
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, February 13, 2015

Family Pun Gaduh?

Image result for Najib family Pun Gaduh kerana RosmahImage result for Najib and his family (brothers)

This is that report from the Asia Sentinel. You can read the whole thing here.
  • Acrimonious Split Rattles Malaysian Premier’s Family
  • February 11, 2015 By John Berthelsen 
  • Feud reportedly sparked by PM Najib’s wife
  • announcement by Nazir Razak to file defamation charges against bloggers believed connected to a close friend of his brother, Najib Razak, has laid bare what has been whispered about for months 
  • There is growing, acrimonious rift in the Razak family
  • much of it over deeply indebted 1MDB
  • Najib’s siblings’ relationship with Rosmah, partly because of her flaunting enormous wealth.  
  • Rosmah believed to have convinced her husband to initiate 1MDB 
  • questions circulating is whether family feud might result in problems for CIMB
  •  “The brothers openly criticize Rosmah at dinner functions and family events"
  • “I have heard them myself. Nazir’s family has moved to Oxford, where he spends 60 to 70 percent of his time. 
  • elder brother Nizam spends time with his family in Boston. 
  • two elder brothers Johari and Nazim also cannot get along with Rosmah
  • some of the family spent Hari Raya in Phuket & Spore to avoid PM's open house
  • squabble broken into open at time when Najib is under attack 
  • including Dr Mahathir Mohamad
  • 1MDB subject of a long and critical New York Times article on Feb. 8.  
  • article since  served as red meat to Mahathir forces and Muhyiddin Yassin
  • deputy prime minister who eyeing Najib’s job
  •  rift began in January 2014, when Nazir wrote article in Kinibiz highly critical of  govt
  • Nazir wrote a remembrance of his father, “Remembering My Father, Tun Razak.” 
  • father refused to use public funds to build a swimming pool for his children 
  • personally paid his family’s expenses on government trips, Nazir said
  • article obvious public rebuke to PM 
  • remodeling PM's residence at vast public expense at urging of wife
  • using government’s public jet for private junkets 
  • “Nazir has long worried about the negative influence of Rosmah, in particular, on Najib and has complained to friends and associates about it,” said a longtime western political analyst in Kuala Lumpur. 
  • “Of course, Rosmah knows this and despises Nazir in return and badmouths him to Najib.  So it goes.”
  • Nazir said anonymous attacks began on his family and his children from bloggers believed to be connected to Taek Jho Low
  • and embroiled Najib in government debt generated by 1MDB, the subject of an extensive Asia Sentinel report on Dec. 8, 2014
  • Jho Low became a friend of Rosmah’s son Riza Aziz 
  • to start a sovereign investment fund, Jho Low turned to Najib, then the defense minister. 
  • On Jho Low’s advice, 1MDB appears to have invested vast amounts in a series of misguided adventures
  • In Kinibiz last week, Nazir said the attacks, constituting “lies and slander,” cross the line. 
  • businessman and publisher Tong Kooi Ong, also been subjected to anonymous blog attacks that Tong claimed were due to The Edge's  extensive and biting coverage of 1MDB.
  • The Edge Malaysia is part of The Edge Media Group, which Tong owns. 
  • On Feb. 6, Tong said he had ascertained the identity of the blogger going by the name ‘ahrily90’ and had served a legal letter to Jho Low
My comments : Tak ada classNo class. 

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