
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, July 10, 2023

Its Not Unravelling But Confirming The Myth


The following is adapted from Murray Hunter's 'Unravelling the Myth" (click here).

  • Seven months ago, X man gained messianic approbation
  • X man was mistakenly taken for a symbol of hope for a generation
  • widely expected by Washington to bring about desperately needed reform
  • turn the tide on creeping Islamization
  • reinstall egalitarian multiculturalism
  • rid the nation of cronyism, kleptocracy, end corruption
  • Little of that has taken place
  • tarnishing X man's image domestically 
  • dismaying his international allies
  • all draconian laws remain in place
  • Home Minister shocked followers that Printing Presses Act still needed
  • SOSMA, Sedition Act, OSA, Multimedia Act, other draconian laws still in place
  • may cost X man six state elections 
  • Malay voters will switch to Perikatan Nasional coalition

  • Wak faces 47 charges of corruption
  • switched allegiance to X man in a devil’s bargain
  • UMNO’s leader Najib serving 12 years jail 

  • Seven months later X-man is confirming his mythology
  • much concern whether criminal charges against Wak will be dropped 
  • Rumors indicate charges could be withdrawn
  • His ongoing trial already been inexplicably delayed for months
  • If that were to occur, it would make a total mockery of reform

  • Seven months bullshitting
  • economy biggest weakness of gomen
  • increases in food and energy prices
  • gomen shied away from hard decisions
  • 19 MOUs in China, pledging RM170 billion 
  • unanswered questions about integrity of MOU companies
  • MOUs looking shaky
  • Corruption campaign a mirage
  • lackadaisical approach to cleaning up corruption
  • rumours that MACC politicized, weaponized against opponents
  • no in-depth explanation about Madayani 
  • ‘secret’ appointment of daughter as economic adviser
  • wide criticism after news broke 3 weeks after appointment

Agenda full but no policies

exports drop, depreciating ringgit, negative capital outflow, sluggish stock market, rising incidence of poverty, rising cost of living

  • gomen no policy to tackle problems
  • general policy vacuum 
  • no major announcements in health, education, no legal reforms
  • X man returned to Islamization agenda of 1980s
  • X man announced JAKIM 's major role in economic, development policy
  • even though JAKIM has no economists on staff
  • made intn'l news, radical move away from traditional policy making
  • religious fellows now responsible for economic development for M'sia
  • Muslims, non-Muslins highly critical of JAKIM, not exempt from corruption
  • Criticism and censorship
  • MCMC requested Twitter to take down critical tweets 
  • gomen using defamation laws to censor critics who point out corruption
  • Activists who exposed irregularities sent writs of defamation
  • effectively silencing criticism
  • online news portals practicing strict self-censorship in fear of writs
  • One news portal blocked for a number of days
  • minister said there will be police car outside 

  • Public sentiment
  • Many expressed disappointment but remain silent in fear
  • great discontent coming out of gomen's political staffers
  • Press and pol-secs have not been paid salaries 

My Comments

Well what can I say except 'I TOLD YOU SO'.
Well what can I say except that 'I am a great seer'.
I have been seeing this and saying this for the past 25 years. 

And now the past seven months have proven what I have been saying for 25 years.

Those of you who have been blind for the past 25 years are now having your eyes prised open with a crowbar over the past seven months. 

There is more to come.  
Its a chuckle a minute now. 
A chuckle means quiet laughter. 
Wait till the screaming starts. 


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