
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 28, 2011

Obedient Wives Club declares war on illicit sex (with VIDEO)

The Obedient Wives Club (OWC), the Islamic group which created controversy with its sex guide book, has embarked on a campaign to fight illicit sex, which it said is being promoted by Jews.

obedient wives club on illicit sex 281111 with banner story imageIn conjunction with the Awal Muharram celebration at its headquarters in Bandar Country Homes, Rawang, this morning, Global Ikhwan, the umbrella body that established OWC, launched a campaign entitled "Fight Against Illicit Sex: Be Loyal to Husband".

According to Siti Maznah Taufik, OWC central committee member in charge of its branches in Australia, the campaign is a part of its effort to provide solutions to social ills, especially illicit sex and baby dumping.

"Islam has solutions for all kinds of problems, including those related to marriage and sex... Our survey shows that husbands who cannot get full satisfaction from their wives will find entertainment outside and give rise to illicit sex," she told some 300 participants, mostly women, during the celebration.

The key to victory

She said the members of Global Ikhwan have been practising the Islamic way of marriage and sex for over 30 years, and they have concluded that loyalty to husbands is the key to winning the battle against illicit sex.

obedient wives club on illicit sex 281111 exhibition story imageTwo exhibition boards were set up at the celebration with 14 slides which, among others, claimed that illicit sex is promoted by the Jews to destroy Islam as they understand the "side effects" of wives being disobedient to their husbands.

Hence, the promotion of ‘Islamic sex’ is a struggle to fight against the Jews.

One of the slides said sex supposed to be "beautiful, sacred, lawful, legitimate and necessary", but it has been made out to be "shameful, embarrassing, obscene, despicable, disgusting and dirty".

"Sex supposed to be taught, trained, publicised, practised and fought for... probably, there is a need for Islamic sex clinics with doctors and experts," it stated.

"When the husband returns (home), he would hope for serenity and entertainment at home. He would hope that the wive will not hurt his feelings, whether in words, behaviour or by gestures," said another slide which quoted the Prophet as saying: "Fulfill (his desires) even though (you may be) on the back of camel (ie, very busy)".

The exhibition also warned that the majority of those in hell are women because they failed to perform one of the four primary duties of being "isteri solehah" (righteous wives), which is being loyal to their husbands.

The other three duties are praying, fasting, observing rules relating to personal discretion and safeguarding one’s integrity.

It also stressed that wives should not reject the leadership of husbands but "support, assist and provide full loyalty especially when inside the room".

Should a couple not be prepared to fulfill such obligations, the marriage between the pair should be postponed, it said.

obedient wives club on illicit sex 281111 speakers in front of bed story imageDuring a press conference called after the celebration, Siti revealed that the year-long campaign was launched nationwide and worldwide by OWC branches, including in Mecca, Medina, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Singapore, London and Thailand.

Besides from exhibition, courses will be organised for wives to understand their responsibilities in term of serving their husbands’ needs at home "so the husbands don't need to look for illicit sex outside", she said.

Azlina Jamaluddin (above, in purple), another OWC central committee member, stressed that the club is trying to invite the public to return to the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah (the words and practices of the Prophet).

"We are not forcing our views upon anyone. We just invite the public to look at the model we have been practising for so many years and the results," she added.

Asked about the government's decision to ban the sex guidebookpublished by OWC, Azlina said the club will abide by the decision, explaining that the 115-page book was only for its 1,000-odd members.

obedient wives club on illicit sex 281111 kids marching story image"It was never our intention to distribute it to the public," she said.

Global Ikhwan, a multi-national business firm linked to the banned Al-Arqam movement, has established a sizeble community at Bandar Country Homes, with its own furniture workshop, boutique, homestay, clinic, barber shop, event company, restaurant and buses.

The Awal Muharram celebration this morning saw participants joining a religious parade at a field with banners that read "The world is waiting for saviour". The same theme dominated the stage backdrop.

Watch this video:

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