
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 6, 2023


 There are increasing feedbacks, indications and now well documented surveys that the Madani fellows are going to get kicked out not only in Kedah, Terengganu and Kelantan but also in Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and they may suffer serious shocks in Penang.


No. 1 First the kedai kopi surveys. One kedai kopi survey says the following:

*Kajian sikap menjelang PRN 6 negeri memperlihat mood rakyat seperti berikut*

  • *KEDAH*  PN 33 kerusi VS PH+BN 3 kerusi
  • *SELANGOR*  PN 31 kerusi VS PH+BN 25 kerusi
  • *PENANG*  PN 18 kerusi VS PH+BN 22 kerusi
  • *KELANTAN*  PN 45 kerusi VS PH+BN 0 kerusi
  • *TERENGGANU*  PN 30 kerusi VS PH+BN 2 kerusi
  • *NEGERI SEMBILAN*  PN 29 kerusi vs PH+BN 7 kerusi

Kajian sikap ini melalui kedai kedai kopi, restoran,dan tempat tempat awam org ramai berkumpul yg dilihat tidak berpuas hati dgn pentadbiran hari ini antara pokok suara rakyat berkaitan ekonomi, nilai ringgit, harga barang yg meningkat, gaji yg minimum membebani kehidupan hari ini dgn kenaikkan harga barang, loan bank. 

Di Penang pula rata rata masyarakat bangsa Cina dilihat tidak berpuas hati pentadbiran kerajaan pusat hari ini yg tidak fokus terhadap ekonomi negara, nilai ringgit yg jatuh, harga barang naik.

Masyarakat Cina Penang juga dilihat kurang senang dgn sikap pemimpin kerajaan Penang yg tidak menekan kerajaan pusat agar fokus kepada ekonomi negara dan isu kenaikkan harga barang serta kurang senang kerjasama kerajaan pusat dgn parti UMNO yg mereka lihat sebagai parti rasuah dan parti mencuri harta kekayaan negara untuk poket pemimpin UMNO. Kajian ini sentiasa berubah mengikut isu isu semasa negara.


No 2 is another survey found at Permadu Blogspot which indicates the same thing - serious loss of support for the Pakatan Harapan.


No 3 is very interesting. It is a very long and indepth survey by Singapore's renowned Yusuf Ishak Institute (Institute of South East Asian Studies) which projects that the Madani fellows will lose Selangor. 


You can read the very in-depth survey and its findings here :    https://www.iseas.edu.sg/articles-commentaries/iseas-perspective/2023-50-why-perikatan-nasional-may-win-in-selangor-by-marzuki-mohamad-and-khairul-syakirin-zulkifli

Here is my summary:


no significant vote transferability between PH and BN
Malay voters may not transfer their votes to PH, BN or vice versa
survey found Malays will transfer their votes to PN in 39 Malay-majority seats 
winds of change are blowing in Selangor
survey conducted from 1 March to 20 April 2023
1,200 samples across ethnic groups
Unity gomen comprising rivalled and ideologically incompatible parties  

UMNO grassroots questioned ‘unholy alliance’ with DAP
Malays 54% of Selangor’s population, Chinese 32%, Indian 13%, and others 1%

(OSTB: Not all those 54% Malays in Selangor are native Selangor citizens. Many are from other States and vote in their home States, especially Kelantanese folks. This dilutes the Malay vote in Selangor)

  • 31% Malays will vote PN, 23%  BN, 22% PH, 24% refused to answer
  • 39% Malays will vote PN if straight fight PN - PH  
  • Only 15% will vote for PH 

  • seven out of ten BN Malay voters will vote PN, instead of PH 
  • whopping 46% of BN Malay voters NOW “unsure voters” category
  • at least 60% of “unsure” voters more likely to vote PN
  • we estimate at least 67% of BN Malay voters in S'gor will vote PN
  • 60% satisfied with Muhyiddin Yassin
  • 43% satisfied with Madani man
  • Zahid lowest only 17%  
  • 58% not satisfied with federal government, economy
  • 57% say their personal income worse than previous year


My Comments :

I think I have read enough. The bontots are going to get their butts kicked. Some may squeal while others may remember the sensation. This seems to be a well done survey by the Yusof Ishak Institute of Singapore.

I think the clincher is here :

  • straight fights 39% Malays vote PN, only 15% will vote PH 

  • seven out of ten BN Malay voters will vote PN, instead of PH

Madani is going to get kicked out of Selangor.

I think we can quite safely assume that Malay voters in Negeri Sembilan will also behave in the same manner. Despite the popularity of Mat Hassan (UMNO's Tok Mat) in Negeri I think the economic and money woes being faced by the Malays will not favour BN or PH in Negeri. 

The next question is when will the Federal gomen fall?

According to Hamzah Zainuddin (from sources) there will be a change in the Federal gomen in September. 

Sarawak will be watching the outcome of the six State polls very carefully.  That Tiong King Sing and the KLIA scandal has echoed around Sarawak quite loudly.

Its too late now for them to do anything. Send the radio cars? How stupid can you get?

Bye Bye. Good riddance.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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