
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Yeoh urges cops to probe buyers, sellers of child-like sex dolls


The authorities must act against both sellers and buyers of child-like sex dolls on online shopping platforms, said Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh.

Free Malaysia Today quoted her also saying that those who purchased the dolls were in need of counselling as it was “not normal behaviour”.

“The police should look into who bought these sex toys. They must not only act against the sellers but the buyers too,” the Segambut MP told reporters at an event in Kuala Lumpur today.

Additionally, Yeoh (above) expressed gratitude to the public for bringing attention to this issue and for their vigilance in safeguarding the well-being of young children.

On June 30, Shopee took action against several reported postings found to have been selling sex dolls resembling children.

In a statement, the e-commerce platform said it immediately removed the listings as soon as it was alerted of the matter, on top of issuing a permanent ban on the seller accounts.

It also advised the public to file a complaint should they encounter sellers or products listed on the platform that do not comply with its policies.

Meanwhile, Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Deputy Minister Fuziah Salleh said the ministry had previously received similar complaints and forwarded the matter to the police and the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission.

Possession of a sex doll is among punishable offences under Section 292(a) of the Penal Code which is also applicable to the seller or distributor. - Mkini

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