
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Will The UMNO Treasurer Be Party To A Cover Up? Perwakilan UMNO Harus Tanya.

Image result for husni hanadzlah

The UMNO Treasurer is Husni Hanadzlah, born in my hometown of Ipoh in 1962.  Malukan orang Perak.

The UMNO Assembly is about a week away.

There are stories about the Moron "feeling" extreme pressure to resign.  There are stories about the Moron quietly meeting The Elders to discuss sensitive matters.  (I have heard about who met whom and where and what they discussed tapi cannot mention lah - nanti source compromised.)  

The Moron has also admitted to someone that 'the economy is in a mess'. 

There are other weirder stories too. Really, really weird stories.  Yukky. 

Also screwy stories. Flora in the office ??

Anyway to all Chinese, Jews and conspirators dont worry. There will be no Chinese bashing (directly or indirectly), Jew bashing or conspirator bashing at this year's Perhimpunan Agong UMNO.  

To digress a little  the Perhimpunan Agung UMNO is also called PAU. In Chinese a pau means a dumpling. But in UMNO Malay when you say 'dia pau duit' it means someone took a bribe from somebody else.  

So I hope at this PAU that is coming up next week, they eat the real pau for breakfast and not the other pau. Although that is a highly unlikely scenario.  Talk is that "letter to the Feds" cost 15 million dumplings !!

Ok to get back on track, the theme for this year's PAU will be Malay unity.  This time around they are going to call  for Malay unity without having to indulge in Chinese and Jew bashing.  

Since Kh***ul A (the Moron's speech writer) dont read English too well, can someone tell him that whatever he writes, just tell Moron to stop screaming and yelling like a psycho. No need for theatrics.  Ok the perwakilan may still be village folks but they are not all hillibillies. Treat them with more respect.

Back to Malay unity - there will be some "rain gaps" in the roof when it comes to Pas. Does UMNO's version of Malay unity include Pas or not? Pas is now almost officially dead - sudah mampus.  Being brain dead themselves they walked into a trap set by the UMNO boys again. Pas is now divided into two or three camps. Harapan Baru is really slicing Pas to pieces. If Moron does not mention "UMNO - Pas" unity, it will mean a quicker death for that Bawang fellow. 

By the way here is another bit of trivia. The recent idea was not only to ban the Press but ban all observers at this year's PAU.  Only the Hippo will be allowed to sit alone as an observer.  That has now been changed. Selected members of the Press and selected observers will be allowed inside. Jemputlah saya bro !  Saya tutup TV bila dia cakap tapi kalau direct terpaksa lah telan meluat.  (On second thoughts, tak payahlah. Just thinking about it is meluat).

Anyway the theme this year is 'Malay unity' minus Chinese bashing, Jew bashing and conspiracy bashing.  So Gladiator, Vinnan and friends, you can chill.

The point that I wanted to make today is that at every PAU, the Treasurer will first make the earliest remarks. 

The Treasurer will first present the party's audited accounts. This is procedure.  

These will be the audited accounts. Kalau tak silap saya the UMNO party auditor is Hanafiah Raslan Mohamed.

After the Treasurer presents the audited accounts, the party will vote to approve the accounts. 

If the accounts are NOT approved the Perhimpunan Agong cannot proceed.

This years audited accounts need to be scrutinised carefully. 

Because the Moron said that the RM2.6 Billion was a donation that was used for the general election and other party related purposes.

So at this PAU the Treasurer must explain, and the Perwakilan UMNO must also satisfy themselves, that whatever amounts that were donated for party purposes are properly captured in the audited accounts.  

And there must be debate and discussion over these donated amounts. How much donated, when, where, how they were used etc.

If the donated amounts are NOT mentioned in the audited accounts prepared by Hanafiah Raslan Mohamed then the Perwakilan must ask the Treasurer where is the RM2.6 billion that the Moron said were donations for party purposes.

So at this year's PAU the Treasurer has to walk a very thin line between presenting the party's accounts properly and legally and not being a party to any cover ups. 

Wrongful presentation of a party's financial matters (or any organisation's financial matters) can be a wrong and a crime. So the Treasurer must be careful.

Kalau nak makan pau di PAU make sure ada sijil halal JAKIM.

Masalahnya pada zaman ini, JAKIM pun makan pau juga.

1 comment:

  1. Kenalkan nama saya Pak ,Beny Sutomo betul-betul mengakui bahwa ramalan AKI SAIF bener-bener top dan di jamin “JITU” 100% tembus adapun ramalan ini di dapat melalui “RITUAL KHUSUS” jadi anda jangan ragu-ragu lagi untuk mengikuti ritual AKI SAIF karena nomor ritual AKI SAIF meman selalu tepat dan terbukti, jika anda mau bukti bukan rekayasa silahkan HUBUNGI/SMS di ((( 081355048468))) dan cukup bergabung dengan AKI SAIF untuk menyelesaikan syaratnya anda sudah bisa mendapatkan angka 2D 3D 4D yang bisa merubah nasib anda sekeluarga karna saya sudah membuktikanya 3X putaran bener-bener langsung tembus dan kini sekarang giliran anda Semua untuk membuktikan Trima Kasih.


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