
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 21, 2015

A genius will not go around beating his chest

YOURSAY ‘Why the need for Shafee to go on a roadshow to convince M’sians?’

Anwar's conviction due to Shafee's genius?
Mushiro: If senior lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah had won the case on merit and convincingly, then why the need for him to go on a roadshow to convince Malaysians?

Already, he had access to mainstream media which gave Shafee good coverage.

Are the majority of Malaysians stubborn and stupid not to accept the Sodomy II verdict? Similarly, Malaysians also did not accept the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder verdict.

P Dev Anand Pillai: When every other state institution and apparatus is in one's control, what is so great about this victory that one would need to thump his chest and say that he has slain a beast?

It will only be a victory when it is a one-to-one fight, on fair and equal terms. Till then, no matter what is said and done, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim will always be seen as the victim.

Ong Guan Sin: Shafee is being modest by boasting about his achievement. The real genius plan by him and his master is actually to get him to do the "dirty job", so to speak: prosecute the case representing the state, and then go around, tarnishing Anwar as a private citizen after retiring from the case.

It would not be proper for a civil servant who prosecutes the case to tell porn. Can he or she? Poor Shafee, having to do such a difficult job.

Martha: Are you serious? This man is a genius? You’ve got to be joking. There's still one more court called the Court of Divine Justice. You just wait.

Aries46: According to legal sources, Shafee did not add anything of value to the prosecution's case and he argued more on the strength of the hard work of retired solicitor-general 11 Yusof Zainal Abiden, who initially prosecuted the case in the High Court.

The Australian case - Shafee's new introduction - may not be significant as the history of DNA sample. That case may not be similar to Anwar’s case where the defence had objected to the chemist’s findings in its entirety on the grounds that the samples were tampered with by Pereira and likely contaminated.

The final judgment dismissed significant aspects of the defence case and was seen based more on circumstantial or balance of probability.

It may be these cynical factors that triggered the chorus of peoples’ disbelief and condemnation and Shafee's own sense of inadequacy that has prompted him to embark on this post-trial spree to persecute Anwar all over again.

Justine Gow: If I play tennis with someone and beat him fair and square after a very challenging game, I will feel secure in my victory and have an inner sense of satisfaction.

I will not go around for days saying how bad my opponent is at tennis. I will not host parties to tell others on how weak his backhand skill is and on how he has no sense of his foot work that he is easily caught on the wrong foot all the times.

There is no need for me to justify my victory by badmouthing my opponent. In fact, if I am asked, I would say that it was a close game which could have gone either way and my opponent had given me a good fight.

Real Truth: Genius, my foot! A genius will not go around beating his chest as if he has done a great service to mankind.

He had nothing to do with winning the case as it was decided that Anwar should be eliminated before the next general election.

Yap CS: Shafee is Umno's weapon, is all. And a weapon will be discarded when it is no longer useful. His day of redemption will come.

Kangkung: With a court bent on getting the guilty verdict, if you were to put a donkey as the prosecutor, it would have won hands down.

In any court in the world, even an iota of doubt would send the case out the window a long time ago, not to mention in a case like Anwar's which is riddled with irregularities, and yet the court found him guilty.

Versey: The Malaysian representative in the Asean Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights and its current chairperson will be going on a roadshow to continue disparaging a defenceless Anwar after the court sentence?

To convince me he is a genius, he has to show me, on its own, without any aid or carrier, a flying carpet.

Anonymous_1371477558: There have been many cases of people convicted or exonerated using DNA that are more than a decade old. I don't have to be a DNA expert to know that just matching old and fresh DNA can be achieved with a high degree of accuracy.

But we are questioning if Anwar's DNA extracted from his water bottle and toothbrush was introduced into the sample extracted from Saiful. Wouldn't anyone be suspicious if the sample has been kept for so long and the envelope cut?

JD Lovrenciear: The world loses to Malaysia - from Hollywood to the rows and rows of books on thrillers. If only Agatha Christie or Sherlock Holmes were still alive, your bet would be as good as mine.

A good writer would be able to strike his or her fortune with a script for the movie-makers.

Dont Just Talk: Utterly shameful is the best thing to describe what the attorney-general (AG) did, when he appointed an outsider who is a practising solicitor to prosecute Anwar.

Why do we need so many senior, experienced prosecutors in the AG’s Chambers, when none is deemed capable of handling the case?

Is Anwar's conviction due to Shafee's genius? I would say balls, when the carpet is known to fly from one unit to another.

RCZ: You call this man a genius? Sorry, I don't agree. I have got lots of names for this man, but genius he is not. -Mkini

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