
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Think Tank attacks former US Ambassador’s Free Anwar Petition

“Foreign countries should not interfere in the domestic matters in our country or attempt to sway the independence of our Judiciary.”
John Mallot_anwar_petition_300KUALA LUMPUR: The Institute of Strategic Analysis & Policy Research (INSAP) claims that former US Ambassador to Malaysia, John Mallot, given his comments in the media, breached diplomatic protocol by being impartial in openly expressing support for Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim while criticising Putrajaya.
Besides, it noted with alarm, he has launched a petition on the website of the White House urging the American government to place the release of Anwar as its main policy for bilateral relations between Malaysia and the US.
“While we recognise that the said petition is a democratic right of Americans and that we, as Malaysians are not in a position to halt it, nevertheless, we wish to stress that foreign countries should not interfere in domestic matters in our country or attempt to sway the independence of our Judiciary,” said INSAP Deputy Chairman Lua Choon Hann.
“We also expect the diplomatic corps, be they currently posted to Malaysia, or abroad or have retired should likewise maintain a neutral stance.”
The five-judge panel of the Federal Court had unanimously found Anwar guilty based on corroborative DNA evidence, he added. “We urge all countries and people sympathetic to Anwar’s cause. Do not be misled by his emotional rhetoric on democratic freedoms.”
Lua also expressed regret that Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) intends to launch a “March to Freedom” campaign which includes overseas trips to gather solidarity for Anwar and to question the integrity of the Judiciary.
“Such moves, aimed at tarnishing Malaysia and causing disrepute to our Judiciary, are unethical and un-Malaysian and could even cause a decrease in foreign direct investments,” claimed Lau.
“We would have expected PKR to be loyal to Malaysia and not otherwise.”
Anwar, according to the Malaysian Bar, was convicted of an offence, sentenced to five years’ imprisonment, and will be disqualified from being a Member of Parliament with respect to a charge that seems, on its face, to be a victimless offence.
“Where there is any such reasonable doubt, the accused must be acquitted,” said Malaysian Bar President Christopher Leong. “The hearing of Anwar’s appeal was extensively reported in the media, and thus the decision of the Federal Court has come as a surprise to many.”
The parties in the appeal were previously given a full hearing before the Federal Court between October 28, 2014 and November 7, 2014. Having listened to both parties and considered their arguments and submissions, the Federal Court had adjourned the matter for consideration and deliberation.
On Tuesday, the Federal Court delivered an extensive judgment and affirmed the conviction and sentence of five years’ imprisonment of Anwar.
This has also given rise to questions or concerns as to why the complainant, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, who was alleged to have been a participant in the act of sodomy, was not charged for abetment under sections 377A and 377B, read together with section 109, of the Penal Code.

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