
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sodomized allegations & counter allegations

Malaysia-Today - Jude: I was asked to subvert the trial

We know who Jude Blacious Pereira is, don't we?

In case you don't, he was the Police DSP handling the Sodomy 2 investigation. And he was found by the Suhakam (Human Rights Commission of Malaysia) inquiry to be an untruthful witness.

Ironically, the Suhakam inquiry was chaired by then commissioner Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, yes, the same bloke who appeared as lead prosecutor in the recent successful appeal against Anwar’s acquittal, wakakaka.

Based on the adverse finding of Suhakam's inquiry against Pereira, the Bar Council had applied to the High Court to reject Pereira's application to join the Bar as an unfit person. On 10 January 2014 the Court allowed the Bar Council's application.

Anyway, RPK's latest revelation is an article by Raggie Jessey who wrote (just relevant extracts):

Ever since sodomy charges were brought against Anwar, he remained consistent with allegations of a purported conspiracy by the Government of Malaysia to incarcerate him. In fact, prosecuting lawyer Tan Sri Mohd. Shafee Abdullah once iterated that “Anwar was again making the same kind of conspiracy claim he had made against former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.”

It is interesting to note the manner with which Anwar singled out Jude from among police personnel who were involved in his sodomy tribulations one way or the other. As Anwar would have it, Jude colluded with the Government of Malaysia in sending him (Anwar) into political oblivion.

Just so, Zaid Ibrahim has recently also mentioned that (asreported by the Malay Mail Online):

Anwar Ibrahim’s outburst in the Federal Court when he accused the judiciary of being in cahoots with politicians was uncalled for and “deserves condemnation”.

Zaid said the Opposition Leader’s “flowery and well-rehearsed” speech in the courtroom was pushing things “too far” as he insinuated that the judges were biased and acting in favour of political leaders.

“It’s one thing to disagree with the findings of the judges, or to criticise their sloppy reasoning, but to accuse them of being complicit and active players in the political scheme to imprison him is without basis and deserves condemnation”.

In other words, Anwar had expected a guilty verdict and rehearsed a speech of ostentatious 'outrage' to play to the public gallery.

Continuing with Raggie Jessey's article, he released DSP Pereira's personal account involving the former IGP Musa Hassan, MyWatch Chairman Sri Sanjeevan Ramakrishnan and Anwar Ibrahim.

As the post title of Malaysia-Today's article Jude: I was asked to subvert the trial implies, it allegedly involved an attempt to coopt DSP Pereira's into making a press release saying that Anwar Ibrahim was innocent and was charged unreasonably, with evidence fabricated against him - presumably in at a press conference organized by PKR or pro-PKR people, like was done with PI Balasubramaniam and Saiful's dad, wakakaka.

Jude Pereira narated: I then suggested that if they wanted me to help out in any way, at best I could say that I respected the High Court’s decision to acquit DSAI and wished him well. Sanjeevan then proceeded to call DSAI with his hand phone and informed DSAI that I was there with him. He then gave the phone to me, requesting that I talk to DSAI. I just wished DSAI well for the elections and told him that I was not able to say what Sanjeevan had wanted me to say, but that I would just mention that I respected the Courts decision in his (DSAI’s) case. DSAI replied that it was alright and good enough for me to say just that.”

“Sanjeevan than suggested that he would write down something mild for me to say to the press in support of DSAI, and that he would call the press in the morning should I agree. He then asked me to go to a new hotel in KL Central and meet a person who would show me what he had written on my behalf, which I was to give to the press the next morning. Sanjeevan also told me that I would be well protected in the hotel and that I can stay at the hotel for the night, all on the house. Just out of curiosity I decided to go and see how far it is going to go.”

“I reached the new hotel at KL Central at about 8 pm. At the lobby, I met a bearded Indian Muslim man and another person sitting at a table. I introduced myself and said that I was with Sanjeevan earlier, and that I was to see them. They told me that they were assisting DSAI in the elections. The bearded man had already drafted a letter and asked me to read it, and that if I had agreed to it, they would call the press in the morning."

"I was completely shocked after reading a passage of about 100 words, which said that I was the Investigation Officer and that DSAI was innocent and was charged unreasonably, with evidence fabricated against him. The passage made me look like a fool and would have thrown my integrity down the drain after all my hard work. I refused to subscribe to their request and just walked away from the hotel.”

Well, you can decide for yourself whether that's true, as you should/would have in the case of Balasubramaniam's multi SD and Saiful's dad apologizing to Anwar and then wakakaka, ...

... less than two months after dismissing his son’s allegation against Anwar Ibrahim as a fabrication at a PKR organized press conference and then joining the party as a member, did a volte-face to state that he had made a mistake in his earlier declaration after he realized the sodomy charge was not a political conspiracy against Anwar, wakakaka again.

Jude Pereira related that all these happened about a week before the last GE in 2013 when he first received a phone call from the former IGP. That would be in May 2013.

Well, almost 6 months before that, I posted Sleeping with the enemy in which I wrote:

A week ago I posted Political WTF 1 - Musa Hassan in which I raised some questions:

Is it be likely that Musa Hassan will re-occupy his old job as IGP PDRM if Anwar Ibrahim becomes PM?

I ask only because the ex IGP, one of the most despised and most accused person, has lately been rubbing pally-buddy shoulders with PKR-affiliated NGOs, and making virtually anti-Government statements and accusations, some of which, laughingly, had been attributed to his term as IGP.

Has there been a done deal between Musa Hassan and PKR?

Or, is the ex IGP just another Dr M, wanting to rewrite his place and performance in Malaysian history?

I commented that Saifuddin Nasution, then the PKR secretary-general, when asked about Musa Hassan joining PKR, avoided, evaded and tap-danced around that question.

I continued in my post: Then, when he was pressed by the media on whether Anwar Ibrahim would object to his past tormentor joining PKR, Saifuddin did the hula hula dance, stating that “When there are applications made by big names, the decision to approve them is made by the party leadership” and not by any individual (meaning Anwar Ibrahim).

I take that as Saifuddin virtually admitting Musa Hassan will become a member of PKR ...

All just too suspicious in a picture of Musa Hassan cozying up to PKR, it galvanized Robert Phang, a former panel member of the MACC advisory panel, into voicing his belief that Musa Hassan's statement against Hishamuddin Hussein, that Hisham had interfered with the police force under his IGP days, was 'backed by PKR'.

Phang accused Anwar Ibrahim's party of (allegedly) sleeping with their former enemy.

Phang must have been shocked to see Musa Hassan flanked by PKR national policy and strategy bureau secretary S Gobikrishnan and Negeri Sembilan PKR youth exco member Sri Sanjeevan (was this the same bloke as MyWatch Chairman, wakakaka), when Musa made that allegation against his old boss, Hishammuddin.

Phang said: “If Musa is backed by PKR, then I must express my utmost disappointment that PKR appears to be a desperate party."

Yadda yadda, " ... going into bed with this cunning man and supporting his cause will mean that the leadership of PKR has no principles. I say to PKR - dissociate yourself from this wolf in sheep’s skin."

“Ask why is he now attacking the government as evil, whereas he once was its key perpetrator. If PKR keeps supporting this evil man, then PKR will lose the support of the public for stooping so low just to undermine the BN government.”

It sure as hell didn't help when Saifuddin Nasution tap-danced around the question of Musa Hassan's possible membership in PKR, as discussed above.

But I wonder whether my recalling the above helps clarify Raggie Jessey's article about an alleged nexus then between Musa Hassan and Anwar Ibrahim (including Sri Sanjeevan)?

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