
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Yoursay: Hadi, why should Anwar only seek a mandate from Muslims?

YOURSAY | 'As PM-in-waiting, it's only logical for him to be elected by voters of different faiths.'
The Wakandan: Perhaps it is because Anwar Ibrahim wants to be prime minster to all Malaysians, not just Muslims. If he stands in a Muslim-majority seat, then PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang would probably say that Anwar’s support came only from the Muslims.
From a wider perspective, it is apt that Anwar chooses a more multiracial seat to show that he is acceptable to the majority of Malaysians. The prime minister is for all Malaysians, not just for Muslims only. His political base should be the whole country, regardless of their racial and religious background.
We started off as a multiracial country. Malaysia has never been a Muslim country. Of course, the way the Port Dickson by-election was engineered leaves much to be desired, but make no mistake, this is a country for all races and religions.
Once you sideline other religions or races just because they are not one of yours, then that will be the end of you politically, as long as Malaysia is a country of people of various races and religions. PAS can win in Kelantan, but it is doubtful if they can in Selangor.
Mission Accomplished: Malaysia is a multiracial and multi-religious nation, and Anwar is a prime minister-in-waiting. It is only logical and right for him to be elected by voters of different races and of different faiths.
If Anwar in the future fails in his duty to serve as a prime minister for all, he should step aside. Malaysians are pretty sure he understands his obligations. Hadi, have you got a problem with that?
Andysee: Anwar has contested in a racially-mixed seat which is after all, a representation of Malaysia. This shows that he will defend the interests of all Malaysians whether they are Malay, Chinese, Indian or otherwise, and for citizens of all religions whether they are Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or otherwise.
Many people like to bring up what Anwar's stance was during his Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia and Umno days. They should instead focus on his track record for the past 20 years since Reformasi – he has been consistent in championing the principles of justice and fairness, as well as consistent in fighting corruption and cronyism.
RZee: Hadi. Anwar's ascent as the future prime minister has been promised and his coalition partners are honourable men who will keep their word, unlike you. As for Anwar standing in a Muslim area, why should he?
This is politics and demographics. You study, you look at the numbers and you stand where you think the people will accept you and the party. US President Donald Trump did this, and so does the rest of the world.
If Muslims don't accept people like Anwar, they can vote for the PAS candidate, whoever he or she is, and whenever there is an election in that type of constituency. And lastly, who are you to dictate how the present government should act?
Quigonbond: The reason is simple. Port Dickson’s demographics represent the support base of Harapan. So the message is Anwar will lead from the centre. PAS is still playing the racial-religious card. I hope they are soundly defeated.
Ultimately: Hadi, you can ask that question about the PAS candidate too, why not stand in a Muslim-majority seat? Hadi is slithery, but not very bright. After saying earlier that PAS will sit out the by-election, he is fielding someone there after all. After criticising the by-election as a waste of public funds, he is also wasting it by contesting.
So why is PAS contesting if Anwar should contest in Muslim-majority area? Why did PAS contest non-Muslim majority areas in GE14? Well, questions Hadi can't answer, but knows his flock has little wisdom to connect the dots. So on goes the weekly rubbish of this charlatan.
Besides, in a fair and proper electoral system, there should be no Muslim or non-Muslim majority seats, at least in the West coast. So there you have it, the desperate prime minister-wannabe admits he's happy with the Najib redelineation that deliberately skewed the constituencies so Umno-PAS could bag all the votes. Or so they thought. Sadly for them, Malays wised up.
Anonymous: Hadi thinks all Malay communities are as ignorant and gullible as those in Kelantan and Terengganu, but he is wrong. Otherwise, we would not have managed a change of government in GE14.
His ambition is to be the prime minister of Malaysia. But karma ensured that by the end of his life, he would go without realising his ambition. What a sad life for someone who purports to espouse the tenets of his faith.
Rupert16: It's so stupid of Hadi. If you want to be the prime minister that everybody respects, one needs to be elected in a mixed constituency. In this respect, would Hadi contest in a mixed constituency come GE15, since he has been long eyeing the top post?
CKL: One shudders to think what would happen if a person like Hadi were to run this country with his kind of intellect. He asks two stupid questions:
1. Why does Anwar not contest in a Muslim-majority seat? It makes sense to ask this only if Hadi had contested and won in a non-Muslim majority seat to show his bravery. He didn’t.
2. Is it reasonable that only Port Dickson residents get to vote for the future prime minister? If he thinks this is a fair question, then he should also have asked on May 8, if it was reasonable that Pekan, with the tens of thousands of soldiers registered as voters in the constituency, got to vote for the future – if things went according to plan, anyway – prime minister of Malaysia?
Every candidate gets to only become an MP. Whether he becomes prime minister or not, depends on the majority of MPs in Parliament and whatever his or her party may decide.
Anonymous 2475091498015598: Hadi is a confirmed simpleton. All the things he talks about are utter nonsense. Has he got the guts to stand in Damansara? Why did he go to Marang, which is undeveloped and where folks likely haven't heard about the allegations of RM90 million?
Being Different: PAS has forgotten that in the past, they won many West Coast seats because of the non-Muslim votes. If in this modern world we continue to think along racial lines, it simply means we have not progressed. There is no point preaching religion when we fail to accept every human should be treated fairly and equally.
Anonymous 464311491919365: Hadi is talking rot. Why doesn’t he try contesting the urban areas? You are only good for rural seats. You don't want the people to be enlightened because with enlightenment, you lose your credibility.
Vgeorgemy: Hadi can’t hide his cruelty and the oppressive nature of his politics when he sees a diverse constituency. He feels alienated in a diverse culture. Hadi can’t accept the diversity in our population. Evilness is the nature of PAS under Hadi.
What Hadi seems to want now are Muslim-only constituencies, to deny the minorities their voting rights and participate in parliamentary democracy. He is the best example of how a human being can achieve the highest form of cruelty.
Roger 5201: What is wrong with Hadi? Isn't 43 percent of Malay voters in a constituency 'Muslim-majority' enough? - Mkini

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