
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 30, 2017


PAS menyifatkan kenyataan Naib Pengerusi DAP Selangor,  Datuk Teng Chang Khim sebagai dangkal dan tidak matang dengan mengingatkan PAS supaya tidak mencampuri urusan penganjuran pesta arak ‘Better Beer Festival 2017’.
Ketua Penerangannya,  Nasrudin Hassan berkata, tindakan Teng menempelak PAS itu adalah kenyataan yang tidak bertanggungjawab.
“Apabila mereka menempelak kita supaya jaga Kelantan saja, itu satu kenyataan yang dangkal,  tidak bertanggungjawab.  Bersifat kebudak-budakan dan tak cerdik dalam berpolitik.
“Mana boleh kita sebagai sebuah parti hanya terhad untuk satu negeri sahaja.  Kalau begitu tak ada maknalah penglibatan kita dalam politik tanah air
“Nanti boleh kita kata Selangor jaga Selangor,  Pahang jaga Pahang?  Mana konsep persekutuannya, undang-undang dan perlembagaannya. Kenyataan itu tak matang, ” katanya dalam sidang media selepas berakhir hari pertama perhimpunan Fastaqim 2.0 di Pantai Tok Jembal, Kuala Nerus, malam tadi.
image: https://i.malaysiakini.com/1160/ab2bf6016d1af8c06dce29692d361ec7.jpeg
Semalam, Teng mengingatkan PAS supaya menangani masalah sosial di Kelantan yang merupakan negeri yang ditadbir parti itu.
Menurut Teng, kadar AIDS di negeri itu adalah lebih tinggi berbanding Selangor walaupun pesta arak tidak dianjurkan di negeri Kelantan.
“Adakah PAS mahu jadi hero? Pemimpin PAS terutama di Kelantan jaga tempat (negeri) sendiri, jaga tempat mereka dahulu,” Teng dilaporkan berkata.
Sementara itu Nasrudin berkata, pihaknya melihat pesta arak bertujuan untuk mempromosi minuman beralkohol secara terbuka kepada semua.
Katanya, ia sebagai satu langkah mempersenda dan mencabar sensitiviti umat Islam di negara ini.
“Ini kita tidak boleh benarkan. Soal kalau agama mereka membenarkan minum arak dan mereka nak minum secara tertutup,  itu hak mereka.
“Memang kita tak pernah ganggu pun,  tetapi apabila mereka nak mengadakan pesta dengan begitu terbuka, memperkenalkan pula pelbagai jenama. Maka saya kira ini adalah satu tindakan yang terlalu angkuh untuk mencabar sempadan sensitiviti umat islam,” katanya.
image: https://i.malaysiakini.com/1122/e4beb6ee64a76cef9274032b608bf6bf.jpeg
Beliau yang juga anggota Parlimen Temerloh mempersoalkan mengapa secara tiba-tiba minuman keras itu mahu diperkenalkan sedemikian.
“Dalam keadaan arak yang mempunyai implikasi yang lebih besar kepada kesihatan dan mental masyarakat, saya kira langkah itu tidak wajar,” tegas Nasrudin.
Sebelum ini,  Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL)  menolak permohonan penganjuran pesta itu atas faktor keselamatan.
Pesta tersebut dicadang diadakan dua hari mulai 6 Oktober di Publika Shopping Gallery di Kuala Lumpur dan penganjur kemudiaan didakwa membuat permohanan baru kepada Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ).
PAS pada Rabu lalu bagaimanapun menegaskan bahawa parti itu akan teruskan bantahan sekiranya pihak bekuasa memberi kelulusan tersebut.
– M’kini


Pengerusi Pakatan Harapan, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mengingatkan rakyat mengenai ‘jenis-jenis’ kepimpinan Umno sekarang dan mahu rakyat menolak mereka dalam pilihan raya umum yang akan datang.
Ini kerana mereka masih mempercayai Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak secara membuta tuli, katanya merujuk kepada perbualannya dengan seorang menteri.
“Saya jumpa dengan seorang menteri. Saya tak nak sebut nama dia. Saya tanya ‘eh Shahidan… ah, tersilap-silap, saya bukan nak sebut nama dia…,” kata Mahathir dalam satu ceramah di Pulau, Johor malam tadi.
Menurut Mahathir beliau bertanya kepada menteri itu mengapa dia masih ikut (Najib) sebagai pemimpinnya.
Mahathir merujuk kepada Tan Sri Shahidan Kassim, bekas menteri besar Perlis dan kini menjadi menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri.
“Jawab Shahidan ‘dak, dia tak ambik apa pun’. Katanya Peguam Negara, Mohamed Apandi Ali kata dia tak ambik (wang). Jadi dia percaya kepada Apandi
“jadi, kalau ada pemimpin boleh percaya seseorang yang dilantik khusus untuk menyelamatkan Datuk Seri Najib, kita tahulah jenis-jenis kepimpinan Umno yang ada sekarang. Semuanya tutup mata, tutup telinga, tutup mulut,” kata Mahathir.
Kata Mahathir pemimpin berkenaan yang menjadi menteri dan timbalan menteri, semuanya disumbat dengan dedak ke dalam mulut, telinga dan mata.
Tidak lama lagi, dakwanya, Najib akan menyumbat ‘dedak’ ke dalam hidung mereka.
“Apabila dedak masuk hidung apa jadi? mampus. itulah yang akan berlaku kepada mereka.
“Mereka yang sayang kepada negara, yang nak menyelamatkan negara, bagi mampus semua ni. Jangan undi mereka sama sekali. Kalahkan BN, kalahkan Umno dan pemimpin Umno, termasuk Datuk Seri Najib,” tegasnya.
Sementara itu, Mahathir berkata, Johor sudah lama dikenali sebagai kubu kuat Umno kerana di negeri itulah parti berkenaan ditubuhkan sebagai satu gerakan untuk menyelamatkan negara dari British sebelum kemerdekaan.
Sekarang, katanya, di Johor jugalah pihaknya berhasrat untuk memulakan satu gerakan untuk menyelamatkan negara daripada rasuah.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, yang merupakan pengerusi Pakatan Harapan Johor, sebelum itu bersetuju mengenai pentingnya Johor dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang, dan menyifatkannya sebagai “negeri barisan hadapan”.
“Jika Johor jatuh (kepada Pakatan Harapan), maka BN akan jatuh dan kita boleh mengambil alih Putrajaya,” katanya.
Bekerjasama dengan bekas saingan
Sementara itu, Mahathir juga cuba mengikis kebimbangan orang Melayu terhadap DAP dan menegaskan bahawa beliau adalah orang yang memulakan persepsi terhadap DAP sebagai “parti chauvinis Cina”, tetapi ia hanya kerana pada masa itu, beliau menjadi musuh mereka.
“Yalah bila kita bermusuh dengan orang, tak kan kita kata orang itu cantik, orang itu baik.
“Tetapi sekarang ni saya duduk tepi dia, tak la buruk sangat, boleh tahan la.
“Gambaran atau imej yang saya ciptakan untuk DAP ni tidak begitu benar, tak betul.
“Kerana dalam DAP ada berbilang kaum dan dalam mesyuarat mereka, mereka terpaksa guna bahasa kebangsaan,” katanya.
Beliau juga menyentuh tentang kebimbangan bahawa HARAPAN mungkin melantik seseorang daripada DAP sebagai perdana menteri jika mereka menawan Putrajaya, dan Mahathir mengatakan ia tidak mungkin.
DAP pun, katanya, mengakui bahawa komuniti orang Cina adalah minoriti dan tidak mungkin menjadi perdana menteri.
Lagi pun, tambahnya, tiga lagi parti dalam HARAPAN dipimpin oleh pemimpin Melayu, “jadi tidak mungkin mereka paksa atas kita supaya mereka dilantik menjadi perdana menteri.”
“Saya bekerjasama dengan Kit Siang ini sudah lama dan saya dapati dia bukanlah anti-Melayu. Tapi dia perjuangkan tentang nasib orang-orang dari kaum dia lah. Sepertimana saya berjuang untuk kaum Melayu pasal saya Melayu,” kata Mahathir.
Majlis itu dihadiri oleh kira-kira 3,000 orang. Pelancaran Pakatan Harapan Johor diserikan dengan pertunjukan bunga api dan lagu parti Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU).
Pulai, di mana majlis itu berlangsung, kini merupakan kerusi BN yang diwakili oleh Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed, yang menang dengan majoriti 3,226 undi dalam pilihan raya umum lepas.
– M’kini


Ketua Penerangan PAS, Nasrudin Hassan menyifatkan sebagai tiada berasas soalan tokoh Wartawan Negara, Datuk A Kadir Jasin sama ada wujudnya wang pemberian Umno kepada PAS.
“Fitnah dan tomahan yang tidak berasas. Perkaranya ini kita sudah banyak (terima) tomahan dan fitnah tetapi tidak ada bukti.
“PAS, gaya dan perjuangan kita, gerak kerja kita menggunakan duit daripada ahli. Daripada dulu sampai sekarang,” katanya dalam sidang media selepas berakhirnya hari pertama Perhimpunan Fastaqim 2.0 di Pantai Tok Jembal, Kuala Nerus, malam tadi.
Terdahulu, Kadir mengemukakan soalan sama ada benar atau sebaliknya duit yang kononnya diberi oleh Umno atau perdana menteri kepada PAS digunakan untuk berniaga (antaranya kosmetik) tetapi mengalami kerugian.
Sambil menyatakan beliau sekadar bertanya dan menegaskan tidak salah serta tidak boleh dikenakan saman malu, bekas ketua pengarangan Kumpulan New Straits Times Press itu berkata, mungkin ada orang yang tahu jawapannya.
Sementara itu, Nasrudin yang juga anggota parlimen Temerloh menegaskan setiap aktiviti dijalankan parti itu adalah sumbangan ahlinya.
“Kita bangunkan program (Fastaqim) sebesar ini pun adalah sumbangan daripada ahli, kutipan daripada ahli.
“Jadi saya kira itu fitnah, tindakan nakal,” katanya.
– M’kini

Academic body opposes accreditation idea for speakers on Islam

The Malaysian Academic Movement says such a policy will allow authoritarian control to restrict intellectual discourse.
akyol-talk-islamKUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Academic Movement (MOVE) opposes any action by the government to require speakers at public forums, who focus on issues surrounding Islam, to apply for formal accreditation beforehand.
In a statement today, its executive council said the idea of the stipulation had come about following the detention of Turkish author and journalist Mustafa Akyol by the Federal Territories Islamic Department (Jawi) on Sept 25 after he had come to Malaysia on a lecture circuit.
“This is unprecedented and unreasonable, casting the net of authoritarian control over intellectual discourse way too far,” it said, adding that academics would also be affected.
“Indeed, it now appears that we have religious bureaucrats directly wanting a piece of the action, demanding that they certify and sanction the work of academics before anything else.
“MOVE opposes this dangerous and certainly undemocratic development, just as we oppose the policing and regulation of knowledge by the ignorant, the unwise and the unjust,” it added.
The NGO, which is also known as Gerak, the abbreviation of its Malay name Pergerakan Tenaga Akademik Malaysia, said what happened to Mustafa must not be repeated.
“He was arrested not because of any criminal act but based on wild allegations,” it said.
It added that the manner in which he was detained, by not being allowed access for some time to his contacts in Malaysia and to legal representation, smacked of the ways of a police state.
“Akyol was arrested because some petty religious bureaucrats didn’t agree with what he had presented. Evidently they were uncomfortable with what he had to say about democracy, faith and justice.
“It is ironic and reprehensible that, at the same time, we welcome with open arms wanted fugitives and alleged terrorists, like Zakir Naik, and dance intimately with them,” it added, referring to the controversial preacher from Mumbai, who is wanted by India for terrorism and money laundering-related investigations.
Naik, who has been given permanent resident (PR) status by Malaysia, was reportedly photographed at the Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque in Putrajaya yesterday.
Last Monday, Akyol was about to board a flight to Rome via Istanbul at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 11.35pm when he was detained by immigration officers.
He had been in Malaysia on a lecture tour organised by the Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF).
IRF director Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa was reported to have said that Akyol was summoned by Jawi for questioning over a charge of “teaching Islam without credentials”, following which the religious authorities pressured the organisers of a forum featuring him to call the event off.
Akyol was not able to meet up with Jawi and decided to leave the country as he had no further engagements.
According to Jawi, Akyol was arrested based on a “complaint from the public” over a speech he made at a roundtable discussion titled “Does freedom of conscience open the floodgate to apostasy?” at the Royal Selangor Golf Club in Kuala Lumpur.
In a column in the New York Times later, Akyol said the incident was proof that there was “a major problem” in Islam today, with “a passion to impose religion, rather than merely proposing it, a mindset that most Christians left behind at the time of the Spanish Inquisition”.
Recalling the session with Jawi, Akyol  said a female officer “proudly” told him that “all of this was being done to protect religion”. -FMT

Nasib pekerja KR1M di tangan Mydin, kata Hamzah

Menteri perdagangan dalam negeri, koperasi dan kepenggunaan berkata, semua pekerja KR1M di bawah tanggungjawab Mydin dan tiada kena-mengena dengan kerajaan.
Hamzah-Zainudin-mydinKUALA LUMPUR: Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan, Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin berkata, nasib pekerja Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) bergantung kepada syarikat pengendalinya, Mydin Mohamed Holdings Sdn Bhd (Mydin).
“Pekerja KR1M semua di bawah tanggungjawab Mydin dan tiada kena-mengena dengan kerajaan. Ini yang ramai orang salah faham,” katanya selepas merasmikan Karnival Youngpreneurs Go (YPGO) anjuran Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) di Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) hari ini.
Kontrak Mydin sebagai pengendali KR1M digesa ditarik balik oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi pada Julai lepas kerana didapati menjual produk pada harga jauh lebih tinggi berbanding pasaran.
KR1M mula beroperasi pada 2011 bertujuan menjadi pilihan kepada rakyat berpendapatan rendah, namun banyak aduan dilaporkan diterima kerana tidak puas hati terhadap harga dan barangan yang dijual.
“Jadi, bila dia (Mydin) kata dah tak boleh teruskan, maka itu keputusan Mydin. Bila dah tutup, terpulanglah kepada Mydin sama ada nak ambil atau tidak (kakitangan),” kata Hamzah. -FMT

Mahathir Bribed Kit Siang RM1 Billion To Become Pakatan’s Chairman

Mahathir bribed Kit Siang RM1 billion so that he could become Pakatan’s Chairman. Part of that deal was Kit Siang would not spill the beans on the Bank Negara forex scandal and Mukhriz would be given a safe parliament seat to contest in the next general election. RM750 million has been paid thus far and once Mukhriz’s seat is confirmed the balance will be paid.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Lim Kit Siang’s actions since the beginning of this year has puzzled many people, the top leadership of DAP in particular. Kit Siang appears to have warmed up to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and no longer does Kit Siang consider Mahathir the father of racism, the godfather of corruption, the man who killed democracy, the man who destroyed the judiciary, the criminal who must be put in jail for the rest of his life once Pakatan Harapan comes to power, and so on.
In fact, today Kit Siang considers Mahathir as the man who is going to save Malaysia and he says he never had any personal grudge against Mahathir but just disagreed with him on matters of policy and the management of the country. How far Kit Siang has fallen from calling Mahathir ‘Satan’ to now calling him ‘The Son of God’.

When the setting up of the special task force was announced many expected Kit Siang to be the star witness against Mahathir and were very surprised when Kit Siang suddenly did a U-turn

Some just pass this off as Kit Siang allowing the end to justify the means. Others say Kit Siang is practicing the doctrine of an enemy of my enemy is my friend — and since Mahathir is the enemy of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak then he becomes DAP’s friend. Then people like Superman Hew Kuan Yew say this is just Kit Siang’s strategy of using Malays to screw Malays.
Actually it is more than that. Mahathir has bought off Kit Siang with RM1 billion and that is why the old Chinaman has turned into the old Mamak’s lapdog. So it is true what they said in 1976 after all, which is Kit Siang can be bought but it has to be an awful lot of money. Those who remember the Exxon scandal of the mid-1970s involving the oilrigs in the South China Sea would know what this refers to. In fact, Kit Siang almost went to jail for that issue and when he did a U-turn many did not understand the reason why.
Anyway, a couple of days ago a friend called to say he is going to London to arrange for someone to meet me. My friend would not give more details but only said this ‘someone’ is within DAP’s ‘inner circle’ and that he has very important information to reveal.
We met up and this deep throat told me that Mahathir had bribed Kit Siang and the amount is RM1 billion to be paid in four tranches. RM750 million has already been paid and the final tranche of RM250 million will be paid once the deal is fully completed. The money, according to the deep throat, was being paid in Hong Kong and Singapore.

Kit Siang’s performance at the RCI was extremely disappointing considering this had been his crusade for more than 20 years — and now it is clear that Mahathir bought his silence

To earn that RM1 billion first Kit Siang has to agree to PPBM joining Pakatan Harapan as the fourth coalition member and for Mahathir to become the coalition Chairman. Then Kit Siang has to back off and not reveal what he knows during the RCI hearing on the RM31.5 billion forex scandal. Next Mukhriz must be given a safe parliament seat to contest in the coming general election, if possible a seat which DAP can ‘control’ and can tell the voters who to vote for.
What was interesting is Muhyiddin Yassin was not included in the deal so it looks like he is being thrown under the bus.
After hearing this revelation I told the deep throat I cannot run this story unless I can see the evidence. This is the same with the deep throat who revealed that Muhyiddin was having an affair with Nika Gee. Unless I can see the evidence it is just a story and not something I can write about. The person who brought that Muhyiddin-Nika Gee scandal to my attention then showed me the signed affidavit to prove it.
The deep throat I met then showed me the evidence. I can view the evidence but he cannot give me any copies, he said. He is showing me the evidence just to prove he is telling the truth. He also said if the MACC feels they want to take action and would like the evidence he is prepared to deal with them. However, there are going to be certain terms and conditions attached, which the MACC would have to agree to first.

The deep throat will only deal with the MACC because he heard Kit Siang and Mahathir grumble that Dzulkifli Ahmad is straight as an arrow and is incorruptible

The deep throat said he is more comfortable dealing with the MACC because he heard Kit Siang tell Mahathir that the MACC chief commissioner, Dzulkifli Ahmad, is an honest and clean man and cannot be bought, which Kit Siang and Mahathir find most frustrating. That is why the deep throat is prepared to share the evidence with the MACC instead of wasting time talking to others.
The evidence I was shown was certainly convincing and if the MACC sees it as well they would definitely confirm that a case exists. The issue of Kit Siang receiving a RM1 billion bribe is one thing but how does Mahathir explain where the RM1 billion came from? And why is this transaction being done offshore and not in Malaysia if no crime is being committed? You only deal offshore if you are committing a crime and you do not want the local banks to know about it.
The questions surrounding Kit Siang’s strange behaviour and change of stance since the beginning of this year have now been answered. Many people could not understand why PPBM was admitted into Pakatan Harapan when it has nothing to offer. They have only one parliament seat, Pagoh, and even then Muhyiddin will find difficulty retaining this seat in the next general election.
Malaysian general elections are not just about votes but also about seats. Barisan Nasional can win just 45% of the popular votes but it will still be able to form the federal government because it will still have a simple majority in parliament. Pakatan Harapan needs to win at least 60% of the popular votes to form the next federal government because you need at least 112 seats for that to happen.

What value is PPBM to Pakatan Harapan and what can it contribute with just one seat, which it may not even be able to retain in the next general election?

So what value is PPBM to Pakatan Harapan? Pakatan Harapan needs 112 seats so it is short of about 50 to 55 seats. What good is one Pagoh seat even if Muhyiddin can still retain it in the next general election? And would not allowing PPBM into Pakatan Harapan and appointing Mahathir as its Chairman actually cause more seats to be lost?
Pakatan Harapan has already lost more than 25 seats because of what DAP did to PAS. By allowing PPBM into Pakatan Harapan and appointing Mahathir their Chairman may cause the loss of another 15 seats, making it 40 seats in total. That means Pakatan Harapan is going to struggle with roughly 50 seats or so and half of those or around 25 would be DAP seats.
The thing is Kit Siang knows that the chances of Pakatan Harapan winning 115 seats with 55 of them won by DAP and 60 by the other coalition members is now impossible. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has very cleverly neutralised Pakatan Harapan since the attacks on him first started in December 2014.

Kit Siang’s deal with Mahathir has disgusted many Chinese, even in Penang, and now it has been revealed that the deal involves a RM1 billion bribe as well

The most Pakatan Harapan can win in Sabah and Sarawak would be ten seats. DAP can probably bring in another 45 seats, tops. It could even be only 35 since many Chinese are now disgusted with Kit Siang and DAP, even in Penang itself. So where are the balance 65 seats going to come from?
That is the reality. So whether PPBM is allowed to join Pakatan Harapan and whether Mahathir is made its Chairman really does not matter. Either way Pakatan Harapan is dead anyway. This way Pakatan Harapan is still going to die but Kit Siang makes RM1 billion in the process. And making RM1 billion and die is better than making nothing and also die.
We will wait to see how MACC responses. If they want to meet this deep throat it can be arranged. But MACC will have to agree to the deep throat’s terms and conditions before they can get their hands on the evidence. And just like in the case of the affidavit to prove that Muhyiddin was having an affair with someone wife’s named Nika Gee, this evidence is also going to prove that Kit Siang received a RM1 billion bribe from Mahathir.

It did not make sense why Kit Siang would want Mahathir as Pakatan Harapan’s Chairman considering Mahathir’s baggage that is going to cause the loss of many seats — but now we know there are one billion reasons why Kit Siang appointed Mahathir as Pakatan’s ‘top dog’

I suppose this is a case of Mahathir’s redemption and Kit Siang’s retribution. Mahathir redeems himself by giving Kit Siang RM1 billion from the RM100 billion he stole while Kit Siang gets his retribution by taking back RM1 billion from the RM100 billion that Mahathir stole. This is what they would call a win-win situation — a win for Mahathir and Kit Siang but at the expense of the taxpayers, voters, DAP and Pakatan Harapan.
Well, they do say there is no such thing as a free lunch and that eventually someone pays. In this case DAP and Pakatan Harapan will pay come the next general election.

Malaysian GDP growth and competitive rank yet to benefit the people

The recent reports on the economic well-being of Malaysia, trumpeted by the ruling coalition BN, are nothing more than cosmetic affairs. Substantial change is negligible.
The 5.7 percent GDP growth in the first half of this year and the 23rd position in the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018 are quoted as evidence of the country’s progress.
These reports by themselves do not represent reality. Worse, they are being exploited to manipulate our actual experience, to convince us that all is well while persistent problems swell.
To get a better grasp of reality, these reports must be read alongside others. One may begin with the rising cost of living.
The average inflation rate for the first six months of 2017 is 4.1 percent. Compared to the same period last year (2.6 percent), this is an increase of 58 percent.
The estimated inflation rate will be between three to four percent for this year, which is high among our neighbours: Singapore (1.1 percent), Brunei (-0.1 percent), and Thailand (1.4 percent).
Hence, inflation is referred to as the fourth most problematic factor for doing business in Malaysia by the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report.
The devaluation of the ringgit is worrying. On 13 January 2014, the exchange rate of US$1 was RM3.26. The same day this year, it was RM4.46. Within a year, the value of our currency, in relation to the US dollar, was reduced by 37 percent.
Following that, the trajectory of our gross national income per capita, that reflects the average income per Malaysian, is badly affected.
The Economic Planning Unit's "The Malaysian Economy in Figures 2017" report states that the Malaysian average income of US$10,644 in 2014 was reduced to US$9,242 (2015), then to US$9,102 (2016), and at US$8,906 this year.
That means, if we exclude salary increments, we are on average paid 16 percent lesser now for the same amount of work we did three years ago!
Salary increments must be no lesser than 16 percent over four years to at least be stagnant. If inflation is accounted for, we need more than that.
GDP growth and competitive rank, by themselves, cannot be measures of economic and social wellbeing. Things are not cheaper. Rather, it has become more expensive to live in Malaysia.
A recent poll conducted by Watan, a youth voter registration NGO, and Merdeka Center on youths aged between 21 to 30 corresponds to these data. More than half of those surveyed, that is 56 percent, remarked that their financial situation had worsened, and 86 percent deemed that the average wage was low.
GDP growth and competitive rank have not been shown to benefit the average Malaysian. There is clearly a huge gap in the system. The present government has failed to translate productivity growth and competitive edge to the people’s advantage.
Increased production and reduced red tape for foreign investors are not indicators of the public’s increased disposable income and consumption. GDP growth and competitiveness, by themselves, are irrelevant to the locals’ standard of living.
Sadly, the ruling government seems contented with mere cosmetic actions, exhibiting neither innovative nor serious efforts to fix the systemic gap.- Mkini

Time for Kit Siang to retire, says Rahman Dahlan

Lim Kit Siang's lack of confidence in opposing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak signals that it is time for the DAP veteran to retire said BN strategic communications director Abdul Rahman Dahlan.
Rahman said that Lim's growing desperation has led him to abandon his principles by backing former enemy Dr Mahathir Mohamad to lead Pakatan Harapan against Najib.
"Having called Mahathir as Malaysia’s single, greatest 'enemy' bent on destroying Bangsa Malaysia and Malaysia for the entire 22 years of him in office, Kit Siang - without any hint of shame - now propels Mahathir as the 'saviour' of Malaysia.
"Due to such unprincipled actions, I am sure Kit Siang now realises that he is a huge liability to Harapan," Rahman said in a statement today.
Lim on Thursday said despite their enmity in the past, he and Mahathir now share a common goal to save Malaysia and oust Najib.
Mahathir had at the launch of Johor Harapan last night also admitted the image he created of the DAP in the past was inaccurate and Lim is not "anti-Malay" as previously portrayed.
Rahman said due to Lim's longevity as "undisputed leader" of DAP, the Gelang Patah MP now bears the image of a dictator, similar to the "despotic leader" of North Korea.

The minister in the prime minister's department said it was time for Lim to make way for other leaders.
"Perhaps It is time for him to step aside and pave way for progressive, inclusive and responsible leaders like (Kepong MP) Tan Seng Giaw to lead the party democratically," he said.
Tan, who is also a DAP veteran, has as of late been viewed as a black sheep in the party, issuing statements that are either contrary or critical of the party.- Mkini

Police to block German F&B event, deny giving greenlight

Police say they will not approve a permit for a German food and beverage festival in Klang, and deny they had ever given their okay for the event.
Klang Utara district police chief Mazelan Paijan said this is because the "Centro Mall German F&B Festival" will be serving alcohol.
"We will not give approval as per the instructions given by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi recently for police to ensure that there are no alcohol festivals organised," Mazelan was quoted as saying by Bernama.

Zahid (photo) had on Sept 26 said that he had ordered police to stop the controversial Better Beer Festival in Kuala Lumpur which has since been cancelled.
Meanwhile, Mazelan said police have yet to receive any applications from German festival organisers and that any letter stating the police's approval was fake.
Yesterday, Selangor exco member Teng Chang Khim said the organisers had received a letter from the Klang Utara district police headquarters saying they had no objections to the German festival as long as it adhered to certain conditions.

Among other conditions, the event must be restricted to non-Muslims only, said Teng (photo).

The event, scheduled Oct 12 and 13, has received objections from Selangor PAS, who claimed that the event was an "alcohol festival".
Similar events at Centro Mall have been held in October over the past few years without any incident.- Mkini


THE recent wave of Muslim bigotry is due to how Islam is taught and controlled in the country, said progressive Muslim think tank Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF).
“The way that our authorities monopolise religion has made us into stupid Muslims,” said IRF chairman Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa.
This was his description of the undercurrents behind the recent spate of incidents that have shocked the nation.
They ranged from the detention of a renown Turkish author Mustafa Akyol for giving a talk on Islam, a Muslim-only launderette in Muar, Johor, and a man being fined for wearing shorts to play futsal in Kelantan.
The problem with the way Islam is taught to Malaysian Muslims is its strict, top-down interpretation that cannot be questioned, said Dr Farouk.
There is also the misconception that the interpretation of Islam and Islamic law from a government-mandated agency is God’s own word and this makes it even harder to question the authority.
“When Malaysians learn something in Islam from their ustaz (religious teachers), no one asks what is the basis for this or that rule in the Quran?
“They just accept everything as the gospel truth,” he said.
Dr Farouk used the example of the man who was told to go for counselling or be fined by the Kelantan religious police for wearing shorts, to illustrate the dangers of a monopoly on the interpretation of Islam.
Throughout Islam’s history, scholars had differed on what was considered “aurat” or parts of the body that must be concealed for men and women, he said.
These scholars created many schools of Islamic jurisprudence called ‘mazhab’, and they were considered equal in terms of validity, he added.
“The founder of the Maliki school, Malik ibn Anas (in 8th century Arabia) was famous for defying his caliph, who wanted to make his interpretation the official interpretation.
“Imam Malik said, ‘No’, because like many scholars of that time, they believed no interpretation was perfect.
“The problem is when modern religious authorities in Muslim countries such as Malaysia adopt one school as the ‘official interpretation’ and forbids the other schools.”
Since Malaysian religious authorities had adopted the Shafie school of jurisprudence, all Muslims were forced to follow it, said Dr Farouk.
“But if the authorities did not monopolise the interpretation of Islam and accepted that there are many different mazhab and interpretations throughout Islamic history, then we would not have these problems.”
The launderette that wanted to exclude non-Muslims, said Dr Farouk, was mind-boggling.
“It’s the silliest thing Muslims have done. Segregating the clothes of Muslims and non-Muslims. It reminds me of an issue two years ago about chocolates.”
In 2014, Malaysian Muslims were in an uproar after Cadbury chocolates tested positive for traces of pig DNA. The company and Federal Religious Development Department (Jakim) soon verified that the chocolates were halal.
“At the time, one Muslim group said that in order to cleanse themselves if they had eaten Cadbury chocolates, they had to get a complete blood transfusion. (The launderette issue) is that stupid.
“(Albert) Einstein once said ‘there are only two things which are infinite, the universe and stupidity. But I am not certain about the former.”
– https://www.themalaysianinsight.com

Can Wear Kafir Underwear, Cannot Wash Kafir Underwear. Ayoyo !!

Here is Free Malaysia Today:

sociologist warned of apartheid environment in Malaysia
signs pointing to it were clear.

Syed Farid Alatas said Islamic scholars, leaders need to reverse trend
speak publicly against divisions along religious, racial lines.

separate trolleys, halal non-halal, will lead to separate supermarkets
like Muslim-only laundry businesses,” he told FMT.

early warning signs of apartheid situation 

reasons for divisions was Malay sense of insecurity 
politicians, religious scholars were stoking it.

Malays insecure about economic status 
being told they may lose control if they are not careful

to compensate such fears the community started to stress religious beliefs

also cited external factors 
spread of dubious religious ideas from Arabs 

regressive and exclusivist ideas from Arabs 
influential in Malaysia,” he said

laundrettes in Muar and Kangar prohibit non-Muslims 
Ministry of Domestic Trade guidelines :  trolleys for halal and non-halal items

My comments : I also wish to comment about my previous post 'Religious Fascists'.

Here my friend Farid Alatas speaks about a religious apartheid being heaped upon the Muslims.

Before that, just today I got some confirmation (through WhatsApp)  from a Quran scholar in India (whom I should write about someday)  about the meanings of the words Iblis, Syaitan and kafir  as they are used in the Quran.  

It confirmed what I have figured out from quite some time ago - through a word search and word analysis of the Arabic Quran.

Now these Quranic definitions are quite different from the understanding of the orthodox schools. Unfortunately, to avoid attracting the negative  attention of the retards, I will have to keep the info to myself.  

I digress.  Farid talks about apartheid. In the video in the previous post, Raymond Ibrahim talks about the jihadi fascists.

In the 20th century the Fascists were the Nazi Germans, the Italians and the Japanese of the Bushido.  

As for apartheid, it was the white people who inhabited South Africa and Rhodesia.

The religious retards can try to be fascists and apartheid-ists,  good examples are the Saudis, the religious jihadists all over the world, the Taliban, the Pakistanis (almost all of them), a sizeable number of the less intelligent  in our own  country, the ISIS and other retard groups.

The Muslims were not always like this. The situation has become worse with the influence of the Wahabis / Salafis rising in Malaysia. Government departments, government institutions, religious bodies are becoming infested with Wahabi / Salafi ideology. 

All this satanic behaviour is from the Iblis ideas of the Wahabis / Salafis.

But there is a huge difference from the Nazi fascists, the Italian fascism of Benito Mussolini, the fascism of Bushido Japan and the apartheid of the white people in Rhodesia and South Africa.

Nazi Germany was the most technologically advanced country in the world. 
It was also highly literate and cultured.

So were Mussolini's Italy and Japan. 
Japan in particular was the most advanced Asian nation. 
They had vast industries, they could make their own cars, motorcycles, airplanes, tanks, ships, submarines, trains and everything else. 

In Rhodesia and South Africa, for a very long time, the white people were more modernised, educated, literate, technologically advanced and cultured.  Unfortunately they decided to "lord" it over the black peoples of Africa.

That was the Nazis, the Italian Fascists, the Japanese nationalists and imperialists and the racist whites in Africa. 

In sharp contrast, in the 21st century today all the religious ostards wal retards cannot even make their own underwear.

Lets take that laundrette in Muar (or Kangar).  
All their laundry machines are made by the kafirs. 
In fact it is most likely that the supplier of the laundry machines are also the kafirs.  
All the clothes that are washed in the machines are possibly ALL made by the kafir people.  

If the laundry machines break down, it is most likely that a kafir guy or a kafir owned company will come to repair the laundry machines. 
The suppliers of the spare parts will most certainly be kafirs as well.

The detergents used by the  retards are all made by the kafirs. So will be the chairs and  tables they sit on.   Their pants, shirts, shoes, underwear, handphones, watches, nail clippers, spectacles, ball point pens, biscuits and biscuit tins, coffee cups, pet bottles, the drinks inside the pet bottles, their calculators, magazines, newspapers, books, scissors, rubber bands, toilet tissues (which they do not use ha ha) toothpicks, plastic rulers, ink, electric lamps, coins, currency notes, wallets, credit cards etc etc etc (these items are all on my table now, except for the clothes, I am wearing them he he). 

They are economically backward and financially poor. Without free handouts, without free money (largely derived from taxes levied on the kafirs), without direct government assistance, without the government lowering academic requirements for university entrance they will not be able to survive.

So the ostard wal retards and their flock cannot be compared with Nazi Germany.
They are NOT Fascist Italy or Bushido Japan.
They are NOT white folks in Rhodesia or South Africa.

Then the ostard wal retards have their real life problems : their flock or their followers suffer serious issues. Other than being economically poor and backward their followers suffer drug problems in large numbers, unemployment or pengangguran in large numbers, they suffer sumbang mahram, rape, gang rape,  ibu tunggal, ayah kahwin bini muda which leads to horribly broken families,  low academic achievement, an almost pathological inability to learn maths or acquire scientific knowledge in large numbers, more pathological inability to think logically or rationally, they like to believe in ghosts, spirits, bomohs, black magic and other false paganisms. 

So with so much crap in their lives, it will be quite difficult for them to 'lord' it over the kafirs.

Without the presence of the kafirs they will not even have underwears to be washed inside those 'Muslim only'  laundry machines.

I would like to say that these folks are really delusional.

It is a lot simpler than that. 
They are just stupid.  
Village idiot level stupid. 

Once the free money and the free handouts system comes to an end, so will they. The free money system is coming to an end in Saudi Arabia, in Brunei and in Malaysia. It cannot last forever.

The rich whites used apartheid to protect their money.

The poor retards cannot use apartheid to protect  empty pockets.

You do not engage with the world you become poor, dirt poor.