy’s (SEB) construction teams on two of the construction sites for Baram, when they had attempted to start work last year.  And the community have manned them tirelessly since, preventing the return of the builders.
The communities have solidly manned the blockades
The communities have solidly manned the blockades
At the time of the original protests, local BN politicians had urged SEB and the state government to step back from the Baram project, because feeling were running high.  But, it was evident that they believed that people would soon tire of the issue.
” They had a meeting just before Christmas of the state-supported Federation of Orang Ulu Associations to brain-storm what to do about the protest” explained Kallang. “They decided “let’s wait till they give up.  They will lose their steam and then we will go back in”".
If this is the case, the the pro-dam lobby must be feeling the pressure. There is no sign of the people giving up, leaving Taib Mahmud with the limited options of a) backing down b) using force or c) somehow changing people’s minds.
Does Taib plan to carry out his construction plans “to improve people’s lives” on the back of a military operation?  Would the Federal Government support him? It seems unlikely.
So, can he change their minds?  The attempts to spread money round at Christmas were reported to the police by people angered at attempts to bribe their communities.
Bye bye Sjotveit
The latest ploy appears to have been the decision to get rid of the unpopular foreign Sarawak Energy CEO, Torstein Sjotveit and replace him with a local.  The name being spoken is that of a Kelabit, who is currently working for CMS, Isaac Lugun.
“Whenever there is a public meeting Taib always says how good Lugun is”,
Sjotveit, said to be visiting Burma, where more dams are being built
Sjotveit, said to be visiting Burma, where more dams are being built
explains one observer, summing up the way that Taib runs the state, hiring and firing people personally as he chooses.
Sjotveit is “definitely out”, say insider reports.  His two year contract which ends this year is not being renewed by his boss, the Chief Minister of everything that moves in Sarawak.
So, will the arrival of Mr Lugun really be persuasive to the local people, who only have to look at what has happened to the poor people of Bakun, Murum and indeed Batang Ai to get a clear picture of why they should never trust Taib’s promises of a better life?
There remains the alternative of backing down.  After all, Taib has repeatedly changed his mind over promises to retire, so why not change his mind over Baram too?
-Sarawak Report

Racial tensions in Malaysia: THE TRIGGER CAUSES

Racial tensions in Malaysia: THE TRIGGER CAUSES
When faulted and blamed by a growing many of Malaysians for triggering racial tension and disunity in the country by the use of partisan politics and politics based on race, it is not uncommon for the governing Barisan Nasional (BN) to hide behind clever rhetoric and semantics.
BN is a wholly raced-based political party. This is why and this is clearly the reason why racism in this country has escalated to dangerous and alarming levels. If ever any transformation is needed in this country, it is imperative that it begins with eradicating race-based politics.
As a glaring example, Malaysians of all walks of life point out how come the national football team is void of any Malaysian Chinese players? It is inconceivable and unbelievable that no Malaysian Chinese is capable of being selected to play at national level. Or is this just the result of racism within the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM)?
FAM and its leadership have long been condemned for the declining standards of football in the country. Are they also guilty of practicing racism and politics in the process of administrating the game of football in this country?
There is no need to look further. In the process of winning her way to being the top choice of reader’s  as an author by an English daily in a competition open to Malaysian writers, it is disheartening to note that the polling was all along played along racial lines.
The winner even eclipsed an Asian Booker Prize Literary winner though her authorship can be considered nothing more than a mediocre effort. The only reason she was declared the winner was because of strong support from a particular race.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. In a competition recently to judge the best singer, it was also polling from a certain race that shored up the chances of winning while those with real talent and ability are left floundering because they have no race-based support.
When will it end? When will racism stop its ugly head from rearing into the lives of Malaysians who are beginning to be tempted to despair by the litany of injustices and unfairness by BN leading the way with the promotion of racism?
Racism not a new phenomenon
When this nation was under colonial rule by the British, it is right to note and to point out that race relations was at a healthy level and there was much camaraderie among the Malays, Chinese, Indians and their British rulers.
If this seems ironic or strange, please rest assured that history records of this nation as enjoying parity and fairness among the races under the British unlike now. In the process and in the fight for Independence or “Merdeka” the three races were united and resolved amicably with the British to gain freedom.
Unlike India’s bloody battle for independence from the British, Malaysia’s Independence were wrought from the British by astute statesmanship by the Tunku and leaders of the three major races who stood united in their bid for Independence.
All was well with race relations until certain undesirable elements began to play their dirty politics to cause the race riots of May 13, 1969 and evict the Tunku from the chair of prime minister. From this point to now race relations have been steadily deteriorating.
Tun Abdul Razak played his part to sow the seeds of racial disunity and when BN was officially formed in 1974, the ugliness of racial politics was set to be cast in iron until now. Now many Malaysians want to end the tragic specter of racism and banish it forever from this country.
The growth of racism under BN
BN’s intention in splitting the political party along the racial divide is a convenient but lazy approach to governing the country. Instead of displaying the true qualities and characteristics of fairness, meritocracy and justice, there emerged the quick fix solution of establishing the New Economic Policy (NEP).
While any affirmative action is laudable and is to be encouraged, the NEP was a washout from the beginning, as it not only created racial tension and disharmony, but skewered justice that has since caused irreparable damage to the consciousness of this nation.
In the process of the implementation of the NEP from 1970 to the year 2000, untold injustice and wrongdoing was caused and many innocent Malaysians suffered wrongly. The thirty year tenure of the NEP is to be blamed of how this country has evolved as a corrupt backwater trying to pass off as a nearly developed nation.
BN continued to nurture racism by replacing the NEP with the New Economic Model (NEM) and now the implementation of the recent economic empowerment policy for bumiputras is set to witness the evil abuse of “affirmative action.”
Not only is the evil abuse of this guise of affirmative action creating widespread racism and injustice it is also responsible for witnessing the emergence of the bumiputra elite and cronies that serve them in this country.
Time to level the playing field
If Malaysia is to gain and climb up higher on the ladder of the United Nation’ World Happiness Index, it needs to quickly and once and for all dispense completely with racism. But for this to happen, people have to realize that they need to pull out their support for BN.
Since Independence, BN has been the sole government of this country. While under the governance of Tunku all was well, since his departure till now, things have gotten from bad to worse especially race relations.
The reason for this is because BN thrives on racism and race-based politics. This is why the bumiputra elite have emerged in this country and why they and their cronies hold sway. The product of BN is the bumiputra elite and crony network.
This bumiputra elite and crony network is responsible for having a stranglehold on much of the wealth that has been created in this country by the economic booms while the majority of Malaysians toil to eke a livelihood daily.
Speculative theory is that about 80 per cent of the wealth of the nation is owned by 20 per cent of the population made up of the corrupt bumiputra elite and their cronies while 20 per cent of the wealth of the nation is held by 80 per cent of the population of 28 million in this country.
This is the stark reality of affirmative action taken after the May 13, 1969 riots. Both the NEP and NEM have failed miserably and disappointed greatly the large number or the majority of bumiputras. Can this fact be ascertained to be believed?
There is no need to prove anything other than for bumiputras and non-bumiputras to look at what they have achieved since 1970 till now and compare it with the achievements and especially the wealth amassed by the bumiputra elite and their crony partners.
All the signs point to Malaysia being a failed state
By failing to play by the rules of the game, Malaysia’s continued evil abuse of affirmative action to further enrich the minority elite in this country is set to witness the country become a failed state. By all indicators, Malaysia is already now being viewed by the international community as being on the verge of a rogue nation.
By continuing with the present policy of empowering bumiputras at the continued expense of non-bumiputras having to sacrifice and suffer, Malaysia is set to get into the bad books of the international community by promoting racism in its economy.
Only this time because of the globalized nature of the world Malaysia is set to suffer greatly. The obstinacy and defiance of the BN government in the use and promotion of racism is set to receive due punishment from the international community.
Highlights of racism in Malaysian politics have already been filtering through social media throughout the world and it is really a matter of time before the focus and thrust of BN and its practice of racism comes under the full glare and scrutiny of the world.
It will only be then that things begin to get right in this country when the attention of the world community is focused on Malaysia and the nefarious activities of the Malaysian BN government. Until then, Malaysians will have to continue to suffer in silence. - Malaysia Chronicle

You screwed it up, CIMB

CIMB bank customers see red over stalled banking services during Chinese New Year celebrations.
PETALING JAYA: CIMB Bank customers have poured scorn against the bank’s plans to upgrade their banking services during this Chinese New Year holidays that begins today.
Many customers are seeing red because the banking services are unavailable and this is becoming troublesome to them.
They have raised their anger against the bank on the bank’s Facebook page, CIMB Malaysia.
“Most companies will avoid any planned events during major festive (season). Why are you upgrading your system during Chinese New Year?” Ngeh Wai Kit, a CIMB customer asked.
According to CIMB Group Holdings, their banking services are temporarily unavailable from 11.45 pm today until 6am on Monday. The CIMB Bank and CIMB Islamic branches and service centres would be affected.
The affcted self-service terminals include the automated teller machines, cheque deposit machines, cash deposit machines and foreign currency dispensers.
CIMB’s debit card transactions, on-line banking (CIMB Clicks, BizChannel@CIMB, Gateway@CIMB, Host-to-host Connectivity), mobile banking (MyMobile, Clicks Apps, Mobile Banking Java) and self-service phonebanking also are out of service.
Another customer, Yong Eow, was angry over money transaction that he has been awaiting urgently.
“May I know how long is needed to transfer money from CIMB to another bank or from another bank to CIMB? I am awaiting money for an urgent transaction. You screwed it up,” he said.
Another CIMB customer, Mohd Hafiz meanwhile passed a message that he received on cross platform mobile messaging application, Whatsapp.
The message written in Bahasa Malaysia urged customers to withdraw sufficient amount of funds since there are speculations that CIMB’s services would be down for a week.