
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Najib Razak's Syariah Index - Certain Compliance Issues.

This is  taken from The Sarawak Report here. Thank you to the reader who sent me this.

Bloga UMNO Pre Paid, Post Paid dan Fully Paid sila ambil perhatian. There are some Syariah Index compliance issues here. 

Najib Razak yesterday launched the Malaysian Shariah Index, a product that complements Islamic governance through a more comprehensive shariah requirement yardstick.   The index, the first of its kind ever developed in the world, evaluated and assessed the government's seriousness in achieving the five aspects as required by the shariah namely the protection of the religion, protection of life, protection of the mind, protection of the race and protection of property.

Ok lets look at this picture here. These are some young people obviously having a party. Cool enough. But how does this comply with the Syariah Index? Because one of the people in this picture is supposed to be the Prime Minister's Media Advisor. Do read the story from The Sarawak Report.

Here is another picture. The S'wak Report says the PM's Media Advisor is in this picture as well. I dont think that is teh tarik they are drinking. Teh tarik is shariah index compliant. I think these bottles here are not shariah index compliant. 

Here is another picture of the guy (below). This looks like an ad for Chivas Regal whisky. Imagine the PM's Media Advisor appears in an ad for Chivas Regal whicky.  Its fine by me.  If you party all by yourself it can be pretty boring.  But what about the Shariah Index?

Ok here is the story.    They say that the Mat Salleh guy in the picture is the ex APCO Malaysia boss Paul Stadlen who now works for Najib Razak in the National Communications Team. Here is his business card. Rancak juga Mat Salleh ini.

My question is Talent Corpse tak terlibat ke bila job interview orang macam ini? Anyway here is The Sarawak Report:

Too Much Partying By Najib’s PR Guru Paul Stadlen?

The ex-APCO Malaysia boss, Paul Stadlen, who now manages Najib Razak’s massive press operation, appears to be losing his touch.

Many are asking if his well-known party lifestyle, fuelled by what seems to be an outrageous income courtesy of the Malaysian taxpayer, could have something to do with it?

Yesterday was a bit of a classic, with the issuing of a Government statement by the Prime Minister’s Office (where Stadlen controls communications) which maliciously stuck the knife into the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, just controversially imprisoned for alleged sodomy.


My comment : So it was this stupid Mat Salleh who issued that statement within 35 minutes of the verdict?? Bodohnya.

Partying and a bloody beating for fun-loving Stadlen
Stadlen is known as a man who is pleased to party and enjoy a late night drink in a wide selection of KL's top night club venues

There has been considerable bad feeling around Putrajaya about the continued prominence of Stadlen in Najib’s office.

APCO itself was dismissed from its advisory role some years back

However, Paul Stadlen kept his position and has continued to manage to get reportedly enormous sums of money as a consultant, effectively supervising all the Prime Minister’s communications.

Insiders have told Sarawak Report that his company, which is located just a few doors down the corridor from the PM’s own National Communications Team in the Menara BRDB office block in KL, is retained for at least RM 3,000,000 per year’.

My comments :  Bila budak bodoh. Bayar Mat Salleh mabuk RM3 Juta setahun

As one journalist who is a close observer of the team, explained to Sarawak Report, this retainer is:

    “..for some main activities. That is for doing all work for the PM – from normal things like speech writing to arranging interviews with foreign journalists. Also for this money he does many things like ..smearing Dr M and such like secret projects.

    “He hires other people to do all this work for him – usually he has 2-3 people he gets to do all the work… but he pockets the vast majority of monies.”

Amongst such people hired to do the spade work is the recent addition to the team, a former Brunswick UK associate and fellow British national, Arif Shah.

                    Arif Shah, hired to be in charge of 1MDB’s ill-fated IPO attempt.

Arif Shah was hired by Stadlen mainly to work on providing positive PR for the disastrous 1MDB ‘sovereign development fund’, according to internal documentary evidence seen by Sarawak Report, and to control communications surrounding the increasingly unlikely attempt to launch an IPO in order to rescue the fund, which is mysteriously missing millions of dollars.

Known as ‘Project Virtus’ this PR commission was worth an additional RM1.5million or so to Stadlen’s company, according to those in the know. A briefing paper describes its sensitivity in the following terms:

    “Events of recent months have made it clear that Project Virtus will be subject to greater scrutiny than any IPO in Malaysia’s history. The involvement of various stakeholders, the sensitive nature of the transaction, and the restrictions associated with the marketing of shares mean it is imperative that we manage any enquiries with the utmost care.”

In which case, was party man Stadlen really the outfit to choose, as always, to front up the job?

    “Stadlen has terrible party lifestyle”, confirmed one of many commentators on the subject to Sarawak Report. “It’s incredible he gets away with it, working for a Muslim head of government. He’s always out partying in bars, clubs getting dead drunk.”

Bunny girl is Stadlen's girlfriend, whom he employs ..at his government funded offices
Clubs such as KL’s top hotspot Zouk host regular tables for Stadlen, known as a lady’s man, who has clearly enjoyed his sudden cash and finds plenty of time and things on which to spend it.

It is a life-style that appeared to culminate in a extremely sticky and unhappy scenario in the run up to Christmas last year, after the PM’s PR chief committed the ultimate breech of potentially becoming news himself, when an apparently disgruntled rival beat him up inside a lift in a very brutal incident in KL.  People in the know say an iron bar was involved and it was an attack in which he was badly hurt.

This being Malaysia, it was an incident that Stadlen was able to keep out of the papers, although plenty of journalists know about it.

Yet, this is the man who needs to command the press machinery for a Prime Minister facing one of the toughest PR situations imaginable worldwide.

And then there is the sizzling red hot potato of 1MDB festering in Stadlen’s stated portfolio of responsibilities

End quote

My comments :

i. half naked bunny girls
ii. drinking whisky telan dengan botol sekali
iii. getting beaten up with iron bars inside a lift
iv. hiring strange aliens
v. appearing in Chivas Regal whisky advertisments

how does all this fit in with the Syariah Index? 

This guy is not only paid RM3 million a year (minimum) but his business card says : National Communications Team, Prime Minister's Office.

Shariah Index? Bloga UMNO Pre Paid, Post Paid dan Fully Paid kata apa?

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