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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Edited 'MCA CNY video' with a difference turns viral

A week after MCA posted a Chinese New Year greeting video onYouTube taking aim at DAP, an edited version of the video poking fun at MCA has popped up over the Internet.

The video reuses scenes from the MCA version, kicking off at the home of a Chinese-speaking family busy spring cleaning in preparation for Chinese New Year.

However, the slew of MCA achievement certificates mounted on the wall in wooden frame had been replaced with news clippings and photographs of incidents that had made for red faces in the party.

NONEAmong them were a framed newspaper front page with the headline "Headmaster calls on students to return to China" and a picture of Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein waving the keris (Malay dagger) during an Umno general assembly, an incident which had stirred unease in the Chinese community.

The video similarly depicts two brothers, the younger brother in red like the DAP T-shirt and the elder brother wearing a white shirt with blue collar which coincidentally or otherwise mirrored the MCA uniform.

But instead of the original version depicting the elder brother wiping a framed MCA certificate while tolerating his bossy younger brother and complaining that he was all talk and no action, the edited version's audio made insinuations about changing the government.

Word play targets Umno

Red-shirted brother: That's enough, you can come down, how many times do I need to tell you? Enough! Enough! You've done this for over 50 years but still cannot perform, let me try instead.

Blue-collared brother: Damn it. I've only done this for over 50 years, that's only a few years. Now you say you want to do, do you know how to?

prank mca chinese new year video 2As he said this to himself, he was wiping a framed picture of former MCA president Ling Liong Sik and former MCA deputy president Chan Kong Choy being escorted by police, both facing graft charges.

In the MCA version, an elderly lady who appeared to be the mother, entered the room, making take-it signs with a red pail at her son, only to be greeted with a look of disgust.

While the mother was distracted, he left the room, leaving the pail behind.

The long-suffering elder brother then took the pail to continue with the chore.

The edited 1:47-minute version similarly focused on the brother's look, but with two Chinese characters, 'wu tong' appearing on the screen.

The words meant 'dirty pail', but coincidentally its pronunciation is identical to the Chinese pronunciation of Umno which is also 'wu tong'.

Sex scandal not spared

Red-shirted brother: Why do you like 'wu tong'? If you want, then you can have it, the more you wipe the dirtier it becomes, you've done this for over 50 years, don't you know that?

Blue-collared brother: Who said the more you wipe the dirtier it becomes? If you don't know how to wipe, I'll wipe. Children these days, everyday they complain that ‘wu tong' is dirty, is that so?

NONEEveryday they make noise about fairness. In this house, how can there possibly be fairness? By changing 'wu tong', do you think things will improve? I'll cut (castrate)!

While saying this, the video zoomed in on a frame displaying the MCA logo with the words: "I used the same hotel, the same room - MCA president Chua Soi Lek," followed by a second frame with a snapshot grabbed from Chua's sex video.

The quote mocked the MCA chief who, instead of admitting that he had erred by engaging in an extra-martial affair, had reportedly said in 2008 that his mistake was going back to the same place for the affair.

The video concluded with the message: "Change, only then can the country have hope."

At the time of writing this article, the edited version had chalked up 22,029 views with 493 thumbs up and 14 thumbs down.

Meanwhile, MCA's original version has garnered 26,439 views with 61 thumbs up and 734 thumbs down.

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