
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 1, 2019


Sarawakians Are Poor Because Of Exploitation By PBB & Partners

Abang Jo opines that the cashless Sarawakian poor should not be described as being in poverty by the UN because ‘they have land’ and they just need ‘education’ on how to ‘monetise’ it.
This from the leader of a government that has spent the past five decades stripping that land of timber, destroying it for farming and hunting and passing laws to remove ownership from the native people and place it in the hands of their own family members and crony businessmen.
Have no fear, the BN plunderers have been monetising the stolen land for all its worth, they just haven’t passed any of that cash on to those rightful owners and nor have they been ‘educating’ them on how to get a fairer deal.
On this subject of ignorance and education, Governor Taib Mahmud’s lawyer Alvin Chong was caught on camera sneering at native collaborators in this theft, calling them “one-eyed men in the land of the blind” for signing away land on behalf of their villages for a few thousand ringgit or agreeing to act as proxies for thief politicians and business cronies.
At the same time Taib’s neices claimed the land belonged to the state and the natives were squatters.
The reason Sarawakians are poor is down to the greed of Abang Johari’s boss Taib Mahmud and the whole edifice of rent seekers and thief businessmen (including the present chief minister) whom he has allowed to leech off the people of the state and their battered lands.
He has deliberately kept them ignorant of their opportunities to sustainably manage their lands to produce cash for families, preferring to steal from them instead.
Sarawak has reduced absolute poverty says CM
Sarawak has reduced the rate of absolute poverty among its people, including those who live in the rural areas, said Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg.
Touching on a United Nations report which said the percentage of low-income earners in Sarawak is higher than the national-level figure, he said the methodology to measure the poverty rate should be checked.
He said this was because even at the national level the low poverty line had already decreased.
“GDP is gross total income divided by population. But what we want to know now is real poverty and absolute poverty. As for absolute poverty, we have decreased it,” he said during event in Sarikei tonight.
He explained that absolute poverty means that a person has nothing but the people in rural Sarawak have land, which is an asset.
“They do not have high income because they have yet to monetise their assets. Why can’t they monetise their assets … because they lack knowledge. That is all,” he said.
That is why the state government is emphasising education of the people as with education they will have the knowledge on how to transform or monetise their assets into production.
It was reported on Wednesday that UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Issues, Philip Alston, compiled a report which said the percentage of low-income earners in Sarawak is higher than the national-level figure.
At the national level, 8.8 percent of households in Malaysia have a monthly income of less than RM2,000.
“The situation is more dire in certain states,” said the report, which pointed out that in Sarawak, 15.5 percent of households have a total family monthly income of less than RM2,000.
– Bernama
– Sarawak report

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