
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, May 30, 2013

Forget race, we're all Selangorians

FREE YOURSAY ‘We need capable exco members who have the integrity and ability to perform their functions immaterial of what race or party he/she is from.'

DAP maintains 3 in Selangor exco despite MB's final push

your sayLongjaafar: In light of all the "difficulties" that Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is facing in the selection of his exco members, I must say it looks like a good team.

I wonder whether the Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had the same problems with the palace when he wanted to select his cabinet members?

StrainingGnats, SwallowCamels: The most important service a governor or ruler should and must render without delay, and without fear or favour, is justice. And rulers and governors exist to serve, justly.

Or else, they undermine their derived authority. Are we not told that while justice is never blind, it is ever colour blind?

Even rulers and governors are subject to accountability. First to God Almighty. And then also to the people in a democracy like ours.

Anonymous_4031: As far as I understand, the election of any legislative member depends on the voters themselves. They are the real kingmakers.

They either vote for or against a candidate. The final say is with the voters. If voters do not have a say, then why have elections?

Governments rise or fall - their fate lies with the voters. Once the election is over, the party leader decides on the members of the cabinet. The consent of the monarch is a mere formality, unless the suggested names are of unsound mind, are incapable of carrying out the duties assigned to them.

Isaiah: Funny... and to think that we are all Malaysians. Would be better to have credible people with integrity than to pander to the race game.

Mocking You: I believe this strategy from the Selangor palace favours Pakatan in the long run (to convince the pakciks andmakciks in the non-urban areas).

We talk about being Malaysians, so let's walk the talk and don't be bothered about who gets what as Pakatan still running the state.

Ah Hoe: PKR, as the smallest Pakatan Rakyat party, gets more than three exco positions - after all, it gets the MB position. Is the Selangor sultan aware of this?

And for PKR insisting on its own non-Malay exco, has it too been aware that as the smallest Pakatan party, it gets more than its deserved share?

Geronimo: I believe the sultan should not be looking at race as the main criteria to select the Dewan Negeri.

Instead, he should be viewing each candidate from their credibility point of view, and what are their potential contributions to the state to make it a better place to live in.

I also believe Khalid, as it is, has headaches of his own but with the imposition of the racial composition, it makes his job a whole lot harder.

Your Royal Highness, we are all Selangorians, and Malaysians.

Cry Wolf: It looks like Malaysia can't do away with this 'race' thing. Even the royals talk about 'race', 'race', 'race'. Come on, we are allAnak Malaysia (Malaysian children), no matter what our race.

Kuasa Rakyat: I agree that non-race politics, policies and approaches are what we have voted for and the way forward for our nation, but I think it's best to move on.

At least PKR deputy president Azmin Ali is not in the exco. Congratulations to Khalid in doing, and getting, the best he can.

Bamboo: I hope the new exco in Selangor will do a good job in an honest and dedicated manner to serve the people. Those greedy politicians who haven't shed their Umno skin can stay in the sideline. Find your riches elsewhere, please.

FairGame: We should view the state exco as the team from Pakatan. It is the rakyat's choice, be it PKR, PAS or DAP. Remember, we voted for them, regardless of their party affiliation.

And as such, we ourselves should not be racist, as what matters most is accountability and good governance of the Pakatan.

Boleh Land: Sad. Race and quota, even at this level. When can we seriously talk about 1Malaysia?

Luckily Hasan Ali has been sacked from PAS. Otherwise, it would not be surprising to see him replacing Khalid as the MB. Then subsequently Selangor would fall into BN's hand in the next GE. We have seen this in Kedah.

Banzai: The sultan should not insist on racial compositions. We need capable exco members who have the integrity and ability to perform their functions immaterial of what race or party he/she is from. We should not be looking at race any more if we are to move forward as Malaysians.

Clearwater: It goes to show how feudal Malaysia still is and will remain in the near future unless there is a paradigm shift by young and progressive leaders not afraid of a brave new world.

Wise Guy: It doesn't matter, as long as Pakatan rules the state. It is not about race. Please understand. Khalid has done his best but the sultan has the final say.

Zonefinder: I can accept that this is the reality of politics at this time. We have not arrived at a stage where our skin colour is irrelevant. Let's just get on with it and give our full support to the MB and Pakatan.

Maplesyrup: Wow, Subang Jaya assemblyperson Hannah Yeoh the assembly speaker.
Her legal training will come in handy, and of course, her sense of justice and integrity will be the cornerstone of her new role. Congratulations and well done, Hannah. - Malaysiakini

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