
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hangpa undi lagi BN/UMNO...

Kerajaan dijangka mengumumkan beberapa kenaikan dan penurunan subsidi pelbagai barangan dalam pembentangan Bajet 2014 pada 25 Oktober ini.

Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan, Datuk Hasan Malek berkata, walaupun pengumuman tersebut mungkin dianggap tidak 'popular', namun keputusan itu dibuat bagi tujuan pengukuhan ekonomi negara.

''Saya berharap rak
yat bersedia dan faham dengan pengumuman yang akan dibuat. Kita tidak mahu jadi seperti Amerika Syarikat yang pentadbirannya lumpuh akibat krisis ekonomi.

''Apa pun keputusannya, ia dibuat dengan mengambil kira pandangan pelbagai pihak seperti pengguna sendiri dan komuniti perniagaan melalui majlis dialog penyediaan Bajet 2014," katanya dalam sidang akhbar selepas merasmikan Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) di Pandan Mewah, Ampang, dekat sini hari ini.

Yang turut hadir, Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Perdagangan Dalam Negeri) Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan, Datuk Mohd. Arif Ab. Rahman; Pengarah Pejabat Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan Negeri Selangor, Azizan Ariffin dan Pengarah Urusan MRT Retail Sdn. Bhd., Datuk Dr. Ameer Ali Mydin.

Dalam pada itu, Hasan berkata, buat masa ini terdapat sebanyak 397 produk di bawah jenama '1Malaysia Kedai Rakyat' (1MKR) dijual di 102 buah KR1M di seluruh negara.

Daripada jumlah itu, katanya, 360 adalah produk makanan manakala selebihnya merupakan lain-lain produk.

''Bagi mempelbagaikan pilihan barangan, KR1M akan turut menjual produk Coop 1Malaysia dan AgroMas keluaran Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan dalam waktu terdekat.

''Kerajaan memberi jaminan bahawa semua produk telah memperolehi sijil makanan selamat tanggungjawab industri daripada Kementerian Kesihatan dan produk-produk ini akan sentiasa ditambah baik dari semasa ke semasa,'' ujarnya.-utusan malaysia

Even cops cringed at sight of tortured girl...

The four-year-old girl who was brutally abused and kept starved left her home to seek help in the middle of a road.

She waited for hours, waving helplessly at cars passing by, hoping they would stop and get her some food. None did, until Yusri Abdul Halim, 42, came to the rescue at 3.30am.

A horrific tale of violence and sexual abuse then emerged, with the scars and fresh wounds on the girl’s body bearing testimony to the horror she had gone through.

It was so shocking that even policemen were taken aback at the sight of her injuries.

Relating the Oct 9 incident, Yusri said he was on his way back from work when he saw the girl attempting to stop two other cars but the drivers just went past without even pausing for a look.

“I knew I had to stop and check on her,” he said.

Yusri, a mechanic, said when he stopped his car, the girl ran to him and the first thing she said was “Uncle, Uncle, help me!”

“I opened the door and asked what she was doing out so late at night. She told me she was starving and if she could have some food.

“I bought her some bread and drinks. In the car, I could see slash marks on her hands and scratches on her face. When I asked her about it, she told me her father slashed her with a knife as punishment for ‘stealing’ food from the house.”

Yusri then took her to a police station and when he asked her where she lived, the address she gave no longer existed.

“At the police station, policemen were shocked at the extent of her injuries. She had to lean her body towards her hands to eat the bread as she could barely lift her arms.”

Yusri said one of the officers left the room as he could not stand the sight of the injuries.

He also said the police officers were horrified to find fresh multiple cuts and wounds on the girl’s hands, legs and body. She also had cigarette burn marks on her right arm. There was also scarring to indicate long-term abuse.

A police source said that the initial medical report showed injuries on her private parts.

“We were shocked, sad and angry at the same time. Who could have the heart to do this?” Yusri said.

“The person who did this to her should be punished severely. I hope the police will get the culprit soon.” -themalaymail

Siaran langsung ceramah perdana laporan audit : "Rakyat diminta berjimat, Kerajaan terus boros..."
19 Okt 2013|9 Malam|Dewan MBSA Sek.23 Shah Alam

Akhbar Borneo Post terbitan hari 18 Oktober 2013 mengesahkan bahawa kalimah Allah bebas digunakan di Sabah dan di Sarawak.

Sebanyak RM1.08 bilion wang syarikat milik negara Petronas digunakan untuk menampung kerugian sebuah hospital mewah swasta, Prince Court Medical Centre (PCMC) sejak penubuhannya pada tahun 2008.Pada tahun 2008 PCMC mengalami kerugian RM111 juta, RM192 juta kerugian pada tahun 2009 dan RM450 juta kerugian pula pada tahun 2010. zairil (1)“Hingga tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2011, jumlah kerugian yang dicatatkan hospital mewah swasta yang ditanggung Petronas itu ialah RM1.08 bilion.
Berita lanjut di sini dan sini


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