Tuesday, January 31, 2012
MCA's 'White' Chinese New Year
MCA arranged and Perkasa nailed it! Compulsive attention seeker, Ibrahim Ali, and his gang of senseless and at times comical Perkasa members had caused another ruckus. This time, they had forked out almost RM10k only to court another controversy because the money was distributed in white envelopes. Netizens had criticized the act as an insult to the Chinese because the only time a white envelope is used is during bereavement.
MCA Seputeh division committee member Collin Tiew, who had arranged for more than 50 people to attend the Perkasa's CNY open house, claimed that he was victimized after he was criticized for playing a part in the Perkasa's event.
Tiew claimed that he did not know Ibrahim Ali before the event was surprisingly asked to help translate Ibrahim's speech during the event. Tiew said he was upset with the white packet but did nothing to advice or stop Ibrahim Ali from distributing them during the event.
Yes, unbelievable! My experience of working with so many politicians told me that a lack of integrity is common.
This incident is another proof that MCA has lost the plot. The party has been on the offensive against Dap for working with Pas to install an Islamic nation but the party has no qualm working with the racist and ultra Perkasa.
Perkasa's stand on a number of issues which included wild and baseless allegations against the Chinese community and Christians has angered many people, especially the Chinese community but the party which has been vocal against Pas and the latter's ambition to install the Hudud law.
The party has been critical against Dap working with Pas in Pakatan but has largely kept very quiet when section of UMNO and Pas have been mooting a unification of the Malay political forces. If MCA is vary of Pas, it should have reacted with the same contempt against UMNO's intention to work with Pas. Can MCA assure us that the UMNO-Pas partnership does not have an Islamic state ambition and Hudud will not be implemented?
What MCA needed is consistency and a political backbone if the party is serious of rebounding as a political force to be reckoned with. Playing with the fear of the community against the Hudud law is ill conceived and poorly executed.
Hudud does not hurt the innocent. We are being badly affected by immense corruption, racists and ultra politicians, journalists and academics which have no qualm or respect for Malaysia's multiracial society and fabric.
If MCA truly represents the Chinese community, it should have gone down to the ground to listen to the community grouses, fear and needs and not trying to play with communal and religious fire. It should be brave enough to tell those unscrupulous politicians in its coalition to stop abuse of power, corruption and poor governance.
An MCA trying to instill fear to push the community to vote them may eventually face the full brunt for its own lack of political acumen. Who cares if MCA ended up with no representation in the government if the party is good for nothing?
MCA Seputeh division committee member Collin Tiew, who had arranged for more than 50 people to attend the Perkasa's CNY open house, claimed that he was victimized after he was criticized for playing a part in the Perkasa's event.
Tiew claimed that he did not know Ibrahim Ali before the event was surprisingly asked to help translate Ibrahim's speech during the event. Tiew said he was upset with the white packet but did nothing to advice or stop Ibrahim Ali from distributing them during the event.
Yes, unbelievable! My experience of working with so many politicians told me that a lack of integrity is common.
This incident is another proof that MCA has lost the plot. The party has been on the offensive against Dap for working with Pas to install an Islamic nation but the party has no qualm working with the racist and ultra Perkasa.
Perkasa's stand on a number of issues which included wild and baseless allegations against the Chinese community and Christians has angered many people, especially the Chinese community but the party which has been vocal against Pas and the latter's ambition to install the Hudud law.
The party has been critical against Dap working with Pas in Pakatan but has largely kept very quiet when section of UMNO and Pas have been mooting a unification of the Malay political forces. If MCA is vary of Pas, it should have reacted with the same contempt against UMNO's intention to work with Pas. Can MCA assure us that the UMNO-Pas partnership does not have an Islamic state ambition and Hudud will not be implemented?
What MCA needed is consistency and a political backbone if the party is serious of rebounding as a political force to be reckoned with. Playing with the fear of the community against the Hudud law is ill conceived and poorly executed.
Hudud does not hurt the innocent. We are being badly affected by immense corruption, racists and ultra politicians, journalists and academics which have no qualm or respect for Malaysia's multiracial society and fabric.
If MCA truly represents the Chinese community, it should have gone down to the ground to listen to the community grouses, fear and needs and not trying to play with communal and religious fire. It should be brave enough to tell those unscrupulous politicians in its coalition to stop abuse of power, corruption and poor governance.
An MCA trying to instill fear to push the community to vote them may eventually face the full brunt for its own lack of political acumen. Who cares if MCA ended up with no representation in the government if the party is good for nothing?
Posted by Khoo Kay Peng
Umno, MCA, NATO after Perkasa insult
Jackson Ng, Retired Journalist
SO, THE Umno-linked Perkasa’s insult of giving away “white funeral ang pows” to the Chinese community during the Chinese Lunar Dragon Year has attracted the attention of our 1Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Finally, after two days of silence, Najib saw the seriousness of the stunt pulled by his Umno-linked Perkasa.
However, it was a terrible let down from the premier. All he said were:
1. The use of “white envelope” angpow had nothing to do with the Barisan Nasional (BN) federal government;
2. “I think that as long as we can have a better understanding of Chinese culture and promote sensitivity to cultural taboos, such controversial events can be avoided; and
3. “We all know that ang pow means a red envelope, dominated by red rather than other colours,” Najib said, adding that the incident can be used as a social experience.
1. The use of “white envelope” angpow had nothing to do with the Barisan Nasional (BN) federal government;
2. “I think that as long as we can have a better understanding of Chinese culture and promote sensitivity to cultural taboos, such controversial events can be avoided; and
3. “We all know that ang pow means a red envelope, dominated by red rather than other colours,” Najib said, adding that the incident can be used as a social experience.
Ibrahim “Perkasa” Ali’s stunt to insult the Chinese during the communnity’s Lunar Year celebration was deliberate, nothing short of mindless provocation aimed at worsening race relations.
If it was a stunt by a non-Malay aimed at the Malays during Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, will Najib still respond the same? All Najib is trying to do is to quell the Chinese community’s anger to save Ibrahim’s hide (skin is too polite a word to describe this animal).
And now, the MCA “adulterer” president’s son, Chua Tee Yong, also wants to pit in his meaningless and worthless say. All Tee Yong had to say in response to the insult which was co-sponsored by a MCA division and branch leader is: “Perkasa cannot be excused for giving out white ang pows at a Chinese New Year gathering on Sunday. Perkasa should have been aware. They should have learnt the practices of another race before organising such an event, so that they did not upset anyone.”
Tee Yong, who is also MCA Young Professionals Bureau chief, is displaying much “pride and professionalism” in taking care of the interest of the Chinese community and defending the insults from Ibrahim the past few months. He is doing it by showing his elders the way to bootlick Umno and its cronies. Like father, like son.
There were also quotes attributed to Tee Yong saying that Ibrahim must apologise to the Chinese community. That’s all? We are expected to accept and forget the incident.
If I use a hearse to deliver something to Tee Yong’s house or place a coffin in front of his house, can I just apologise and forget the incident?
Enough is enough. Ibrahim has been spewing racial and sensitive and seditious remarks against the non-Malays the past few months and getting away with it because Perkasa is backed by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad and BN-Umno.
What we want from Najib and MCA is action to be taken against Ibrahim and to stop the garbage coming from his mouth. We don’t want NATO (No Action Talk Only).
Anything short of punitive action and legal prosecution for public mischief or nuisance is to condone Ibrahim’s shameless behaviour as a Malay and Malaysian and he will continue to spew more venom to destroy unity among Malaysians.
Cuepacs steps up fight against new scheme
Action committee formed to present working paper to the prime minister on its recommendation of changes to the scheme.
A 15-member team, led by Cuepacs deputy president, Azih Muda, will present a paper on its recommendations to Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak, by early March.
These recommendations were compiled during a two-day workshop on SBPA which was attended by all Cuepacs officials.
Cuepacs president, Omar Osman, told the media this afternoon that the paper would be based on the five items that Cuepacs has already submitted for review by the SBPA task force.
“The prime minister introduced the SBPA in the hope that it would be better than the Malaysian Remuneration Scheme (SSM) but instead it is the worst scheme we have ever seen,” he said.
“And this is because the Public Services Department (PSD) never consulted us in drafting the scheme and then kept the details a secret from us.”
Among the recommendations is a review of the Civil Service Premier Post (JUSA) level. Omar stated that of the current 36 posts, only seven are qualified for a Premier classification.
He listed the seven as the Chief Secretary to the Government, Secretary-General of Treasury, Director-General of Public Services, Treasury Auditor-General, Attorney-General, Chief Justice and Accountant-General of Malaysia.
Omar also slammed the mismatch of job titles and functions under the SBPA. Under the scheme, “drivers” will now be known as “operations manager”, “hostel supervisor” as “administrative supervisor” and “nursing trainer” as “health trainer”.
“There is a complete imbalance here,” he pointed out. “The reasoning behind the title change it to supposedly add prestige to the job but there are better ways of doing this.”
Lopsided salary adjustments
Omar confirmed earlier claims by PAS vice president, Mahfuz Omar, that those in the Premier group had already been given offer letters and that some of them are already receiving the new salary under the SBPA.
“Who authorised this?” he demanded. “I also have text messages from pensioners who have received as much as RM9,800 in pensions under the SBPA.”
“These are the surprises that we are being subjected to because of the SBPA’s lack of transparency.”
Omar also maintained his earlier threat to pull out from the SBPA task force if no additional Cuepacs representatives are included on the panel.
He has asked for Azih Muda, secretary-general Lok Yim Pheng and financial secretary Jaafar Mansor to also sit on the task force as he alone cannot represent 1.3 million members.
The head of the SBPA task force, Ismail Adam, yesterday said that he had no objections to the three coming on board but that the power to make appointments rested with the Chief Secretary to the Government, Sidek Hassan.
“We have no heard anything on this matter yet but if the three are not invited to the second task force meeting on Feb 8 then I will officially resign on that day,” Omar said.
The SBPA was meant to be implemented on Jan 1 but has been delayed due to strong objections over the lopsided salary adjustment between senior government officials above Grade 54 and those below.
Cuepacs is conducting a roadshow until April on the SBPA and civil servants have until Feb 15 to submit their protests on the scheme.
This is what I am talking about
As I said earlier, the government that is going to plan Malaysia’s future beyond 2020 is not about a popularity contest between two people. It is about what do we do about Malaysia’s aging population? Would we just dump them into old folks’ homes and let the Rotary Club or Lions Club worry about them? Or are we going to come out with a good policy to support them?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Last week, I wrote an article called Are we having a popularity contest?’ Basically, my argument was that we need a good education system, a good healthcare system, and food (meaning a good agriculture policy so that Malaysia can feed its growing population without depending on imports: like it now does and has been from the very beginning).
Read the article here: http://malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/no-holds-barred/46760-are-we-having-a-popularity-contest.
Today, there is another issue I want to talk about: and that is about Malaysia’s aging population and what do we do with our old people. First, read the news report by AsiaOne (below) regarding Japan and the graphics below from the UK Parliament website.
In 50 years or so, Japan expects its population to decrease. That would be good if it was India or China. The problem with Japan, though, is that they expect less people to be born while old people will live longer. This means, in 50 years from now, almost half the population would be retired people.
This would also mean they would not be income-generating Japanese, they would need supporting (and with no younger/working people to support them they would be dependent on state support), and they would be a strain on the healthcare and welfare system.
This, to a certain degree, is already happening in the UK. Everywhere you go in the UK you will notice one very glaring thing: everyone appears so old. And I should know: I have been living here almost three years now.
In less than 50 years from now, according to the UK Parliament website, this is what we are going to see:
The UK is going to see what Japan is going to see: a growing aging population.
What has all this got to do with Malaysia? Well, in the 1980s, a mere 30 years ago, Malaysia was said to be amongst the youngest countries in the world (not in terms of nationhood but in terms of population). Around 70% of Malaysians were below voting age.
Today, according to Malaysia’s Department of Statistics, this is what it is:
Guess what it is going to be like by 2050 or 2060.
And this is what it is according to citizens/non-citizens and racial breakdown:
Can you see that two-thirds of Malaysians who will need to worry about the problem are going to be the Bumiputeras? By then, Malaysia’s ‘overseas population’ is going to increase from one million, now, to probably three million or so -- about 85% or 90% of them non-Bumiputeras. The non-Bumiputeras are not going to suffer as much as the Bumiputeras as they are more ‘mobile’ and know how to plan their future better than the Bumiputeras do.
Today, people are living longer than, say, around the time of Merdeka. Around the time of Merdeka, by the age of 55 you retired and you are not expected to live too long after that. Today, at 65 or 70 you are still active and probably healthy as well. Today, you may live to the age 75 or 80. And what is troubling is: long before that, say before the age of 65, your savings and EPF would have dried up.
How do we support our old people? They need food and a good healthcare system. In the UK, they can have that, although at great cost to the system (and the working population). But then even the lowest paid worker is taxed 20% of their salary at source and the VAT takes away another 20%. By the time all the taxes takes its toll, 70% of what you earn goes to the system to support the old people and ‘others’ (such as school leavers who are unemployed) who depend on the system.
As I said earlier, the government that is going to plan Malaysia’s future beyond 2020 is not about a popularity contest between two people. It is about what do we do about Malaysia’s aging population? Would we just dump them into old folks’ homes and let the Rotary Club or Lions Club worry about them? Or are we going to come out with a good policy to support them?
Many ask me whether I plan to return to Malaysia. Well, I am going to be 62 in September. What happens when I reach 65 in three years’ time? Will I be taken care of if I return to Malaysia? In England, at 65, I will be the problem of the UK government. In Malaysia, I will be my children’s problem.
No, my children have their own children to worry about. I can’t make them worry about my wife and me as well. My wife and I will have to be the government’s problem. And it will have to be the UK government because the Malaysian government will have no time to worry about me (they are engrossed in winning popularity contests).
To those Malaysians who plan to live, retire and die (hopefully after the age of 80) in Malaysia, you need to worry about this. I no longer need to worry about it. So let’s hear from those who are fishing for our votes: what are you going to do about Malaysians who will retire at 60 and will probably live for another 20 or 25 years before they go meet their Maker?
And note that by 2050 or 2060, we may be talking about 60% or 70% of Malaysia’s population (unless we want to 'balance' the ratio by ‘importing’ even more, younger Indonesians into Malaysia and give them Malaysian citizenship).
Survey shows 'super-gray' Japan in 2060
(AsiaOne) - Japan will become a "super-gray" society in 2060, as people aged 65 or over will account for 39.9 per cent of the population that year, according to a survey conducted by a Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry institution.
The nation's total fertility rate--the average number of children each woman will have in her lifetime--will be 1.35 in 2060, up 0.09 points from the previous survey released in 2006, the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research said Monday.
However, the nation's total population will continue to drop, from 128.06 million in 2010 to 86.74 million in 2060.
The nation's population 50 years on is estimated every five years in tandem with a national census. The estimate is used as basic data for various indexes such as public pension finances and economic growth.
This time, the institute made three types of estimates based on the census conducted in 2010: moderate, optimistic and pessimistic.
In its moderate estimate, the institute revised upward the long-term outlook for the total fertility rate after it recovered to 1.39 in 2010 from the record low of 1.26 in 2005.
The institute said the recovery of the total fertility rate in recent years can be attributed to women in their mid-30s deciding to have children after previously being reluctant due to worsening economic conditions.
The total fertility rate is expected to drop again in the years ahead, but eventually move upward and reach 1.35 in 2060, the institute said. However, the population will continue to shrink, as at least 2.07 children per woman are necessary to maintain the population.
In 2048, the population is expected to fall below 100 million, two years earlier than the previous estimate.
The average longevity of Japanese men is expected to increase to 84.19 years in 2060 from 79.64 in 2010, and women's lifespans will also rise, to 90.93 from 86.39. The number of people aged 65 or older will peak in 2042 with 38.78 million, and then drop to 34.64 million in 2060.
The number of juveniles aged under 15 was 16.84 million, or 13.1 per cent of the total population, in 2010. The figure will drop to 7.91 million, or 9.1 per cent, in 2060, according to the institute.
The working-age population--those aged from 15 to 64--will drop from 81.73 million, or 63.8 per cent of the total population, in 2010 to 44.18 million, or 50.9 per cent, in 2060.
NFC says no to memo on credit card expenses
An attempt to hand over a memo demanding the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) to account for its credit card expenses of RM600,000 was refused at the door today at its office in Kuala Lumpur.
A delegation of about 10 members of the PKR-linked NGO Jingga 13 were met by the NFC's corporate communications manager Khaidir Jamal outside its office, but he refused to accept the memorandum.
He said the company's executive chairperson Mohamad Salleh Ismail (left) had given instructions not to accept the memo as he did not want to affect the ongoing police investigations.
He said the company's executive chairperson Mohamad Salleh Ismail (left) had given instructions not to accept the memo as he did not want to affect the ongoing police investigations.
Khaidir asked the group to voice their concerns to the police instead.
Speaking to reporters later, Jingga 13 coordinator Fariz Musa, who led the delegation, expressed disappointment over the refusal.
"We want transparency because it involves public funds. Therefore we are disappointed that we couldn't hand over the memo," he said.
Speaking to reporters later, Jingga 13 coordinator Fariz Musa, who led the delegation, expressed disappointment over the refusal.
"We want transparency because it involves public funds. Therefore we are disappointed that we couldn't hand over the memo," he said.
Fariz was also baffled by Khaidir’s excuse because the NFC’s bosses had previously made press statements denying allegations against their company.
“We understand and we have already informed the police, but at the same time NFC’s management had responded through the media and through a briefing organised by NGOs to explain that the money was not misused.
“Yes, he can deny, but we want proof... to account for every sen that you used with the credit card,” he said.
The issue emerged on Jan 16, when PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli alleged that four family members of Women, Family, and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil had swiped RM593,500 in credit card expenses, paid for by NFC.
The four are Shahrizat’s husband Mohamad Salleh, son Wan Shahrinur Izmir (chief executive officer), another son Wan Shahinur Izran (executive director), and daughter Wan Izzana Fatimah.
Wan Shahrinur Izmir had denied the allegations, saying that those were for business expenses.
His corporation was previously given a RM250 million soft loan by the government for a project to develop the cattle industry.
Last week, Malay pressure group Perkasa had challenged Wan Shahrinur Izmir to lodge a police report against Rafizi for making false allegations if he was innocent.
“We understand and we have already informed the police, but at the same time NFC’s management had responded through the media and through a briefing organised by NGOs to explain that the money was not misused.
“Yes, he can deny, but we want proof... to account for every sen that you used with the credit card,” he said.
The issue emerged on Jan 16, when PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli alleged that four family members of Women, Family, and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil had swiped RM593,500 in credit card expenses, paid for by NFC.
The four are Shahrizat’s husband Mohamad Salleh, son Wan Shahrinur Izmir (chief executive officer), another son Wan Shahinur Izran (executive director), and daughter Wan Izzana Fatimah.
Wan Shahrinur Izmir had denied the allegations, saying that those were for business expenses.
His corporation was previously given a RM250 million soft loan by the government for a project to develop the cattle industry.
Last week, Malay pressure group Perkasa had challenged Wan Shahrinur Izmir to lodge a police report against Rafizi for making false allegations if he was innocent.
MCA challenged to raise issue in cabinet
Meanwhile, in a statement today, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang challenged the four MCA cabinet ministers to raise the matter, which MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek said has been “poorly handled (by Shahrizat)”, in the next cabinet meeting.
Taking issue with the Chinese-based party, Lim said that if MCA is laying the blame on Shahrizat, then their cabinet representatives should not have kept quiet in the many months since the scandal broke.
“Are the four MCA ministers brave enough to raise in the cabinet the fact that Malaysians have no faith in either the police or the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to get to the bottom of the RM330 million ‘cattle condo’ and that the only credible and acceptable solution is the formation of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to conduct a full-fledged inquiry?’ he asked.
The four ministers are Health Minister Dr Liow Tiong Lai, Transport Minister Kong Cho Ha, Housing and Local Government Minister Chor Chee Heung and Tourism Minister Dr Ng Yen Yen.
Chua had in an interview with the Malaysian Insider said Shahrizat is not a junior member of cabinet and should have dealt with the issue better, while Premier Najib Abdul Razak’s silence makes it appear like he is protecting the women, family and community development minister.
Meanwhile, in a statement today, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang challenged the four MCA cabinet ministers to raise the matter, which MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek said has been “poorly handled (by Shahrizat)”, in the next cabinet meeting.
Taking issue with the Chinese-based party, Lim said that if MCA is laying the blame on Shahrizat, then their cabinet representatives should not have kept quiet in the many months since the scandal broke.
“Are the four MCA ministers brave enough to raise in the cabinet the fact that Malaysians have no faith in either the police or the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to get to the bottom of the RM330 million ‘cattle condo’ and that the only credible and acceptable solution is the formation of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to conduct a full-fledged inquiry?’ he asked.
The four ministers are Health Minister Dr Liow Tiong Lai, Transport Minister Kong Cho Ha, Housing and Local Government Minister Chor Chee Heung and Tourism Minister Dr Ng Yen Yen.
Chua had in an interview with the Malaysian Insider said Shahrizat is not a junior member of cabinet and should have dealt with the issue better, while Premier Najib Abdul Razak’s silence makes it appear like he is protecting the women, family and community development minister.

SAPP Information Chief, Chong Pit Fah further contended that if the law allows it, then former assemblymen from SAPP namely Datuk Raymond Tan (Tanjung Papat) and Au Kam Wah (Elopura) should also resign and re-contest the seat under their present party (Gerakan) ticket.
Similarly, the former Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) leader Datuk Peter Pang (Karamunting) too should have been asked to resign long time ago, and to re contest under his present party’s ticket, which is the Gerakan.
Chong contended this in response to the statement by Tengku Adnan in Tawau calling for Sepanggar MP Datuk Eric Majimbun and Tawau MP Datuk Chua Soon Bui to resign, citing that the seats were won under the BN ticket in the last General Election.
Tengku Adnan was also reported as saying that after resigning Majimbun and Chua should contest under SAPP symbol to test the support of the people.
Chong said SAPP was appalled with the way senior BN leaders such as Tengku Adnan making such a foolish statement knowing very well the existing law which was formulated by the BN Government disallows an elected representative to resign and re-contest the seat.
“Didn’t he realize that an assemblyman or MP will lose his or her right to contest in an election for five years, if they do that, or is he trying to fool the people of Sabah?” he asked.
He said Tengku Adnan’s statement showed not only the arrogance of the BN leaders but also their lack of ideas and the penchant to constantly fooling the people.
He quipped that if the existing law allows it, SAPP elected representatives would have done it long time ago, without having to wait for Tengku Adnan to make such a hollow-sounding call.
He suggested Tengku Adnan to talk less and instead go down to the ground to see for himself the misery state which the majority of Sabah people is currently living in.
He especially suggested Tengku Adnan to travel by road from Kota Kinabalu to Tawau, to observe for himself the horrible condition of the RM565 million Sapulut-Kalabakan Highway, if he decides to come to Sabah again.
Chong added that the senior Umno leader should also explain on the reason for the BN government failing to ensure consistent water supply in Sabah, particularly in Tawau, which recently was without water for three days just before the Chinese New Year.
“Tengku Adnan should also talk about the healthcare issues in Sabah, which had not been given due attention by the BN government resulting in sad situations like the recent incident where a boy lost his life in Tawau Hospital.
“His statement is a feeble attempt to fool the people of Sabah. Maybe you can fool the people sometime but you cannot fool the people of Sabah all the time,” Chong quipped.
- Sabahkini
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