
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Foul-mouthed politicians galore

What about the floods in Kuala Lumpur, which is not under Pakatan Rakyat’s control? Do we blame Raja Nong Chik and Umno for the Kuala Lumpur floods? We have been seeing floods in Malaysia since the time the country was under British colonisation. Do we blame the British for those floods? Umno led the government since 1957. Should not the Umno be blamed for the floods? 
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Noh Omar blames Pakatan for Selangor floods
(The Malaysian Insider) - Selangor Umno deputy chief Datuk Seri Noh Omar has blamed Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) poor flood mitigation works for the recent spate of flash floods in the state.
He alleged that PR-led Selangor failed to set aside sufficient allocation to improve drainage and reduce the risk of flooding in the nation’s wealthiest state, Utusan Malaysia reported today.
Noh, who is also agriculture and agro-based industry minister, said that while floods were an act of God, that should not be used as an excuse by PR to take the problem lightly.
“Ever since Selangor PKR has ruled, they have never provided funding to reduce the incidence of flooding in this state to alleviate the burden of the people, who became victims of the disaster.
“The state government should at least find a way to reduce the incidence of flooding through local authorities instead of abandoning (their responsibility),” he was quoted as saying in Tanjong Karang.
The port town of Klang was hit with flash floods on Friday, causing thousands to be late for work and schools to be shut.
The floods were a result of heavy rain and high tides, with water levels rising within an hour after it started pouring at 3.30am.
Within 90 minutes, up to 70mm of rain was recorded, far outstripping the daily average of 40mm.
Residents, who were busy protecting their property as the situation worsened, had just recovered from the floods that hit the area on Tuesday.
Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim has called for a “50-year flood plain” encompassing drainage systems and development guidelines.
A 50-year flood plain entails a maximum two per cent chance of flooding per year over the next five decades.
The PKR central leadership committee member also denied that the floods had been caused by a delay in opening the tidal gates.
Pakatan Rakyat has a good chance of retaining Selangor. This is because many in Barisan Nasional dread the possibility that if Pakatan Rakyat is kicked out and Barisan Nasional wins Selangor then Noh Omar is going to become the new Menteri Besar. Hence, many Barisan Nasional people may actually support Pakatan Rakyat rather than Barisan Nasional.
Honestly, if Barisan Nasional does win back Selangor, I would prefer Khir Toyo any time. Yes, that is how poorly I think of Noh Omar that I would prefer Khir Toyo. If you think Khir Toyo is bad, wait till you see Noh Omar as the new Menteri Besar. Therefore, I too pray that Pakatan Rakyat retains Selangor. To have Barisan Nasional back in power and get Noh Omar as the new Menteri Besar would be a double whammy. Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga, as the Malays would say (you fall down and the ladder comes crashing on top of you, would be the translation).
So now the floods in Selangor are Pakatan Rakyat’s fault. What about the floods in other parts of Malaysia, some that occurred in states under Barisan Nasional control? What about the floods in Kuala Lumpur, which is not under Pakatan Rakyat’s control? Do we blame Raja Nong Chik and Umno for the Kuala Lumpur floods? We have been seeing floods in Malaysia since the time the country was under British colonisation. Do we blame the British for those floods? Umno led the government since 1957. Should not then Umno be blamed for the floods? 
Noh means Noah in English. Noah is famous for building that huge Ark that saved humankind. Without that Ark all of us would today be creatures swimming below the sea. Has not Noah Omar considered emulating his namesake by building an Ark? Then he can save all the Selangorians from the floods.
By the way, according to religious belief, at least the religion that Selangor’s Noah subscribes to, the Great Flood was God’s doing. God told Noah that He was going to create a flood so he had better get cracking to build an Ark. I don’t know where Noah imported the timber from to build his Ark. Maybe at that time that area was flush with forests. Maybe only later it became a great desert. The Good Book never explains these details. 
So, Noah Omar, is it God or Pakatan Rakyat who is to blame for these floods? Floods occur all over the world, not just in Selangor. Let’s not look too far. Let’s look at just Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur floods. And Pakatan Rakyat is not ruling in Kuala Lumpur. Umno is. I remember the great flood in Kuala Lumpur in 1971 (see pic below). That was 41 years ago. After 41 years Kuala Lumpur still floods. In fact, the floods are getting worse. Should we not, therefore, blame Umno for this? Or should we blame God and declare that Umno is not to blame?
Kuala Lumpur 1971 
Kuala Kangsar 1967 
I dread to think that Noah Omar imagines himself as Selangor’s ‘Shadow’ Menteri Besar and Menteri Besar-in-waiting. Rather than have a Malay Menteri Besar with a brain like this, I would prefer a non-Malay as Selangor’s Menteri Besar any time. If Barisan Nasional wins Selangor and if we get Noah Omar as the new Menteri Besar, then many of you may want to consider moving to Manchester to become my neighbour.
And this is one more reason of many why we need to ensure that Pakatan Rakyat retains Selangor. And if Pakatan Rakyat does retain Selangor, please don’t replace Khalid Ibrahim with another Umno-brain Malay like Noah Omar. Selangor is too important. At least it is very important to me. Selangor is my home state. My family sits on the Selangor throne. That is why I am giving special attention to Selangor although I am not abandoning the other states.
I know I am very harsh to Pakatan Rakyat Selangor compared to states like Penang, Kedah, and Kelantan. But I can’t help it. I have a duty to Selangor. Not only does my family sit on the Selangor throne, my grandfather was once the Menteri Besar of Selangor in the days when civil servants and not politicians were appointed the Menteri Besar. So forgive me if I am very passionate about Selangor. My blood is Selangor blood.
Anyway, just to close my article, I want to touch on Anwar Ibrahim’s statement that the government is the servant of the people and not the other way around. I am glad that Anwar has finally stated what I have been saying for so many years. The elected representatives are the peoples’ servants. We, the people, gave them their job. And we, the people, are paying for their huge salaries, allowances, expense accounts, budgets and pensions.
Do you know that they need to serve only one term to get a pension? They do not need to work their entire life like the rest of us to enjoy a pension. And sometimes they receive more than one pension. And this pension is paid by us, from the tax that we pay. So certainly they are our servants.
But many of these people talk like they are bosses and big people. Who are you to want to debate Anwar? many of the Pakatan Rakyat people are saying. You are only a blogger. Anwar is the opposition leader.
Amboi! Sombongnya! Cakap tak bertamadun. Sigh…as I always said, you can take the Malay out of thekampung but you can’t take the kampung out of the Malay. No amount of education can turn these people into people with class. Sometimes breeding counts as well. And these types of statements just prove my point.
First of all, I did not invite Anwar to a debate. So I do not know where they got that idea from. All these invitations by politicians, left, right and centre, challenging each other to debates are school kid stuff. These challenges are Alfa Male stuff. In the old days, you would challenge someone to a duel by sword, keris or pistol. Today, it is debates.
Debates are not about exploring how to improve the running of the country. It is about seeing who can win the argument. At the end of the day, debates are merely about seeing who can talk better. They just want to win the shouting match. And both sides will claim that they won.
I would rather fight a duel. If that is what one of the politicians want to do then count me in. Throw me a challenge and name the time, date and place. I assure you I will be there. That is more macho than standing on a stage and shouting at each other like school kids. That is what we members of the royal family used to do in the old days. When someone insults us or challenges us, we take up arms and settle the matter on the battlefield. Only one side gets to go home. The other side gets buried in the ground.
Give me a call when you are ready to ‘debate’ with me. Meanwhile, I have to take my leave because I need to clean my keris with lime and lace it with arsenic to make it more bisa. Yeap, one scratch from my Bugis keris and you die a slow and painful death. I do not even need to stab you. Sigh…I wish I were back in 1812 instead of having to live in 2012. Those were the good old days when foul-mouthed politicians were sent to their graves the manly manner.

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