
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, January 2, 2012

UPSI demonstration

  • The undergrads at UPSI demonstrated on the AUKU issue and to highlight their  against the university authorities for taking action against Adam Adli for his role of during a demo at PWTC recently. They held their demonstration on New Year eve  outside the campus grounds. On YouTube I saw they place a tombstone with the word AUKU with Najib picture. To put matter into perspective, about 100 out of thousands of the UPSI  students  participate in the demonstration.
  • Only several days ago several hundred-house buyers and I demonstrated at UKB. The house buyers broke down the perimeter zinc fence, went into the developer office and took their house keys. We did this within tolerance and under the watchful eyes of the police.  To make it clear, we made a police report a week earlier highlighting our intent and requested the police to attend. On ground we were diplomatic with the police and I requested that the officer to give us an hour or for the house buyers to release their steam. The SSM understood and gave us space.
  • Though the issues are different, it can be seen that the leaders of the pack was intoxicated with ideology of demonstration to get things done. If AUKU was the issue, I believe they have got the attention of the government. They gave a memo to Deputy Minister of Higher Education and the government is studying it. To quote the Minister during a public dialog event, he said within the government there are 2 schools of thoughts i.e. one to modify it and the other to abolish it. Why can’t they give room to the government to address this issue? Even if they still wants to demonstrate, why can’t they discuss with the police. The police can give the space. If they think that the time given is not enough, why fight the police. They all should walk peacefully into the police truck!
  • The problem is AUKU. The law is being reviewed. The students should not be part of the problem. They should have focused on being part of the solution. Now they are the problem. They rampage and broke private property. They challenged the police and in the heat of the moment people get injured. No one should get hurt. If they can abuse the police then they too should expect to be abuse. If they cant control their emotions is it fair for them to demand the police to do the same? The policemen are humans too. Is it fair to blame BN for this? These youngsters need to control their hormones. In one stroke, the students had played into PR politician game plan and they had successfully reinforced the public hatred against BN.

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