
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, February 13, 2015

How to peacefully and lawfully change the Barisan Nasional government – Puthan Perumal

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For many people, the thought of changing the Barisan Nasional government seems to create an atmosphere of rebellion or violence, or feelings to that effect. We seem to have the notion that changing the Barisan Nasional government is a bad and negative thing and that it would seem being disloyal and to a certain extent, ungrateful even. In fact, some would think that having this very discussion would be in violation of some law or another. This baseless notion could not been any further from the truth.
In order to appreciate the concept of changing a government, (and yes, it is a concept which exists and is very real), one must first understand the concept of a government. As the word "government" suggests, it relates to the word "governance". To put it in simple words, a government consists of caretakers or trustees who are in charge of a nation’s wealth and the welfare and security of its citizens. Hence, that is why they are known as public servants. These caretakers or trustees combine to make up a group of people known as your government who are there to serve the citizens of a nation; they essentially govern a nation. Hence, it is noble profession, for all intents and purposes.
Apart from the public sphere of a government that affects us as citizens, there is a "government", so to speak, in almost every aspect of our lives as well. From schools to household issues, to working life and even in sports and religious matters, we all are governed by some rule and framework. And in that rule or framework, there is a "government" that ensures that that rule or framework stays in place and is functioning. How that "government" functions in the private aspect of our lives varies and is dependent on the culture of a particular society, and in which part of the world we live in. These varying cultures and languages and ways of life give the colour of diversity its true meaning.
Similarly, this right and choice is present and very real and applies equally in the concept of a change in a government in the public sphere. If the conduct and actions of public servants that make up the Barisan Nasional government border on incompetence, arrogance and abuse of position (and I am not saying or suggesting that it does in any way), we have a choice and every right to remove them. If rules and regulations introduced by the Barisan Nasional government promote corruption, discrimination, hatred, poverty (and I am not saying or suggesting that they do in any way), then we have a choice and every right to remove those rules and regulations.
The issue that may arise is what do we do if the current Barisan Nasional government continues to behave in an incompetent, arrogant and domineering manner (and I am not saying or suggesting  that they are in any way) despite the fact that concerns having been voiced out by the people time and time again? What do we do if the current Barisan Nasional government refuses to remove rules and regulations that breed corruption, discrimination, hatred and poverty (and I am not saying or suggesting that they do in any way)? It would seem that the natural thing to do is to bring in a new set of people who would then form another government that would introduce laws that promote fairness, equality and accountability.
That brings us to the topic of the discussion, which is how to peacefully and lawfully change the Barisan Nasional government, should you feel like it and no one is suggesting anything here. The following are 10 things you should know: 
1.     Know that it is your right to change the Barisan Nasional government, if you choose to. The government works for you and is suppose to attend to your needs and welfare as a citizen. If that is not happening, you are at liberty to choose someone else who will do that. It is as simple as that.
2.     Know that it is your right to spread awareness to others that it is also their right to change the government, should they choose to. As a member of a larger society, we are all connected to each other in terms of citizenship and therefore no one can stop us from having a discourse with others on the right to change the government. Having a discussion on whether to change the Barisan Nasional government is not in violation of any law worth recognising. 
3.     Know that it is your right to meet the government representative of your locality and to find out what he or she stands for. As a public servant, your Barisan Nasional government representative owes a duty to you. He or she might be elected, but you must be sure that he or she will fight for your cause and concerns, and that the actions taken are consistent with your cause or concerns.
 4.     Know that it is your right to always question the current government. Be aware of what the government is up to and what laws are being passed that will govern you. Being aware of what is happening with the Barisan Nasional government is the only way you can question the government. It is not against any law to question the government.
 5.     Know that it is your right to voice your concerns to the current government. If you are doubtful about something that the Barisan Nasional government has done, or has not done, or is currently doing, ask and get answers. It is their duty to answer you and give you an explanation.
 6.     Know that it is your right to voice your dissatisfaction to the current government. If you are unhappy with something the Barisan Nasional government has done, or has not done, or is currently doing, state your case and demand a clarification. Your dissatisfaction must be taken into consideration, and a correction must be done if necessary. Do not take no for an answer. Do not put up with incompetence, if you feel that that is the case.
 7.     Know that it is your right to meet other potential government representatives from other political parties apart from Barisan Nasional and to find out what they stand for. As potential or future public servants, there are those from different political parties who offer to serve the public, but eventually only one gets elected to a particular locality. But that does not mean those who did not get elected are of any less caliber. You have the right to talk to them as well and explore the possibility that they might fight for your cause or concerns. There is nothing wrong with this. You have the right to talk to other potential members of parliament or state assemblymen from political parties other than Barisan Nasional, even if you had voted for Barisan Nasional earlier.
 8.     Have an open mind for the change of Barisan Nasional government. Do not be under this ridiculous notion that the country will be in chaos and there will be anarchy if there is a change in the government. There is no such thing. There is already a governance system in place that will continue to run and ensure that the day-to-day dealings carry on. Your bank will still be functioning, your kids will still go to school and the post office will still be open. Changing the government is not a declaration of war resulting in emergency. Your life will still go on but the only difference is that different people will be governing the nation’s affairs. That is the only difference.
 9.     Do not feel restricted by elements of fear or intimidation by the current government, if there is any that you perceive to be the case. Emotional blackmail affect people sometimes. Do not fall for that trick. Your loyalty is not in question when it comes to change in government. Remember, you decide who the government is and no amount of violence can change that fact, or be of any use to anyone for that matter.
 10.   Come out to vote for change of the government during elections. It is absolutely crucial for you to come out on Election Day and vote. That is the only physical way you can change the government. And voting is the only way that will ensure a change of government happens at the end of the day.
 Note: This article was written taking into consideration, and being fully aware of, the contents of the Sedition Act 1948, (which was promised to be repealed, but strangely has not been) and does not contain any, or meant to have any, seditious tendencies whatsoever, in any way. It is purely informative in nature.
 * Puthan Perumal is an advocate & solicitor of the High Court of Malaya.

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