
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, December 30, 2011

GE13 “PAS 17th Feb 2012 Dissolved..??”

PAS has already predicted that the GE13 will be held in March next year with Parliament and State assemblies dissolved after the Chinese New Year on January 23rd and after Chap Goh Mei (15th Day) on 6th February 2012.
Several Chinese newspapars notably Sin Chew Jit Poh and China Press have speculated earlier and this musts have been noticed by the PAS hierarchy.
The SG Mustapha Ali claimed that his predictions have been based on media reports and preliminary forecasts of the nation’s economic status.
BN will also take the opportunity to endear itself with the Chinese Community as it is held after the  Chinese celebrations. PAS SG also mentioned that after the dissolution the election must be held within 60 days, and polling will be held in March.

Dissolved 17th February Polling 11th March 2012

The term of the current Parliament only ends in March 2013. Many dates have been thrown in and the latests which by passed us all was November 2011. The window is indeed closing in on the PM Najib to dissolve Parliament soonest. UMNO divisional elections will be held after May and General Assembly in November 2012.
However, Najib still has that window providing he is still elected to head UMNO with a mandate from the party grasssroot and head for GE13 with a new team. Will Najib wait for after UMNO elections?  
PAS is trying to tell BN they are ready but will BN fall for the dates?

ONLY PM Najib Razak KNOWS….

- audie61

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