
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Anwar's last bow as prison looms at dawn?

When dawn breaks, Anwar Ibrahim will rise to the prospect of spending a minimum of five years in prison.

But tonight, he takes to the stage under the floodlights of Padang Timur in Petaling Jaya to rally his supporters.

This is the final leg of his nationwide road show, and it could be the 67-year-old opposition leader’s last public appearance should the apex court dismiss his appeal and uphold his conviction.

As always, Anwar has maintained a brave and jovial disposition even as the clocked ticked down to the Federal Court’s verdict on his final appeal tomorrow.

Last week, he joked with journalists covering one of his events, telling them not to look downcast.

He also revealed how he had told his worried granddaughter that “bad people were sending her grandfather to prison”.

The prosecution has appealed for a stiffer sentence, arguing that the Court of Appeal’s five-year jail term was not sufficient.

Like his first sodomy charge, which led to Anwar spending five years in prison, the opposition leader has claimed that the second is also a fabrication.

He has claimed to be the victim of a political conspiracy, an allegation which his rivals have dismissed.

Anwar was accused of sodomising his former aide, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan in 2008.

Stay tuned as Malaysiakini brings you live updates from tonight’s dinner event.

Nurul vows to stay 'as calm as possible'

11.35pm: With hours to go before her father faces the Federal Court's judgement, Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar tellsMalaysiakini that she is trying to stay "as calm as possible".
"I try very hard to look at it in a sense of what needs to be done, because these things are under your control.
"When it comes to this, where the justice system has in the past failed you, you realise that at the very least what you can control my deeds and my action, and my family's actions moving forward.
"So to the best of my ability, I would try to remain as calm as possible," she says, sounding exasperated.

Anwar leaves the venue with much fanfare. He waves a final goodbye as he enters his car while press photographers jostle for a picture.

Anwar: The young ones will take over

 The man of the hour takes the stage by assuring his supporters that Pakatan's younger leaders are ready to take the reins if he is jailed tomorrow.

Anwar is confident these leaders will not be easily swayed to fight among themselves.

"It's important to give space for young peple in Pakatan because they are the ones who are at the forefront.

"They see the future with fresh eyes and not outdated mindsets which put us at loggerheads with each other," he says.

PAS and DAP are now battling is out over PAS' hudud ambitions and DAP's desire to implement local government polls.

Rally-goers' mixed predictions

11.00pm: Unlike other Pakatan rallies, this one takes a solemn note.

Rally-goer Kashminder Singh, 34, believes Anwar will be set free tomorrow.

"I can see that many are still supporting him," he says.

Perlis PKR wanita chief Poziyah Hamzah regards tomorrow's verdict as 'rahsia Allah' (God's plan).

"We will continue to fight and support for Anwar regardless of the tomorrow's outcome," she says.

An elderly man, who refused to be identified said that he has a funny feeling that Anwar will be acquitted tomorrow.

"If he is not acquitted, there is no independence in the judiciary", he says.

Engineer Alex Wong is less optimistic. He predicts that Anwar will be imprisoned for at least five years.

Mat Sabu: No one can dispute Anwar's courage

10.50 pm:  PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu praises Anwar for his courage in facing the trial which will come to an end tomorrow, seven years after the sodomy complaint was made.

He says that Anwar is not perfect and is open to criticism.

"We can criticise Anwar and we can praise him but we can never deny that he is a brave man."

"Imagine someone wh is almost 70 and was invited to go abroad and settle in a country with four seasos, but chooses to remain here and face the prospect of imprisonment.

"I respect you Anwar, I am not sure I would have done the same."

He has the crowd in stitches when he says the sodomy investigations were puzzling at best - "They found a strand of hair but cannot find a plane".

Azmin: Pray for Anwar

10.35 pm: Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali urges Anwar's Muslim supporters to hold a special prayer to seek Anwar's acquittal.

"Those who are Muslim, rise in the middle of the night tonight and pray for Anwar to be freed," he implores.

He is followed by National Laureate A Samad Said, better known as Pak Samad, who reads a poem he wote titled 'Malam Anwar'. (Anwar's Night)

Pak Samad urges everyone to gather tomorrow and to find within themselves will power as strong as steel.

Rafizi: Rosmah won't bear Anwar going to prison

9.50 pm: PKR vice president Rafizi Ramli says Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor would not be able not bear Anwar going to prison.

"I believe Rosmah is listening to this ceramah because last month I spoke at Bandar Tun Razak about subsidy cuts, and after that she said she will sue us. But the writ has yet to arrive.

"I believe she will not bear it if Anwar goes to jail. If he does, hundreds of thousands of people will hit the streets!" he says.

There crowd size is about 1,500.

A story of holes

9.40 pm: Subang MP Sivarasa Rasiah sets the ceramah stage and addresses the crowd sitting cross-legged on the grass.
"(Sodomy complainant Mohd) Saiful Bukhari (Azlan) said he was sodomised many times.

"But there are many holes. Many holes in his stories," he quips.

9.10 pm: The dinner, which was hosted in Mandarin ends with attendees making a bee line for Padang Timur for the open rally

My heroine, Azizah

9.00pm: Anwar speaks in front of 1800 people who filled up the 200 tables.

"Whether Anwar stays out (of prison) or goes inside, Pakatan will solidly go forth for Malaysia," he tells the audience who are also tucking into their food.

He invites his wife and PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail on stage by calling her his "heroine".

"I don't feel so bad about leaving Kit Siang behind, but leaving Azizah is very difficult," he says to applause.

Kit Siang: Time for young guns to take over

 The crowd takes a break from their food to stand up and cheer for Anwar as he arrives, chanting 'Reformasi'.

All the tables are now filled and the mood of the crowd appears to be starting to pick up as well. The crowd size is about 1,800 in and around the dinner venue.

DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang has just stepped off the stage after delivering his speech.

While voicing support for Anwar, Lim said it is time for older leaders from the born before Merdeka Day to make way for younger leaders.

"I am not suggestion any immediate action but I think there is merit in the suggestion that the older leaders like (PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang), Anwar, and myself begin to withdraw from the frontlines and make way for the post-Merdeka generation," Lim said, reading from a prepared speech in his usual verbose style.

He added if Anwar were to go to jail tomorrow, it would only spur Malaysians to push harder to "save Malaysia from joining the ranks of failed states".

Tian Chua: Tomorrow is a verdict on the judiciary
8.10pm: The dinner continues with the speech from PKR vice-president Tian Chua, who says Pakatan will be stronger and more united if Anwar is convicted tomorrow.

"Malaysia still can't move towards a free and fair judicial system. Therefore tomorrow's decision is very important to the future of the judicial system."

7:55pm: The dinner kicks off with Semambu assemblyperson Lee Chean Chung, who drums up the mood for tonight.

Speaking in Mandarin and in Bahasa Malaysia, he insists that Anwar will be free tomorrow if the courts are indeed independent.

"Are we with Anwar?" he asks the crowd, and receives a resounding "yes" in reply.

According to the emcees of the event, the 200 tables for the dinner were sold in ten days, with a capacity of 2,000 persons. Each table is sold for RM300.

However, under half of these seats are occupied so far, which the organisers attributed to traffic jams around Petaling Jaya.

Anwar is slated to speak at 9pm, but delays are likely because the event started about 30 minutes late. -Mkini

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