
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, August 2, 2012

Can Waytha revive the spirit of Hindraf?

YOURSAY 'The movement is now seen as a disunited and spent force and not all think Waythamoorthy can redress the situation.'

'Wanted man' Waythamoorthy returns

your saySwipenter: Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) leader P Waythamoorthy, while you were ‘holidaying' in London for more than four years, the movement was disintegrating at home and then split into a couple small mosquito parties vying for the attention of Umno and at the same time making threats of non-cooperation to Pakatan Rakyat if its demands were not met.

Now that you are back, what do you plan to do or more precisely what can you do to revive the spirit of Hindraf?

In the eyes of many, Hindraf is a spent force of its own making, but blaming everyone except themselves for the sorry state it now finds itself in.

Bala Chelliah: In a democratic society, everyone can make statements and take a specific stand. That is their right. Just like we have our right to make comments.

Human Rights Party secretary-general P Uthayakumar, who is Waytha's older brother, has his position - that's his right - but you will soon see that Waytha will strike out a moderate and 'willing to dialogue' approach.

He has no political ambitions. His struggle is for the minority and marginalised Indian rights.

So folks, be patient. Give him some time to put his plans in place and then make your judgment.

Surfinalien: Waytha, your brother Uthaya cannot be trusted and I hope you do not fall into the same trap. Can we Indians trust you?

If you want our trust then put some sense into your brother's head to abandon his political ambitions and work with the opposition to topple BN.

But something is not right somewhere. Soon Malaysians will know why your passport was approved and why you were not detained at the Immigration checkpoint.

So far everybody's performance has been more than ordinary, even Oscar winning.

Solaris: The fact that Waytha is allowed to return now, close to GE13 after years in exile, is obviously a political ploy.

His possible detention and/or subsequent, strategically timed release will be for the same reasons.

Bersih Generation Malaysian: Welcome home. I hope you don't betray the trust and hope the Indians have on you.

Be a proud fighter defending the badly marginalised ethnic groups in our homeland. God bless you.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Let's hope that with his return, there will be a path chartered for Indians to achieve equality in this nation, which has been our homeland too for a few hundred years.

With equality, we will achieve economic independence and hence the high crime rate in the community can be turned into a high rate of economic industriousness.

Ranjit Singh: Dev, to chart the change for the depleted state of the poorer segment of the Indian Malaysians who once were in the forefront, needs the unity and tolerance of the rest.

The social vices that had increased within the Indian community is the contribution of the policies on a macro basis and not one that delves on a micro sense.

How the macro changes to evolve depends on the unity of the people to ensure reforms are made at the policy (macro) level to bring the poorer, deprived and marginalised segment of the Indian community to a level-playing ground, not a singsong of the political parties as and when it fits them.

I guess with unity behind such an agenda, it should be a no brainer, especially if Malaysians are truly concern for their fellow Malaysians to afford them the opportunity to participate in the socio-ecomic development of the nation.

Joe Fernandez: It's the Indian underclass in particular which needs the right leadership after slaving away in the estates for more than two centuries. Other Indians, especially the uppity ones, would probably be ‘embarassed' by Hindraf Makkal Sakthi.

Waytha was once reported as saying that all it takes is one person to step forward to be a leader. He was referring to Mahatma Gandhi. A people without a leader is like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus spoke about the same thing in the Bible.

Leadership is all about being effective. A leader must come out with a vision, mission, objective, goal and activities. They must be based on philosophy, principles and policies.

Waytha has been reported as saying that he will tour the country to explain the class action suit. That's a good move while keeping Hindraf apolitical.

Ramu: Why is it that Indians always be looking for a leader rather than thinking of the right way to transform the Indian problems. We always blame others for our problem. It's high time to look at the problem and solve it ourselves.

For every Indian problem we do not need a rocket scientist to solve it. We can do it at the community level. But what we do instead is waiting for others to solve it.

Birth certificate is the parent's duty, if they don't do it, then the immediate relatives. If they can't do it, then the neighbours. If they can't do it, then the community leaders. And if they can't do it, then many others. We do not need to wait for a superhero. - Malaysiakini

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