
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Malaysians the biggest losers in this tussle

YOURSAY 'Anwar has been known to weave magic, right in the jail cells.'

Winners and losers in epic tussle

Ferdtan: The listing of winners and losers is not dependable. In the longer term, winners and losers may change places. But one thing is for sure, Malaysians are the biggest losers as we have the independence of the judiciary completely destroyed with this conviction of Anwar.

You ask anyone on the street, besides the Umno/MCA/MIC partisans, they knew in their hearts that it was a thumped-up charge. We don’t need to be trained lawyers to know that it was more political than legal.

Anwar Ibrahim is going in (jail) for the third time and each time before he came out stronger. We shall pray for his good health to continue the struggle. He is like a proverbial phoenix. This is abridged version of an anonymous poem - “Out of my ashes will rise a new phoenix. A soaring being returning from death proving once again that life is eternal. I live forever because the spirit never dies.”

The spirit of Anwar will and never be broken by physical incarceration.

LKT: The truth will always see the light of day. Karma always has its own strange way to come calling. No matter how grand or mighty or superior a title one carries before his or her name, it is always inferior to that being conferred by ordinary people - a people's hero. The truth will always prevail over evil, always.

On Tuesday we saw the various dark forces come together to bulldoze evil energy on Anwar Ibrahim. However, the majority knows that a great injustice had been delivered to Anwar and to the people of Malaysia at large.

Today we shall mourn but tomorrow we will begin afresh our quest to repel all these evil forces, relentlessly until kingdom come. Every right-thinking person will be doing his or her little bit towards crushing the evil before us.

FellowMalaysian: Let's not take Anwar's incarceration as the final destiny for him or PKR. First, the guilty verdict and his sentencing were widely predicted and expected. Whoever thought that Anwar had a tenuous chance of escaping jail must be hoping for the impossible. The Court of Appeal had already sentenced him to the five years prior to the Federal Court judgment on Tuesday.

But Anwar has always been known to weave magic right in the jail cells and who could forget that he formed PKR while still serving his sentence under Sodomy I? In fact, if his past record shows any indication of his future influence over the electorate, the opposition's power and appeal will thrive and prosper while Anwar is in jail.

No doubt it is rumination time for the opposition and it is back to the drawing board once again. As long as the zeal and fervour remain in their hearts, as so eloquently expounded by Anwar, Pakatan shall remain a formidable force ready to take on its opponents come the 14th general election (GE14).

Hank Marvin: On paper Anwar and Pakatan might be said to be the losers. But in the popular court of opinion, this may not be the case. And Pakatan may either be able to maintain its base or even get better. On Feb 10 the Federal Court declared its partisanship with the Executive and the system is no longer neutral.

Paramasvaran S Kandiah: The war will go on for a long time to come, until tyranny comes to an end and men see justice and honour in all aspects of life. So far we have only witnessed the battles. Battles are won and lost. Do not forget, Robert the Bruce of Scotland lost seven battles.

Anwar has infused greater spirit into the masses. No one believes, and most did not bother, to read his testimonies or that of the solicitors in court. We knew that would be a waste of our time. The judges though are impeccable men of unimaginable integrity. They have not failed in their duties and acted as seen fit by them and the 'law'.

Man is the most evil of the species. The future is for the many young intelligent boys and girls who have now come into Pakatan. Support and guide them. They could possibly bring back honour, integrity and a honourable reputation to our nation.

Tyranny thrives on the weak and those who do not care. Tyranny does not survive for long, nor on ill-gotten gains, pomp and illusory power. Long Live Malaysia!

Fair Play: For the winners, at best, it is only a temporary reprieve. GE14 might be the war to end all wars for the simple reason that the anger of the right-thinking rakyat now knows no bounds.

Anonymous_1371477558: Fair Play, there'll be no fair play in this country. They'll continue to cheat and we'll lose again in GE14, unless we can stop the cheating.

Sali Tambap: Anwar will be a martyr. He does much more in jail than he can ever imagine instead of being free. There is too much baggage and history associated with his name and politic. He will always be a controversial figure if he should vie for the premiership. And that will be against him.

But being in prison, it will be different. That will be his biggest contribution to the Pakatan - they need a symbol of being oppressed through injustice and corruption. Anwar being jailed, rightly or wrongly, will be that symbol, a prisoner of conscience. The nation, especially the fence-sitters, will be taking sides and it is obvious which side they are on.

As for Anwar personally and his family, we can only sympathise with them. Nobody should deserve the kind of destiny imposed on him and his family.

LifeFlier: The rakyat are losers and we blame nobody except ourselves. Anwar is incarcerated as a prisoner of conscience. On the other hand, invisible hands behind many national scandals, treason, murder crime and corruption of mammoth proportions got off scot-free.

The wrongs remain unanswerable by the responsible ones. Thus, don't expect weaknesses that will be overcome and mistakes can be prevented in future, for we are heading down the path of self-destruction. How long can we, lay people, go with it? Under the present adverse economic situation and with the country’s financial health continuing to deteriorate, we will be unlikely to make ends meet soon.

Piling on the gloom, the bunch of useless government leaders create problems more than solutions. If the current leaders are incapable, lay people like you and me should have risen and turned over a new leaf for the country. Why was it only 53 percent in 2013? Do we really need another event greater than MH370 tragedy to realise our mistakes? Think Malaysians, think!

SteveOh: I don't see it that way. Anwar's role in Pakatan was instrumental, not indispensable. What glued Pakatan together was not Anwar. The recent events in the supposed rift with Hadi Awang illustrate my point.

What holds Pakatan together is its common purpose of toppling BN. What will prop up Pakatan is the people's support and the ability of Pakatan states to govern with a difference and not be like BN. People will vote for Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck because many have had enough of the BN.

Don't write off Anwar. Hadi Awang will not be accepted as prime minister. BN will be its own worst enemy now that Anwar is out of the picture. It is not the end but the beginning in another stage of the journey. God is still in control and you can't put Him in jail. He has a bigger jail and mere mortals who do wrong should be concerned.

Stranger things lie ahead and when God hearkens to the cries of His people, justice will flow like a river and sweep the wicked away. All is not lost. His people must continue to do good. In God they trust.

Haveagreatday: I hope history will look back at this event to decide that those rakyat who have been rooting for change in our country - change towards a more fair, just, democratic and civil nation - are the ultimate winners! I am hopeful Anwar behind bars, cruel as it sounds, will be a catalyst for the change in our society towards those ideals.

Anwar and the Pakatan had come up short in GE12 and GE13! Perhaps this verdict will literally be that proverbial straw that broke the camel's back - critical mass will be achieved come GE14 - and the rakyat will finally shake off Umnoputra’s shackles that have stifled our nation's progress towards becoming a nation all the rakyat can be proud of!

Legit: The so-called winners may think they are winning. We will wait and see what happens next. Many a government around the world have never lived peacefully when they trample on justice and the weak. Black clouds have began forming over Malaysia.

Senior: There is one more loser - BN, which made Anwar the hero he is today, and has to deal with the monster that's taking away their votes.

Lamps: Malaysians are the biggest losers. They lost a hero to this cruel, racist, lying Umno government.

Axolotl: And the biggest losers of all, don't forget... are the benighted and betempurunged 47 percent who continue to genuflect before Allah while Umno sodomises them, generation after generation.

Snake-in-the-grass: Losers - Everybody. Winners - Nobody. But some will be gloating, chuckling, guffawing before they finally explode into minced meat from the pent-up anger of the people. -Mkini

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