
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, December 1, 2015

'1MDB land deal is like asset going from right pocket to left pocket'

Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak has defended against a slew of criticism levelled by former prime ministerr Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the government, including the cheap sales of government land to 1MDB.
Salleh described this as a case of assets going out from the right pocket and then back into the left pocket as 1MDB is ultimately wholly owned by the government through the Finance Ministry.
"Lands were sold to 1MDB cheaply because 1MDB is 100 percent owned by the Finance Ministry.
"The transaction is akin to coming out of the right pocket and going into the left pocket," he said in a blog posting today.
He added that it is no different when Mahathir injected funding into government-linked companies (GLC) for investment when he was prime minister.
"Mahathir gave money to GLCs during his time. The (current) prime minister gave land. Both for investments," he said.
Mahathir in an open letter yesterday appealed to Umno grassroots to reject Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak ahead of the Umno general assembly next week, even though the party election has been postponed.
Salleh also disputed Mahathir's claim that 1MDB cannot repay its debt interest, stating that the company would have gone bankrupt if it was the case.
He also insisted that all of 1MDB's funds is accounted for based on the audit of its accounts last year.
He also defended Najib's use of British advisers which Mahathir described as colonialist.
"In the globalised era, most countries have advisers of different races coming from all corners of the world. Their role is no more than to give their views and do not control.
"The fact is the country is governed by locals - Malays, Chinese, Indian, Sarawak and Sabah bumiputera are not foreigners.
"Power remains in our hands and not outsiders like the colonial times," he said.
He also denied that Malaysia was giving in to Singapore by cancelling the crooked bridge which was Mahathir's brainchild.
He said the construction of the bridge would have affected piping under Singapore's jurisdiction and Malaysia was merely complying with international law as advised by the attorney-general's chambers.
Salleh also blasted Mahathir's suggestion that BN will lose in the next general election, stating that if that happens, it was due to Mahathir's relentless attacks against the federal government.
"What will make BN lose is Tun's himself who endlessly make such slander and allegations.
"Whoever takes over as prime minister cannot escape Tun's attacks," he said.
Salleh said if Mahathir actually focused on Najib's achievements instead of failures, and cease his attacks, BN would be in a better position in win the next general election. -Mkini


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