
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, December 29, 2011

Make police report for subjudice against Anwar

Perkasa President, Dato Ibrahim Ali made a police report at the Dang Wangi police station on alleged attempt by Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim to disrupt the High Court from delivering a verdict on January 9th, 2011.

On the ground, Gerakan Bebaskan Anwar 901 are distributing pamphlets to encourage the public to gather at the Jalan Duta High Court. Anwar's Angkatan Muda Keadilan are getting their cybertroopers to spread the same message via the blogs, Facebook, Twitter, SMS, etc.

The plan is so elaborate and extensive that budget is allocated to pay for buses to ferry supporters, banners and posters are centrally coordinated, and a plan roadshow is in place. Read The Unspinners herehere and here.

Ibrahim Ali's concern for public safety is one part, but Anwar plan can have influence on the verdict. Someone should make a police report on Anwar and the organising groups AMK specific for sub-judice offense.

The Malaysian Insider report on Ibrahim Ali below:
Ibrahim Ali sees plot to disrupt Sodomy II verdict

The Malaysian Insiders
December 29, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 29 — Datuk Ibrahim Ali alleged today of an attempt to organise a mass gathering on January 9 to disrupt the High Court here from delivering a verdict in Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy trial, and warned the assembly could cause chaos and unrest.

The Perkasa president claimed to have received text messages and obtained leaflets of plans for a big gathering in front of the High Court next month, and urged the police to investigate the matter immediately.
Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera dan salam hormat...Salam Pimpinan Pusat, AMK & Wanita serta para aktivis dan reformis... Lampiran adalah Badge, Bannner & Risalah untuk kegunaan kempen Bebas Anwar 901. Harap dapat diseleraskan bahan2 ini untuk kegunaan seluruh negara. Bahan-bahan ini adalah hasil perbincangan bersama "Sekretariat Gerakan Bebas Anwar 901" yang diketuai oleh Sdr. Shamsul Iskandar, Ketua AMK dan dianggotai oleh rakan2 pimpinan utama parti, Wanita, AMK, Negeri-negeri, NGO, Aktivis dan gerakan reformis 98... Harap dapat diedarkan dan diseleraskan.... Mohon semua SUK-SUK Negeri edarkan kepada MPN masing2.. Semoga kempen ini dapat digerakkan selaras seluruh negara..

Terima Kasih,

Setiausaha Kerja AMK Malaysia
“I believe there is an attempt by a group to spread leaflets to have a gathering at the High Court on January 9 to disrupt the trial process of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy case.

“To me, the move is clearly in contempt of court, disrespectful of the law and constitution, and can cause public unrest and endanger the safety of the people,” he told reporters here.

According to the Malay rights leader, the leaflets contained messages like “Free Anwar 901”, “Lawan tetap lawan” and “Rakyat Hakim Negara.

Predicting Anwar’s supporters would trigger chaos on the day, Ibrahim said “the police need to investigate the matter to ensure the safety of the people and the country is guaranteed.”

“Probe who is behind this plan for a gathering and take strict action against them. Don’t let them take the law into their own hands.”

Trial judge Datuk Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah will deliver a decision on Anwar’s sodomy charge come January 9, after a high-profile trial which began in February last year.

Anwar has vehemently denied sodomising his former aide, saying the claim was part of an elaborate ploy to end his political career.
In addition to the report made by Ibrahim Ali, someone should make a police report against Anwar for subjudice offense.

Subjudice is a Latin term that literally means “under judicial consideration.” The subjudice law governs what public statements can be made about any on-going legal proceedings.

It's purpose is to avoid pre-judgement. A public rally as organised by Anwar may place improper pressure on the court, thus it is in contempt of court.

The sodomy case against Anwar has had it's day in court and it has undergone due process of law.

Anwar have been given the opportunity to present his side of the case, to defend, to bring his witnesses and alibi, and all the leeways, including to allow his conspiracy theory to be mentioned in court, more than 50 postponements, three time application to remove the judge, upteen non-related court applications and appeals, etc.

Since the police report made by Saiful Bahri against Anwar on June 28, 2008, the court proceeding begin in June 2009 and it has taken two and half year to complete. This is unlike Dr Khir Toyo's corruption trail that took only 4 months for a decision!

Anwar cannot deny his involvement in Gerakan Bebas Anwar 901. The gameplan and modus operandi is similar to Reformasi 1998. His appearance in ceramah to discuss his case openly have been going on since his first liwat rally at the Kelana Jaya Stadium on July 6th 2008.

It is his attempt to get a public discussion going. Since the Arab Spring revolutions, he has looked to instigate the public further into an emotional uprising. Anwar and his boys have been talking of Tahrir Square-like uprising to topple the legitimate Government in their ceramah.

Only through such means, Anwar see will earn him freedom from imprisonment (if convicted) for his sodomy case which is convincing to the thinking public that he is guilty. The public had distance themselves from Anwar since the release of his video in a sexual romp with a Chinese prostitute.

Someone should make a police report against Anwar for contempt of court. Who knows ... heard Dato Najib is still compiling his winnable candidate list. :)

- Another Brick in the Wall

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