
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, October 13, 2013

UMNO Doomed : Did Ijat & KJ Win Or Lose Popular Vote?

Winning trio... Khairy Jamaluddin, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and new Puteri Umno chief Mas Ermieyati Samsudin, after the Umno election yesterday. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, October 13, 2013.Winning trio... Khairy Jamaluddin, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and new Puteri Umno chief Mas Ermieyati Samsudin, after the Umno election yesterday. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, October 13, 2013.

Received some phone calls this morning. First of all there is a huge cover up brewing inside UMNO. They are NOT going to divulge the popular votes

The mainstream media is crowing KJ's win as an absolute win, as though the challengers did not get a single vote. This is the furthest thing from the truth.

The voting follows the electoral college system. No matter how many votes are cast, each division counts as just one vote. There are 191 UMNO divisions. If a candidate wins 97 divisions (just more than half of 191 divisions) he or she is declared the simple winner. So the largest "number of votes" any candidate can win is 191 (representing 191 divisions).

But what are the number of popular votes cast? This is what we want to know. Dont forget there are about 80,000 voters for the Ketua Pemuda post and another 80,000 voters for the Ketua Wanita post. Spread over 191 divisions, this averages out to about 400+ voters per division only.

So where is the popular vote count? Or is UMNO going to cover it up?

Say there are 500 votes in a division and KJ wins 200 votes, Akhram wins 180 votes and the three other Pemuda contenders win 40 votes each - the final tally is still 1 for KJ and zero for the others. In reality, KJ would have lost the popular vote. 

So what is the popular vote? Did KJ and Shahrizat win or lose the popular vote? 

Folks I am not being sour grapes. I became curious about this because of Khairy Jamaludin's own statement which has appeared at the Pemuda UMNO website early this morning :  http://www.pemuda.com.my/?p=1105  where KJ says :

Jika saya mahu menang dengan selesa, saya boleh menggunakan formula sayap kanan. Saya mahu menunjukkan bahawa anda boleh menjadi progresif dan menang dalam UMNO,” katanya pada sidang media di PWTC lapor mstar.

Why did Khairy say "Jika saya mahu menang dengan selesa" ?  Meaning it was not a "kemenangan yang selesa". So what is the popular vote count? 

This is where the huge cover up will begin - I think. They are NOT going to make the popular votes known. The same argument applies for Shahrizat.

UMNO is certainly doomed. Tainted candidates who have no talent other than polishing and storm trooping have carried the day. 

I received another call from a strong UMNO supporter - perjuangan people from the 1990s. He said, 'What is happening in UMNO? The majority in UMNO does not want Shahrizat or KJ. But it looks like we cannot fight the Establishment. The Establishment can still control the party."  Then he said this, "If this is the way things are going with UMNO my whole family and I are NOT going out to vote in 2018."   

I think a lot of UMNO members will be saying the same thing. The Establishment does control things in the party and right now the establishment is doomed. 

I also received the following sms about the results in one Bahagian election in Perak :

"Saya dengar Hamidah Osman kalah Ketua Bahagian Wanita Gopeng pada k***a p****i .....duit berlambak. Pemberi orang kuat H*******din bernama T**h. Akhirnya pemimpin yang sendiri main politik wang. Cara Umno ingati jasa penyelamat Perak."

This is what people are saying. Here is another observation from another person :

"Salam, kita bertawakkal pada Allah SWT -- Allah SWT Maha Mengetahui...Semoga Umno, orang2 Melayu Islam kita diberi hidayah dari pucuk 'pimpinan' hingga ke akar umbi, & semoga martabat & kedaulatan Melayu Islam serta tanahair MALAYsia kita ini dilindungi & terpelihara dari apa jua kerakusan, ketirisan & 'kelacuran' oleh mereka2 yg tidak bertanggungjawab, insyaAllah. Allahua'lam."

Here is another complaint from Kedah. This one sounds more serious :

"Salam Guys. There is a scandal brewing in Merbok which may expose the extent of manipulation in the polls. In Merbok, the booklet with candidate names, photos and associated candidate number WAS NOT GIVEN OUT TO THE DELEGATES. Instead, what was given was a list or Chai which is effectively KJ's dream team. The Chai even had UMNO's logo seemingly making it an official document! The Star has begun with a story today, but more has to be revealed... Questions need to be asked.."

Here are pictures of the two 'Chai' :

Election booklet NOT given out. Another list was given out. That sounds not very good.

The Star has more news about these 'teething problems' that have cropped up. Here is The Star today :

  • PETALING JAYA: similar ballot papers for national and divisional posts led to many spoilt votes and “unintended” choice of candidates for Umno’s three wings.
  • problems surfaced when 220,000 members from Youth, Wanita & Puteri cast votes 
  • complaints include “missing names” in booklet, shortage of ballot papers & delay
  • delegates unable to differentiate ballot papers because colours and designs were almost the same as the national ones.
  • “many delegates find the simultaneous national and divisional contests confusing,” 
  • voting process in Langkawi had to be stopped half-way when the election committee members realised that many delegates were “utterly confused” and marked the candidates’ numbers on the wrong ballot papers.
  • “additional briefing session before voting was resumed” 
  • Siti Balkish('s) name “disappeared” from the candidates’ booklet 
  • Some divisions in Malacca faced a shortage of ballot papers
  • Bukit Katil Umno Wanita division had to make photocopies of the ballot papers
  • 415 delegates but only received 400 ballot papers from the headquarters
  • Pokok Sena ..ballot papers contained extra slots for candidates 
  • 15 candidates, but it received ballot papers for 20 candidates.

They could be teething problems, they could be manipulation. Whatever the case UMNO is doomed.

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