
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, November 10, 2011

'Gemas Gold' as expensive as Wagyu beef

Many Malaysians love beef. However, inadequate supplies and the high price of imported beef have been the bane of the man in the street, says think-tank Research for Social Advancement (Refsa).

So, Malaysian beefeaters were very hopeful when the government boldly announced the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) cattle-rearing project in 2008, said Sandra Rajoo from Refsa, an independent, not-for-profit research institute.

NONEReferring to revelations in the Auditor-General’s 2010 Report and various media articles, Sandra noted that the joint venture between the Negri Sembilan government and the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries to produce beef locally and cut down on imports was touted as a high-impact project under the Ninth Malaysia Plan.

With the very bullish vision of “attaining 40 percent self-sufficiency in beef production by 2010,” producing 8,000 heads of cattle in 2010 was the grand target.

“So, the project got a big kick-off with RM74 million and 5,000 acres of land in Gemas.

“Alas, the recent Auditor-General’s Report revealed that the stink was generated by two-legged bipeds with opposable thumbs, not by four-legged bovine,” lamented Sandra.

Mismanagement, inefficiency and incompetence

She noted that RM182 million had been channelled into NFC as of July 31, 2011, to implement the project.

NONEHowever, mismanagement, inefficiency and incompetence culminated in a measly total of 3,289 cattle roaming a badly-kept farm overgrown with prickly shrubs.

“The NFC beef is ironically called ‘Gemas Gold’. Working out at RM184 a kilo, the bulls from NFC don’t quite cost as much as gold bullion (not yet, anyway), but they are certainly in the realm of the legendary Wagyu beef favoured by connoisseurs.

“Wagyu cattle carcasses go for between RM30,000 to RM60,000 each. ‘Gemas Gold’ cattle costs RM55,000 per head as of July 31,” Sandra said.

“Now here’s the rub. The National Feedlot Centre is linked to somebody in the government. Thanks to the revelations of the auditor-general, the red flags are out on the family of Minister of Women, Family and Community Development Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.

“The minister’s husband, Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail, and their children are involved in the management, or mismanagement, of NFC,” argues Sandra.

“NFC has quite clearly failed in its so-called ‘noble’ aim to develop a ‘fully integrated livestock farming and beef production facility that manages the import of livestock, feedlotting, slaughtering, processing, packing and marketing of beef in Malaysia’, as stated in its website.

“Also, its stated mission ‘to lead the industry in a manner that fosters excellence and integrity’ now sounds like utter bull.”

M’sians deserve Wagyu beef

Refsa said the money poured into NFC could have been put to supply Malaysians with the Wagyu beef from Japan with its “trademark marbling and tenderness”.

NONEWhile NFC beef would not exhibit such fine quality, but its cost of production had exceeded that of Wagyu beef (left), with the bottom line being Malaysians paying super premium prices for purely run-of-the-mill local beef.

“Sadly, throwing good money after bad describes the way things are done in government. Where NFC is concerned, we suspect more money will be bulldozed through to revitalise this failed cattle-rearing project,” Sandra said.

NONEShe added: “We get a strong feeling of déjà vu every time the Auditor-General’s Report is issued. We wonder at the wastage and inefficiency that exemplify government initiatives year after year. The careless way money is spent is appalling.

“Will the government take the bull by the horns? Will there be any action taken for this bungling and blatant lack of transparency, or are the words so smugly displayed on the Pemandu website merely rhetorical? Only with transparency and accountability can Malaysia develop.”

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