
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, April 28, 2017

If ministers are to resign for stupidity, there'd be no gov't left

YOURSAY | 'Ku Nan is there for his loyalty, not his brains, and should be summarily ignored.'
Doc: I agree with Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Mansor (Ku Nan) that the opposition is the sole cause of price increases at restaurants all over Malaysia.
Despite that the ruling Umno government runs the country and manages the licensing of restaurants nationwide, the fact of the matter is that the opposition is doing something to cause these food outlets to increase their prices.
Despite the restaurants citing it was the Goods and Services Tax (GST) implemented by Ku Nan's ruling party causing the price hikes, this is only a myth.
Similarly, global warming is also caused by the opposition. Not to mention, the crash of oil prices internationally too, resulting in the Malaysian economy spiralling downwards.
Clever Voter: We need to accept increase in cost of living happens everywhere, and it is not just confined to Malaysia alone. We have lived with a subsidised system funded by our petroleum revenue for decades.
Consumers complained because they have not had the experience of regular price adjustments. Our incomes have fallen behind, hence digging deeper into our pockets is inevitable.
The government, not opposition, is to be blamed on two counts.
First, there is rising cost of regulations and licensing. Second, fiscal policies haven't favoured income earners.
Two largest expenses - on motor hire purchases and mortgages - are ones that many could not do without. Consumer choices on food and drinks are plenty. It's about time they eat less for health reason.
This minister, if he bothers to think, should consider asking his BN bosses to reduce taxes and cut down the number of civil servants and pass the cost benefits to Malaysians.
Anonymous 5: It is not only sugar but gas, fuel prices, highway tolls, tariffs, cooking oil, GST, that are contributing causes.
Add to that, 1MDB's losses causing the ringgit's devaluation and therefore the rise in cost of all imported goods, mismanagement by the BN government, levy increases, minimum wages, etc, making the overall cost of operations in businesses to increase.
Ku Nan and his BN colleagues are the cause of this mismanagement, and like the French elections, they will be booted out in the 14th general election (GE14).
Mahsuri: Ku Nan is there for his loyalty, not his brains. Hence, any sounds that should emit from him should be summarily ignored.
But I am curious. How efficient has Customs been in ensuring prompt settlement of GST claims submitted to them by retailers?
Any undue delays in reimbursing claimable GST that has been paid at point of purchase by the retailers can contribute to unfair suppression of cash flow, and if prolonged, will eventually result in price hikes by said retailers.
Nonplussed: Clowns wear red noses, ministers don't. But when they open their mouths to spout anything, we spot them immediately.
The PM is surrounded by these ministers, and when they speak, we can see their invisible red noses light up. 
Anonymous_1395464675: These are leaders who are put there just to talk rubbish, and they are paid by us.
Hello: This clown of a minister can say anything he wants. He is representative of the quality of the people in Umno. If he resigns, there will be another clown to take his place.
This is what Malaysia has come down to.
Dont Just Talk: Each time when Umno leaders like Ismail Sabri Yaacob, Noh Omar, Shabudin Yahaya and Tengku Adnan make stupid statements, our blood pressure goes up and they are wondering why the opposition parties were able to garner over 51 percent of popular votes at the 13th GE while Umno-BN achieved less that 47 percent.
Use your head. 
Jaycee: No one is going to resign from Umno. Some ministers have said more ridiculous things like "tiap tiap bulan bocor" or "the only woman with a Kok", and they are still ministers or leaders.
This is to be expected when you have the person at the helm not graduating from university and in addition, a selection process not based on meritocracy.
This is the outcome - ministers uttering illogical comments.
Anonymous 2415891461978791: If being ill-informed and economically illiterate and just frankly stupid was a reason to resign, the entire government would have resigned long ago.
Senior Citizen: As what the former premier's daughter Marina Mahathir once said, Malaysia is now run by fools.
Aries46: Contrary to national inflation statistics generally, cost of living has gone up by 50 percent and is rising.
Ku Nan cannot be blind to the adverse effects of the depressed economy, resultant unemployment, the fallen ringgit, GST, withdrawn subsidies, increasing petroleum price, the 1MDB fiasco, endemic establishment corruption, litany of hidden taxes and so forth that has affected many businesses and living standards among the common folks.
BN's BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia) is a living testimony that many are struggling to put food on the table. All the above are due entirely to Umno-BN's failed leadership and governance.
Léon Moch: If the opposition can simply cause prices to go up and down as if flipping a switch, then they must be the key to improving our economy.
What Ku Nan is implying is that BN is incapable of controlling prices while the opposition can do so at will. Following his logic, it's a no-brainer who we should vote for.

Malaysia4All: It used to be former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's fault, but it is quite difficult to blame someone who is now in jail.- Mkini

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