
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 25, 2019


Picture taken from Ummah's FB page.

Malay-Muslim NGO plans to hold rally to demand dissolution of Parliament

KUALA LUMPUR: Malay-Muslim NGO Ummah has plans to hold another rally to demand the Pakatan Harapan government dissolve Parliament, claiming it has failed to protect the interests of the Muslim community..................................

Malaysia comprises of Peninsula Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak.

Since 16 September 1963, this nation is known as MALAYSIA and the people are multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-racial in nature.

The Malays form a majority only in Peninsula Malaysia, while the Dayaks form the majority in Sabah and Sarawak.

In order to live peaceful, everyone need to compromise and work hard to make Malaysia prosperous so that everyone of us can 'share the fruit of the harvest'.

Rather than to focus on this goal, some groups want to hold rallies to disrupt the smooth running of the Federal government and to create disunity among the races in Malaysia. Since Malaysia is multi-racial, there will always be problems faced but through proper communication among the races, it will surely help resolve these matters.

It is reported that Malay Muslim NGO, Ummah is planning once again to hold a huge rally, this time, to demand for the dissolution of Parliament.

Those calling and participating in this rally to call for the dissolution of parliament are actually committing TREASON TO THE NATION and will be arrested and charged.

There are certain political parties with vested interest mooting these NGOs to hold rallies to meet their political agenda and also to instill fear among the races which will further weaken the economy of our country.

Its time for the police to take very stern action against anyone who disrupts the smooth running of the federal government.

One must always remember that the prerogative to dissolve parliament is in the hands of the democratically elected ruling government or when their 5 year term expires.

No one or no body can demand for dissolution of parliament from the ruling government.

Malaysians are currently suffering from hikes in daily essential foodstuffs after the previous BN regime had "robbed and looted" all our monies while creating our country to be almost in the case of bankruptcy. Most of them who were involved are the Malays.

A rally will surely not resolve a given problem while it will just create disunity among the multi-racial Malaysia and will affect the economy of this nation. - Mohd Kamal Abdullah

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