
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 21, 2015

A C4 hot potato called Sirul

YOURSAY ‘I am still amazed that they let Sirul Azhar Umar go.’

I never admitted to killing her, says Sirul

Aries46: Convicted former police commando Sirul Azhar Umar's wishy-washy stance is not consistent with his claims of being a victim of circumstances.

First, he claimed to have acted under orders and declared that he wanted to 'tell all'. Now he says he never admitted to the murder and he was convicted on 'circumstantial evidence', whatever that means.

Criminals and murders in particular are not known to admit to their crime. They get convicted based on evidence - direct, circumstantial or otherwise.

Whatever it is, he had ample opportunity to state his case from the time of his arrest and subsequent court proceedings and if he failed to do so for whatever reasons, he deserves the gallows considering the gravity of his heinous crime.

Even at this late stage far away from those he claims to have made him the 'scapegoat', he continues with his double-talk uncharacteristic of one convicted unjustly.
Ren Ai: I am still amazed that they let Sirul go. It just goes to show that there are many within the government who do not share the government's will for manipulation and helped pave the passage for Sirul to leave.

How will PM Najib Razak handle this C4 hot potato named Sirul?

People are more and more convinced of the gross multi-faceted cover-up of the grisly murder of Mongolian mother Altantuya Shaariibuu that our purported guardians have failed to address.     

Vijay47: Sirul, it's about time that you came clean, to use the current phrase of the month.

Earlier you were protesting that you were "only following orders and now I am treated like this". How did you expect to be treated - by being promoted to IGP (inspector-general of police) and perhaps being feted with a parade along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman?

Secondly, what exactly were the orders that you admitted so readily you followed? Thirdly, you seem upset that your photo was released to the public. Why are you upset?

Once you are charged in court you, the accused, should not have enjoyed the privilege of confidentiality.

Sirul, I suggest you keep your mouth shut, your credibility is eroding fast. If you want to sing to an international audience, at least learn some basic music first.

Last question, bottom line and skip the commercials - did you kill Altantuya or not?

Oh, by the way, considering the present holder, being promoted to IGP is hardly a compliment.
I Wonder?: Sirul, you are death sentenced. Keeping quiet wouldn't help you to reverse the situation or to reduce your sentence. At most, it prolongs your life temporarily as long as you are still in Australia.
You were probably thinking and believed it was a national security matter and as such you were misled into obeying the order to finish off the poor Mongolian.

Now they thought you are useless to them, so they broke their promises and got you to be the scapegoat for their alleged crimes.

There is a golden opportunity for you to reverse the situation to save yourself if you confess the truth before they try get rid of you again.

Once the truth is out, the perpetrators are finished, you can be assured your death sentence can be reduced to imprisonment.

You may walk out as a free man one day and be united with your beloved ones. So, make the right decision fast before they get you.

Phgoh: This is what will happen: Malaysia will commute the death sentences of both killers to life and Sirul will be sent back home.

Both will be released after, say five or six years, on "compassionate" grounds.

Abasir: Sirul is upset. Now that's a start.

He's upset that he is in the hole he is for merely following orders; he is upset that his photo was released by IGP Khalid Abu Bakar without his consent after both the legal and law enforcement systems colluded to conceal his identity.

But he is yet to be upset that he killed a defenceless allegedly pregnant woman in cold blood.

And he is clearly not upset enough to spill the beans on where his orders came from, what he and Azilah Hadri shared before and after the killing.

He is clearly getting upset in instalments and perhaps for a good reason - to strike enough fear in the hearts of the masterminds so that they dig deep into their pockets.

But Sirul, being not the sharpest knife in the drawer, does not seem to realise that the masterminds may also be getting upset - very upset. Upset enough to dispatch him, the way they did the hapless Altantuya.

Jenglot: It's funny how guilty people often say that they acted under orders and were being made scapegoats.

AnSoN: Let the devil fight the demon and perish both together into the realm of burning fire for their respective sins. -Mkini

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