MELAKA, July 2 — The Education Ministry (MoE) is considering providing allocation to develop combat sports, including wushu, silat and karate in primary and secondary schools in the future.


Its deputy minister, Lim Hui Ying said the allocation would unearth talent in various combat sports through training and the organising of events or competitions at school level.

“The matter has just been decided but of course we will consider allocations for combat sports... maybe in the ministry’s upcoming budget.

“We will also discuss in further detail on how to ensure that these combat sports can be conducted as best as possible at school level,” she told reporters at the close of the 12th MoE-Wushu Federation of Malaysia (WFM) Wushu Championship at Bukit Serindit here today.

She added that combat sports have been listed to be part of the school co-curriculum, and that the initiative would involve state and district education departments to ensure that it was comprehensive and that the ministry would work with the Youth and Sports Ministry to conduct a special training session for combat sports at school level to ensure exposure to students.

Lim also encouraged the participation of other races in wushu in school as it does not belong to one race only and can be performed by everyone for their health and self-defence.

A recent Sports Development High Level Committee meeting decided that combat sports should be classified as a sports activity instead of a uniformed body in school previously, which would allow athletes in schools to be on par with other sports in line with the Sports Development Act 1997. — Bernama