
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Iran Takes Over Yemen - (Besides Lebanon, Iraq, Syria) & Encircles Saudi Arabia.

Folks, while our country is being screwed up, the Middle East has breached yet another level of dangerous violence. Believe me, the Middle East is never going to be peaceful for maybe the next 50 years or more.

In the very latest development, the Iranians have taken over Yemen (Sanaa the capital and the northern part of the Yemen) through their proxies the  Yemeni Houthi Shiahs. First a map of Yemen :

Here is the news : 

  • http://news.yahoo.com/shiite-rebels-moving-fill-yemens-power-vacuum-115006928.html
  • Yemen, fan fears of civil war
  • Followers of the Houthi movement shout slogans during a gathering to show support to the movement outside the Presidential Palace in Sanaa

  • Yemen's Shiite rebels proclaimed takeover of the Arab nation Friday
  • power grab in region's poorest nation 
  • region's Shiite powerhouse, Iran, looms as a potential key backer
  • Houthi supporters celebrate the culmination of coup. 
  • their slogan "Death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews and victory to Islam." 
  • Houthi leaders declared Revolutionary Committee was Yemen's new supreme authority
  • Houthis based in north bordering Saudi Arabia, do not control entire country
  • largely Sunni south likely to confront Houthis 
  • southern cities would never take orders from Sanaa
  • Houthis' rebellion began in September
  • advanced on capital and seized control of much of Yemen
  • January raided presidential palace and besieged President Mansour Hadi. 
  • Within days he and Cabinet resigned. 
  • remain under Houthi house arrest
  • Revolutionary Committee to form parliament and five-member presidential council 
  • Houthis intend to rule along Iranian-style lines
  • imposed rule based on a council of senior religious figures
  • Saudi Arabia slashed aid following Houthis' insurrection 
  • critics forecast gambit fuel conflict between Houthis and overwhelmingly Sunni 
  • opposition parties said Houthis unable to govern and would only fuel international isolation.
  • "They are a militia, not a political group," he said
  • overthrown government predicts Houthis' formal declaration "will take Yemen to civil war."
  • takeover an insane "horror movie" that would end in Yemen's fragmentation
  • "Goodbye Yemen,"

My comments :  If you look at the map below, the Shiah Iranians are encircling Saudi Arabia with their proxies. The Shiah Hizbollah runs Lebanon to the north. The Shiah Alawites rule Syria to the north and the Shia majority runs Iraq to the north of Saudi Arabia as well. Now the Shiah Houthis control Yemen to the south of Saudi Arabia.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are now mortal enemies.  In the immediate future there will be a Civil War in Yemen. There will be more beheadings. The Saudis will fund and arm the Sunni rebels. The Iranians will fund and arm the Shiah Houthis. Rock and roll. Rejoice ye spawn of satan. Thy kingdom come and the devil shall lead you to doom.  

What do the Iranians really want? I think they want Mecca. They want to control the 'holy city'. The birth place of the prophet and their hero Ali. In the past hey have not made known any such intention. It would have been too far fetched and also they had little chance of securing Mecca for the Shiahs. 

They have played up the 'liberation of Jerusalem' and even set up the 'Al Quds Force'. They exploited the Palestinian - Israeli conflict  to give more legitimacy to their religious revolution and to keep their tired people interested. 

This made them enemies of Israel as well. To the extent that Israel has cooperated and is willing to cooperate with Saudi Arabia against Iran.

Now the Iranians have four Shiah Arab countries at their disposal - Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and now Yemen. And they encircle Saudi Arabia. It is also a matter of time before Saudi Arabia crumbles in upon itself. 

What if the Shiahs target the acquisition of Mecca instead of Jerusalem?  

Well they may strike a deal with Israel. We will let you have Jerusalem and you let us have Mecca  (meaning keep the United States out of interfering) in the bloody wars that must precede  such a move. 

There have been such 'adjustments' before. I must secure an old book which says (according to a person who read it) that in the colonial rivalry between the French and the British over the lands of the Levant (Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and part of the Hejaz) the French shifted some "historical landmarks".  Hence lines could be redrawn. The French kept the Levant and the British crowds went south. This would have been about 200 years ago.

They have done this without fail.  

Folks, that was some walkabout in the wild. I dont think the Israelis will forge an alliance with the Iranians. They will stick with the Arabs who are easier to handle. (Lagi bodoh).

So the good old Arabs, Persians etc will continue killing themselves over warped grandfather tales about who rode on which imaginary steed at what warp speed from where to where.  

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