
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 28, 2016

SRC’s RM42m transfer – a crime with no criminal

YOURSAY l ‘We are not three-year-old kids, so who are you kidding?’
Oscar Kilo: "He (AG Mohamed Apandi Ali) said evidence showed that at all material times, the prime minister was of the belief that all payments originated from the Saudi royal family's RM2.6 billion political donation."
But didn't he also say that RM2.03 billion of the donation was returned to the Saudi donor in August 2013?
The SRC transfers occurred after the mysterious Saudi donation was returned. So wouldn't the PM wonder why he was receiving some more money into his personal account?
Straight Talk Joe 51: Indeed, the balance of the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’ was returned to the Saudi donor in August 2013, and a year later RM42 million suddenly found its way into his personal accounts (in late 2014 and early 2015) and he didn't know about it and assumed it could be from the same donor!
Who was the one in SRC International approved the RM42 million to be deposited into PM's personal account, and why, given that PM Najib Razak said he did not know about the deposit?
How would you expect the people to believe all those stories?
Anonymous 1545651439185163: As a PM, anything out of the ordinary should have been check as it could have been planted by someone out to do him harm.
But the PM did not take action, which means that he knows who banked the money into his personal account.
Dalvik: Our PM cum finance minister was not aware of huge sum of money went into his account - and you expect him to lead our country and manage our finance?
Lone_Star: Is the fight against IS over with? If not, why return RM2.03 billion of the donated sum?
Negarawan: The thief had no knowledge that he stole. The robber had no knowledge that he robbed. The murderer had no knowledge that he killed.
And, of course, Najib had no knowledge that billions went into his personal accounts. Malaysia in the only country in the world where the attorney-general can summarily decide that a person is innocent because "he had no knowledge" of what he did.
A person who lacks moral and religious principles should not be the highest legal officer in the country, nor a PM.
Guyintheglass: If I have RM1 million in my account and 42 sen is deposited, I probably wouldn't know about it. But if I have just RM10, and 42 sen is deposited, you can be sure I'll be asking who made that deposit.
Bamboo: Najib must be a very lucky man. He has RM2.6 billion and RM42 million banked into his personal accounts without anyone prompting the transfers. We are not three-year-old kids, so who are you kidding?
Well Thats Fantastic: If the answer was always this simple, why the desperate need to keep investigations secret?
If I could explain away my problem so easily I would have come forward and explained, and not hide behind the law.
Donplaypuks: With this ruling, there can be no more CBT (criminal breach of trust) or fraud cases in Malaysia. Every crook will claim he had no knowledge of money that came into his bank account.
Malaccan: So this minister is now saying that the PM is illogical. Is that something that the people are supposed to accept? Aren't the people entitled to be led by a PM who is logical, competent and moral?
Is the minister merely parroting the PM when he infamously said he preferred ministers who were loyal rather than competent? Does the nation have a cabinet of leaders or clowns?
The minister does the PM a disservice. But more so, he belittles the intelligence of the nation by his statements. It would be better if he just left quickly so that the people can quickly forget he ever existed and thereby salve the collective national memory and conscience.
Mojo Jojo: How do we know that the so-called donation from the Saudis went back to the Saudis? Where is the paper trail justifying the supposed source and eventual destination of this ‘donation’?
Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek, you have the cheek (pun intended) to say “something illogical doesn't mean that it is illegal”. But who makes the rules around here? Yeah, you guys.
You can propose laws saying that a white horse is not horse, and have drones of BN MPs vote in your favour.
Just because something is legal does not make it right. Gone are the days when people blindly follow what is said on TV and on newspaper. Wake up!
n1: The proof shows that there are funds transferred from SRC to the PM's personal account, so how can he be pronounced innocent just because he claimed that he has no knowledge of that?
From now on any corrupt officials can claim that they have no knowledge of any dirty monies deposited into their account. Apandi must explain why this is not an offence. -Mkini

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