
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 27, 2013

'Citizens organising Dec 31 rally, no permit applied' for

The Dec 31 rally protesting the slew of price hikes that have shot up the cost of living is not likely to have an official permit from the police as Turun, the NGO that proposed the event, says it will not be seeking a permit.

“For us, this rally is organised by the citizens. We are merely inviting the people, we are not the organisers. No one can claim to be the sole organiser of this rally,” Turun chief Mohd Azan Safar said in an interview with Malaysiakini today.

However, Azan said, his side would seek to negotiate with the police in order to gain cooperation from the force.

He pointed out that the people have the right to gather on New Year’s Eve, in the light of Article 10 of the federal constitution which provides freedom of assembly.

“We will be there only to celebrate the event, not to cause trouble,” Azan said.
Azan criticised quarters who claim that Turun and the rally was an opposition agenda, calling such views “backward thinking”.

“This mentality that anything that we do against the government is instigated by the opposition is just plain backward thinking,” he said.

Azan said the NGO movement was not inclined to any political party and that even Umno are welcome to participate in the rally if they want to.

“At the end of the day, they are all citizens. They, too, will feel the brunt of all these price hikes. Be it Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) or police officers, they are feel it,” he said.

He also said that the movement does have a contingency plan should things go unruly during the rally but said he would not disclose the contingency plan at the moment.

“People who participate in the rally must control their emotions. I know they are all angry, but don’t channel the anger by hurting other people and displaying provocative messages,” he said.

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