
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, December 31, 2011

Article 153 a passport for Umnoputras

YOURSAY 'Umno and Perkasa will fight come what may to continue to exploit it as evidenced by the perennial display of corruption.'

Don defends Reverend Eu's comments

your saySwipenter: Perkasa cannot refute that the ‘ketuanan Melayu' doctrine is clearly inconsistent with Article 153 and Article 8 of our constitution.

They and Umno selectively choose to twist, mislead and misinform us, especially the Malays, by only highlighting sections of Article 153 pertaining to the special positions of the Malays whilst ignoring other sections of Article 153 and our constitution that expressly forbid discrimination based on race and religion, and state that all citizens are equal before the law.

They also seem to have a lot of difficulties acknowledging the role and contributions of the non-Malays in obtaining our independence and subsequently in the development of our country. They have no interest to unite the country but only to divide us for their self-serving agenda to rule over us and plunder the country's resources for themselves.

The bastardisation of Article 153 and the NEP has resulted in our country having the greatest income disparity in the region cutting across racial lines with the worst disparity within the Malay/bumiputera community. This income disparity is getting wider and not narrower.

The ‘putras'of Umno/BN, their cronies, nepotists, friends, family members and the politically well-connected are the super rich and are getting even more filthy rich by the day. So this widening income disparity is both a inter and intra community time-bomb which might result in a class struggle between the ‘have-too-muchs' and the ‘haves -nots'.

Maybe this is one main reason why a trillion ringgit have illicitly left the country to pad the overseas nests of the ‘have-too-muchs' just in case.

SatuMalaysianChristian: Article 153 is a passport for Umnoputras to get rich. Of course, Umno and Perkasa will fight come what may to continue to exploit it as evidenced by the perennial display of corruption such as in the National Feedlot Corporation scandal.

Ksn: Professor Abdul Aziz Bari, thank you for raising two points in explaining Reverend Eu Hong Seng's comments. One is asking Perkasa and the like to grow up.

Perkasa and groups with the same IQ and closed minds will never grow up because they do not have any other capital to stay around and be in the limelight; Malaysia's first tragedy.

And Umno-BN can do anything, however wrong, however discriminatory, but there is nobody to question them; Malaysia's second tragedy.

It is most relevant that Aziz Bari mentioned former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad in this instance because the period when he was our PM was Malaysia's most tragic; he is the worst tragedy of Malaysia when during his times most of the destruction took place, no, inflicted.

Proarte: Yes, grow up Perkasa. They should grow up on the issue of apostasy as well. There is a ridiculous tendency for Muslims to blame others for their failings. If Malays are so moved to change their faith or to renounce Islam, that is their right. So what is all this humbug concerning apostasy?

To falsely label someone as Muslim when they do not believe in the religion is unethical and un-Islamic.
Are Muslims not concerned about issues like truth and integrity? Doesn't Islam stand for these values? If it does then they should leave apostates alone and not harass them. The constitution allows for freedom of worship so apostasy is not an issue.

The only issue which would arise would be the legal definition of race which declares that to be a Malay is to be Muslim. Thus if a Malay declares himself to be a non-Muslim then he or she ceases to be 'Malay' by constitutional definition, that is all.

And I have to take issue with Prof Aziz Bari mentioning the UM (Universiti Malaya) study concluding that 'Malays were willing to share'. The question is share what?

What is implicit in that statement is that Malays through their 'largesse and sacrifice' are willing to share this land with non-Malays. This is a very damaging and insulting notion.

Non-Malay citizens have equal rights to this land and do not owe Malays any favours. If anything, Malays and non-Malays should be grateful to the indigenous population of Malaysia who have shared their land and resources to the very detriment of their own communities.

Malay leaders have constantly played up the 'victim' status of the Malays and have robbed the nation blind on this pretext. It is about time now that Malays are not regarded as 'victims' and instead they should contribute to the upliftment of the indigenous communities in the Peninsula and East Malaysia who are in an abject and poverty-stricken state.

Anonymous: I have no objection to the policy of helping the poor Malays or bumiputeras. Unfortunately, the implementation of the policy seems to have lost focus and objectivity.

For example, why must rich Malays and bumiputeras be allowed to have special privilege in purchase of high-end golf club memberships and expensive houses costing millions of ringgit? I am baffled.

Can anyone explain how this can help uplift and correct the imbalances?

David Dass: Article 153 is not altogether bad in itself. If properly applied, it would not pose a problem. Even if the NEP were implemented as originally formulated it would not be a problem. It is the interpretation and application of both Article 153 and the NEP that is the problem.

Artcile 153 was designed to provide for quotas for the civil service, bursaries and scholarships, university places and licences and permits for trade and businesses for Malays, and later all bumiputeras.

Article 153 was formulated to eradicate poverty amongst all races and to remove the identification of race with location and vocation.

An important qualification to Article 153 is that due regard is to be given to the legitimate rights of the other races. The scenario in 1957 was radically different from the scenario today.

Today 90 over percent of the civil service and security forces are Malay. Today a disproportionate number of university places and scholarships are given to Malays.

Poverty is highest among the natives of Sabah and Sarawak. There are poor amongst all races including Malays. Non-Malays are grossly under-represented in the civil service and the security forces. UiTM, with more than 100,000 students, excludes non-bumiputeras. There are about 50 exclusive boarding schools catering almost exclusively for Malays.

How can all of this be correct? In the meantime, Indian youth are being driven to crime and account for a disproportionate number of those in remand. And almost one million young professionals, mainly non-Malays, work abroad. Is all of this good for the nation?

Manjit Bhatia: Aziz Bari is starting to sound more and more like ade facto law minister of Malaysia and no doubt Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz will be more and more upset with him.

Not that Nazri has an ounce of intelligence that measures up to Aziz Bari's, but he will lose sleep that his influence is being usurped by an academic, and worse, an academic who is a Malay.

What, after all, is the constitution if not a set of man-made laws that are interpretive, at best. And because they are interpretive, they can be questioned and challenged. This is why the highest court in any land hears cases on constitutional matters.

Why is the Umno regime afraid of these things? We all know the answer to this question, don't we?

Podeh: It would be more appropriate for Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali to ask reverend Eu for lessons in common sense, which most nine-year-olds would have. You don't need a don to tell you that.

Ibrahim Ali, that small brain in that funny head of yours is getting you into lots of peculiar trouble. Seek help before it's too late.

Alan Goh: To Perkasa, there is no such thing as differing in opinions. There can be only one opinion - that's the Raja Katak's and his tadpoles'. - Malaysiakini

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