
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 29, 2017

Muslim-only launderette in Perlis

Not for all: The green sign on the left inside the launderette in Kangar, Perlis, states that it is for Muslims only.
Not for all: The green sign on the left inside the launderette in Kangar, Perlis, states that it is for Muslims only.
KANGAR: Another launderette serving only Muslims has been found to be operating in Perlis – just as the Sultan of Johor and the Government have sent out a message that such segregation must not happen in Malaysia.
The self-service outlet in Jalan Kampung Bakau here has a sign that says: “This laundry is dedicated for Muslim use only”.
The main signboard stated the shop practises “Islamic laundry concept.”
A call made to the handphone number listed at the shop was answered by a man claiming to be the owner. He said he opened the laundry to serve only Muslims.
Asked why, the man said it was done for the “comfort” of the Muslim customers. He urged non-Muslims to use other launderettes and stressed the matter should not be turned into a controversy.
Perlis Mufti Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin, one of the vocal critics against the “Muslim-only” launderette in Muar, was not having any of that. He came down hard on the shop, making it clear that the state would not agree to any approach which segregated the people.
“I have received an instruction from Tuanku (the Raja Muda of Perlis) to investigate the matter and we will do it right away,” he said in a WhatsApp message.
On Wednesday, the controversial self-service launderette in Taman Seri Cempaka in Muar abandoned its Muslim-only policy and opened its business to all.
After a dressing down by the Sultan of Johor on Tuesday, the owner apologised for his action in putting up a signage at his outlet saying that it was for Muslim customers only.
Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar ordered the launderette in Muar to immediately stop its discriminatory practice or risk being shut down.
“I cannot accept this nonsense. This is Johor, which belongs to Bangsa Johor and it belongs to all races and faiths. This is a progressive, modern and moderate state.
“This is not a Taliban state and as the Head of Islam in Johor, I find this action to be totally unacceptable as this is extremist in nature,” His Majesty had said.
The Muar launderette owner, who refused to be named, said he had obeyed Sultan Ibrahim’s decree.
“I regret the issue and I will obey His Majesty’s command,” said the owner, adding that he took down the sign on Wednesday morning.-Star

1 comment:

  1. Assalamu alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatu...
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