
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 28, 2011

Hijrah - Never Lose Hope

Hijrah - Never Lose Hope

NEW HIJRAH YEAR 1433 In the lives of nations and the history of peoples, there are important turning point and events that have greatly changed the life of that nation or that people. The history of the Muslim nation abounds with these events. One of the most important of these events is the Hijrah: The emigration of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) from Makkah to Madinah.

There are numerous lessons that we can learn from the Hijrah, if well-contemplated and deeply considered. One of the most important lessons is "hope." Indeed, hope is a remarkable feature of the Prophet's character during his entire life, even during the hardest situations.

Unbearable hardships

Undoubtedly, no Muslim has ever gone through what the Prophet has faced, and the level of harm he experienced from the pagans of Makkah, no one else could endure. The following are few examples of what he went through:

He was badly and rudely abused.

He was accused of being a poet, a magician, and a parson.

Dust and dirt were thrown on his head while he prostrated himself near the Ka`bah.

He was exiled from his home, and in tears he said, "O Makkah! You are the dearest place to my heart, and if my tribe had not sent me out, I would never have left."

The pagans promised 100 camels, which was a fortune at that time, as a prize to whoever captures him - dead or alive.

His face was cut and his tooth was broken during the Battle of Uhud.

His uncle, Hamzah, was killed before him at the Battle of Uhud. Hamzah's abdomen was cut open, and his liver was taken out of his body.

Seventy of his Companions were killed at one time on the day of Bi'r Ma'unah after seven others were killed on the day of Al-Raji'.

His wife, 'A'ishah was accused of adultery with Safwan ibn Al-Mu'attel, while returning from a battle.

He tied a stone, from hunger, on his stomach while digging the trench at the Battle of Al-Ahzab.

Undergoing all this and more, did he lose hope? Did he ever despair, even for a moment? Did he think of giving up his mission? Did he ask Allah to destroy his enemies? Did he feel sorry for himself? Did he even ask Allah, the Exalted, to rid him of these hardships? The answer is "no." Instead, he said, "O Allah! Guide my people, as they do not know".

In all these situations and worse, he never lost hope. Rather, he encouraged his Companions to be filled with hope and trust in Allah's help.

Prime examples

The life of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) abound with very special situations, where he showed how man can be armed with hope even in the most difficult hardships. The following are some examples:

One day he was praying near the Ka'bah; and while prostrating, one of the pagans threw some dust on his head. No one dared to help him except his daughter, Fatimah. Then he said to her, "Don't grieve, my daughter. Allah will protect your father" (Al-Baihaqi).

During the journey of Hijrah, Suraqah ibn Malik followed him and his companion, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, who said, "We have been caught, O Allah's Messenger!" The Prophet said, "Don't be sad as Allah is with us" (Al-Bukhari). He then promised Suraqah the bracelets of Kisra, the King of the Persians at that time.

He said to 'Uday ibn Hatim while inviting him to Islam, "If you live long, you will see a woman travel alone from Al-Hirah till the Ka'bah, fearing none but Allah" (Al-Bukhari).

While sleeping at the house of Um-Haram bint Malhan, he woke up smiling. When she asked him, "Why are you smiling, Allah's Messenger?" He said, "Some of my followers who [in a dream] were presented before me as fighters in Allah's cause [on board a ship] amidst this sea made me smile; they were like kings on thrones" (Al-Bukhari).

These situations and the like show that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was filled with hope and trust in Allah's help - even during the most difficult hardships.

Today the Muslim Ummah faces many hardships, but there is always hope. And the important question is, will we imitate our Prophet, follow his example, and learn from him this brilliant lesson of hope?

Indeed, we are in a bad need of this spirit of hope and trust in Allah to guide us in the hard life we lead.

We should never lose hope, even during hardships!

* Esam Harira has BSc in English Literature. He has been teaching English for fifteen years and is member of On Islam website.


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