
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, October 1, 2018

Hadi: Anwar cannot be trusted as a Muslim

Hadi: Anwar cannot be trusted

Anwar could not be trusted as Muslim and leader 
Hadi described Anwar as inconsistent in Islamic practice

Anwar indulge in other religious practices according to surroundings
in Sikh gurdwaras Anwar dressed up like Sikh 
in Hindu temples he dances to Tamil tunes, Hadi said
Anwar  'berlakon' (impersonates) according to surroundings

(OSTB :  Chameleons do the same thing.)

Hadi (said) Anwar did not have "faith in his own race" 
he picked PD where Malays only 43% of population
He picked place dominated by other races
he does not believe in his own race (to support him)
Polling on Oct 13

My comments : 

Who cares? Apa relevan brader?
Brader Anwar menang, Hadi kalah pun depa bodoh. 
Brader Anwar kalah Hadi menang pun depa bodoh. 
That equation does not change.

Esok kalau berlaku peristiwa kapal angkasa UFO dari planet Marikh mendarat di bumi dan "suck up" (melenyapkan) Hadi Awang dan Anwar Ibrahim - tidak akan berlaku sebarang keburukan atau bencana dalam negara kita, di alam manusia atau pun dikalangan semua ayam, itek dan kambing dalam negara kita.  Nothing bad will happen at all. Depa tetap bodoh dan dunggu.

Inilah kebenarannya. 

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