
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 13, 2016

Meanwhile Among The Persatuan Ahli Shaytan . . . .

I was not shocked at all to hear the news (about two years ago) that girls from Malaysia had volunteered their sexual services for the ISIS shaitans in Syria. This was just prostitution but they called it sex jihad or jihad al munakaha. 

Of course their satanic mullahs within whatever sect or cult they subscribe to provided all the satanic religious rulings to make their prostitution lawful or halal.

Then the shiah have long had  mutah or "temporary sexual services" aka prostitution, also made halal by the shaytan mullahs.  This is their version of halal prostitution.

Among the Arab sunnis they have their own version of temporary sexual services called  misyar.   All these are just prostitution by different names. 

Before this I have seen photographs of these 'halal pimping services' in the masjids in Iran. Like in this picture :

  A mullah pimp in Iran registering mutah "sex" service providers

This is some mullah moron in Iran (hey it rhymes) who is 'registering' young girls for mutah services.  When some fellow wants to engage their sexual services, he can come to the mullah pimps and get it done "legally".  Of course they must pay some service charges or pimping fees to the shaytan mullahs.

My view is these  mullahs long ago realised that prostitution was a profitable business. Why let the street pimps make all the money?  Just say it is halal, organise the girls and make some money in the process.  It also cuts out the street pimps and creates a monopoly.

In the picture above, it is a government run pimping service and these girls and the men have to pay some 'service charges' to the mullah pimp. 

Now, here is a full video of a mullah pimp transacting  sexual services.  The question you should ask is how did this video surface. The answer is the mullahs themselves made this video and had it uploaded. They are advertising their pimp services !!

In this video, the shaytan mullah is "solemnising" a one year muta'ah sexual services contract between a man and a woman for the price of FIVE gold coins.   

These  contracts can also be for one month, one week or even one hour.

The mullah begins the crap by cursing the devil. What a joke.  It is the devil who is laughing at the mullah who has become the devil's  disciple.

Here is the video :

Listen carefully. The mullah boldly says that a man can engage  mutah sexual services from 1, 10, 100 or 1000 different women,  as long as he can afford it !! 

Some confused 'Mozlems' say that this is between individuals. It is up to them to decide.

What is my view? My view is yes and no. 

Yes I agree it is between two people. And I dont really care what two people agree to do. It is not my business.  

(Before this some of the confused morons thought I cared if Anwar Ibrahim liwatted some guy or the tail pipe of the Rapid KL bus. I dont care. You can liwat whoever or whatever you want. You punya pasal lah. I dont care.)

But NO, dont you dare say that this is from the Quran or that it is made halal by Islam. That would be a lie.  So that is where the NO comes in. This is not in the Quran and neither is it Islamic.

I would rather call a spade a spade.  If you pay money for a woman's sexual services for one hour or one day or one week, it is called prostitution. (The legal eagles have other terms as well like soliciting, whoredom, harlotry, courtesan etc. Label it what you want. The end result is the same.)

If you pay money for a woman's sexual services for a longer period - weeks, months or years, it is called having a mistress, a concubine, housing a harlot etc.

The difference between a one hour prostitute and a one year prostitute is just term and cost.  It is like daily room rates versus longer term monthly room rates at the hotel. But it is still prostitution. You pay money for sexual services.

So I dont see why the mullah has to get involved in the process. I hate monopolies and oligopolies.  Call a spade a spade.  Just let the market decide how to price itself and regulate the supply and demand.

Alternatively, dont say that Jalan Bukit Bintang is a red light prostitution district. Just say it is a 'marriage district'.   

Dont be a hypocrite. Just call a spade a spade.
But dont say it is in the Quran or that it is Islam.
For those of you Mozlems who are unclear about this concept, then consider this.  If you have a mother and father, then for the next Father's Day (err the halal one) give your mother a gold coin and tell your dear sweet mum to use the gold coin to hire a woman for say one month  to provide sexual services for your father !  As a Father's Day gift.

How about that? Isnt that a great idea.
Dont you think your mother will be pleased. 
I know your father may be ecstatic.  

Akhir kalam : Many of the Muslims have become unbelievably stupid. They have become stupid because they listen to satanic mullahs who really teach things upside down.

Good, useful and halal things have been made unlawful by the shaytan mullahs.

Bad, useless and forbidden things have been made lawful by the shaytan mullahs.

They are able to do this because a large number of Muslims (that is you dear reader) have surrendered your brains to these shaytan morons. 

And the end results is? Just look around you. 

Uncivilised, stupid, poor, violent, aggressive, dirty, uneducated, uncouth, cruel, crude, sarcastic, unhygienic, rude, loud, arrogant, mushrik and kuffar.  Yes it is kuffar behaviour. 

Listen to the shaytans, welcome them into your homes, hoist them on pedestals, give them platforms and that is what you will become. Correction : have become.

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