
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, July 19, 2023

LFL accuses PM of misleading public on Sanusi's charge


Human rights group Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) has accused Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim of making “false and misleading” statements on the sedition charges against caretaker Kedah menteri besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor.

In a statement, LFL director Zaid Malek said although Anwar claimed that the charges were necessary to protect the royal institution, the prime minister had a direct interest in one of those charges.

“Scrutiny of the second charge reveals that it does not relate to any criticism of a ruler or the Agong. It is in fact criticism of prime minister Anwar in relation to the formation of the coalition government, questioning the claims he had made at the time.

“Therefore Anwar’s claim that the Sedition Act 1948 had been used only because it involves ‘position, dignity of the rulers’ is false.

“In short, in the second charge, the Sedition Act was used on Sanusi, a vocal political rival, for nothing more than criticising the prime minister. This is abuse of power and oppression, plain and simple,” said Zaid (above).

Caretaker Kedah menteri besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor

The first charge against Sanusi accused him of commenting about how the Kedah royal household has enjoyed uninterrupted lineage, unlike others.

The second charge relates to Sanusi casting doubts on Anwar’s claim that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong had decreed that a unity government should be formed in November 2022.

Both charges were based on Sanusi’s speech on July 11 at Selayang, Selangor during a Perikatan Nasional rally.

The relevant parts of the speech transcripts appended to the charge sheets are reproduced at the end of this article.

Sedition Act has ‘excessive powers’

Zaid argued that the royal institution plays a part in the election of a menteri besar and prime minister.

Naturally, Zaid argued, any questions or criticisms that arise on the appointment of the menteri besar and prime minister will touch on the role of the royal institution.

“It is a slippery slope to allow the Sedition Act to be used under the guise of protecting the sanctity of the royal institution as the government can extend this same type of argument to other matters, including race or religion.

“This new, sly, convoluted Anwar-style qualification will only lead to untrammelled use of the Sedition Act 1948,” argued Zaid.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim

Zaid said the Sedition Act 1948 was a law with “excessive powers” which ultimately curtails freedom of speech and political freedoms.

“Anwar is now defending this law by suddenly altering his position on the use of the Sedition Act by claiming that it is acceptable to use it, purportedly to safeguard the royal institution.

“The call for its repeal by Anwar and Pakatan Harapan when in opposition never had any such qualifications, and it is deceptive and dishonest to suggest that a distinction should now be made,” said Zaid.

In view of this, Zaid urged the government to impose a moratorium on the use of the Sedition Act 1948 and repeal it outright in the next parliamentary session.

The alleged seditious comments made by caretaker Kedah menteri besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor according to the charge sheets.

First charge:

Sultan, satu-satunya Sultan yang ada susur galur daripada hari pertama kerajaan Kedah ditubuh sampai sekarang ini Sultan tu dari satu susur jalur tak pernah putus, Kedah Darul Aman. Haa.. hebatnya Sultan Kedah nih.. bukan koman-koman, Sultan tara tu, hangpa bayangkan tengok Menteri Besaq. Sultan hebat macam tu tak akan pilih Menteri Besaq cokia macam Amir tuh. Inci pon tak berapa cukup.. hahaha. Tarik balik pasal inci. 

Second charge:

Pada Ketika, Anwar Ibrahim dia rasa nak untung dia, dia akan guna titah Diraja nih habis-habisan walaupun orang lain tak dengaq. Tuan-tuan dengaq tak kata Agong kata tubuh Kerajaan Perpaduan, Tuan-tuan dengaq tak? Takdak sapa di dunia inl dengaq dia sorang ja. Takdak.. takdak sapa dengaq. Dalam vid dalam video takdak, dalam tv takdak, dalam surat habaq takdak, takdak sapa dengaq, Anwar Ibrahim sorang dengaq. Satu Malaysia percaya kat dia. Dia habaq kata Agong titah tubuh kerajaan perpaduan, ada sapa pi tanya Agong Tuanku titah ka Tuanku? Takdak haaa.. dia guna titah diraja tu di kata untuk tubuhkan kerajaan perpaduan himpunkan segala hoi ya hoi dalam satu kem. Dia tubuhkan. Hmmm.. dia himpunkan semua hat mengata hat dikata hat memaki ha dimaki dok jadi satu kerajaan, kononya dititah oleh Tuanku Agong. - Mkini

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