
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jual Aset Lagi.. Kali Ini RHB Insurance...

Hampir tiap-tiap hari kita dihidangkan dengan berita aset-aset negara dijual satu persatu selepas PRU14.

Saya rasa Rakyat pun dah biasa dengan berita-berita seperti ini. Tidak mengejutkan lagi.

Kali ini, kerajaan PH telah meluluskan Bank RHB yang dimilik KWSP untuk menjual seluruh pegangan mereka dalam RHB Insurance Bhd kepada sebuah syarikat Jepun.

Khabarnya, harga jualan adalah sekitar RM2 bilion.

Masa BN, bank-bank Malaysia sering membeli aset-aset asing termasuk bank asing.

Masa PH pula, aset negara sering dijualkan balik kepada orang asing.

Industri insurans Malaysia sudahpun dikuasai oleh syarikat asing.

Untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini, BNM di bawah kerajaan BN mengeluarkan arahan bahawa syarikat asing tdiak lagi dibenarkan untuk memegang kepentingan saham lebih dari 70% dalam syarikat insurans mereka di Malaysia.

Masuk Guan Eng pula, dia kata arahan ini tidak adil.

Lepas itu, dia membenarkan syarikat insurans Singapura untuk mengendalikan skim insurans B40 yang diberi nama MySalam untuk seluruh Malaysia.

Hari ini, satu lagi syarikat inusrans besar negara dijual pula kepada Jepun.

Raykat bersorak lagi.


Najib Razak

Throwback what Najib did to TUN M last time

1. Tidak disediakan kerusi, surat jemputan kerajaan kepada Tun M dan Tun Hasmah ditarik balik ketika angkat sumpah YDP Agong ke 15.

2. Pengiring polis bermotorsikal ditarik balik

3. Unit Tindak Khas (UTK) dan bodyguard dikurangkan seminima mungkin

4. Sewaan Pejabat Bekas Perdana Menteri di Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana dihentikan, pekerja am juga dipanggil balik 

5. Gambar Tun M di Bangunan UMNO dihilangkan

6. Gambar KLCC dalam poster BN / TV3 dihilangkan

7. Pembantu Rumah dan tukang masak ditamatkan kontrak

8. Pesawat yang akan bawa Tun M dan rombongan disabotaj

Weh kalau nak list lagi banyak dan lagi kejam apa yang Najib dan sekutu buat kat Tun M. Kita semua saksi semua ni berlaku, saya nampak dan rasai sama sama masa dulu. Nak list orang sekeliling Tun M apa kena. Siapa yang baik dengan Tun M kena apa? 

Tun M sedikit pun tak berdendam, Najib siap dapat escort sekarang. Ada ke ditarik? Dia siap mintak rumah kerajaan untuk dia letak barang2 dia. Tun M siap bagi lagi. Utk bodyguard semua ada. Tukang masak. Even muka Najib kat mana mana pun ada lagi. Kalau korang nak tahu Rosmah tu react macam dia masih bini PM tau. Ke sana kesini ada butler sendiri. Bawakkan payung. Tun Hasmah takde pun macam tu. Berjalan pun sorang diri bersama sorang bodyguard. Korang apa tau?

Kejam ke Tun M ni?

Isu kerusi tu? Kerusi tu ada je, dia je tak nak datang. Mengada ngada. Nak layan macam dia tu PM pulak, banyak cantik muka bini dia


- Ratu Naga

Wong Tack: Not likely govt will allow Lynas waste to be stored here

KUANTAN: Bentong MP Wong Tack (pic) says he doubts the veracity of a news report that said the government was likely to drop its requirement for Lynas Corp to remove its rare earth processing waste from Malaysia.

Wong questioned the credibility of the unnamed official source quoted in the report, who said the Cabinet had discussed the viability of Lynas building a permanent disposal facility (PDF) in the country.

"This source also claimed that the Cabinet will instead direct Lynas to build a PDF in which Lynas will have to fork out US$50mil (RM206mil) to finance.

In a statement on Wednesday (July 31), he said he doubted the Pakatan Harapan government would be so foolish as to think that a meagre USD$50mil was sufficient to deal with Lynas' massive amount of toxic radioactive wastes which were for eternity.

Wong said as of May 18, the accumulated water leach purification (WLP) radioactive waste piled up in Lynas' backyard stood at 580,362 tonnes.

"This amount is an increase of 128,798 tonnes in comparison to the figure announced by the Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change Ministry on Dec 4, 2018.

"US$50mil is probably just enough to cover the cost of building the PDF structure, which may last only 300 years. The cost to rebuild the PDF after it has collapsed, the cost to lease a huge piece of our precious land for billions of years, the opportunity cost, the long-term management,

as well as maintenance cost and, most importantly, the health risk and harm to

the environment have yet to be factored in.

"We must never allow Lynas to pass on all these costs to our children and burden them forever," said Wong.

He added that Malaysians would never allow the country to be used as dumpsites for foreign toxic wastes, citing ministers Yeo Bee Yin and Zuraida Kamaruddin's efforts in combating contaminated plastic waste importation.

"The massive support of the people towards the highly commendable efforts of our two ministers clearly shows that Malaysians are environmentally responsible citizens who care for the well-being of our children.

"If importers of contaminated plastic wastes are labelled as traitors to the country, what would the rakyat think of political leaders who allow this country to be the dumpsite for the huge amount of Lynas' toxic radioactive waste?" asked Wong.

He urged the Cabinet to uphold Promise 39 in the Pakatan manifesto which stated the government's commitment to protect the people's welfare and environmental sustainability, as well as not to be dictated by large corporations.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Fuziah Salleh, when contacted, said Cabinet had not come to a decision on the matter.

A Lynas source also said they had not receive any indication that the company's residue would be allowed to remain in Malaysia.- Star

Anti-drugs chief: 55% of drug addicts in Malaysia successfully rehabilitated

National Anti-Drugs Agency (AADK) director-general Datuk Seri Zulkifli Abdullah. – Bernama
LANGKAWI: A total of 55% of drug addicts in the country have been successfully rehabilitated, says Datuk Seri Zulkifli Abdullah.
Dismissing the notions of certain parties that efforts on the war on drugs in the country was ineffective, the National Anti-Drugs Agency (AADK) director-general said the success rate was in line with international standards of between 40% and 60%.
"I don't agree that our efforts are not effective. No country has reached a 90% successful rehabilitation rate. Drug abuse is a chronic problem and those involved are prone to relapse.
"However, we must revamp certain approaches so that it suits current needs and situations, " he told a press conference after attending the meeting on the pioneer project on curbing drug abuse and social ills on Wednesday (July 31).

This year, the agency has targeted a 65% rehabilitation rate, he added.

"We need the cooperation of other agencies and NGOs to successfully curb the drug problem.
"We are always open to suggestions from others, " he said.
On another matter, he said that eight secondary school students in Langkawi were among the 141 who tested positive for drugs this year.
Zulkifli said the eight boys, who were in Form Four and Form Five, tested positive for opiate type of drugs.
"We do not want the number of students involved in drugs to increase and are working closely with the Education Department on various efforts, including urine tests for Form Four and Form Five students who at high risk of being involved in drug abuse, " he told a press conference after launching a pioneer project on curbing drug abuse and social ills here on Wednesday (July 31).
AADK also conducts counselling sessions for students who are involved in drugs to prevent them from relapsing, he added.
On the pioneer project, Zulkifli said there would be a synergy created among the agencies and departments involved in curbing the drug problem.
"The project has been conducted at 12 high-risk areas since early July. Action will be taken cohesively to ensure the success of the programme, " he said.
Cooperation between the agencies involved is important to ensure that the recent "cleaning up" operation on Langkawi Island is not temporary, he added.
"We must discover the root of the problem. We are also looking at social ills as well as activities that might cause individuals to be involved in drug abuse, " he said.
Among the 12 high-risk areas are the Sungai Bunus People's Housing Project in Kuala Lumpur, Felda Lubuk Merbau, Kuala Kedah and Langkawi in Kedah, along with Sungai Besar and Felda Gugusan Hulu Selangor in Selangor.
Zulkifli said the agency was also showing videos on the dangers of drug abuse and efforts to prevent it to ferry passengers in Langkawi as part of the pilot project.- Star

Crocodiles spotted in waters off popular Likas Bay Park

KOTA KINABALU: Elusive crocodiles, which have been spotted within the Likas lagoon area over the past few years, might have slipped into the open sea along the scenic and popular Likas Bay park here.
A viral video of a crocodile close to the popular park and beach area have started to make its rounds, while state Wildlife officials are urging people to be more cautious in the area.
The department's director Augustine Tuuga said that they were just
receiving word about the presence of the crocodiles within seafront of Likas Park based on a video being shared.
"We will try to catch them if possible, " he said, adding that their rangers would move in as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, he said the public should avoid being in the surrounding waters.
"We have put up signboards there (Likas Bay lagoon) to warn the public, " he said.
Over the past few years, crocodiles have been spotted in the area that connects via drainage to the open sea, and the latest videos indicate that the crocodiles might have slipped through the drain into the seashore area.
Since the spotting of the crocodiles by anglers at the lagoon area, Wildlife Department has put up traps and signboards warning people.
But, the elusive crocodiles were never caught in the lagoon, and they have been seen from time to time.
Anglers at the lagoon remained undeterred by the threat and have continued fishing in the area despite the warnings.
In interviews with The Star in 2017, some of the anglers confirmed multiple sightings of the crocodiles while fishing, but said that the reptiles did not disturb them.
The lagoon area is currently being dredged and some people believe that it left its feeding ground and slipped into the open sea.
The seafront at Likas Park is a popular picnic spot among the locals and also has a jogging and a cycling track. Fishing and swimming are also popular recreational activities in the area.- Star

Senator under fire for asking for law to protect men from being seduced

PETALING JAYA: A women’s rights body has condemned a PKR senator’s call for the enactment of a sexual harassment law to protect men from being seduced into committing crimes such as rape, saying “moral policing” has simply not worked in the past.
The All Women’s Action Society (Awam) said it was unacceptable for Mohd Imran Abd Hamid to claim that men can be influenced to commit acts like rape, molestation and incest.
“After all, it is the perpetrator who must take responsibility for their own actions,” it said in a statement today.
“The idea that victims are unable to access justice or demand some form of redress after undergoing such a dehumanising experience simply adds to the creation of a culture of fear and violence,” it added.
Senator Imran, earlier today in the Dewan Negara, was reported to have said that men need to be protected because the actions and clothing of women can seduce them into breaking the law.
But Awam said a person’s dress is not the reason why children are molested or why people rape.
In retrospect, it said all moral policing has achieved is that when someone is raped or harassed, “the people in charge” start saying things like “Why did you wear such a bright lipstick?”, or “Why did you wear jeans?”.
Awam also said that gender-based violence doesn’t always stem from desire and lust, but power and objectification.
“It is the power, privilege and permission given by society when the people in charge fail to properly address the violence when rapists go free or marry their victims and when children are sold into marriage to ease the family’s financial burden.
“It is about power, control and saying that ‘I can do this to you’,” it added.
Awam also said it recently held a survey of 35 schoolgirls, aged 14-17, where more than 60% claimed they were sexually harassed verbally. They were also the target of sexual innuendos.
“The key point here is that almost all the girls surveyed were wearing the hijab and usually dressed modestly.”
Awam said while a Sexual Harassment Act was needed, it wasn’t just because women needed special privileges but because everyone, regardless of gender, deserves to live in dignity and without fear of their personal safety.
Imran, in proposing the sexual harassment law to protect men, said: “This is important, we men need to be protected. The actions, clothing of women can seduce us into breaking the law and causing us to be charged with a crime.
“I ask that the minister consider this so that the men in this country are safe and the country is peaceful,” the retired Navy admiral and former Lumut MP was reported to have told the Dewan Negara today. - FMT

Sarawak will defend autonomy over local govt, says CM

Sarawak Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg at the swearing-in ceremony for local councillors in Kuching today.
KUCHING: Sarawak will defend its autonomy over local government based on the Federal Constitution and Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), says Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg.
He said “no outsiders” were capable of taking over the local government as long as the state was ruled by Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), in an obvious reference to Pakatan Harapan.
It had been reported that federal Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin had paid a courtesy call on Abang Johari and put forward her plan to standardise local government administration in the country.
Speaking at the local councillors’ swearing-in ceremony today, Abang Johari said there had been attempts in the past by the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government to “streamline” the local government administration.
“They think that they have the authority to do so throughout Malaysia. I reject this because in Sarawak, the local government is safeguarded by MA63.
“Maybe the PH government is new and unaware of this,” he said after the event.
Abang Johari declined to give details of what changes Zuraida had proposed to him.
During the event, 765 councillors were appointed for the 2019-2021 term, with 318 new faces and 447 reappointments. - FMT

RHB mulls selling insurance unit to Tokio Marine

Facebook pic.
KUALA LUMPUR: RHB Bank said it had received permission from Bank Negara to start talks to sell up to 94.7% of its shares in its general insurance arm to Tokio Marine Asia.
The announcement comes months after Tokio Marine Holdings, one of Japan’s largest property and casualty insurers by market value, said it would actively pursue deals overseas to further diversify its geographic footprint.
RHB Bank said a deal is subject to the finance ministry and Bank Negara’s approval.
Reuters reported here in 2016 that Tokio Marine, which already runs its own life and general insurance businesses in Southeast Asia’s third-biggest economy, could buy out RHB Insurance for as much as US$500 million.
RHB Insurance had total assets of RM1.78 billion (US$431.52 million) and liabilities of RM1.2 billion as of last year.
It is the 10th largest insurer in Malaysia with a 4.4% market share, according to RHB Bank’s 2018 annual report.
It said the insurance business’s gross written premium amount customers are required to pay for insurance coverage rose 14% to RM787 million (US$190.79 million) last year, compared with the industry’s growth rate of 1.5%. - FMT

In education, we should be asking ‘how can we become more inclusive?’

We, of the National Early Childhood Intervention Council (NECIC), would like to respond to a letter from Jerrica Fatima Ann on “An Inclusive Education Minefield” where she suggested that the government “put away the roadmap to inclusive education until the state and civil society awaken to their responsibility”.
We would like to highlight constructive and workable solutions that can be implemented without waiting as our children cannot wait.
We recount real-life stories of children (names changed to protect their privacy) to show that inclusion is possible with caring teachers who are flexible. There are many similar stories happening in the country.
Jia Qi’s story
Jia Qi is a girl with Down syndrome. Many people, including teachers, have doubts about the future educational prospects of anyone with “Down syndrome”. But there are many exceptions, and Jia Qi is one. When Jia Qi was five, she could read and write in two languages and outperformed her kindergarten classmates academically. This was possible because Jia Qi’s teachers allowed her mother to sit in and support her learning.
Aisha’s story
When Aisha started primary school, her father Ibrahim made sure that he communicated with her school principal and class teachers about her needs and strengths, as well as strategies on how to support and help Aisha in school. With help and compassion from her school principal, teachers and classmates, Aisha thrived in her primary school despite having autism.
Teacher Lina’s story
When Lina’s kindergarten managers announced their decision to integrate children with disabilities in their school ten years ago, she was worried, scared and stressed. She had no experience teaching children with disabilities and had minimal understanding and knowledge of disabilities. She was worried that she would not be able to manage unexpected behavioural challenges.
Her fellow teachers felt the same. Lina’s kindergarten is now one of the few inclusive kindergartens in our country. The transition is successful because Lina’s kindergarten received regular itinerant support from early intervention practitioners to make adaptations to children’s needs and learning.
They also collaborated with doctors, therapists and parents of children with disabilities to foster understanding and acceptance within their school and community. Now when you talk to Lina, her eyes sparkle with joy and confidence when talking about the children in her class; especially so when she tells stories about children with and without disabilities helping each other and playing with each other. These children with disabilities are participating meaningfully and are truly included in the classrooms.
The true meaning of inclusive education
Inclusive education is never about “one size fits all”. Neither is inclusive education solely about educating children with and without disabilities in the same space – that is integration. Unfortunately, it is also the definition adopted by our education ministry.
Besides being a right to equal education for all children, inclusive education in its truest sense is about the continuous effort of responding to diversity, identifying barriers to participation, changing attitudes and improving teaching pedagogy so that all children can participate meaningfully.
Road to inclusive education
No doubt, there are still huge gaps and barriers in our education system to make inclusive education a reality.
None of us can make it alone – we all need support. As a nation, we need to work together to change the system, to support our schools and teachers to become more inclusive so that all children can learn together.
The question should never be, “When will we become ready for inclusion?” Instead, we should ask: “How can we become more inclusive?” That is when we focus on inculcating an inclusive culture where diversity is embraced, respected and valued.
We agree that in order to implement inclusive education with fidelity, there needs to be a lower teacher-student ratio, one teacher to six or eight children.
Considering most preschool classrooms of 20 to 25 children have two teachers, an interim solution is to have the support of a “teacher aide” (assistant), or like Jia Qi’s case, allowing her mother to be in the classroom.
Many parents and teacher aides are willing to provide such support to mainstream teachers. The reality is that few schools offer such support, and most are not keen to have a parent or teacher aide in the class. Flexibility in curriculum and classroom management allow the smooth running of an inclusive process, in particular, the use of reasonable accommodation such as extra time and use of adaptive devices.
At the same time, we need teachers who are trained with skills to teach and respond to the diverse needs of children in their classroom. On that note, all professional training of our teachers – both pre-service and in-service, must be underpinned by the inclusive perspective.
Principles and strategies of teaching to diverse pupils must be embedded in professional development courses so that inclusive teaching will become our teachers’ second nature. NECIC, Early Childhood Care and Education Council (ECCE) and other non-governmental organisations have started working on the in-service, hands-on training for preschool teachers to make inclusive preschool a reality.
Besides producing sufficient numbers of qualified teachers in early childhood education, we also need to recruit the best talent to teach our children. Teaching is a work of heart and is a profession with great intellectual, physical and emotional rigour.
Teaching should never be a job that puts the bread on the table. Neither should early childhood education tertiary programmes be the “leftover” choice of our secondary school-leavers. In fact, we should be encouraging the high achievers to pursue teaching as a career of their first choice.
The roadmap to inclusive education must continue at all levels of education and must begin from early childhood education.
Jia Qi and Aisha are not the exceptions, many similar children who attend mainstream preschools thrive and grow exponentially in the environment, so much so that they continue to attend mainstream primary and secondary schools.
We have also witnessed the positive impact they bring to their preschools, where teachers improve their teaching skills, and all children, regardless of their disabilities, gain better literacy, communication and math skills, becoming more caring and respectful.
As the late Jean Vanier put it (Man & Woman, God Made Them, 2006): “A society which discards those who are weak and non-productive, risks ….… becoming a society without a heart, without kindness – a rational and sad society, lacking celebration, divided within itself and given to competition, rivalry and, finally, violence.”
We cannot emphasise enough — include children with disabilities in the regular classroom, physically as well as educationally. We must progress towards the inclusion of all children, with different abilities and needs, into our education system so that they will be accepted fully as part of our society.
Dr Wong Woan Yiing is the NECIC president and consultant paediatrician.
Prof Dr Toh Teck Hock is NECIC vice-president and consultant paediatrician.
Ng Lai Thin is the NECIC project officer. -FMT

Malaysia and China universities sign 23 letters of intent, 3 co-operation documents

A total of 23 letters of intent and three co-operation documents were agreed and signed between higher education institutions of Malaysia and China at the 12th China-Asean Education Cooperation Week (CAECW) held in Guiyang, Guizhou, China recently.
The Education Ministry in a statement today said that this was the outcome of the China-Malaysia Presidential Roundtable at the CAECW attended by representatives from 11 universities from China and nine universities from Malaysia.
“The roundtable discussion was a great platform for both countries to recognise and understand each others’ institutions of higher education learning and open new doors for collaboration,” the statement said.
The MOE said the Malaysian delegation led by the Director of Education Malaysia, Prof Dr Rahmah Ahmad H. Osman, attended CAECW in conjunction with the 45th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations.
Following the meeting, the CAECW committee has selected several programmes to be implemented, including the Built Environment Summer Camp Project involving International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and the Multiple Intelligences Preschool Childhood Educator, involving Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM).
The ministry said companies such as Alibaba were also welcomed to cooperate with Malaysia by offering training and industry expertise to Malaysian students.
The statement also said that Malaysia was keen to establish a Malaysian Cultural Centre at Guizhou Minzu University to provide information on Malaysian culture and the country’s development to the Guizhou community.

Wanita MCA chief: I never claimed forensic reports on alleged rape went missing

MCA Wanita chairperson Heng Seai Kie is fully prepared to co-operate in a police probe into a Facebook page which claimed that the police have lost forensic reports related to the ongoing investigation of an alleged rape case involving Perak executive councillor Paul Yong.
Heng also emphasised that she herself had never claimed that the reports had gone missing.
"On July 27 and 29, I issued a press statement in Chinese, Bahasa Melayu, and English, to give my point of view on the issue whereby the investigation report was returned because the medical and forensics reports were not attached.
"This was in accordance to the media reports then; wherein due to the police not attaching the medical and forensics reports when submitting the investigation papers to the public prosecutor’s office, this caused the investigation report to be returned," she said in a statement today.
"In that statement, I also mentioned that this was ‘outrageous’, that ‘such delays will further setback the judiciary process’, and thus if it is true, urged Perak Police Chief Razarudin Husain ‘to give a proper account and apologise to the victim and the public’.”
Heng emphasised that she expressed the same viewpoint in the statements of all three languages.
"There was never any mention of the medical report and forensic report being lost," she said.
"Furthermore, the party being investigated is not me, but the Facebook page of '1 Malaysia Tolak DAP' which posted the claims. Nevertheless, since the police have requested me to aid their investigations, I am fully prepared to co-operate," said Heng.
She said it was essential that the public move on from this episode, and continue to monitor the police’s conduct into the investigation.
"As the alleged rape of a lowly servant by a politician in power is of public interest, the Perak police should give regular updates on their investigations for the purpose of transparency, checks and balances," said Heng.
Yong is accused of sexually assaulting his Indonesian domestic worker. The Tronoh assemblyperson has denied the allegation.
The exco presented himself at the Jelapang police station on July 9 to facilitate investigations and was briefly detained. He was subsequently released on police bail.
He has continued to clock into office as the Perak exco in charge of housing, local government, public transport, non-Muslims affairs and new villages.
However, Perak Menteri Besar Ahmad Faizal Azumu said that Yong's decision-making abilities have been limited pending the completion of police investigations. - Mkini

BN senator rejects PKR man's 'anti-seduction law' as archaic, patriachal

BN Senator Khairul Azwan Harun has rejected a fellow PKR senator's proposal for there to be a law protecting men from being "seduced" into sexually violating women.
"His (Mohd Imran Abd Hamid's) views are archaic, regressive and patriarchial. We must reject this sort of remarks, comments and views if we are to be a progressive nation," Azwan told Malaysiakini.
Earlier Mohd Imran, who is a retired navy admiral, said there needed to be a law to protect men from the actions, words and clothing of women so they do not commit crimes such as incest, rape, and molestation.
Azwan such views only embolden offenders.
"Views like these, even if jokingly made, enable and embolden men like what’s happening in Perak to think that they can get away with sexual assault and harassment," he said.
This morning, the Centre for Government Political Studies (Cent-GPS) - which Azwan co-founded - released a media preview of a survey on sexual education and consent.
In their survey of 1007 men aged between 18 to 30 in the Klang Valley, 34.6 percent of respondents said they understood consent for sex to mean a verbal agreement while 30 percent understood it as a mutual agreement.
However, 3.7 percent said non-objection was considered consent, while 3.6 percent said romantic attachment was also consent.
Meanwhile, 13.2 percent understood body language to mean consent while 6.4 percent said they did not know and 8.6 percent did not specify an answer. - Mkini

Wanita PKR chief: Decently clothed women are rape victims too

Wanita PKR chief Haniza Talha has taken issue with a party senator's proposal for a law to protect men from being "seduced" into sexually violating women due to the latter’s clothing.
"Rape happens to women who are decently dressed (too). The one that needs protection are victims of sexual abuse, and not the abusers and rapists!" Haniza told Malaysiakini.
Earlier, Mohd Imran Abd Hamid, who is a retired navy admiral, had said there needs to be a law to protect men from the actions, words and clothing of women, so they do not commit crimes such as incest, rape, and molestation.
Haniza said incest, rape, and watching pornography are all driven by lust.
As such, she recommended those who are feeling such desires to follow Islamic teachings and to fast.
She cited a hadith, or a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, which states that young men who are able to marry should marry, while those who can't should fast.
A sexual harassment law has been in the pipeline for years, but Mohd Imran’s proposal marked the first time the issue had been spun in such a way.
Women, Family and Community Development Deputy Minister Hannah Yeoh previously said police statistics from 2013 to 2017 showed that men made up 21.1 percent of sexual harassment victims.
Meanwhile, the All Women’s Action Society (Awam) had complained that authorities do not take sexual harassment seriously, even laughing at complainants and thus allegedly enabling perpetrators. - Mkini


Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has vowed not to renege on his agreement to hand over the leadership reins to PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.
This is after Turkish international news channel TRT World quizzed him on the sex video implicating Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali and its relevance to the transition plan.
“I’m not going against my own promise. Whatever happens, I will stick to the promise I made,” he said.
Asked earlier to comment on his complex relationship with Anwar, which saw the pair becoming allies after two decades of bitter political enmity, he replied: “Well, I have already agreed that when I step down, he will take over from me as prime minister.”
“That is a promise I made and I will stay with the promise,” he added.
The interview with TRT was on July 29, the same day Azmin voiced support for Umno and PAS’ proposal for Mahathir to serve his full term as prime minister.
Elaborating on the transition, Mahathir recalled how Pakatan Harapan parties united to fight against former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak.
“Fighting Najib was more important than our personal relations,” he said.
Speculation has been rife that the sex video is related to the tussle over the prime minister’s post following claims that Mahathir preferred Azmin to succeed him
Azmin, who is also PKR deputy president, is convinced that those responsible for the video are from within the party.
The situation escalated after Anwar said Azmin should resign if it is proven that it was the latter in the video depicting two men engaging in sexual acts.
While police have authenticated the video, the facial recognition process, however, failed to link Azmin to the recording.
Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador also revealed the existence of a conspiracy masterminded by the leader of a political party to tarnish Azmin’s reputation and that hundreds of thousands of ringgit were spent on producing the video.
Although Anwar has denied involvement, his political secretary was among those detained in connection with the case.
– M’kini


A banker forked out RM55,000 to regularise then prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s overdrawn bank account in 2014, the Kuala Lumpur High Court heard today.
During cross-examination, former AmBank customer relationship manager Joanna Yu (above) confirmed the veracity of BlackBerry Messenger chat logs with Jho Low’s secretary about this.
The chat logs had indicated that Yu had informed Jho Low that Najib’s bank account ending with the number 906 was overdrawn by RM55,000 because a RM80,000 cheque was issued when there was insufficient balance.
Following this, Jho Low instructed Yu to get in touch with one Kee Kok Thiam to fund Najib’s account. Kee was unable to do so.
Yu then turned to one Josie, who was identified as Jho Low’s secretary. Josie too was unable to transfer the money to Najib’s account.
According to the chat logs read out by defence counsel Harvinderjit Singh (above), Yu then wrote to Josie: “I may need to help him fund first.”
Harvinderjit: The RM55,000 did not come from Kee or Josie?
Yu: I can’t remember.
Harvinderjit: Again I suggest, it came from you. And Josie paid you back the next day.
Yu: It may have been (the case).
According to the chat logs, Yu exchanged messages with Josie the next day where she thanked the latter for repaying the RM55,000.
‘Boss’ Jho Low
Earlier today, the court heard that Yu considered Permai Binaraya director Jerome Lee to be answerable to Jho Low (below).
Harvinderjit: You used (the term) ‘boss’ for Low, implying that Low is in a superior position to Lee, (who) took instructions from Low?
Yu: Yes.
Yu was in communication with Lee over the transfer of RM27 million from Permai Binaraya’s Maybank account to Najib’s AmBank account ending with the number 880 in July 2014.
Permai Binaraya is a subsidiary of Putra Perdana Construction Sdn Bhd, which is in turn owned by Putrajaya Perdana Sdn Bhd.
Lee was a director in Putra Perdana construction between March 2014 to October 2015.
– M’kini