
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 31, 2014

MACC clears RM32mil loan to businessman Deepak

There are no elements of corruption in Bank Rakyat's RM32 million interest-free 10 year loan to a carpet businessman Deepak Jaikishan, said the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). 

In a statement today, it said initial investigations found it was more a bank governance issue.

"However, the commission will take appropriate followup action including calling the relevant parties if we receive new information," it said.   

A news portal recently quoted the bank's former chairman Sabbaruddin Chik (right), as alleging the businessman had sought the intervention of a politician to get the loan on highly favourable terms.
Deepak is reportedly a close friend of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor.

Sabbaruddin also allegedly said that the termination of his tenure as Bank Rakyat chairman was directly connected to the bank board’s decision regarding the Deepak loan.

The MACC also pointed out that not all complaints or allegations reported by the media or raised by any party is corruption.   

"The MACC Act 2009 only provides provisions for investigating cases with elements of corruption.

"In this regard, the commission hopes this case is also investigated by other related agencies under the relevant laws so that action can be taken against a certain party because of failure to comply with regulations," the statement said.

Meanwhile Gua Musang MP Razaleigh Hamzah, commenting on this issue, said that Bank Rakyat is not under the Banking Act, and it is not under the purview or control of Bank Negara but under cooperatives.

“However, it is ‘not on’ to provide such deals. Under what government policy are they extending this very good facility? Based on a request made by a customer?” asked the former finance minister.

You haven't seen the last of me, vows Dyana

Losing by a whisker of 238 votes in her election debut will not signal the end of Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud's politcal career.

Speaking to about 200 dejected supporters gathered at the party operations centre in the Perak town, she said this is not the last time they will hear of her.

"This is not the end of Dyana Sofya. The people of Teluk Intan just knew me for two weeks, but gave me 19,919 votes. I will not let you down," said the calm-looking DAP candidate clad in a purple baju kurung and black scarf.
The 27-year-old politician said that her struggle is not to win a MP seat but for a greater purpose.

"We need to put a stop to racial politics. I am not only contesting against Mah (Siew Keong), but the whole machinery (of BN).

"Mah only won by (about) 200 votes," she said.

Tears flow at operations centre

She also said that although she was defeated, she will continue to contribute to Teluk Intan.

"Don't be disappointed, be with me and continue the fight, I invite all of you to join us in the fight," she said.

Though she appeared calm, there was a moment when she paused appearing to keep her composure in check, when thanking the supporters and campaign team.

She was accompanied by DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang, secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and other DAP leaders who came to thank supporters.

The atmosphere was sombre at the operations centre, with many supporters seen shedding tears and hugging each other in dismay.

Mah captures Teluk Intan with 238 votes

10pm: Mah leaves the tally centre in garlands as his supporters vociferously chant his name.

Leaders from all major BN component parties are present to flank Mah, who looks exhausted but manages a subtle smile throughout.
He tells reporters that he will go to the constituency again tomorrow to thank voters for the support they have shown him.

9.45pm: The Election Commission revises the voters turnout - from 66.7  to 67.4 percent.

9.35pm: Official result as annouced by the Election Commission -

BN - 20,157
DAP - 19,919
Majority - 238

Percentage of majority - 0.6 percent

Siapa Yang Sepatutnya Menjadi Sultan Perak Ke 35?

Kepala hotak Nurul Asyikin

Baru2 neh kan kecoh yang kedudukan Sultan Perak terkini adalah tidak sah. Takta sebenarnya dimiliki oleh orang lain tetapi orang lain yang dapat kuasa. Aku pun malas nak ikut campur dalam perebutan kuasa orang2 kaya neh. Bukan aku dapat duit pun. Diperbodohkan lagi ada. Yang berkuasa makin berkuasa. Rakyat terus-terusan ditindas juga.


Tapi info neh menarik juga untuk bacaan umum. Bagi mereka yang berminat untuk campur tangan dalam perebutan kuasa diraja pun boleh baca juga. Sekadar berkongsi. Namun aku tak jamin apa yang dia tulis adalah fakta. Masing2 boleh claim apa yang masing2 tulis adalah fakta. Terserah kat korang la nak fikir macam mana okay.

Baca ;

Susunan hirarki kesultanan Perak: 

Raja Pemerintah: Sultan Yusuf Izzuddin Shah
Raja Muda: Raja Idris Shah Iskandar Shah
Raja Dihilir: Raja Musa Sultan Abdul Aziz
Raja Kecil Besar: Raja Ekram Sultan Yusuf
Raja Kecil Sulung: Raja Lope Nur Rashid Raja Abd Rahman
Raja Kecil Tengah: Raja Ahmad Hisham Raja Abd Malik
Raja Kecil Bongsu: Raja Azlan Shah Sultan Yusuf

(1963): Sultan Yusuf Izzuddin mangkat
Raja Pemerintah: Sultan Idris Shah Iskandar Shah
Raja Muda: Raja Musa Sultan Abdul Aziz
Raja Dihilir: Raja Ekram Sultan Yusuf
Raja Kecil Besar: Raja Lope Nur Rashid Raja Abd Rahman
Raja Kecil Sulung: Raja Ahmad Hisham Raja Abd Malik
Raja Kecil Tengah: Raja Azlan Shah Sultan Yusuf
Raja Kecil Bongsu: Raja Izzudin Iskandar Sultan Idris Shah

(1977): Raja Lope Nur Rashid mangkat
Raja Pemerintah: Sultan Idris Shah
Raja Muda: Raja Musa Sultan Abdul Aziz
Raja Dihilir: Raja Ekram Sultan Yusuf
Raja Kecil Besar: Raja Ahmad Hisham Raja Abd Malik
Raja Kecil Sulung: Raja Azlan Shah Sultan Yusuf
Raja Kecil Tengah: Raja Izzudin Iskandar Sultan Idris Shah
Raja Kecil Bongsu: -

(1978): Raja Ekram mangkat
Raja Pemerintah: Sultan Idris Shah Sultan Iskandar Shah
Raja Muda: Raja Musa Sultan Abdul Aziz
Raja Dihilir: Raja Ahmad Hisham Raja Abdul Malik
Raja Kecil Besar: Raja Azlan Shah Sultan Yusuf
Raja Kecil Sulung: Raja Ahmed Sifuddin Sultan Iskandar Shah
Raja Kecil Tengah: Raja Izzudin Iskandar Sultan Idris Shah
Raja Kecil Bongsu: -

(1983): Raja Musa Sultan Abdul Aziz mangkat
Raja Pemerintah: Sultan Idris Shah Sultan Iskandar Shah
Raja Muda: Raja Azlan Shah Sultan Yusuf
Raja Dihilir: Raja Ahmad Hisham Raja Abd Malik
Raja Kecil Besar: Raja Ahmed Sifuddin Sultan Iskandar Shah
Raja Kecil Sulung: Raja Izzudin Iskandar Sultan Idris Shah
Raja Kecil Tengah: -
Raja Kecil Bongsu: -

(1984): Sultan Idris Shah mangkat
Raja Pemerintah: Sultan Azlan Shah Sultan Yusuf
Raja Muda: Raja Ahmed Sifuddin Sultan Iskandar Shah
Raja Dihilir: Raja Ahmad Hisham Raja Abd Malik
Raja Kecil Besar: Raja Nazrin Shah Sultan Azlan Shah
Raja Kecil Sulung: Raja Izzudin Iskandar Sultan Idris Shah
Raja Kecil Tengah: Raja Jaafar Raja Muda Musa
Raja Kecil Bongsu: Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain Sultan Idris Shah

(1988): Raja Ahmed Saifuddin mangkat

Raja Pemerintah: Sultan Azlan Shah Sultan Yusuf

Raja Muda: Raja Nazrin Shah Sultan Azlan Shah

Raja Dihilir: Raja Ahmad Hisham Raja Abd Malik
Raja Kecil Besar: Raja Izzudin Iskandar Sultan Idris Shah
Raja Kecil Sulung: Raja Jaafar Raja Muda Musa
Raja Kecil Tengah: Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain Sultan Idris Shah
Raja Kecil Bongsu: -

(1997): Raja Ahmad Hisham mangkat

Raja Pemerintah: Sultan Azlan Shah Sultan Yusuf

Raja Muda: Raja Nazrin Shah Sultan Azlan Shah

Raja Dihilir: Raja Jaafar Raja Muda Musa
Raja Kecil Besar: Raja Izzudin Iskandar Sultan Idris Shah
Raja Kecil Sulung: Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain Sultan Idris Shah
Raja Kecil Tengah: -
Raja Kecil Bongsu: -

(2006): Raja Izzudin Iskandar dipecat

Raja Pemerintah: Sultan Azlan Shah Sultan Yusuf

Raja Muda: Raja Nazrin Shah Sultan Azlan Shah

Raja Dihilir: Raja Jaafar Raja Muda Musa
Raja Kecil Besar: Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain Sultan Idris Shah
Raja Kecil Sulung: 
Raja Kecil Tengah: 
Raja Kecil Bongsu: 

(2014): Sultan Azlan Shah Sultan Yusuf Mangkat

Raja Pemerintah: 
Raja Muda: 
Raja Dihilir:
Raja Kecil Besar:
Raja Kecil Sulung:
Raja Kecil Tengah:
Raja Kecil Bongsu: 


- Rasa2 ada tak yang tak kena pada perjalanan sistem hirarki kesultanan Perak ni?
- Adakah mesti Raja Muda Nazrin ditabalkan sebagai Sultan Perak? 
- Adakah Raja Dihilir Jaafar ibni Almarhum Raja Muda Musa boleh ditabalkan sebagai Sultan Perak juga?
- Adakah Raja Izzudin Iskandar masih boleh ditabalkan juga sebagai Sultan Perak sedangkan dia masih hidup & waris sulung kpd Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah?


Kesultanan Perak yang merupakan satu-satunya waris Kesultanan Melayu Melaka mempunyai sistem pewarisan takhta yang unik. Berbeza dengan negeri-negeri Melayu beraja yang lain yang mengikut sistem turun menurun dari raja pemerintah kepada puteranya, sistem yang diamalkan di Perak ialah menerusi kenaikan tangga demi tangga Raja-raja Bergelar yang merupakan pewaris takhta:

1. Raja Kecil Bongsu
2. Raja Kecil Tengah
3. Raja Kecil Sulong
4. Raja Kecil Besar
5. Raja Di Hilir
6. Raja Muda
7. Sultan

Walau bagaimanapun Dewan Negara Perak mempunyai kuasa dalam pemilihan dan perlantikan Sultan dan Raja-raja Bergelar. Siapakah Ahli Dewan Negara Perak? 

1. Sultan dan Raja-raja Bergelar
2. Menteri Besar
3. Orang Besar Empat
4. Orang Besar Delapan
5. Mufti dan 12 orang yang dipilih sebagai ahli bukan rasmi. 

Ahli-ahli Dewan Negara inilah yang mempunyai kuasa dalam perlantikan Sultan dan Raja-raja Bergelar. Yang menariknya, Ahli-ahli Dewan ini dilantik oleh Sultan Perak, dan kemudiannya mereka pula yang akan memilih dan melantik Sultan berikutnya serta menentukan siapa layak menjadi Raja-raja Bergelar. 

Persoalan diajukan disini adakah Raja Nazrin tidak sepatutnya menjadi Raja Muda Perak?

Soalannya pendek tetapi untuk menerangkan situasi sebenarnya agak rumit. Jadual dibawah adalah ringkasan lantikan raja-raja bergelar mengikut tahun.

Sejak pemerintahan Sultan Perak ke-29 iaitu Sultan Abdul Jalil, hanya seorang waris atau 2 waris Sultan dilantik sebagai Raja Bergelar. Ringkasnya adalah seperti dibawah:

Waris Sultan Perak ke-29 - Sultan Abdul Jalil (1916-1918)

Memandangkan Sultan Abdul Jalil hanya menjadi Sultan Perak selama 2 tahun, jadi mungkin walaupun mempunyai 4 putera, hanya seorang waris saja dilantik iaitu putera sulung baginda, 

1. Sultan Yusuf Izzuddin ibni Sultan Abdul Jalil (menjadi Sultan hingga 1963)

Waris Sultan Perak ke-30 - Sultan Alang Iskandar (1918-1938)

1. Sultan Idris II ibni Sultan Alang Iskandar (menjadi Sultan ke-33)
2. Raja Ahmad Saifuddin ibni Sultan Alang Iskandar (menjadi Raja Muda hingga 1997)

Waris Sultan Perak ke-31 - Sultan Abdul Aziz (1938-1948)

Sultan Abdul Aziz hanya mempunyai seorang putera iaitu Raja Musa. Jadi, semasa perlantikan Raja-raja Bergelar pada tahun 1984 iaitu selepas kemangkatan Sultan Idris II, Sultan Azlan dan Dewan Negara Perak memasukkan seorang lagi waris dari Sultan Abdul Aziz iaitu cucu baginda, Raja Jaafar yang sehingga kini menjadi Raja Di Hilir Perak.

1. Raja Musa ibni Sultan Abdul Aziz (menjadi Raja Muda hingga 1983)
2. Raja Jaafar ibni Raja Musa ibni Sultan Abdul Aziz (Raja Di Hilir sekarang)

Waris Sultan Perak ke-32 - Sultan Yussuf Izzudin (1948-1963)

Walaupun Sultan Yussuf mempunyai 4 putera - Raja Ekram, Raja Zairan, Raja Baharom dan Raja Azlan, cuma 2 orang sahaja waris dilantik sebagai Raja Bergelar iaitu putera sulung dan bongsu. Mengapa Raja Azlan yang merupakan putera bongsu dipilih? Ini kerana abangnya dengan sengaja tidak mahu dilantik kerana masalah kesihatan. Juga kerana Sultan Yussuf nampak akan kecerdikan anak bongsunya ini.

1. Raja Ekram ibni Sultan Yussuf Izzuddin (menjadi Raja Di Hilir hingga 1978)
2. Sultan Azlan ibni Sultan Yussuf Izzuddin

Waris Sultan Perak ke-33 - Sultan Idris II (1963-1984)

Dengan mempunyai 8 orang isteri, Sultan Idris II mempunyai 13 orang anak dimana 8 adalah putera termasuk seorang yang tidak dapat dipastikan jantinanya iaitu Raja Shuib (kini lebih dikenali sebagai Raja Shuibah atau nama panggilan Ku Ess).
Raja Izzuddin mula dilantik sebagai Raja Kechil Bongsu pada tahun 1963 iaitu semasa Sultan Idris II menaiki takhta. Beliau mempunyai masalah moral yang menyebabkan tidak dipilih untuk menaiki tangga demi tangga sebagai pewaris takhta dan akhirnya dilucutkan jawatan.
Raja Iskandar Dzulkarnain pula dimasukkan dalam senarai Raja Bergelar pada tahun 1984 oleh Sultan Azlan dan Dewan Negara Perak.

1. Raja Izzuddin ibni Sultan Idris (dilucutkan jawatan)
2. Raja Iskandar Dzulkarnain ibni Sultan Idris (Raja Kechil Besar hingga kini)

Waris Sultan Perak ke-34 - Sultan Azlan (1984-kini)

1. Raja Nazrin ibni Sultan Azlan
2. Raja Ashman ibni Sultan Azlan
3. Raja Ahmad Nazim ibni Raja Ashman ibni Sultan Azlan

Diajukan sekali lagi soalan, adakah Raja Nazrin tidak sepatutnya menjadi Raja Muda dan berlaku twist dalam pewaris takhta Kesultanan Perak?

Sebenarnya tiada apa-apa masalah pun. Tak ada twist, tak ada tipu muslihat. Jika dilihat semula jadual di atas, apabila Sultan Idris II mangkat pada tahun 1984 dan Sultan Azlan menduduki takhta, penyusunan semula Raja Bergelar telah dibuat.

Fakta 1 - Raja Izzuddin Shah

Raja Nazrin, Raja Jaafar dan Raja Iskandar Dzulkarnain (iaitu seorang lagi anak Sultan Idris II) dimasukkan sebagai pewaris takhta pada tahun 1984. Rujuk kepada jadual di atas, Raja Izzuddin sepatutnya naik satu lagi tangga, tetapi apa yang berlaku ialah beliau kekal sebagai Raja Kechil Sulung. Disini Raja Nazrin yang baru masuk list Raja Bergelar berada lebih atas. 

Ini adalah disebabkan Raja Izzuddin bukanlah menjadi pilihan Sultan dan Ahli Dewan Negara Perak memandangkan salah-laku yang pernah dibuat sebelum ini. Mengikut sejarahnya, walaupun Raja Izzuddin dilantik menjadi Raja Kechil Bongsu oleh ayahnya, Sultan Idris II pada tahun 1963 iaitu semasa berusia 9 tahun, tetapi kemudiannya Sultan Idris II pernah menarik semula gelaran tersebut dan akhirnya diberikan semula. Satu contoh salah-laku boleh rujuk kes Raja Izzuddin Shah v. Public Prosecutor [1979] 1 MLJ 270dimana dikatakan Raja Izzuddin menyerang seseorang ketika di dalam keadaan mabuk. Kes itu pernah disebut semasa penghakiman terhadap kes mata lebam Anwar Ibrahim oleh Tan Sri Rahim Noor.

"Mengambil kira suasana negara pada ketika itu seseorang yang dalam kedudukan tertuduh seharusnya bertindak waras dan bukan sebaliknya. Dalam kedua-dua kes (kes Raja Izzuddin Shah dan kes Tengku Mahmood Iskandar) perbuatan tertuduh hanya membawa padah kepada seorang individu manakala dalam kes ini membawa padah kepada seluruh negara" - Hakim Akhtar Tahir

Kisah pada tahun 1979, berlaku beberapa kes lagi seperti diisytihar muflis pada tahun 1990, kes menjual pingat Datuk Paduka Mahkota Perak (DPMP) walaupun akhirnya mahkamah bebaskan. Begitu juga dikaitkan dengan penjualan watikah Ahli Kerabat Diraja Perak dan logo kereta palsu walaupun didakwa terdapat sindeket memalsukan tandatangan beliau. Terkini dikaitkan pula dengan skim cepat kaya Novalife dan sebuah koperasi yang mana pengerusinya adalah bekas Setiausaha Peribadi beliau iaitu Koperasi Sahabat Raja Izuddin Iskandar Shah Berhad (SRIISB). 

Fakta 2 – Raja Ahmad Hisham

Raja Ahmad Hisham (cucu kepada Sultan Abdullah yang dibuang negeri ke Pulau Seychelles) menjadi Raja Di Hilir sejak 1978. Apabila Raja Muda Musa mangkat pada tahun 1983, beliau memberi laluan kepada Sultan Azlan yang berada di tangga bawahnya memandangkan kesihatan yang tidak mengizinkan. Beliau kekal sebagai Raja Di Hilir (sila rujuk jadual di atas untuk gambaran lebih jelas).

Sekali lagi apabila Sultan Idris mangkat pada tahun 1984, Raja Ahmad Hisham memberi laluan kepada Raja Ahmad Saifuddin yang berada di tangga bawahnya untuk naik menjadi Raja Muda. Sekali lagi beliau kekal sebagai Raja Di Hilir. Pada tahun 1988, apabila Raja Muda, Raja Ahmad Saifuddin mangkat, Raja Ahmad Hisham memberi laluan kepada Raja Nazrin untuk naik menjadi Raja Muda memandangkan usia beliau telah mencapai 80 tahun.

Jika bukan kerana faktor kesihatan dan usia, sudah lama Raja Ahmad Hisham menjadi Sultan Perak. Tidak berlaku sebarang perebutan kuasa atau sistem yang telah di-twist dan sebagainya. Semuanya atas kerelaan Raja Ahmad Hisham untuk memberi laluan kepada Raja-raja Bergelar yang lain untuk menaiki tangga-tangga berikutnya.

Kesimpulannya, Raja Nazrin menjadi Raja Muda dengan cara yang betul dan mendapat persetujuan Dewan Negara Perak. Faktanya jelas (1) disebabkan moral Raja Izzuddin Shah dan (2) laluan yang diberikan oleh Raja Di Hilir Raja Ahmad Hisham.


'Ransom paid for women kidnapped in Sabah'

A "large ransom" had been paid to the secure the release of two women yesterday who were previously kidnapped from a resort in Sabah, according to  a Reuters report.

This contradicts Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s statement thatno ransom had been paid for the Chinese tourist Gao Huayun and Filipino hotel worker Marcy Dayawan.

 The two were kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf gunmen from Singamata Adventures and Reef Resort on April 2.

“Philippines police sources however told Reuters that a large ransom was paid for the women. It has been rare for Abu Sayyaf to release abductees without a ransom being paid,” said the report today.

However it did not include any details of the supposed ransom, such as the amount paid and the source of the funds.

The Islamist terrorist group had previously demanded 500 million Philippine pesos (RM36.8 million) for Gao’s release, and did not make any ransom demand for Dayawan.

Last year, Abu Sayyaf was paid PHP4 million (RM294,000) to release Australian national Warren Rodwell, down from the PHP7 million (RM515,000) initial ransom demand.

Unofficial: Mah wins, majority 238 votes

Unofficial: Mah wins, majority 238 votes

Gerakan says Mah won, DAP concedes defeat of 238 votes

LIVE Teluk Intan Unofficial Results | 7:56pm: DAP 19,919 BN 20,157 Spoilt 550 Majority: 238

Schoolgirl falls to her death during family outing at KL mall

A schoolgirl fell to her death from the third floor of a shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur today.
The 7-year-old, identified as Nurul Emielda Nadia Sallehuddin, died on the spot in the 2.20pm incident due to severe head injuries.

The incident occurred near the Robinsons outlet at The Gardens Mall in Mid Valley City, Kuala Lumpur, witnessed by hundreds of tenants and shoppers, mainly comprising families enjoying the first weekend of the current school holidays.
According to one shopper, Nurul Emeilda was playing with her brother near the escalator on the third floor when she accidentally fell to her death.
A man working in one of the stores in the mall said he heard a loud scream coming from the top floor and rushed out.
"I tried to extend my hand while running towards the girl, hoping that I would be able to catch her but it happened so fast," said the man on conditions of anonymity.
He said she started bleeding from the trauma to the head almost immediately after the body hit the ground.
"The place was crowded with people in seconds. People were screaming. Her parents were too," he said, adding that the incident happened around 2pm and the management handled the situation immediately.
Brickfields police chief assistant commissioner Muhammad Azlee Abdullah confirmed the case and said the body has been sent to Universiti Malaya Medical Centre for a post-mortem.
This is the second incident within the last 48 hours in which a young girl has died under tragic circumstances.
Siti Soffea Emelda, who was two-and-a-half years old, was found decapitated two nights ago by the banks of the Klang River, not far from the Kuala Lumpur KTM Komuter station (formerly the main railway station), a few hours after she was abducted at the Kota Raya Shopping Complex in Kuala Lumpur.
In the incident which shocked the nation, two witnesses said they saw a man carrying a toddler making his way through the long grass at the river banks.
The eyewitnesses seeing the suspect strangling the victim while pushing her onto the ground, alerted the auxiliary police at the nearby Public Bank building.
"The suspect then grabbed something that appeared to be a ceramic object, using it to hit the victim," a police source said.
The suspect fled from the auxiliary police before jumping into the Klang River.
After two days of search along the river, the body of the suspect was found this afternoon.
Selangor Fire and Rescue Department assistant operations director Mohd Sani Harul confirmed the recovery of the body at 4pm near the banks of Sungai Petaling Jaya in Sunway Selangor.
Azizan also said police have confirmed that the body found was that of the suspect.
Police believe that the suspect had attempted to rape the girl, and hit her when she struggled. 

Body of man alleged to have beheaded girl found in Sunway

The body of the man believed to have abducted and decapitated a toddler at the Klang River in Kuala Lumpur seen floating near the banks of Sungai Petaling Jaya in Sunway, Selangor, today.  – Pic courtesy of Malaysia's Fire and Rescue Department, May 31, 2014.The body of the man believed to have abducted and decapitated a toddler at the Klang River in Kuala Lumpur seen floating near the banks of Sungai Petaling Jaya in Sunway, Selangor, today. – Pic courtesy of Malaysia's Fire and Rescue Department, May 31, 2014.The body of the man believed to have abducted and decapitated a toddler at the Klang River in Kuala Lumpur has been found after a two-day search.
Selangor Fire and Rescue Department assistant operations director Mohd Sani Harul confirmed the recovery of the body at 4pm near the banks of Sungai Petaling Jaya in Sunway Selangor.
Azizan also said police have confirmed that the body found was that of the suspect.
The man had abducted Siti Soffea Emelda, who was two-and-a-half years old, from the Kota Raya shopping mall in the city on Thursday.
Police believe that the suspect had attempted to rape the girl, and hit her when she struggled. 
Mohd Sani said the Fire and Rescue Department received a call at 2.50pm from a member of the public.
"The complainant had spotted a man's body floating in the river," he said, adding that emergency services were immediately despatched to the scene, located near the Sunway toll plaza.
The body of a man, believed to be in his 20s, was fished out of the river by divers.
Police took possession of the body, which has been sent to the hospital for a post-mortem.
In Thursday's incident, closed-circuit television video footage at Kota Raya shopping mall showed a man taking Siti Soffea away forcibly.
The footage also revealed that a security guard had witnessed the scene but did not stop the man from taking away the girl.
Siti Soffea's mother, Siti Salmy Suib, 32, had left her daughter with friends on the fourth floor of the mall while she went to the toilet.
When Siti Salmy returned, Siti Soffea was nowhere to be seen. A frantic search failed to reveal the girl's whereabouts.
In the incident which shocked the nation, two witnesses said they saw a man carrying a toddler while making his way through the long grass by the river banks.
The eyewitnesses, from Sabah, saw the suspect, who is believed to have been recently released from prison, taking Siti Soffea across the Klang River.
They saw the suspect pushing Siti Soffea on her back and striking her with an object when she struggled.
Upon seeing the suspect strangling the victim while pushing her onto the ground, they alerted auxiliary police at the nearby Public Bank building.
The suspect jumped into the river in an attempt to escape.
It is believed that he was carried away by strong currents, prompting a two-day search operation.
Siti Soffea's body was found with the head lying nearby. She was clad in a pair of white pants and nappy.
Her body was claimed by her mother from the Kuala Lumpur Hospital mortuary yesterday and buried at the Batu Muda Muslim cemetery in Gombak.

Turnout of 66.5pct disappoints DAP

In the most fiercely contested by-election since the 13th general elections, DAP's Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud faces off with BN's Mah Siew Keong.

Malaysiakini brings you the live reports of the polling and counting as it unfolds.



5.30pm: Changkat Jong - The final turnout rate is 66.5 percent for Teluk Intan by-election with 39,850 votes cast, the EC announces.

This is lower than what DAP has hoped. The turnout at 2013 GE in Teluk Intan was 80.4 percent.

5pm: The Election Commission has announced the end of polling. All the 35 polling stations are closed for voting.

The commission is finalising the overall turnout rate and will announce it shortly.

4.30pm: The EC reports that the turnout at 4pm is 63.67 percent or 38,158 voters.

During the last poll in the 13th general election, the turnout was 48,649 (80.4 percent), the highest in the constituency's history.

In that 2013 contest Seah won 56.32 percent of the votes (with a margin of about 15 percent).

Mah, Dyana neck and neck in early count

Polls close at 5pm with a relatively low turnout of 66.5 percent or 39,850.

This is below the DAP target of 70 percent, which it had hoped can push its newbie candidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud ahead of against BN veteran Mah Siew Keong.

In 2013, turnout at Teluk Intan was a record 80.4 percent. DAP had then won with a majority of 7,313 or 15 percent of total votes.

The Election Commission is expected to begin official tally at 6.30pm at the SM Abdul Rahman Talib hall.


6.13pm: Unofficial results

DAP - 3,680
BN - 3,665
Spoilt votes - 100

Majority - 15

6:12pm: Unofficial results

BN - 3,211
DAP - 3,053
Spoilt votes - 95

Majority -158

6.11pm: Unofficial results

BN - 2,636 (51.5 percent)
DAP- 2,483 (48.5 percent)

Mah leads with 153 votes.

6.05pm: Unofficial results

BN - 572
DAP - 463

6pm: Unofficial results

BN - 473
DAP - 413

DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang says in a tweet message that the voters turnout is low.

“66.5% - quite a poor disappointing voter turnout in the Teluk Intan by-election as compared to 80.4% last May in the 13GE. Can be a toss-up!”

5.50pm: The relatively low turnout of 66.5 percent is giving BN early confidence that it could wrest Teluk Intan from the DAP.

"Personally, I feel BN has won!" former Perak senior executive councillor Hamidah Osman tweets.


3.45pm: SK Kg Bahagia - Dengan tempoh mengundi tinggal kira-kira satu jam sahaja lagi, penyokong-penyokong BN masih lagi bersorak-sorak dan mengejek penyokong DAP.

Kedua-dua kumpulan berkenaan hanya dipisahkan kira-kira lima meter sahaja dari mereka.

Mereka mengulangi sorakan "Abang polis baik", "DAP komunis", dan "Lim Kit Siang bodoh" berulang kali.

3.40pm Menurut SPR, seramai 58.36 peratus atau 34,974 pengundi sudah menunaikan tanggungjawab setakat jam 3 petang.

2.57pm: Kg Bahagia – MP Batu Kawan, Kasthuri Patto mendakwa kereta yang dinaiki Dyana menjadi sasaran serangan oleh para penyokong BN yang menggunakan bendera parti untuk mengetuk kenderaan tersebut.

"Kereta calon dipukul dengan bendera BN di Kampung Bahagia. Jerita 'barua DAP' dan 'pengkhianat' kedengara,” tulisnya di Twitter.

Parti DAP melalui akaun rasmi Twitter turut melaporkan insiden sama, dengan menyertakan gambar penyokong BN cuba menyentuh satu kenderaan menggunakan bendera BN yang dipasang pada galah panjang.

Pusat pengundian Kampung Bahagia, yang menjadi tumpuan para penyokong hari ini, mempunyai tujuh saluran dengan lebih 3,000 pengundi.

Ia merupakan kawasan majoriti pengundi Melayu (90 peratus). Selebihnya, 5 peratus pengundi Cina dan 4 peratus India.

Dalam pilihan raya umum lalu, BN menang di kesemua tujuh saluran, namun dengna majoriti yang kecil.

Secara keseluruhannya, ia meraih lebih 1,900 undi daripada tujuh saluran berbanding 1,100 undi yang diraih DAP.


SPR BUAT APA: Timb Menteri Umno Bebas Masuk Pusat Mengundi Dengan Pakai Logo Parti..!!!

Batasan pada hari mengundi

(g) dalam jarak lima puluh meter dari sempadan mana-mana tempat mengundi dan
dalam tempat mengundi, memakai, memegang, atau membawa apa-apa bentuk atau
jenis pakaian, tutup kepala, barang hiasan, roset, botol air atau payung yang padanya
tercetak atau tertera nama calon atau nama, lambang atau simbol mana-mana parti

(2) Mana-mana orang yang melanggar mana-mana peruntukan subseksyen (1) boleh,
apabila disabitkan, dipenjarakan selama tempoh tidak melebihi satu tahun atau
didenda tidak melebihi satu tahun atau didenda tidak melebihi lima ribu ringgit atau
dipenjarakan dan didenda kedua-duanya.

Pautan kekal imej terbenam

SPR mengingatkan peraih undi parti agar tidak terlalu ghairah,

Pautan kekal imej terbenam

Peratus keluar mengundi hingga 1pm cecah 46.65% (27,955 pengundi)